986 resultados para Surface structure


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Microorganisms modify rates and mechanisms of chemical and physical weathering and clay growth, thus playing fundamental roles in soil and sediment formation. Because processes in soils are inherently complex and difficult to study, we employ a model based on the lichen–mineral system to identify the fundamental interactions. Fixed carbon released by the photosynthetic symbiont stimulates growth of fungi and other microorganisms. These microorganisms directly or indirectly induce mineral disaggregation, hydration, dissolution, and secondary mineral formation. Model polysaccharides were used to investigate direct mediation of mineral surface reactions by extracellular polymers. Polysaccharides can suppress or enhance rates of chemical weathering by up to three orders of magnitude, depending on the pH, mineral surface structure and composition, and organic functional groups. Mg, Mn, Fe, Al, and Si are redistributed into clays that strongly adsorb ions. Microbes contribute to dissolution of insoluble secondary phosphates, possibly via release of organic acids. These reactions significantly impact soil fertility. Below fungi–mineral interfaces, mineral surfaces are exposed to dissolved metabolic byproducts. Through this indirect process, microorganisms can accelerate mineral dissolution, leading to enhanced porosity and permeability and colonization by microbial communities.


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Proteolysis of short N alpha-protected peptide substrates bound to polyoxyethylene-polystyrene beads releases selectively free amino sites in the enzyme-accessible "surface" area. The substantial majority of functional sites in the "interior" of the polymeric support are not reached by the enzyme and remain uncleaved (protected). Subsequent synthesis with two classes of orthogonal protecting groups-N alpha-tert-butyloxycarbonyl (Boc) and N alpha-9-fluorenylmethyloxy-carbonyl (Fmoc)-allows generation of two structures on the same bead. The surface structure is available for receptor interactions, whereas the corresponding interior structure is used for coding. Coding structures are usually readily sequenceable peptides. This "shaving" methodology was illustrated by the preparation of a peptide-encoded model peptide combinatorial library containing 1.0 x 10(5) members at approximately 6-fold degeneracy. From this single library, good ligands were selected for three different receptors: anti-beta-endorphin anti-body, streptavidin, and thrombin, and the binding structures were deduced correctly by sequencing the coding peptides present on the same beads.


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The paper illustrates the role of world knowledge in comprehending and translating texts. A short news item, which displays world knowledge fairly implicitly in condensed lexical forms, was translated by students from English into German. It is shown that their translation strategies changed from a first draft which was rather close to the surface structure of the source text to a final version which took situational aspects, texttypological conventions and the different background knowledge of the respective addressees into account. Decisions on how much world knowledge has to be made explicit in the target text, however, must be based on the relevance principle. Consequences for teaching and for the notions of semantic knowledge and world knowledge are discussed.


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Tactile sensors are needed for many emerging robotic and telepresence applications such as keyhole surgery and robot operation in unstructured environments. We have proposed and demonstrated a tactile sensor consisting of a fibre Bragg grating embedded in a polymer "finger". When the sensor is placed in contact with a surface and translated tangentially across it measurements on the changes in the reflectivity spectrum of the grating provide a measurement of the spatial distribution of forces perpendicular to the surface and thus, through the elasticity of the polymer material, to the surface roughness. Using a sensor fabricated from a Poly Siloxane polymer (Methyl Vinyl Silicone rubber) spherical cap 50 mm in diameter, 6 mm deep with an embedded 10 mm long Bragg grating we have characterised the first and second moment of the grating spectral response when scanned across triangular and semicircular periodic structures both with a modulation depth of 1 mm and a period of 2 mm. The results clearly distinguish the periodicity of the surface structure and the differences between the two different surface profiles. For the triangular structure a central wavelength modulation of 4 pm is observed and includes a fourth harmonic component, the spectral width is modulated by 25 pm. Although crude in comparison to human senses these results clearly shown the potential of such a sensor for tactile imaging and we expect that with further development in optimising both the grating and polymer "finger" properties a much increased sensitivity and spatial resolution is achievable.


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There is an urgent need for fast, non-destructive and quantitative two-dimensional dopant profiling of modern and future ultra large-scale semiconductor devices. The low voltage scanning electron microscope (LVSEM) has emerged to satisfy this need, in part, whereby it is possible to detect different secondary electron yield values (brightness in the SEM signal) from the p-type to the n-type doped regions as well as different brightness levels from the same dopant type. The mechanism that gives rise to such a secondary electron (SE) contrast effect is not fully understood, however. A review of the different models that have been proposed to explain this SE contrast is given. We report on new experiments that support the proposal that this contrast is due to the establishment of metal-to-semiconductor surface contacts. Further experiments showing the effect of instrument parameters including the electron dose, the scan speeds and the electron beam energy on the SE contrast are also reported. Preliminary results on the dependence of the SE contrast on the existence of a surface structure featuring metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) are also reported. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Deep sea manganese nodules from the Central Pacific Basin are mainly composed of 10Å manganite and d-MnO2 Two zones equivalent to the minerals are evidently distinguishable according to their optical properties. Microscopic and microprobe analyses revealed quite different chemical compositions and textnral characteristics of the two zones. These different feature of the two zones of nodules suggest the different conditions under which they were formed. Concentrations of 11 metal elements in the zones and inter-element relationships show that the 10Å manganite zone is a monomineralic oxide phase containing a large amount of manganese and minor amounts of useful metals, and that the d-MnO2 zone which is apparently homogeneous under the microscope is a mixture of three or more different minerals. The chemical characteristics of the two zones can explain the variation of bulk composition of deep sea manganese nodules and inter-element relationships previously reported, suggesting that the bulk compositions are attributable to the mixing of the 10Å manganite and d-MnO2 zones in various ratios. Characteristic morphology and surface structure of some types of nodules and their relationships to chemistry are also attribut able to the textural and chemical features of the above mentioned two phases. Synthesis of hydrated manganese oxides was carried out in terms of the formation of manganese minerals in the ocean. The primary product which is an equivalent to d-MnO2 was precipitated from Mn 2+ -bearing alkaline solution under oxigenated condition by air bubbling at one atmospheric pressure and room temperature. The primary product was converted to a l0Å manganite equivalent by contact with Ni 2+, Cu 2++ or CO2+ chloride solutions. This reaction caused the decrease of Ni2+, Cu2+ or CO2+ concentrations and the increase of Na+ concentration in the solution. The reaction also proceeded even in diluted solutions of nickel chloride and resulted in a complete removal of Ni2+ from the solution. Reaction products were exclusively 10Å manganite equivalents and their chemical compositions were very similar to those of 10Å manganite in manganese nodules. The maximum value of(Cu+Ni+Co)/Mn ratio of 10Å manganite zones in manganese nodules is 0.16, and the Ni/Mn ratio of synthetic 10Å manganite ranges from 0.15 to 0.18 with the average of 0.167.


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Twenty-four manganese nodules from the surface of the sea floor and fifteen buried nodules were studied. With three exceptions, the nodules were collected from the area covered by Valdivia Cruise VA 04 some 1200 nautical miles southeast of Hawaii. Age determinations were made using the ionium method. In order to get a true reproduction of the activity distribution in the nodules, they were cut in half and placed for one month on nuclear emulsion plates to determine the alpha-activity of the ionium and its daughter products. Special methods of counting the alpha-tracks resolution to depth intervals of 0.125 mm. For the first time it was possible to resolve zones of rapid growth (impulse growth) with growth rates, s > 50 mm/106 yr and interruptions in growth. With few exceptions the average rate of growth of all nodules was surprisingly uniform at 4-9 mm/10 yr. No growth could be recognized radioactively in the buried nodules. One exceptional nodule has had recent impulse growth and, in the material formed, the ionium is not yet in equilibrium with its daughter products. Individual layers in one nodule from the Indian Ocean could be dated and an average time interval of t = 2600±400 yr was necessary to form one layer. The alternation between iron and manganese-rich parts of the nodules was made visible by colour differences resulting from special treatment of cut surfaces with HCl vapour. The zones of slow growth of one nodule are relatively enriched in iron. Earlier attempts to find paleomagnetic reversals in manganese nodules have been continued. Despite considerable improvement in areal resolution, reversals were not detected in the nodules studied. Comparisons of the surface structure, microstructure in section and the radiometric dating show that there are erosion surfaces and growth surfaces on the outer surfaces of the manganese nodules. The formation of cracks in the nodules was studied in particular. The model of age-dependent nodule shrinkage and cracking surprisingly indicates that the nodules break after exceeding a certain age and/or size. Consequently, the breaking apart of manganese nodules is a continuous process not of catastrophic or discontinuous origin. The microstructure of the nodules exhibits differences in the mechanism of accretion and accretion rate of material, shortly referred to as accretion form. Thus non-directional growth inside the nodules as well as a directional growth may be observed. Those nodules with large accretion forms have grown faster than smaller ones. Consequently, parallel layers indicate slow growth. The upper surfaces of the nodules, protruding into the bottom water appear to be more prone to growth disturbances than the lower surfaces, immersed in the sediment. Features of some nodules show, that as they develop, they neither turned nor rolled. Yet unknown is the mechanism that keeps the nodules at the surface during continuous sedimentation. All in all, the nodules remain the objects of their own distinctive problems. The hope of using them as a kind of history book still seems to be very remote.


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A new approach for the estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools north of the tree line has been developed based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR; ENVISAT Advanced SAR Global Monitoring mode) data. SOC values are directly determined from backscatter values instead of upscaling using land cover or soil classes. The multi-mode capability of SAR allows application across scales. It can be shown that measurements in C band under frozen conditions represent vegetation and surface structure properties which relate to soil properties, specifically SOC. It is estimated that at least 29 Pg C is stored in the upper 30 cm of soils north of the tree line. This is approximately 25 % less than stocks derived from the soil-map-based Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database (NCSCD). The total stored carbon is underestimated since the established empirical relationship is not valid for peatlands or strongly cryoturbated soils. The approach does, however, provide the first spatially consistent account of soil organic carbon across the Arctic. Furthermore, it could be shown that values obtained from 1 km resolution SAR correspond to accounts based on a high spatial resolution (2 m) land cover map over a study area of about 7 × 7 km in NE Siberia. The approach can be also potentially transferred to medium-resolution C-band SAR data such as ENVISAT ASAR Wide Swath with ~120 m resolution but it is in general limited to regions without woody vegetation. Global Monitoring-mode-derived SOC increases with unfrozen period length. This indicates the importance of this parameter for modelling of the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon storage.


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The early stages of nanoporous layer formation, under anodic conditions in the absence of light, were investigated for n-type InP with a carrier concentration of ∼3× 1018 cm-3 in 5 mol dm-3 KOH and a mechanism for the process is proposed. At potentials less than ∼0.35 V, spectroscopic ellipsometry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed a thin oxide film on the surface. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) of electrode surfaces showed no pitting below ∼0.35 V but clearly showed etch pit formation in the range 0.4-0.53 V. The density of surface pits increased with time in both linear potential sweep and constant potential reaching a constant value at a time corresponding approximately to the current peak in linear sweep voltammograms and current-time curves at constant potential. TEM clearly showed individual nanoporous domains separated from the surface by a dense ∼40 nm InP layer. It is concluded that each domain develops as a result of directionally preferential pore propagation from an individual surface pit which forms a channel through this near-surface layer. As they grow larger, domains meet, and the merging of multiple domains eventually leads to a continuous nanoporous sub-surface region.


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Most essay rating research in language assessment has examined human raters’ essay rating as a cognitive process, thus overlooking or oversimplifying the interaction between raters and sociocultural contexts. Given that raters are social beings, their practices have social meanings and consequences. Hence it is important to situate essay rating within its sociocultural context for a more meaningful understanding. Drawing on Engeström’s (1987, 2001) cultural-historical activity theory (CHAT) framework with a sociocultural perspective, this study reconceptualized essay rating as a socially mediated activity with both cognitive (individual raters’ goal-directed decision-making actions) and social layers (raters’ collective object-oriented essay rating activity at related settings). In particular, this study explored raters’ essay rating at one provincial rating centre in China within the context of a high-stakes university entrance examination, the National Matriculation English Test (NMET). This study adopted a multiple-method multiple-perspective qualitative case study design. Think-aloud protocols, stimulated recalls, interviews, and documents served as the data sources. This investigation involved 25 participants at two settings (rating centre and high schools), including rating centre directors, team leaders, NMET essay raters who were high school teachers, and school principals and teaching colleagues of these essay raters. Data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin’s (1990) open and axial coding techniques, and CHAT for data integration. The findings revealed the interaction between raters and the NMET sociocultural context. Such interaction can be understood through a surface structure (cognitive layer) and a deep structure (social layer) concerning how raters assessed NMET essays, where the surface structure reflected the “what” and the deep structure explained the “how” and “why” in raters’ decision-making. This study highlighted the roles of goals and rules in rater decision-making, rating tensions and raters’ solutions, and the relationship between essay rating and teaching. This study highlights the value of a sociocultural view to essay rating research, demonstrates CHAT as a sociocultural approach to investigate essay rating, and proposes a direction for future washback research on the effect of essay rating. This study also provides support for NMET rating practices that can potentially bring positive washback to English teaching in Chinese high schools.


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Nano-scale touch screen thin film have not been thoroughly investigated in terms of dynamic impact analysis under various strain rates. This research is focused on two different thin films, Zinc Oxide (ZnO) film and Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) film, deposited on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) substrate for the standard touch screen panels. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) was performed on the ZnO film coated PET substrates. Nano-impact (fatigue) testing was performed on ITO film coated PET substrates. Other analysis includes hardness and the elastic modulus measurements, atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the film surface.
Ten delta of DMA is described as the ratio of loss modulus (viscous properties) and storage modulus (elastic properties) of the material and its peak against time identifies the glass transition temperature (Tg). Thus, in essence the Tg recognizes changes from glassy to rubber state of the material and for our sample ZnO film, Tg was found as 388.3 K. The DMA results also showed that the Ten delta curve for Tg increases monotonically in the viscoelastic state (before Tg) and decreases sharply in the rubber state (after Tg) until recrystallization of ZnO takes place. This led to an interpretation that enhanced ductility can be achieved by negating the strength of the material.
For the nano-impact testing using the ITO coated PET, the damage started with the crack initiation and propagation. The interpretation of the nano-impact results depended on the characteristics of the loading history. Under the nano-impact loading, the surface structure of ITO film suffered from several forms of failure damages that range from deformation to catastrophic failures. It is concluded that in such type of application, the films should have low residual stress to prevent deformation, good adhesive strength, durable and good resistance to wear.


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The presence of sulfates potentialize damage on cementbased materials, leading to structural failures. Therefore, structures must be designed to compensate for this effect. The mechanical properties of cement–chitin mixtures are investigated with different percentages of chitin (0.5, 1.3, and 2.1 wt.%) and aging of composite in a joint nanoscopic- and macroscopic-scale by experimental study. The objective is to increase the durability of concrete elements at coastal aquifers where concrete structures are in constant exposure to sulfate ions, chloride ions among others. Tapping mode AFM was used to characterize the surface structure and roughness of the cement pastes. To verify the chitin addition and the formation of sulfate-based aggregates Raman and IR spectra were recorded and are presented in this work. Then, force spectroscopy was used to obtain the nanomechanical properties at three different exposure times (1 day, 6 months, and 1 year) into water or a SO4 2 environment. Macroscopic parameters (e.g., compression strength of cylindrical probes) were assessed for comparison following standard guidelines. The results show a decrease of its mechanical properties as a function of the polymer concentration but more importantly, they correlate the elasticity and adhesion at the nanoscale with the behavior of the bulk material.


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The development of technologies for the recycling of carbon dioxide into carbon-containing fuels is one of the major challenges in sustainable energy research. Two of the main current limitations are the poor efficiency and fast deactivation of catalysts. Core–shell nanoparticles are promising candidates for enhancing challenging reactions. In this work, Au@Cu core–shell nanoparticles with well-defined surface structures were synthesized and evaluated as catalysts for the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide in neutral medium. The activation potential, the product distribution and the long term durability of this catalyst were assessed by electrochemical methods, on-line electrochemical mass spectrometry (OLEMS) and on-line high performance liquid chromatography. Our results show that the catalytic activity and the selectivity can be tweaked as a function of the thickness of Cu shells. We have observed that the Au cubic nanoparticles with 7–8 layers of copper present higher selectivity towards the formation of hydrogen and ethylene; on the other hand, we observed that Au cubic nanoparticles with more than 14 layers of Cu are more selective towards the formation of hydrogen and methane. A trend in the formation of the gaseous products can be also drawn. The H2 and CH4 formation increases with the number of Cu layers, while the formation of ethylene decreases. Formic acid was the only liquid species detected during CO2 reduction. Similar to the gaseous species, the formation of formic acid is strongly dependent on the number of Cu layers on the core@shell nanoparticles. The Au cubic nanoparticles with 7–8 layers of Cu showed the largest conversion of CO2 to formic acid at potentials higher than 0.8 V vs. RHE. The observed trends in reactivity and selectivity are linked to the catalyst composition, surface structure and strain/electronic effects.


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The efficacy of ionic liquids (ILs) as lubricant additives to a model base oil has been probed at the nanoscale and macroscale as a function of IL concentration using the same materials. Silica surfaces lubricated with mixtures of the IL trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(2,4,4-trimethylpentyl)phosphinate and hexadecane are probed using atomic force microscopy (AFM) (nanoscale) and ball-on-disc tribometer (macroscale). At both length scales the pure IL is a much more effective lubricant than hexadecane. At the nanoscale, 2.0 mol% IL (and above) in hexadecane lubricates the silica as well as the pure IL due to the formation of a robust IL boundary layer that separates the sliding surfaces. At the macroscale the lubrication is highly load dependent; at low loads all the mixtures lubricate as effectively as the pure IL, whereas at higher loads rather high concentrations are required to provide IL like lubrication. Wear is also pronounced at high loads, for all cases except the pure IL, and a tribofilm is formed. Together, the nano- and macroscales results reveal that the IL is an effective lubricant additive - it reduces friction - in both the boundary regime at the nanoscale and mixed regime at the macroscale.


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Carbon nanotube (CNT) deposition onto carbon fibre resulting in hybrid surface structures with various morphologies were successfully carried out using electrospray technique. In terms of tensile testing and Weibull analysis this process did not degrade fibre mechanical properties. When incorporated into composites, the interfacial shear strength (IFSS), as measured by single fibre fragmentation testing, increased by up to 124%. Experimental work was carried out to develop a deeper understanding of the interfacial reinforcing mechanism. Contact angle measurements demonstrated that the CNT deposition resulted in good wettability by the resin. Significant increases in roughness, friction and surface area were also found after CNT deposition, especially for the sample prepared using the parameter of 20 kV/10 cm at 100 °C. Surface energy analysis revealed that an increase in the dispersive surface energy due to the CNTs likely contributed to the improvement of interaction between fibre and matrix. Fractographic analysis revealed that the length of fibre pull-out and the size of cracks between the fibre and matrix were markedly decreased in the hybrid CNT surface structure, indicating that the stress transfer and interfacial shear strength have been improved. Finally, the potential for further improvement in interfacial composite properties by this approach was assessed.