925 resultados para Supply chain resilience
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how company size and the type of production system affect the adoption of supply chain management (SCM) practices in companies in the electro‐electronics sector in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach – An e‐mail survey of 107 companies associated with the Brazilian Electrical and Electronics Industry Association (ABINEE) was conducted. Statistical techniques were employed to verify the adoption of SCM practices according to the size of the company and its production system. Findings – The major results indicate that the larger the size of the company, the higher the level of adoption of SCM practices, and that the choice of SCM practices depends upon the type of production system implemented. Practical implications – The implications of this study are useful to top management leaders of small and medium‐sized enterprises since the findings enable them to identify the most common practices adopted by either large‐, medium‐ or small‐sized companies in order to benchmark the level of adoption of SCM practices. Production managers can also benefit from this study by identifying the SCM practices that may support certain production systems.
The objective of this research is to examine if the environmental management evolution is positively related towards the adoption of green supply chain management practices (GSCM) by companies in the electronics sector in Brazil. To reach this objective, a quantitative research was conducted by survey with 100 companies in the electronics sector in Brazil. The collected data were processed using descriptive statistics, Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The most important results are: in the sample, GSCM practices to the recovery of investment, as the resale of scrap and other waste materials, and the adequacy with legislation and auditing, obtained high scores; and research hypothesis (H1) was confirmed and considered statistically valid, indicating that, in fact, the evolution of environmental management influences the adoption of GSCM practices.
This paper purpose to explore the relationships between supply chain strategies and product performance in retail e-commerce. In this case, we concern that in current, in order to bear up under competition, organizations have to manage their supply chains so that they meet the needs of their final customers. With this concept in mind, the research presented in this study focuses on establishing the right strategy for supply chains according to their product segment. Thus, after a Literature Review, the paper explain a methodology based in different authors studies. Finally the article focuses on a pratical case in e-commerce retail that describes its application in this field. The research shows that it is possible to use a methodology for classifying supply chains using chain strategies and product features. The use of the right strategy for supply chains will improve the competitive advantage of businesses. One limitation is that the methodology study focuses on only two e-commerce segment; future studies may go further in refining the proposed framework for other segments. The aim of this research is to offer businesses a model for evaluating supply chains, allowing them to improve the performance of their products and services by using the right strategy for supply chains. The classification proposal of this paper presents an original model for classification of supply chains based on different studies on the theme.
The Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is gaining prominence in the academy and business, as an approach that aims to promote economic and environmental gains. The GSCM is operated through the Environmental Management System Tools and treated as an Environmental Management System (EMS), involving Reverse Logistics, Green Purchasing, Green Sourcing, Green Design, Green Packaging, Green Operation, Green Manufacturing, Green Innovation and Customer Awareness. The objective of this study is to map the GSCM tools and identify their practice in a consumer goods industry in the Vale do Paraiba. The approach and data collection were made in the company's database chosen as the object of study, as well as through on site visits and interviews. The results showed that the tools Green Operation, Green Manufacturing, Green Innovation and Green Sourcing are applied in the company and just Costumer Awareness tool showed no practice at all. To other tools was identified ideology or interest of the company in applying them
Supply Chain Management (SCM) has become a critical factor to sustain organization’s competitive advantages. In this regard, many firms and researchers have attempted to find out factors that affect either positively or negatively on SCM. Recently, Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) has been receiving the spotlight in many studies. Social and political concerns about the environment in Korea emerged in the early 1990s when Korean government established new environmental regulations in order to implement environmental management throughout the entire supply chain. The Korean government established national GSCM strategies. However, there has been minimal research on measuring GSCM performance among Korean enterprises. It is critical to conduct the research on the relationship between GSCM practices and supply chain performance among Korean firms. In this research, the relationship among Korean enterprises will be empirically tested. The supply chain performance measurement system includes three dimensions: resource, output, and flexibility.
The Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is gaining prominence in the academy and business, as an approach that aims to promote economic and environmental gains. The GSCM is operated through the Environmental Management System Tools and treated as an Environmental Management System (EMS), involving Reverse Logistics, Green Purchasing, Green Sourcing, Green Design, Green Packaging, Green Operation, Green Manufacturing, Green Innovation and Customer Awareness. The objective of this study is to map the GSCM tools and identify their practice in a consumer goods industry in the Vale do Paraiba. The approach and data collection were made in the company's database chosen as the object of study, as well as through on site visits and interviews. The results showed that the tools Green Operation, Green Manufacturing, Green Innovation and Green Sourcing are applied in the company and just Costumer Awareness tool showed no practice at all. To other tools was identified ideology or interest of the company in applying them
L'elaborato di tesi sviluppato ha come obiettivo l'ottimizzazione della Supply Chian di contesti manufatturieri con particolare attenzione alle procedure di approvvigionamento dei materiali e al problema dei materiali "mancanti" in produzione.Viene esposto il risultato di un’attività di analisi di due casi reali per l’ottimizzazione dell'impatto logistico del problema dell'alimentazione di sistemi di fabbricazione e montaggio. Lo studio è stato affrontato definendo un approccio basato su una duplice analisi del processo, top-down e bottom-up. Le due analisi condotte hanno permesso di procedere alla mappatura dell’intero processo end to end (che inizia con le richieste del cliente e termina con la consegna dei prodotti allo stesso) e di individuare le criticità in esso presenti, sulla base delle quali sono state fornite una serie di linee guida per la risoluzione del problema dei mancanti. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che l’ottimizzazione dell’area di pianificazione permette di migliorare la qualità dei dati in ingresso all’intero processo con conseguente diminuzione del numero di materiali mancanti. Tuttavia, la trasversalità dell’argomento ai processi aziendali impedisce la definizione di un approccio al problema focalizzato su un’area specifica. Infine, è stata eseguita una bozza di valutazione economica per la stima dei tempi di recupero degli investimenti necessari.
L’obiettivo di questa tesi è principalmente quello di mostrare le possibili applicazioni della tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) all’interno della supply chain farmaceutica, cercando di comprendere il campo di applicazione di questa tecnologia in un’industria così altamente regolata e complessa come quella farmaceutica. La tesi è organizzata in tre sezioni; nel primo capitolo si trattano i principi alla base della tecnologia RFID e l’attuale stato dell’arte nella standardizzazione della banda di frequenza utilizzata e nell’hardware. In questa sezione sono poi mostrate le principali applicazioni e nella parte finale i problemi affrontati da un’azienda nell’applicare l’RFID al proprio business. Il secondo capitolo descrive le parti coinvolte nell’industria farmaceutica, dal produttore al consumatore finale, poi esamina le caratteristiche essenziali della supply chain farmaceutica e gli aspetti chiave e le criticità da affrontare in questo campo per essere efficiente e per consegnare il prodotto al cliente in maniera sicura e consistente. Infine nell’ultima sezione i due argomenti centrali sono fusi assieme, cercando di esaminare come la tecnologia RFID sia in grado di risolvere i problemi affrontati da tale industria. Il lavoro non vuole mostrare la tecnologia RFID come una panacea di tutte le problematiche presentate in questa industria, ma vuole cercare di colmare il gap presente in letteratura riguardo le possibili applicazioni di questa tecnologia nell’industria specificata.