778 resultados para Supply chain ,ospedale, inventario, gestione scorte, Just in time, RFID, confezioni monodose.


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This paper examines the current level of adoption of Supply Chain Management (SCM) practices in the electro-electronic sector in Brazil and aims to identify the management and Information Technology (IT) actions that have been implemented to support the adoption of those practices. An e-mail survey was conducted. Descriptive statistics techniques were employed for data analysis. This study makes contributions to the electro-electronics sector and to the topics related to SCM, such as identifi cation and level of adoption of SCM practices. Another contribution of this research is the investigation of whether approaches such as Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP), Workshop with Customers, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Workshop with Suppliers and electronic Kanban are commonly used to support SCM practices. So far, this is the fi rst research on SCM practices in the electro-electronics sector in Brazil. Copyright © 2012 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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The aim of this study is to identify and analyse the factors that affect the adoption of Green Supply Chain Management practices based on empirical evidence from the Brazilian electronics sector. Data are collected in a survey of 100 electronics companies and analysed using statistical analysis of variance and regression methods. The study finds that the size of the company, previous experience with Environmental Management Systems, and the use of hazardous inputs are positively correlated with GSCM practices adoption. Surprisingly, formal pressure from the stronger tier/player in the supply chain is not correlated with the adoption of GSCM practices. Finally, we present some explanations for these findings and suggestions for future research. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The objective of this article is to analyse how green supply chain management (GSCM) practices are being adopted by some high-tech companies located in Brazil. The research was conducted using the case study approach, focusing on eight companies that are representative of this sector. The main results are: (a) the most adopted GSCM practices in the studied high-tech companies located in Brazil are internal environmental management, investment recovery and reverse logistics and (b) Brazilian environmental legislation and international policies are very important in driving the adoption of GSCM practices. The internationalisation of companies was also found to be a variable that interferes with the adoption of GSCM practices. This is one of the first studies that examine the relationship between GSCM and the internationalisation of companies located in Brazil. © 2013 Springer-Verlag London.


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Industries need to adopt the environmental management concepts in the traditional supply chain management. The green supply chain management (GSCM) is an established concept to ensure environment-friendly activities in industry. This paper identifies the relationship of driving and dependence that exists between GSCM practices with regard to their adoption within Brazilian electrical/electronic industry with the help of interpretive structural modelling (ISM). From the results, we infer that cooperation with customers for eco-design practice is driving other practices, and this practice acts as a vital role among other practices. Commitment to GSCM from senior managers and cooperation with customers for cleaner production occupy the highest level. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The aim of this research is to verify the relationship between the maturity levels of environmental management and the adoption of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices by electro-electronic companies in Brazil. In this work a two-phase research was conducted, with one quantitative and the other qualitative. The quantitative phase aimed to test whether a relationship between the maturity levels of environmental management and GSCM exists, while the qualitative phase tried to detail the characteristics of this relationship. The quantitative phase was conducted through a survey with 100 Brazilian electro-electronic companies and the collected data were processed using Structural Equation Modeling. For the qualitative phase, a multiple case study was conducted with three companies located in Brazil. The results indicate that: (1) The main hypothesis was confirmed and considered statistically valid, indicating that, indeed, the maturity level of environmental management influences the adoption of GSCM practices; (2) a coevolution tends to occur between the environmental maturity and the GSCM practices; that is, the more developed is the company's environmental management, more complex GSCM practices are adopted; and (3) the GSCM internal practices tend to present a greater relative adoption than the external practices; these external practices of GSCM tend to be adopted when the company is inserted in a higher environmental stage and/or operates under a scenario of stronger normative environmental pressure. By the way, this is the first research mixing survey and case studies on GSCM in Brazil. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this paper is to provide results of trust and collaboration that lead to the mitigation of the bullwhip effect in supply chain management through a systematic literature review. The criterion for its inclusion in the sample of papers was that at least two reviews of the respective subfields were published in peer-reviewed journals between 1990 and 2014. A total of 24 articles were selected. The analysis found that few studies focused on addressing behavioral aspects to reduce the bullwhip effect. Most of them focused on operational and quantitative aspects. These results indicate the need for studies on behavioral aspects in mitigating the bullwhip effect, where trust and collaboration among those involved in the supply chain need to be developed and organized.


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To achieve sustainable development, supply chains must become greener. In this context, the importance of green supply chain management (GSCM) increases because it can contribute to improving firms'environmental performance (EP). However, little is known about these subjects in the context of firms in the bioenergy sector (sugarcane and ethanol production in Brazil). Thus, the objective of this work is to present the results of a survey conducted on 80 micro-, small-, and medium-sized firms that are suppliers in the Brazilian bioenergy sector (sugarcane and ethanol production). These results indicate that GSCM practices strengthen the EP of firms in the sector. Therefore, this article contributes to the existing literature because it addresses the relationship between GSCM and EP in an understudied sector (sugarcane and ethanol production). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how company size and the type of production system affect the adoption of supply chain management (SCM) practices in companies in the electro‐electronics sector in Brazil. Design/methodology/approach – An e‐mail survey of 107 companies associated with the Brazilian Electrical and Electronics Industry Association (ABINEE) was conducted. Statistical techniques were employed to verify the adoption of SCM practices according to the size of the company and its production system. Findings – The major results indicate that the larger the size of the company, the higher the level of adoption of SCM practices, and that the choice of SCM practices depends upon the type of production system implemented. Practical implications – The implications of this study are useful to top management leaders of small and medium‐sized enterprises since the findings enable them to identify the most common practices adopted by either large‐, medium‐ or small‐sized companies in order to benchmark the level of adoption of SCM practices. Production managers can also benefit from this study by identifying the SCM practices that may support certain production systems.


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This paper purpose to explore the relationships between supply chain strategies and product performance in retail e-commerce. In this case, we concern that in current, in order to bear up under competition, organizations have to manage their supply chains so that they meet the needs of their final customers. With this concept in mind, the research presented in this study focuses on establishing the right strategy for supply chains according to their product segment. Thus, after a Literature Review, the paper explain a methodology based in different authors studies. Finally the article focuses on a pratical case in e-commerce retail that describes its application in this field. The research shows that it is possible to use a methodology for classifying supply chains using chain strategies and product features. The use of the right strategy for supply chains will improve the competitive advantage of businesses. One limitation is that the methodology study focuses on only two e-commerce segment; future studies may go further in refining the proposed framework for other segments. The aim of this research is to offer businesses a model for evaluating supply chains, allowing them to improve the performance of their products and services by using the right strategy for supply chains. The classification proposal of this paper presents an original model for classification of supply chains based on different studies on the theme.


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L'elaborato di tesi sviluppato ha come obiettivo l'ottimizzazione della Supply Chian di contesti manufatturieri con particolare attenzione alle procedure di approvvigionamento dei materiali e al problema dei materiali "mancanti" in produzione.Viene esposto il risultato di un’attività di analisi di due casi reali per l’ottimizzazione dell'impatto logistico del problema dell'alimentazione di sistemi di fabbricazione e montaggio. Lo studio è stato affrontato definendo un approccio basato su una duplice analisi del processo, top-down e bottom-up. Le due analisi condotte hanno permesso di procedere alla mappatura dell’intero processo end to end (che inizia con le richieste del cliente e termina con la consegna dei prodotti allo stesso) e di individuare le criticità in esso presenti, sulla base delle quali sono state fornite una serie di linee guida per la risoluzione del problema dei mancanti. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato che l’ottimizzazione dell’area di pianificazione permette di migliorare la qualità dei dati in ingresso all’intero processo con conseguente diminuzione del numero di materiali mancanti. Tuttavia, la trasversalità dell’argomento ai processi aziendali impedisce la definizione di un approccio al problema focalizzato su un’area specifica. Infine, è stata eseguita una bozza di valutazione economica per la stima dei tempi di recupero degli investimenti necessari.


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L’obiettivo di questa tesi è principalmente quello di mostrare le possibili applicazioni della tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) all’interno della supply chain farmaceutica, cercando di comprendere il campo di applicazione di questa tecnologia in un’industria così altamente regolata e complessa come quella farmaceutica. La tesi è organizzata in tre sezioni; nel primo capitolo si trattano i principi alla base della tecnologia RFID e l’attuale stato dell’arte nella standardizzazione della banda di frequenza utilizzata e nell’hardware. In questa sezione sono poi mostrate le principali applicazioni e nella parte finale i problemi affrontati da un’azienda nell’applicare l’RFID al proprio business. Il secondo capitolo descrive le parti coinvolte nell’industria farmaceutica, dal produttore al consumatore finale, poi esamina le caratteristiche essenziali della supply chain farmaceutica e gli aspetti chiave e le criticità da affrontare in questo campo per essere efficiente e per consegnare il prodotto al cliente in maniera sicura e consistente. Infine nell’ultima sezione i due argomenti centrali sono fusi assieme, cercando di esaminare come la tecnologia RFID sia in grado di risolvere i problemi affrontati da tale industria. Il lavoro non vuole mostrare la tecnologia RFID come una panacea di tutte le problematiche presentate in questa industria, ma vuole cercare di colmare il gap presente in letteratura riguardo le possibili applicazioni di questa tecnologia nell’industria specificata.


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Il settore suinicolo ricopre un ruolo rilevante nel contesto nazionale, con ricadute economiche e sociali di primaria importanza in varie regioni. Tuttavia da alcuni anni il settore si trova in crisi a causa dell’instabilità dei mercati internazionali, dello scarso coordinamento tra gli attori della filiera, della progressiva riduzione della redditività dei prodotti trasformati a Denominazione di Origine, della mancata valorizzazione dei tagli di carne fresca, nonché della difficoltà di aggredire i mercati esteri. Altre criticità riguardano la distribuzione del valore lungo la filiera e la scarsa efficacia delle politiche di coordinamento finora adottate. L'obiettivo della ricerca è quello di identificare gli elementi che possono garantire maggiore equilibrio di potere negoziale tra allevatori suinicoli e macellatori rispetto alla situazione attuale: verificati gli elementi critici che caratterizzano la relazione commerciale tra allevatori e macellatori, si avanzano alcune proposte operative utili al superamento delle fratture tra la componente agricola e quella dei macelli in Emilia Romagna. La struttura della tesi è la seguente: (capitolo 1) si descrive il quadro economico del settore suinicolo a livello internazionale e nazionale. Successivamente (capitolo 2) si passano in rassegna le teorie economiche utili a comprendere le ragioni alla base del malfunzionamento dei rapporti tra gli attori della filiera agroalimentare, mentre nel terzo capitolo è richiamato il quadro normativo comunitario, nazionale e regionale all’interno del quale tali relazioni si configurano. Nel quarto capitolo si elabora un modello interpretativo al fine di spiegare le fratture che oggi contraddistinguono le relazioni in essere tra gli attori della filiera: il “modello delle fratture”. Alla luce di questa concettualizzazione è stata svolta un’indagine diretta svolta presso gli operatori aderenti all’Organizzazione Interprofessionale del Gran Suino Italiano, i cui risultati hanno consentito di valutare l’efficacia del modello interpretativo e di fornire indicazioni migliorative della strategia di governance delle relazioni tra allevatori e macellatori.


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Tesi incentrata sull'impatto che la riduzione del lead time di consegna, come strategia commerciale, ha sulla supply chain della Neri SpA. A tale scopo è stato sviluppato un modello basato sulla matrice di Kraljic per la classificazione dei fornitori. La matrice è stata adattata alle esigenze aziendali ed è stato sfruttato il metodo di analisi multicriterio AHP per determinare i pesi dei parametri che compongono la dimensione più complessa della matrice. Sono stati sviluppati i diagrammi di Gantt partendo dai lead time presenti in distinta base. Da questi si sono individuati i percorsi temporalmente critici e dalla loro analisi le filiere critiche per lo sviluppo delle nuove potenzialità commerciali. Le filiere critiche sono state poi analizzate nel loro complesso, andando a verificare il ruolo dei singoli fornitori sfruttando come base di analisi la classificazione effettuata con la matrice di Kraljic. Dall'analisi delle filiere e dal confronto con la funzione commerciale sono state ipotizzate strategie per la riduzione dei lead time e il raggiungimento delle nuove potenzialità commerciali.