999 resultados para Substrato inconsolidado
Objetivando verificar a influência do teor de água do substrato no enraizamento de estacas de eválvulo branco (Evolvulus pusilus), conduziu-se um ensaio sob condições de laboratório. Os efeitos de cinco níveis de água no substrato (solo x areia 3:1 de 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100% da capacidade de retenção) no enraizamento, foram avaliados através da porcentagem de estacas enraizadas. Para cada repetição, 20 estacas apicais, com comprimento médio de 15 cm, foram introduzidas a uma profundidade de 6 cm, perfazendo 80 estacas por tratamento. Os resultados permitiram concluir que o teor de água do substrato entre 50% e 70% da capacidade de retenção, possibilitou enraizamento superior para estacas de eválvulo branco.
O trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a viabilidade do uso da manipueira, residuo líquido resultante da prensagem da massa ralada de mandioca, como substrato na biossíntese de ácido cítrico por Aspergillus niger. Os meios de manipueira foram comparados nas mesmas condições de temperatura, a meios sintéticos, utilizados tradicionalmente. em se tratando de proposta de um novo substrato, foi estudado o armazenamento do resíduo a temperatura ambiente por 72 horas, e realizada a caracterização físico-química da manipueira e dos meios elaborados com esse substrato. Foi avaliada a produção de ácido cítrico nos meios sintéticos e de manipueira. Verificou-se que a produção de ácido cítrico não diferiu quanto ao meio. Não foi observado crescimento do microrganismo nos meios de manipueira com concentrações acima de 70 mg/l de cianeto. Os resultados obtidos mostraram necessidade de maiores estudos para viabilizar o uso da manipueira como substrato na biossíntese de ácido cítrico por A. niger, principalmente no que diz respeito à liberação enzimática do cianeto.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O efeito de cinco composições de substratos na produção de mudas de laranjeira `Pêra' (Citrus sinensis, L. Osbeck) foi estudado sobre três porta-enxertos (limoeiro `Cravo', Citrus limonia, L. Osbeck; tangerineira `Cleópatra', Citrus reticulata, Blanco; e citrumeleiro `Swingle', Citrus paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata). O experimento obedeceu ao delineamento estatístico de blocos aleatorizados em esquema fatorial 5 x 3 (substratos x porta-enxertos). As composições de misturas utilizadas como substrato e respectivas combinações volumétricas foram: 1) Terra (100%); 2) Terra (33%) + areia fina (33%) + esterco bovino curtido (33%); 3) Terra (33%) + vermiculita (33%) + esterco bovino curtido (33%); 4) Terra (33%) + raspas de madeira (33%) + esterco bovino curtido (33%); 5) Terra (25%) + raspas de madeira (25%) + areia fina (25%) + esterco bovino curtido (25%). A análise dos resultados revelou que plantas de limoeiro `Cravo' e citrumeleiro `Swingle' apresentaram maior desenvolvimento do que as de tangerineira `Cleópatra'. A mistura de materiais com solo mostrou-se vantajosa e induziu à formação de plantas mais desenvolvidas do que aquelas em substrato constituído de terra exclusivamente. A composição do substrato influenciou diferentemente no desenvolvimento de cada porta-enxerto, mas de uma forma geral, composições contento 1/3 de volume de solo e 1/3 de volume de esterco bovino proporcionaram bons resultados para os três porta-enxertos estudados.
Biomateriais poliméricos são desenvolvidos para uso como substitutos de tecidos danificados e/ou estimular sua regeneração. Uma classe de biomateriais poliméricos são os biorreabsorvíveis, compostos que se decompõem tanto in vitro quanto in vivo. São empregados em tecidos que necessitam de um suporte temporário para sua recomposição tecidual. Dentre os vários polímeros biorreabsorvíveis, destacam-se os alfa-hidróxi ácidos, entre eles, diferentes composições do poli(ácido lático) (PLA), como o poli(L-ácido lático) (PLLA), poli(D-ácido lático) (PDLA), poli(DL-ácido lático) (PDLLA), além do poli(ácido glicólico) (PGA) e da policaprolactona (PCL). Estes polímeros são considerados biorreabsorvíveis por apresentarem boa biocompatibilidade e os produtos de sua decomposição serem eliminados do corpo por vias metabólicas. Diversas linhas de pesquisa mostram que os diferentes substratos à base de PLA estudados não apresentam toxicidade, uma vez que as células são capazes de crescer e proliferar sobre eles. Além disso, diversos tipos de células cultivadas sobre diferentes formas de PLA são capazes de se diferenciarem sobre os diferentes polímeros e passar a produzir componentes de matriz extracelular. Neste trabalho, é revisada a utilização de substratos à base de alfa-hidróxi ácidos, com destaque para diferentes formas de PLA, utilizados como substratos para cultura de células, bem como suas aplicações.
Objetivando-se avaliar a influência do substrato e tipo de fertilizante na aclimatação de mudas de bananeira 'Prata-Anã', provenientes de micropropagação, foi instalado um experimento em blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 5 x 3, com quatro repetições. Os substratos utilizados foram: S1 - Terra de subsolo + casca de arroz carbonizada + substrato comercial Rendimax Floreira®; S2 - Terra de subsolo + casca de arroz carbonizada + composto orgânico Organifol®; S3 - Terra de subsolo + casca de arroz carbonizada + composto orgânico Organifol® 9% SiO; S4 - substrato comercial Technes Vivatto®; S5 - Areia grossa + casca de arroz carbonizada + Rendimax Floreira®, todos na proporção 1:1:1 (v/v/v). Os fertilizantes utilizados foram: SF - sem fertilizante; FLL - fertilizante de liberação lenta, 14-14-14 (5,0 kg m-3) misturado ao substrato; e FLN - fertilizante de liberação normal, 14-14-14 (5,0 kg m-3) aplicado em cobertura, 30 dias após o plantio. As mudas foram plantadas em sacos de polietileno quando apresentavam quatro a cinco folhas, sendo mantidas em viveiro com 50% de sombreamento. Foram feitas medidas de altura, diâmetro do colo e número de folhas, e determinada a massa seca das mudas. As diferenças químicas das misturas utilizadas como substrato, juntamente com o tipo de fertilizante utilizado, proporcionaram crescimento diferenciado das mudas. O substrato S4 pode ser utilizado sem fertilização. Os substratos S2 e S3 devem ser utilizados com fertilizante de liberação normal ou lenta de nutrientes, e S1 e S5, sendo pobres em nutrientes, com fertilizante de liberação lenta.
The experiment was conducted to investigate the viability of the production of the edible fungus Pleurotus sajor-caju (Fr.) Singer in substrates in which main source of carbon was the cotton textille mill waste. Two substrates compositions were tested: C1 (cotton textille mill waste, wheat bran, plaster and limestone) and C2 (cotton textille mill waste, wheat bran, bean straw, plaster and limestone). A DIC experimental design was used, with nine repetitions for treatment and the production data and biological efficiency were analyzed being used the procedure ANOVAG of the statistical package SAEG. The cotton textille mill waste improvement, as the main ingredient of the substrate, was shown efficient for the production of the mushroom P. sajor-caju, presenting satisfactory values of productivity (0,56 and 0,5 kg/kg substratum) and biological efficiency (55,76 and 55,39%), respectively for C1 and C2. These results showed us that cotton textille mill waste, could be recommended as less onerous alternative of commercial substrate for the species Pleurotus sajor-caju.
The composition of substrates with different sources of organic matter is considered as a key factor to obtain seedlings of good quality. Then, this study aimed to evaluate the best source and the best quantity of organic matter that should be used in order to produce barbados cherry (Malpighia emarginata DC.) seedlings of good quality. A factorial arrangement of four (20: 80, 40: 60, 60:40 and 80:20% of organic matter: earth) by four (earthworm compost, burnt rice husk, powdered coconut husk and carnauba straw) levels was used and it was designed in randomized blocks with four replicates. The nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium content of the leaves and stems were quantified in the dry tissue. The results showed that the proportion 80% of earthworm compost: 20% of earth allowed good development of the plants and sufficient accumulation of N, P, K and Ca. Burnt rice husk, powdered coconut husk and carnauba straw have not generated seedlings of good quality.
Aiming to evaluate the effect of the pine bark substrate porosity on the development of the grumixama plant (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.), an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse of the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"/USP, Piracicaba, Brazil. The treatments were: 100% ground pine bark without separation of particles; 100% pine bark of <= 0,1mm; 75% pine bark of <= 0,1mm + 25% between 0,1-4,0 mm; 50% of pine bark <= 0,1mm + 50% between 0,1-4,0 mm; 25% pine bark of <= 0,1mm + 75% between 0,1-4,0 mm and 100% pine bark of 0,1-4,0 mm. The evaluations (stem diameter, length and average dry weight of seedlings) were performed on the 90, 120 and 150(th) days after sowing. The low water absorption in the early stages and the low aeration of the roots promoted by the substrate, affect the development of the grumixama plant seedlings, that grow best when the total pore space of the substrate is less than 90% (v / v).
The objective of this research was to evaluate the use of vermiculite as a substrate for the germination test of 'barbatimao' seeds and to establish what would be the best granulometry and the best moisture intensity to germinate 'barbatimao' seeds. Four replications of 50 seeds were previously scarified with H(2)SO(4) for 60 minutes. Afterwards, the following germination substrates were evaluated: paper rolls moistened with water equivalent to 2.5 times the weight of the dry paper (control); micron, super thin, thin and average sized vermiculite moistened with 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 times the weight of the dry paper. The germination temperature was 30 C. The percentage of normal seedlings was obtained seven days after sowing (first count) and, then, weekly (up to 28 days). Average time and relative distribution of germination were calculated. It was concluded that the germination of 'barbatimao' seeds can be carried out with either fine vermiculite moistened with water equivalent to 2.0 times the weight of the dry paper or average sized substrate moistened with water equivalent to 0.5 to 2.0 times the weight of dry paper. These treatments resulted in higher and faster germination (21 days), similarly to the paper roll method.
The objective of the present study was to assess the rate of mycelium development of Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler as an effect of depth and supplementation of the sugar cane bagasse substrate with different amounts of rice bran and sugar cane molasses. The experimental design consisted in a 7 × 2 factorial scheme (seven levels of bran or molasses x two growth phases) using autoclavable glass flasks to keep the substrates. The proportions of rice bran tested were: 0, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40% (dry weight/bagasse dry weight), and the concentrations of sugar cane molasses were: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 g/kg substrate. Graph paper strips externally slicked to the flask were used to measure the mycelial development. To differentiate the growth as a function of depth, the mycelial development was divided into two phases: an initial one (upper half of the flask) and a final one (lower half). The rate of mycelium formation was always higher in the early growth than in the final phase regardless of the amount of supplement. High bran proportions reduced the rate of mycelium formation, especially during the final phase, and sugar cane molasses did not affect growth rate.
The objective of this study was to determine the influence of five different water levels on the crop development of Calla. The crop parameters evaluated were leaf area and evapotranspiration. The study was conducted in glass greenhouse with 50% of sunlight reduction. The plants were grown in PVC pots with 150 mm diameter, which were filled with substrate. The plant tubers weighed from 10 g to 12 g. The pots were placed within containers, under water level constant automatically.. The table water levels used were 10, 17, 24, 31 and 38 cm. Nine evaluations during the growth cycle checked the growth development. The evaporation varied from 26.89 to 46.14 L.plant-1 for 38 and 10 cm water levels, respectively and leaf area per plant showed 1011.6 to 2016.3 for the same levels. The substrate water was more available in the treatment 24 cm, with more restrictions in the upper and lower treatments. There was positive correlation between leaf area and evapotranspiration at the final of the culture.
Looking for the sustainability of a small farming enterprise, the present study focused the benefit of the biodigestor effluent resulting from the anaerobic fermentation of the bovine manure in a soilless melon plant experiment. The research was conducted in Jaboticabal, in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, at latitude of 21° 15' 22'' S and a longitude of 48° 18' 58'' W. The melon plant (Cucumis melo L. cv Bonus n° 2) was grown with substrate, seedling obtained in 10/2003. An experimental design was adapted in a randomized block with 16 treatments and 5 replications in a factorial 4 x 4 (4 substrates and 4 nutrient solutions). The 4 substrates were made up of different proportions in volume of the blend composition taking into consideration both the solid part of the biodigestor effluent and the washed raw sand. The 4 nutrient solutions were made up of the liquid part of the biodigestor effluent (biofertilizer) in substitution to the mineral water soluble fertilizers. The addition of the effluent in the sand led to a more rapid vegetative growth, a more precoceous crop with heavier fruits and a much better yield of melon crop. The mineral water soluble fertilizers used in the cultivation of plants in substrates can be partially replaced by the biofertilizer studied.
The nutritional management of seedlings in the nursery is one of the most important practices that influence seedling quality. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium on the development of Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings grown in 250 cm containers with a commercial substrate in the North of Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized design with five treatments and five replications, each replication being represented by 24 seedlings. The treatments were: control (only commercial substrate); nitrogen fertilization (150 g m-3 N using ammonium sulfate + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage); phosphorus fertilization (300 g P2O 5 m-3 using simple superphosphate); potassium fertilization (100 g m-3 K2O using potassium chloride + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride dissolved in 100 L of water and applied in coverage) and; complete (a mixture of the three nutrients, 150, 300 and 100 g m-3 N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively + 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate + 0.3 kg of potassium chloride). The commercial substrate was composted milled pine bark plus vermiculite. Evaluations of the seedlings were performed at 90 days after sowing. The complete treatment (NPK) gave the highest values for biometric and best plant indices, which express the quality. When analyzing nutrients in isolation; potassium had the lowest effect. Based on these results it can be recommended to fertilize Schizolobium amazonicum seedlings in nurseries with 150, 300 and 100 g m-3 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, plus 1.0 kg of sulfate ammonium and 0.3 kg of potassium chloride applied in coverage.
The propagation of 'juçara' and 'açaí' is done by seeds, but there is a great desuniformity in the germination process. In this way, the objective of this study was to verify the effect of temperature, mechanical scarification and substrate on seed germination of both species. Two experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design, with four replications each consisting of 25 seeds. The first was conducted with 14 treatments in factorial scheme 7 x 2, seven temperatures (20, 25, 30, 35, 20-30 and 25-35 °C and natural condition), with and without mechanical scarification. The second was constituted of eight treatments in factorial scheme 4 x 2, four substrates (sand, vermiculite, coconut fiber and soil + manure), with and without mechanical scarification. Seeds of 'juçara' palm present the highest mean percentage and germination speed index in alternating temperatures of 20-30 and 25-35 °C and natural condition and in substrates sand, vermiculite and coconut fiber. Temperatures of 30, 35, 20-30 and 25-35 °C and natural condition in all substrates tested were the most favorable condition for 'açai' seeds. The scarification of the seeds was favorable to the germination process of 'juçara' whereas the seeds of açaí does not need to be scarified.