985 resultados para Structure native
Composition, structure and occurrence of native aluminium in bottom sediments of the Northeast Pacific at Station DM9-647 are reported.
The use of styrene maleic acid (SMA) co-polymers to extract and purify transmembrane proteins, whilst retaining their native bilayer environment, overcomes many of the disadvantages associated with conventional detergent based procedures. This approach has huge potential for the future of membrane protein structural and functional studies. In this investigation we have systematically tested a range of commercially available SMA polymers, varying in both the ratio of styrene to maleic acid and in total size, for the ability to extract, purify and stabilise transmembrane proteins. Three different membrane proteins (BmrA, LeuT and ZipA) which vary in size and shape were used. Our results show that several polymers can be used to extract membrane proteins comparably to conventional detergents. A styrene:maleic acid ratio of either 2:1 or 3:1, combined with a relatively small average molecular weight (7.5-10 kDa) is optimal for membrane extraction, and this appears to be independent of the protein size, shape or expression system. A subset of polymers were taken forward for purification, functional and stability tests. Following a one-step affinity purification SMA 2000 was found to be the best choice for yield, purity and function. However the other polymers offer subtle differences in size and sensitivity to divalent cations that may be useful for a variety of downstream applications.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.
Pipelines extend thousands of kilometers across wide geographic areas as a network to provide essential services for modern life. It is inevitable that pipelines must pass through unfavorable ground conditions, which are susceptible to natural disasters. This thesis investigates the behaviour of buried pressure pipelines experiencing ground distortions induced by normal faulting. A recent large database of physical modelling observations on buried pipes of different stiffness relative to the surrounding soil subjected to normal faults provided a unique opportunity to calibrate numerical tools. Three-dimensional finite element models were developed to enable the complex soil-structure interaction phenomena to be further understood, especially on the subjects of gap formation beneath the pipe and the trench effect associated with the interaction between backfill and native soils. Benchmarked numerical tools were then used to perform parametric analysis regarding project geometry, backfill material, relative pipe-soil stiffness and pipe diameter. Seismic loading produces a soil displacement profile that can be expressed by isoil, the distance between the peak curvature and the point of contraflexure. A simplified design framework based on this length scale (i.e., the Kappa method) was developed, which features estimates of longitudinal bending moments of buried pipes using a characteristic length, ipipe, the distance from peak to zero curvature. Recent studies indicated that empirical soil springs that were calibrated against rigid pipes are not suitable for analyzing flexible pipes, since they lead to excessive conservatism (for design). A large-scale split-box normal fault simulator was therefore assembled to produce experimental data for flexible PVC pipe responses to a normal fault. Digital image correlation (DIC) was employed to analyze the soil displacement field, and both optical fibres and conventional strain gauges were used to measure pipe strains. A refinement to the Kappa method was introduced to enable the calculation of axial strains as a function of pipe elongation induced by flexure and an approximation of the longitudinal ground deformations. A closed-form Winkler solution of flexural response was also derived to account for the distributed normal fault pattern. Finally, these two analytical solutions were evaluated against the pipe responses observed in the large-scale laboratory tests.
Over the last several decades, human activities have resulted in environmental changes that have increased the number of stressors that can act on a single environment. In Canadian Shield lakes, two recent stressors, the invasion of Bythotrephes longimanus and calcium decline, have been documented. Widespread acidification of hundreds of North American lakes has resulted in the precipitous decline of lake water calcium concentration. Crustacean zooplankton with high calcium demands are likely to be vulnerable to calcium decline, especially <1.5 mg Ca/L, where survival and reproduction rates are reduced. These taxa are also vulnerable to predation by Bythotrephes that has been implicated in the loss of pelagic biodiversity in soft water lakes. Despite laboratory and field studies aimed at understanding the independent impact of these stressors, it is unclear how their co-occurrence will influence community response. Using a combination of data from a large regional lake survey and field experiments, I examined the individual and joint effects of Bythotrephes and calcium decline on native zooplankton community structure. Results demonstrated that much is known about Bythotrephes and our findings of reduced total zooplankton and species richness, due to the loss of Cladocera, are consistent with field surveys and other experimental studies. While we did not detect strong evidence for an effect of calcium on zooplankton using the lowest calcium concentration among invaded lakes (1.2 mg Ca/L), there is evidence that, as lake water calcium concentrations fall <1 mg Ca/L, per capita growth rates of a broad variety of taxa are expected to decline. At the regional scale, negative effects of Bythotrephes and calcium on abundances of small cladocerans and Daphnia pulicaria, respectively, were in agreement with my experimental observations. We also observed significant interactions between Bythotrephes and calcium for a broad variety of taxa. As Bythotrephes continues to spread and invade lakes that are also declining in aqueous calcium, both stressors are likely to amplify negative effects on Cladocera that appear the most vulnerable. Loss of these important zooplankton in response to both Bythotrephes and calcium decline, is likely to lower zooplankton productivity, with potential effects on phytoplankton and higher trophic levels.
Invasive species can impact native species and alter assemblage structure, which affects associated ecosystem functioning. The pervasive Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas, has been shown to affect the diversity and composition of many host ecosystems. We tested for effects of the presence of the invasive C. gigas on native assemblages by comparing them directly to assemblages associated with the declining native European oyster, Ostrea edulis. The presence of both oyster species was manipulated in intertidal and subtidal habitats and reefs were constructed at horizontal and vertical orientation to the substratum. After 12 months, species diversity and benthic assemblage structure between assemblages with C. gigas and O. edulis were similar, but differed between habitats and orientation, suggesting that both oyster species were functionally similar in terms of biodiversity facilitation. These findings support evidence, that non-native species could play an important role in maintaining biodiversity in systems with declining populations of native species.
A critical step during Bacillus anthracis infection is the outgrowth of germinated spores into vegetative bacilli that proliferate and disseminate rapidly within the host. An important challenge exists for developing chemotherapeutic agents that act upon and kill B. anthracis immediately after germination initiation when antibiotic resistance is lost, but prior to the outgrowth into vegetative bacilli, which is accompanied by toxin production. Chemical agents must also function in a manner refractive to the development of antimicrobial resistance. In this thesis we have identified the lantibiotics as a class of chemotherapeutics that are predicted to satisfy these two criteria. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the efficacy of nisin, a prototypical lantibiotic, in prevention of outgrowth of germinated B. anthracis spores. Like all lantibiotics, nisin is a ribosomally translated peptide that undergoes post-translational modification to form (methyl)lanthionine rings that are critical for antimicrobial activity. Our studies indicate that nisin rapidly inhibits the in vitro outgrowth of germinated B. anthracis Sterne 7702 spores. Although germination initiation was shown to be essential for nisin-dependent antimicrobial activity, nisin did not inhibit or promote germination initiation. Nisin irreversibly killed germinated spores by blocking the establishment of a membrane potential and oxidative metabolism, while not affecting the dissolution of the outer spore structures. The membrane permeability of the spore was increased by nisin, but germinated spores did not undergo full lysis. Nisin was demonstrated to localize to lipid II, which is the penultimate precursor for cell wall biogenesis. This localization suggests two possible independent mechanisms of action, membrane pore formation and inhibition of peptidoglycan synthesis. Structure-activity studies with a truncated form of nisin lacking the two C-terminal (methyl)lanthionine rings and with non-pore forming mutants indicated that membrane disruption is essential for nisin-dependent inhibition of spore outgrowth to prevent membrane potential establishment. Finally, utilizing an in vitro infection model, it was shown that nisin reduced the viability of B. anthracis spores within an infection resulting in increased survival of immune cells while reducing infection-mediated cytokine expression. Fluorescence microscopy indicated that nisin localizes with spores within phagosomes of peritioneal macrophages in germinating conditions. These data demonstrate the effectiveness of nisin, as a model lantibiotic, for preventing spore outgrowth. It is speculated that nisin targeting of lipid II, resulting in membrane perturbations, may be effective at inhibiting the outgrowth of spores prepared from bacteria across a number of species.
Neogobius caspius is a small benthic fish that is native to the Caspian Sea. The importance of this fish is because of it is role as a main food resource of the sturgeon fish. The genetic diversity of N. caspius population in the Caspian Sea was studied using PCR- RFLP technique. A total of 135 samples of N. caspius were collected from coastal line in the north Caspian sea, including specimens from coasts of Anzali , Torkman Port and Chalus. Genomic DNA was extracted by phenol-chloroform method and then was amplified using a pair primer of cytochrom b gene, 2 tRNA gene and the control region sequences by a thermal cycler. D2 (5'-CCGGAGTATGTAGGGCATTCTCAC-3'), CY1 (5'-YYTAACCRRGACYAATGACTTGA-3') 12 restriction enzyme were used to digest the target gene region including: Alul HincII —Tas1 —Rsa1 -MboI -DraI -BSeNI(BSRI) Alw261(BsmAI). Bsul 51 Hin11 Bsh12851- BsuRI(HaeIII) digested PCR products were observed by silver staining method followed by Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). The results were shown the same pattern among the species. There was no polymorphism and no differentiation in population in the Neogobius caspius fish and all individuals have shown homogenous genotype.
The delicate balance between the production and disposal of proteins is vital for the changes required in the cell to respond to given stimulus. Ubiquitination is a protein modification with a range of signaling outcomes when ubiquitin is attached to a protein through a highly ordered enzymatic cascade process. Understanding ubiquitination is a growing field and nowadays the application of chemical reactions allows the isolation of quantitative materials for structural studies. Therefore, in this dissertation it is described some of these suitable chemical methodologies to produce an isopeptide bond toward the polymerization of ubiquitin bypassing the enzymatic control with the purpose of showing if these chemical modifications have a direct impact on the structure of ubiquitin. First, the possibility of incorporating non-natural lysine analogs known as mercaptolysines into the polypeptide chain of Ubiquitin was explored when they were attached to ubiquitin by native chemical ligation at its C terminus. The sulfhydryl group was used for the attachment of a paramagnetic label to map the surface of ubiquitin. Second, the condensation catalyzed by silver nitrate was used for the dimer assembly. In particular, the main focus was on examining whether orthogonal protection and deprotection of each monomer have an impact on the reaction yield, since the synthetic strategy has been previously attempted successfully. Third, the formation of ubiquitin dimers was approached by building an inter-ubiquitin linkage mimicking the isopeptide bond with two approaches, the classic disulfide exchange as well as the thiol-ene click reaction by thermal initiation in aqueous conditions. After assembling the dimeric units, they were studied by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, in order to establish a conformational state profile which depends on the pH conditions. The latter is a very important concept since some ligands have a preferred affinity when the protein-protein hydrophobic patches are in close proximity.
The survival and descent of cells is universally dependent on maintaining their proteins in a properly folded condition. It is widely accepted that the information for the folding of the nascent polypeptide chain into a native protein is encrypted in the amino acid sequence, and the Nobel Laureate Christian Anfinsen was the first to demonstrate that a protein could spontaneously refold after complete unfolding. However, it became clear that the observed folding rates for many proteins were much slower than rates estimated in vivo. This led to the recognition of required protein-protein interactions that promote proper folding. A unique group of proteins, the molecular chaperones, are responsible for maintaining protein homeostasis during normal growth as well as stress conditions. Chaperonins (CPNs) are ubiquitous and essential chaperones. They form ATP-dependent, hollow complexes that encapsulate polypeptides in two back-to-back stacked multisubunit rings, facilitating protein folding through highly cooperative allosteric articulation. CPNs are usually classified into Group I and Group II. Here, I report the characterization of a novel CPN belonging to a third Group, recently discovered in bacteria. Group III CPNs have close phylogenetic association to the Group II CPNs found in Archaea and Eukarya, and may be a relic of the Last Common Ancestor of the CPN family. The gene encoding the Group III CPN from Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans and Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator was cloned in E. coli and overexpressed in order to both characterize the protein and to demonstrate its ability to function as an ATPase chaperone. The opening and closing cycle of the Chy chaperonin was examined via site-directed mutations affecting the ATP binding site at R155. To relate the mutational analysis to the structure of the CPN, the crystal structure of both the AMP-PNP (an ATP analogue) and ADP bound forms were obtained in collaboration with Sun-Shin Cha in Seoul, South Korea. The ADP and ATP binding site substitutions resulted in frozen forms of the structures in open and closed conformations. From this, mutants were designed to validate hypotheses regarding key ATP interacting sites as well as important stabilizing interactions, and to observe the physical properties of the resulting complexes by calorimetry.
In this paper was demonstrated that umbelliferone induces changes in structure and pharmacological activities of Bn IV, a lysine 49 secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA2) from Both tops neuwiedi. Incubation of Bn IV with umbelliferone virtually abolished platelet aggregation, edema, and myotoxicity induced by native Bn IV. The amino acid sequence of Bn IV showed high sequence similarities with other Lys49 sPLA2s from B. jararacussu (BthTx-I), B. pirajai (PrTx-I), and B. neuwiedi pauloensis (Bn SP6 and Bn SP7). This sPLA2 also has a highly conserved C-terminal amino acid sequence, which has been shown as important for the pharmacological activities of Lys49 sPLA2. Sequencing of Bn IV previously treated with umbelliferone revealed modification of S(1) and S(20). Fluorescent spectral analysis and circular dichroism (CD) studies showed that umbelliferone modified the secondary structure of this protein. Moreover, the pharmacological activity of Bn IV is driven by synergism of the C-terminal region with the a-helix motifs, which are involved in substrate binding of the Asp49 and Lys49 residues of 5PLA2 and have a direct effect on the Ca2+-independent membrane damage of some secretory snake venom PLA2. For Bn IV, these interactions are potentially important for triggering the pharmacological activity of this 5PLA2. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Rare plant conservation efforts must utilize current genetic methods to ensure the evolutionary potential of populations is preserved. One such effort involves the Key Tree Cactus, Pilosocereus robinii, which is an endangered columnar cactus native to the Florida Keys. The populations have precipitously declined over the past decade because of habitat loss and increasing soil salinity from rising sea levels and storm surge. Next-generation DNA sequencing was used to assess the genetic structure of the populations. Twenty individuals representative of both wild and extirpated cacti were chosen for Restriction Site Associated DNA (RAD) analysis. Samples processed using the HindIII and NotIII restriction enzymes produced 82,382,440 high quality reads used for genetic mapping, from which 5,265 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) were discovered. The analysis revealed that the Keys’ populations are closely related with little population differentiation. In addition, the populations display evidence of inbreeding and low genetic diversity.
In this study, the production of bioactive secondary metabolites called "allelochemicals" by algae has been investigated, specifically focusing on polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs). PUAs are known to have adverse effects on planktonic grazers and on phytoplankton; however, their effect on benthic communities has been poorly studied. Macroalgae are ecosystem engineers that play an important role in the structure of the habitat and associated communities, presenting a great variability in their morphology and structural complexity, which is a primary factor in the structuring of associated communities. In recent decades, it has been seen how the introduction of invasive species can modify the benthic habitat structure, causing cascading effects on the trophic chain. The thesis includes several field and laboratory studies. Field studies examined aldehyde production by native and invasive macroalgal species (Sargassum muticum, in the Adriatic Sea, and Rugulopterix okamurae in the Strait of Gibraltar), their structural complexity, together with their associated phyto and meiobenthos. Two laboratory studies were conducted. The first one, based on microcosms experiments, evaluated the effect of PUA (produced by the diatom Skeletonema marinoi, or as decadienal analytical standard) on meiofauna. The second one evaluated the inhibitory effect of dilkamural, an allelopathic compound isolated from R. okamurae, on unicellular phototrophs. Our results showed that PUAs produced by macroalgae were species-specific and had a significant impact on the benthic community. The morphology of macroalgae was an important factor in shaping associated communities, particularly for microphytobenthos. Invasive species, such as S. muticum and R. okamurae, could reduce the biodiversity of native benthic communities and simplify the habitat. Dilkamural was hypothesized to be an allelochemical defense, and laboratory toxicity tests confirmed this hypothesis. Overall, this thesis sheds light on the importance of allelochemicals and macroalgal structural complexity in the benthic environment and highlights the potential impact of invasive species.
Software Defined Networking along with Network Function Virtualisation have brought an evolution in the telecommunications laying out the bases for 5G networks and its softwarisation. The separation between the data plane and the control plane, along with having a decentralisation of the latter, have allowed to have a better scalability and reliability while reducing the latency. A lot of effort has been put into creating a distributed controller, but most of the solutions provided by now have a monolithic approach that reduces the benefits of having a software defined network. Disaggregating the controller and handling it as microservices is the solution to problems faced when working with a monolithic approach. Microservices enable the cloud native approach which is essential to benefit from the architecture of the 5G Core defined by the 3GPP standards development organisation. Applying the concept of NFV allows to have a softwarised version of the entire network structure. The expectation is that the 5G Core will be deployed on an orchestrated cloud infrastructure and in this thesis work we aim to provide an application of this concept by using Kubernetes as an implementation of the MANO standard. This means Kubernetes acts as a Network Function Virtualisation Orchestrator (NFVO), Virtualised Network Function Manager (VNFM) and Virtualised Infrastructure Manager (VIM) rather than just a Network Function Virtualisation Infrastructure. While OSM has been adopted for this purpose in various scenarios, this work proposes Kubernetes opposed to OSM as the MANO standard implementation.
Valproic acid (VPA) and trichostatin A (TSA) are known histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACIs) with epigenetic activity that affect chromatin supra-organization, nuclear architecture, and cellular proliferation, particularly in tumor cells. In this study, chromatin remodeling with effects extending to heterochromatic areas was investigated by image analysis in non-transformed NIH 3T3 cells treated for different periods with different doses of VPA and TSA under conditions that indicated no loss of cell viability. Image analysis revealed chromatin decondensation that affected not only euchromatin but also heterochromatin, concomitant with a decreased activity of histone deacetylases and a general increase in histone H3 acetylation. Heterochromatin protein 1-α (HP1-α), identified immunocytochemically, was depleted from the pericentromeric heterochromatin following exposure to both HDACIs. Drastic changes affecting cell proliferation and micronucleation but not alteration in CCND2 expression and in ratios of Bcl-2/Bax expression and cell death occurred following a 48-h exposure of the NIH 3T3 cells particularly in response to higher doses of VPA. Our results demonstrated that even low doses of VPA (0.05 mM) and TSA (10 ng/ml) treatments for 1 h can affect chromatin structure, including that of the heterochromatin areas, in non-transformed cells. HP1-α depletion, probably related to histone demethylation at H3K9me3, in addition to the effect of VPA and TSA on histone H3 acetylation, is induced on NIH 3T3 cells. Despite these facts, alterations in cell proliferation and micronucleation, possibly depending on mitotic spindle defects, require a longer exposure to higher doses of VPA and TSA.