973 resultados para Structural dynamics.


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Limitações de altura têm sido impostas sobre edificações por regulamentos de zoneamento urbano e aspectos econômicos e estéticos. Além disso, para se proporcionar a passagem de tubulações de grande diâmetro sob vigas de aço, um pé-direito alto é normalmente requerido. Uma solução frequentemente utilizada em projeto diz respeito à abertura de furos na alma das vigas de aço para passagem das tubulações de serviço. Assim sendo, este trabalho de pesquisa objetiva a avaliação da resposta dinâmica de passarelas para pedestres, onde o projeto estrutural prevê a utilização de vigas celulares em aço. Objetiva-se verificar a influência das aberturas nas almas dessas vigas sobre a resposta dinâmica das passarelas. As ações dinâmicas representativas do caminhar dos pedestres são simuladas por meio de um modelo matemático que considera uma descrição espacial e temporal e, ainda, inclui o efeito do impacto do calcanhar humano. Os modelos estruturais investigados correspondem a passarelas mistas (aço-concreto) com 10m a 30m de extensão. São empregadas técnicas usuais de discretização, via método dos elementos finitos, por meio do programa Ansys. A resposta dinâmica das passarelas é obtida para duas situações distintas: vigas de alma cheia e vigas celulares. Uma avaliação crítica sobre a resposta dinâmica das passarelas possibilita verificar a influência dos furos nas almas das vigas metálicas, mediante a obtenção das acelerações de pico, focando aspectos associados ao conforto humano, considerando-se comparações com normas e recomendações de projeto.


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Ao longo dos anos, inúmeros estádios de futebol no Brasil têm sido projetados para suportar as cargas acidentais (carga de pessoas) como sendo do tipo estática (4kN/m2). Entretanto, ultimamente com base na mudança do comportamento do público, especialmente em jogos de futebol, através da ação de torcidas organizadas e, ainda, com o emprego desses estádios para shows de música, os sistemas estruturais passaram a sofrer um maior impacto pela natureza dinâmica dos carregamentos solicitantes. Assim sendo, alguns destes estádios passaram a apresentar problemas de vibrações excessivas e tornou-se necessária a consideração efetiva das cargas dinâmicas nos projetos estruturais. Deste modo, este trabalho de pesquisa objetiva o estudo do comportamento dinâmico e avaliação do desempenho do sistema estrutural das arquibancadas do Estádio Nacional de Brasília, no que diz respeito ao conforto humano. Cabe ressaltar que o referido estádio foi projetado e construído para ser utilizado na Copa do Mundo de 2014, realizada no Brasil. Os resultados alcançados ao longo do desenvolvimento deste estudo são confrontados com aqueles fornecidos por normas e recomendações internacionais de projeto. Os resultados revelam a importância da análise dinâmica para o projeto de estádios de futebol, no que tange a obtenção de dados relevantes para o conforto humano e, bem como, segurança dos usuários desse tipo de estrutura.


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Characterization of damping forces in a vibrating structure has long been an active area of research in structural dynamics. In spite of a large amount of research, understanding of damping mechanisms is not well developed. A major reason for this is that unlike inertia and stiffness forces it is not in general clear what are the state variables that govern the damping forces. The most common approach is to use `viscous damping' where the instantaneous generalized velocities are the only relevant state variables. However, viscous damping by no means the only damping model within the scope of linear analysis. Any model which makes the energy dissipation functional non-negative is a possible candidate for a valid damping model. This paper is devoted to develop methodologies for identification of such general damping models responsible for energy dissipation in a vibrating structure. The method uses experimentally identified complex modes and complex natural frequencies and does not a-priori assume any fixed damping model (eg., viscous damping) but seeks to determine parameters of a general damping model described by the so called `relaxation function'. The proposed method and several related issues are discussed by considering a numerical example of a linear array of damped spring-mass oscillators.


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We propose a computational method for the coupled simulation of a compressible flow interacting with a thin-shell structure undergoing large deformations. An Eulerian finite volume formulation is adopted for the fluid and a Lagrangian formulation based on subdivision finite elements is adopted for the shell response. The coupling between the fluid and the solid response is achieved via a novel approach based on level sets. The basic approach furnishes a general algorithm for coupling Lagrangian shell solvers with Cartesian grid based Eulerian fluid solvers. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed approach is demonstrated with a airbag deployment simulation. It bears emphasis that in the proposed approach the solid and the fluid components as well as their coupled interaction are considered in full detail and modeled with an equivalent level of fidelity without any oversimplifying assumptions or bias towards a particular physical aspect of the problem.


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This study concerns the wrinkling performance of thin membranes for use as novel reflectors in space-based telescopes. We introduce small-scale experiments for inducing and interrogating wrinkling patterns in at membranes, and we capture these details computationally by performing a range of finite element analysis. The overall aim is to assess the sophistication of modelling, to verify the feasibility of a small-diameter reector concept proposed in accompanying work. © 2009 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Numerous structures uplift under the influence of strong ground motion. Although many researchers have investigated the effects of base uplift on very stiff (ideally rigid) structures, the rocking response of flexible structures has received less attention. Related practical analysis methods treat these structures with simplified 'equivalent' oscillators without directly addressing the interaction between elasticity and rocking. This paper addresses the fundamental dynamics of flexible rocking structures. The nonlinear equations of motion, derived using a Lagrangian formulation for large rotations, are presented for an idealized structural model. Particular attention is devoted to the transition between successive phases; a physically consistent classical impact framework is utilized alongside an energy approach. The fundamental dynamic properties of the flexible rocking system are compared with those of similar linear elastic oscillators and rigid rocking structures, revealing the distinct characteristics of flexible rocking structures. In particular, parametric analysis is performed to quantify the effect of elasticity on uplift, overturning instability, and harmonic response, from which an uplifted resonance emerges. The contribution of stability and strength to the collapse of flexible rocking structures is discussed. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The vibration response of piled foundations due to ground-borne vibration produced by an underground railway is a largely-neglected area in the field of structural dynamics. However, this continues to be an important aspect of research as it is expected that the presence of piled foundations can have a significant influence on the propagation and transmission of the wavefield produced by the underground railway. This paper presents a comparison of two methods that can be employed in calculating the vibration response of a piled foundation: an efficient semi-analytical model, and a Boundary Element model. The semi-analytical model uses a column or an Euler beam to model the pile, and the soil is modelled as a linear, elastic continuum that has the geometry of a thick-walled cylinder with an infinite outer radius and an inner radius equal to the radius of the pile. The boundary element model uses a constant-element BEM formulation for the halfspace, and a rectangular discretisation of the circular pile-soil interface. The piles are modelled as Timoshenko beams. Pile-soil-pile interactions are inherently accounted for in the BEM equations, whereas in the semi-analytical model these are quantified using the superposition of interaction factors. Both models use the method of joining subsystems to incorporate the incident wavefield generated by the underground railway into the pile model. Results are computed for a single pile subject to an inertial loading, pile-soil-pile interactions, and a pile group subjected to excitation from an underground railway. The two models are compared in terms of accuracy, computation time, versatility and applicability, and guidelines for future vibration prediction models involving piled foundations are proposed.


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Design optimisation of compressor systems is a computationally expensive problem due to the large number of variables, complicated design space and expense of the analysis tools. One approach to reduce the expense of the process and make it achievable in industrial timescales is to employ multi-fidelity techniques, which utilise more rapid tools in conjunction with the highest fidelity analyses. The complexity of the compressor design landscape is such that the starting point for these optimisations can influence the achievable results; these starting points are often existing (optimised) compressor designs, which form a limited set in terms of both quantity and diversity of the design. To facilitate the multi-fidelity optimisation procedure, a compressor synthesis code was developed which allowed the performance attributes (e.g. stage loadings, inlet conditions) to be stipulated, enabling the generation of a variety of compressors covering a range of both design topology and quality to act as seeding geometries for the optimisation procedures. Analysis of the performance of the multi-fidelity optimisation system when restricting its exploration space to topologically different areas of the design space indicated little advantage over allowing the system to search the design space itself. However, comparing results from optimisations started from seed designs with different aerodynamic qualites indicated an improved performance could be achieved by starting an optimisation from a higher quality point, and thus that the choice of starting point did affect the final outcome of the optimisations. Both investigations indicated that the performance gains through the optimisation were largely defined by the early exploration of the design space where the multi-fidelity speedup could be exploited, thus extending this region is likely to have the greatest effect on performance of the optimisation system. © 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Design optimisation of compressor systems is a computationally expensive problem due to the large number of variables, complicated design space and expense of the analysis tools. One approach to reduce the expense of the process and make it achievable in industrial timescales is to employ multi-fidelity techniques, which utilise more rapid tools in conjunction with the highest fidelity analyses. The complexity of the compressor design landscape is such that the starting point for these optimisations can influence the achievable results; these starting points are often existing (optimised) compressor designs, which form a limited set in terms of both quantity and diversity of the design. To facilitate the multi-fidelity optimisation procedure, a compressor synthesis code was developed which allowed the performance attributes (e.g. stage loadings, inlet conditions) to be stipulated, enabling the generation of a variety of compressors covering a range of both design topology and quality to act as seeding geometries for the optimisation procedures. Analysis of the performance of the multi-fidelity optimisation system when restricting its exploration space to topologically different areas of the design space indicated little advantage over allowing the system to search the design space itself. However, comparing results from optimisations started from seed designs with different aerodynamic qualites indicated an improved performance could be achieved by starting an optimisation from a higher quality point, and thus that the choice of starting point did affect the final outcome of the optimisations. Both investigations indicated that the performance gains through the optimisation were largely defined by the early exploration of the design space where the multi-fidelity speedup could be exploited, thus extending this region is likely to have the greatest effect on performance of the optimisation system. © 2012 AIAA.