951 resultados para Stratigraphic and structural controls
Two food products (powders) were obtained by hot-air drying or lyophilisation methods on the whole guava fruits. The powders were characterised by sensory and thermal analyses (TGA-DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thermal, morphological and structural characterisations showed a similar behaviour for the two solids. TGA-DSC and IR showed the presence of pectin as the main constituent of solids. A semi-crystalline profile was evidenced by XRD, and lamellar/spherical morphologies were observed by SEM. Sensory analyses revealed an aroma highly related to guava. These value-added food products are an alternative to process guava and avoid loss during postharvest handling.
This work is devoted to the study of the dynamical and structural properties of dendrimers. Different approaches were used: analytical theory, computer simulation results and experimental NMR studies. The theory of the relaxation spectrum of dendrimer macromolecules was developed. Relaxation processes which are manifest in the local orientational mobility of dendrimer macromolecules were established and studied in detail. Theoretical results and conclusions were used for experimental studies of carbosilane dendimers.
ABSTRACT In Brazil, specifically in São Paulo State, there are guidelines based on the high diversity of tropical forests that instructs the restoration projects in the state (current SMA 32/2014). The main goal of this study was verify the importance and effectiveness of the high diversity of arboreal species originated from a reforestation, and its influence in a woody regenerating composition. We developed a phytosociologic study in a woody regenerating stratum of a nine year old reforestation at a Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (RPPN), in Mogi-Guaçu, São Paulo State. All specimens with height > 30 cm and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) < 5 cm were evaluated. The woody regenerating diversity was smaller than the overstory diversity and the species composition was similar to the overstory. The Simpson index (1-D) was 0.85, Shannon index (H') was 2.46 and the Pielou index (J') was 0.60. The zoochoric dispersion syndrome was major among the species. Our results suggest that the use of high diversity of native seedlings in a reforestation leads to high diversity of species in woody regeneration stratum, after one decade of planting.
Resultaten påvisade små, men mätbara försämringar i minnes- och verbal förmåga hos personer som haft Parkinsons sjukdom under tre år. Jämfört med en kontrollgrupp uppvisade Parkinsonpatienter avvikande responser i hjärnans elektriska aktivitet under en korttidsminnesuppgift, och de presterade även sämre i olika typer av andra minnesuppgifter. Försämring i en specifik typ av minnesuppgift korrelerade med förminskad volym i höger hjärnhalva. Samband hittades också mellan sämre verbal förmåga och förminskad volym i djupa hjärnstrukturer. Förminskad hjärnvolym har tidigare påvisats hos dementa patienter i senare sjukdomsstadier. Forskningsresultaten bidrar med ny kunskap om kognitiva symptom och deras neurala bakgrund vid Parkinsons sjukdom. De tyder också på att tidig kognitiv funktionsnedsättning kan identifieras, vilket kan bidra till utvecklingen av sjukdomens behandling. Parkinsons sjukdom är den näst vanligaste neurogeriatriska sjukdomen efter Alzheimers sjukdom. Symptomen uppstår som följd av förminskad produktion av hjärnans transmittorämne dopamin. Parkinsons sjukdom har traditionellt betraktats som en progressiv motorisk sjukdom. Ny forskning tyder på att multipla hjärnsystem skadas, vilket resulterar i att även tankeprocesser påverkas. 75-80% uppskattas insjukna i demens 10-15 år efter diagnos, men det kognitiva sjukdomsförloppet och orsaken till demenssymptomen är tillsvidare okänd. I Finland uppskattas ca 10-12 000 personer ha Parkinsons sjukdom, varav ca 3 000 uppskattas ha demens. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tutkimuksessa todettiin lieviä muutoksia muisti- ja kielellisissä toiminnoissa alle kolme vuotta sairastaneilla Parkinson-potilailla. Potilailla havaittiin poikkeavia aivosähkötoiminnan vasteita lyhytkestoista muistia mittaavan tehtävän aikana. Potilaat suoriutuivat myös verrokkiryhmää heikommin useissa muistitehtävissä. Heikentynyt tahaton muisti liittyi pienempään aivokuoren harmaan aineen paikalliseen tilavuuteen. Heikompi kielellinen suoriutuminen liittyi pienempään harmaan aineen tilavuuteen aivojen syvissä rakenteissa. Pienentyneitä aivorakenteiden tilavuuksia on aiemmin todettu dementoituneilla Parkinson-potilailla sairauden myöhemmissä vaiheissa. Tutkimustulokset tuovat uutta tietoa Parkinsonin taudin kognitiivisista oireista ja niiden aivoperäisestä taustasta. Tulosten perusteella on mahdollista tunnistaa jo varhaisia kognitiivisia muutoksia, mikä voi mahdollistaa tehokkaamman hoidon kohdentamisen. Parkinsonin tauti on Alzheimerin taudin jälkeen toiseksi yleisin neurogeriatrinen sairaus. Oirekuva liittyy aivojen dopaminergisen järjestelmän rappeutumiseen. Perinteisesti liikehäiriösairaudeksi luokiteltu sairaus vaurioittaa lukuisia muita aivojärjestelmiä aiheuttaen muutoksia myös mm. ajattelutoiminnoissa. Pitkään sairastaneista 75–80 prosentilla esiintyy dementiaoireita, mutta oireiden syy ja kehityskaari tunnetaan toistaiseksi huonosti. Suomessa on arviolta 10–12 000 Parkinson-potilasta, joista noin 3 000 arvioidaan kärsivän dementiaoireista.
The objective of this work was to analyze the floristic variation and phytosociological structure of weeds as influenced by relief and time of year in eucalyptus plantations in Santana do Paraíso and Guanhães - MG. The total area sampled for each locality was approximately 10 ± 3 hectares, comprising three types of relief: lowland, slope, and upper area. In each type of relief, 10 plots of 1 m² were sampled, corresponding to 30 plots per locality, where they were randomly allocated in a zigzag. The taxonomic identification was performed in four assessments, corresponding to the months of November and March, comprising two ratings each season, always at the same points, and geo-referenced using the Global Positioning System (GPS). A total of 3,893 individuals, 18 families and 61 species, were identified in Santana do Paraiso and a total of 1,166 individuals, 13 families and 58 species, in Guanhães. In both localities, the most representative families in terms of wealth were: Poaceae, Asteraceae, and Fabaceae. Galinsoga parviflora was the most abundant species. The Vernonia polyantes was identified only in the lowlands, while Arrabida florida was identified in the slope and upper area. On the other hand, Emilia coccinea, Sida rhombifolia, S. paniculatum and Spermacoce latifolia were common to all three environments. Commelina benghalensis was present only in the month of March, while G. parviflora was present only in the month of November. It was concluded that the floristic and phytosociological variation of weeds in eucalyptus plantations is influenced by the type of relief and time of year, which should guide the management practices used in the culture.
Seven unrelated patients with hemoglobin (Hb) H disease and 27 individuals with alpha-chain structural alterations were studied to identify the alpha-globin gene mutations present in the population of Southeast Brazil. The -alpha3.7, --MED and -(alpha)20.5 deletions were investigated by PCR, whereas non-deletional alpha-thalassemia (alphaHphalpha, alphaNcoIalpha, aaNcoI, alphaIcalpha and alphaTSaudialpha) was screened with restriction enzymes and by nested PCR. Structural alterations were identified by direct DNA sequencing. Of the seven patients with Hb H disease, all of Italian descent, two had the -(alpha)20.5/-alpha3.7 genotype, one had the --MED/-alpha3.7 genotype, one had the --MED/alphaHphalpha genotype and three showed interaction of the -alpha3.7 deletion with an unusual, unidentified form of non-deletional alpha-thalassemia [-alpha3.7/(aa)T]. Among the 27 patients with structural alterations, 15 (of Italian descent) had Hb Hasharon (alpha47Asp->His) associated with the -alpha3.7 deletion, 4 (of Italian descent) were heterozygous for Hb J-Rovigo (alpha53Ala->Asp), 4 (3 Blacks and 1 Caucasian) were heterozygous for Hb Stanleyville-II (alpha78Asn->Lys) associated with the alpha+-thalassemia, 1 (Black) was heterozygous for Hb G-Pest (alpha74Asp->Asn), 1 (Caucasian) was heterozygous for Hb Kurosaki (alpha7Lys->Glu), 1 (Caucasian) was heterozygous for Hb Westmead (alpha122His->Gln), and 1 (Caucasian) was the carrier of a novel silent variant (Hb Campinas, alpha26Ala->Val). Most of the mutations found reflected the Mediterranean and African origins of the population. Hbs G-Pest and Kurosaki, very rare, and Hb Westmead, common in southern China, were initially described in individuals of ethnic origin differing from those of the carriers reported in the present study and are the first cases to be reported in the Brazilian population.
Reconstitution of membrane proteins into lipid bilayers is a powerful tool to analyze functional as well as structural areas of membrane protein research. First, the proper incorporation of a purified membrane protein into closed lipid vesicles, to produce proteoliposomes, allows the investigation of transport and/or catalytic properties of any membrane protein without interference by other membrane components. Second, the incorporation of a large amount of membrane proteins into lipid bilayers to grow crystals confined to two dimensions has recently opened a new way to solve their structure at high resolution using electron crystallography. However, reconstitution of membrane proteins into functional proteoliposomes or 2-D crystallization has been an empirical domain, which has been viewed for a long time more like "black magic" than science. Nevertheless, in the last ten years, important progress has been made in acquiring knowledge of lipid-protein-detergent interactions and has permitted to build upon a set of basic principles that has limited the empirical approach of reconstitution experiments. Reconstitution strategies have been improved and new strategies have been developed, facilitating the success rate of proteoliposome formation and 2-D crystallization. This review deals with the various strategies available to obtain proteoliposomes and 2-D crystals from detergent-solubilized proteins. It gives an overview of the methods that have been applied, which may be of help for reconstituting more proteins into lipid bilayers in a form suitable for functional studies at the molecular level and for high-resolution structural analysis.
The bedrock of old crystalline cratons is characteristically saturated with brittle structures formed during successive superimposed episodes of deformation and under varying stress regimes. As a result, the crust effectively deforms through the reactivation of pre-existing structures rather than by through the activation, or generation, of new ones, and is said to be in a state of 'structural maturity'. By combining data from Olkiluoto Island, southwestern Finland, which has been investigated as the potential site of a deep geological repository for high-level nuclear waste, with observations from southern Sweden, it can be concluded that the southern part of the Svecofennian shield had already attained structural maturity during the Mesoproterozoic era. This indicates that the phase of activation of the crust, i.e. the time interval during which new fractures were generated, was brief in comparison to the subsequent reactivation phase. Structural maturity of the bedrock was also attained relatively rapidly in Namaqualand, western South Africa, after the formation of first brittle structures during Neoproterozoic time. Subsequent brittle deformation in Namaqualand was controlled by the reactivation of pre-existing strike-slip faults.In such settings, seismic events are likely to occur through reactivation of pre-existing zones that are favourably oriented with respect to prevailing stresses. In Namaqualand, this is shown for present day seismicity by slip tendency analysis, and at Olkiluoto, for a Neoproterozoic earthquake reactivating a Mesoproterozoic fault. By combining detailed field observations with the results of paleostress inversions and relative and absolute time constraints, seven distinctm superimposed paleostress regimes have been recognized in the Olkiluoto region. From oldest to youngest these are: (1) NW-SE to NNW-SSE transpression, which prevailed soon after 1.75 Ga, when the crust had sufficiently cooled down to allow brittle deformation to occur. During this phase conjugate NNW-SSE and NE-SW striking strike-slip faults were active simultaneous with reactivation of SE-dipping low-angle shear zones and foliation planes. This was followed by (2) N-S to NE-SW transpression, which caused partial reactivation of structures formed in the first event; (3) NW-SE extension during the Gothian orogeny and at the time of rapakivi magmatism and intrusion of diabase dikes; (4) NE-SW transtension that occurred between 1.60 and 1.30 Ga and which also formed the NW-SE-trending Satakunta graben located some 20 km north of Olkiluoto. Greisen-type veins also formed during this phase. (5) NE-SW compression that postdates both the formation of the 1.56 Ga rapakivi granites and 1.27 Ga olivine diabases of the region; (6) E-W transpression during the early stages of the Mesoproterozoic Sveconorwegian orogeny and which also predated (7) almost coaxial E-W extension attributed to the collapse of the Sveconorwegian orogeny. The kinematic analysis of fracture systems in crystalline bedrock also provides a robust framework for evaluating fluid-rock interaction in the brittle regime; this is essential in assessment of bedrock integrity for numerous geo-engineering applications, including groundwater management, transient or permanent CO2 storage and site investigations for permanent waste disposal. Investigations at Olkiluoto revealed that fluid flow along fractures is coupled with low normal tractions due to in-situ stresses and thus deviates from the generally accepted critically stressed fracture concept, where fluid flow is concentrated on fractures on the verge of failure. The difference is linked to the shallow conditions of Olkiluoto - due to the low differential stresses inherent at shallow depths, fracture activation and fluid flow is controlled by dilation due to low normal tractions. At deeper settings, however, fluid flow is controlled by fracture criticality caused by large differential stress, which drives shear deformation instead of dilation.
First-principles study on electronic and structural properties of Cu(In/Ga)Se alloys for solar cells
Thin-film photovoltaic solar cells based on the Cu(In1−xGax)Se2 (CIGS) alloys have attracted more and more attention due to their large optical absorption coefficient, long term stability, low cost, and high efficiency. Modern theoretical studies of this material with first-principles calculations can provide accurate description of the electronic structure and yield results in close agreement with experimental values, but takes a large amount of calculation time. In this work, we use first-principles calculations based on the computationally affordable meta- generalized gradient approximation of the density-functional theory to investigate electronic and structural properties of the CIGS alloys. We report on the simulation of the lattice parameters and band gaps, as a function of chemical composition. The obtained results were found to be in a good agreement with the available experimental data.
The investigation of resistance vessels is generally costly and difficult to execute. The present study investigated the diameters and the vascular reactivity of different segments of the rat tail artery (base, middle, and tail end) of 30 male Wister rats (EPM strain) to characterize a conductance or resistance vessel, using a low-cost simple technique. The diameters (mean ± SEM) of the base and middle segments were 471 ± 4.97 and 540 ± 8.39 µm, respectively, the tail end was 253 ± 2.58 µm. To test reactivity, the whole tail arteries or segments were perfused under constant flow and the reactivity to phenylephrine (PHE; 0.01-300 µg) was evaluated before and after removal of the endothelium or drug administration. The maximal response (Emax) and sensitivity (pED50) to PHE of the whole tail and the base segment increased after endothelium removal or treatment with 100 µM L-NAME, which suggests modulation by nitric oxide. Indomethacin (10 µM) and tetraethylammonium (5 mM) did not change the Emax or pED50 of these segments. PHE and L-NAME increased the pED50 of the middle and the tail end only and indomethacin did not change pED50 or Emax. Tetraethylammonium increased the sensitivity only at the tail end, which suggests a blockade of vasodilator release. Results indicate that the proximal segment of the tail artery possesses a diameter compatible with a conductance vessel, while the tail end has the diameter of a resistance vessel. In addition, the vascular reactivity to PHE in the proximal segment is nitric oxide-dependent, while the tail end is dependent on endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor.
We microscopically and mechanically evaluated the femurs of rats subjected to hindlimb unloading (tail suspension) followed by treadmill training. Female Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups containing 12-14 rats: control I (118 days old), control II (139 days old), suspended (tail suspension for 28 days), suspended-released (released for 21 days after 28 days of suspension), and suspended-trained (trained for 21 days after 28 days of suspension). We measured bone resistance by bending-compression mechanical tests of the entire proximal half of the femur and three-point bending tests of diaphyseal cortical bone. We determined bone microstructure by tetracycline labeling of trabecular and cortical bone. We found that tail suspension weakened bone (ultimate load = 86.3 ± 13.5 N, tenacity modulus = 0.027 ± 0.011 MPa·m vs ultimate load = 101.5 ± 10.5 N, tenacity modulus = 0.019 ± 0.006 MPa·m in control I animals). The tenacity modulus for suspended and released animals was 0.023 ± 0.010 MPa·m vs 0.046 ± 0.018 MPa·m for trained animals and 0.035 ± 0.010 MPa·m for control animals. These data indicate that normal activity and training resulted in recovered bone resistance, but suspended-released rats presented femoral head flattening and earlier closure of the growth plate. Microscopically, we found that suspension inhibited new bone subperiosteal and endosteal formation. The bone disuse atrophy secondary to hypoactivity in rats can be reversed by an early regime of exercising, which is more advantageous than ordinary cage activities alone.
The emulsion stability, composition, structure and rheology of four different commercial italian salad dressings manufactured with traditional and light formulations were evaluated. According to the results, the fat content ranged from 8% (w/w) (light) to 34% (w/w) (traditional), the carbohydrate concentration varied between 3.8% (w/w) (traditional) and 14.4% (w/w) (light) and the pH was between 3.6-3.9 for all samples. The microscopic and stability analyses showed that the only stable salad dressing was a light sample, which had the smallest droplet size when compared with the other samples. With respect to the rheological behaviour, all the salad dressings were characterized as thixotropic and shear thinning fluids. However, the stable dressing showed an overshoot at relatively low shear rates. This distinct rheological behavior being explained by the differences in its composition, particularly the presence of a maltodextrin network.
This paper reexamines the issue of international financial capital mobility, which is today's economic orthodoxy. Discussion is often framed in terms of the impossible trinity. That framing distorts discussion by representing capital mobility as having equal significance with sovereign monetary policy and control over exchange rates. It also distorts discussion by ignoring possibilities for coordinated monetary policy and exchange rates, and for managed capital flows. The case for capital mobility rests on neo-classical economic efficiency arguments and neo-liberal political arguments. The case against capital mobility is based on Keynesian macroeconomic inefficiency arguments, neo-Walrasian market failure arguments, and neo-Marxian arguments regarding distortion of the social structure of accumulation. Close examination shows the case for capital mobility to be extremely flimsy, pointing to the ideological dimension behind today's policy orthodoxy.
ABSTRACT The motivation for this paper stems from the steady decline in the share of consumer expenditures on goods produced in the global south, coupled with the (empirically ambiguous) Singer/Prebisch hypothesis that this can be explained by a secular decline in the southern terms of trade. Drawing on these sources of inspiration, the paper sets out to study the dynamics of the terms of trade using a multi-sector growth model based on the principle of cumulative causation. The upshot is a North-South model of growth and trade in which the evolution of the terms of trade depends on differential rates of productivity growth in different sectors of the economy - and in which terms of trade dynamics may not be the best guide as to whether or not there is an uneven development problem.