1000 resultados para Staatliche Museen Kassel
The ab initio/Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) approach has been applied to investigate the photodissociation mechanism of benzene at various wavelengths upon absorption of one or two UV photons followed by internal conversion into the ground electronic state. Reaction pathways leading to various decomposition products have been mapped out at the G2M level and then the RRKM and microcanonical variational transition state theories have been applied to compute rate constants for individual reaction steps. Relative product yields (branching ratios) for C6H5+H, C6H4+H-2, C4H4+C2H2, C4H2+C2H4, C3H3+C3H3, C5H3+CH3, and C4H3+C2H3 have been calculated subsequently using both numerical integration of kinetic master equations and the steady-state approach. The results show that upon absorption of a 248 nm photon dissociation is too slow to be observable in molecular beam experiments. In photodissociation at 193 nm, the dominant dissociation channel is H atom elimination (99.6%) and the minor reaction channel is H-2 elimination, with the branching ratio of only 0.4%. The calculated lifetime of benzene at 193 nm is about 11 mus, in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 10 mus. At 157 nm, the H loss remains the dominant channel but its branching ratio decreases to 97.5%, while that for H-2 elimination increases to 2.1%. The other channels leading to C3H3+C3H3, C5H3+CH3, C4H4+C2H2, and C4H3+C2H3 play insignificant role but might be observed. For photodissociation upon absorption of two UV photons occurring through the neutral hot benzene mechanism excluding dissociative ionization, we predict that the C6H5+H channel should be less dominant, while the contribution of C6H4+H-2 and the C3H3+C3H3, CH3+C5H3, and C4H3+C2H3 radical channels should significantly increase. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
Book Review : Streitbare Demokratie in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Staaten : Der staatliche Umgang mit nichtgewalttätigem politischem Extremismus im Vergleich, Gereon Flümann, Wiesbaden, Springer VS, 2015, 450 pp., £50.99/€59.99
von Rudolf Hallo
Das vorliegende Papier soll zur Unterstützung der Diskussion um Personalmindeststandards im Pflegebereich dienen. Dazu wird zunächst ein Rückblick auf die Vorgeschichte und Hintergründe des Stellenabbaus sowie die Auswirkungen des Pflege-Förderprogramms und dessen Überführung in das DRG-System gegeben. Da die Frage einer staatlichen Regulierung der Personalbesetzung im Pflegedienst der Krankenhäuser sehr eng mit der Verteilung der Gesetzgebungskompetenzen zwischen Bund und Ländern verbunden ist, werden im darauf folgenden Kapitel Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Regulierung durch Landesrecht oder Bundesrecht vorgestellt und diskutiert. Daran schließt sich ein Überblick über die wichtigsten bisher vorgelegten Überlegungen und Vorschläge für eine staatliche Regulierung der Personalbesetzung an. Im darauf folgenden Kapitel werden die bisherigen Vorschläge einer kritischen Analyse unterzogen, dabei wird insbesondere auf die Frage der Eignung des DRG-Systems als Ansatzpunkt für eine Regulierung der Personalbesetzung eingegangen. Daran anschließend werden zwei Regulierungsansätze, die möglicherweise besser geeignet wären, um verbindlich einzuhaltende Personalbesetzungsstandards nicht nur vorzugeben, sondern auch durchzusetzen: Eine Regulierung auf Landesebene im Rahmen der Krankenhausplanung und eine Regulierung auf Bundesebene, die den OPS nutzt, um die Einhaltung vorgegebener Personalbesetzungsstandards zur Bedingung für die Kodierung und somit auch Abrechnung von Leistungen macht. Das letzte Kapitel ist der Frage der Finanzierung verbindlich eizuhaltender Personalbesetzungsstandards gewidmet.
In dem vorliegenden Beitrag werden neuere schulgesetzliche Initiativen erörtert, die u.a. eine Reform des Übertritts aus der Grundschule an weiterführende Schulen beabsichtigen. Diese Bemühungen ordnen sich in die schon lange zu beobachtende Tendenz zur Stärkung der individuellen Rechte von Schülern und Eltern ein, wie sie mit dem Prozeß der Verrechtlichung der Schule in der Bundesrepublik verbunden ist. Eine genauere Betrachtung der entsprechenden Regelungen und einiger dadurch ausgelöster gerichtlicher Konflikte weckt allerdings Zweifel an Voraussetzungen und insbesondere an Ergebnissen der eingeleiteten Politik: Handelt es sich nicht doch um eine versteckte Form der staatlichen Steuerung der Schulwahl? (DIPF/Orig.)
The Neotropical lycaenid hairstreak genus Thepytus Robbins and its eight species are revised. Species treatments summarize nomenclature, distribution, habitat, behavior, and diagnostic traits, as well as noting why each species is considered distinct under a biological species concept. An identification key for males and a checklist are included. Beatheclus Balint & Dahners new synonym is synonymized with Thepytus, and Theppus beatrizae (Balint & Dahners) is a new combination. Other nomenclatural actions include the description of Thepytus jennifer Busby & Robbins new species. Thepytus nancyana Busby & Robbins new species, and Thepytus carmen Robbins & Duarte new species. A lectotype is designated or Thecla thyrea Hewitson, 1867, to ensure stability of this name. A phylogenetic analysis based on 22 coded morphological characters yields one equal weight most parsimonious 39-step tree. Implied weighting does not change the tree topology. Unambiguous changes in elevation optimized on the cladogram show that a montane lineage of Thepytus colonized the lowlands in at least one instance. The use of T. echelta (Hewitson) as a biological control agent for Psittacanthus (Loranthaceae) is discussed.
The mantis shrimp Squilla biformis is the most conspicuous and abundant stomatopod captured during benthic trawling operations off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Due to its abundance, this species is considered a potential fisheries resource for the region. Nevertheless, its life history is practically unknown. The present study describes the population demography, spatial distribution and behaviour of S. biformis from Pacific Costa Rica. The population was principally composed of individuals between 20 and 32 mm carapace length (CL), forming 2 age groups. Individuals of 35 to 45 mm CL and > 45 mm CL were poorly represented. We assume that larger individuals are more frequent at greater depths (probably on the continental slope), thus out of the reach of the fishing vessels used in our study. Males outnumbered females, as observed in other stomatopods. Visual evidence of their behaviour demonstrates that the adults in this species possess a benthic and pelagic life style. Largest numbers of individuals (50% of the total) were found between 240 to 260 m, the same bathymetric range that was historically occupied by commercial shrimps. This shift may be related to intense fishing activities. We observed a synchronized moulting of females and males during less luminous (third and fourth) lunar phases. The evolutionary development of a group moulting system could confer advantages to S. biformis in comparison to other stomatopods whose moulting process is individual and asynchronous.
The squat lobster Pleuroncodes monodon is one of the most common and abundant galatheid species in the deepwater fishery of Pacific coast of America. In contrast with Peru and Chile, the red squat lobster is not commercially exploited in Costa Rica. Here we estimated the size of sexual maturity and analysed egg production in P. monodon from the Pacific of Costa Rica; the results might be important for an adequate management strategy when initiating a sustainable fishery of this resource in Costa Rica. Analyses of allometric growth revealed that females and males reached their morphological sexual maturity at 26.9 and 30.4 mm CL. respectively. The percentage of immature females captured in the present study (54%) suggests that almost half of females are able to reproduce before they are caught. Egg production was positively correlated with body size; females that measured between 24.1 and 29.0 mm CL contributed roughly 90% to the offspring production of the population. Females from Costa Rica had a considerably lower average egg volume (0.039 mm(3)) and higher fecundity (9810) than females from Chile. In comparison to other American galatheids P. monodon from Costa Rica produces numerous but small eggs, a typical strategy of species with a prolonged larval development. An analysis between our results and information published about P. monodon from Chile also revealed differences in the size-frequency distribution shape of both populations. The non-exploited character of the Costa Rican P. monodon population and a latitudinal (temperature-related) cline in body size might be associated with these differences. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Spohr, Kassel School, violin style, Violinschule, music pedagogy, philanthropinism, 19th century
Um den Aufwand für die Beerenlagerung zu senken und die Erzeugnissqualität zu verbessern, wurde eine neue Technologie der Beerenlagerung durch Intensivierung der Vorkühlung ausgearbeitet. Das erlaubt, den Zeitraum für die Bereitstellung von frischen Früchten für die menschliche Ernährung zu verlängern.Als methodische Forschungsgrundlagen dienten Systemeinstellung und mathematisches und physisches Modellieren. Im Prozess der theoretischen Forschungen wurden Methoden der mathematischen Analyse, Theorien komplizierter Systeme, Wärmemasseübertragung und Methoden von mathematischen und Computermodellen gewählt. Die experimentellen Forschungen wurden in Übereinstimmung mit den üblichen Planungsmethoden des Multifaktorenexperiments durchgeführt. Dabei wurden die gültigen GOST (staatliche russische Standards) und OST (Zweigstandards), eigene Methoden und Laborforschungen, standardisierte Kontrollmessgeräte und Automaten sowie Computertechnik und die eigene Laboranlage angewendet.
Sufficient evidence was not discovered in this brief search to alter the general opinion that the Serviceability (Present Serviceability Index-PSI) - Performance Concepts developed by the AASHO Road Test provides the optimum engineering basis for pavement management. Use of these concepts in Iowa has the additional advantage in that we have a reasonable quantity of historical data over a period of time on the change in pavement condition as measured by PSI's. Some additional benefits would be the ability to better assess our needs with respect to those being recommended to Congress by AASHTO Committees. These concepts have been the basis used for developing policies on dimensions and weight of vehicles and highway needs which the AASHTO Transport Committees have recommended to the United States House Committee on Ways and Means. The first recommendation based on these concepts was made in the mid 1960's. Iowa's participation in the evaluation for this recommendation was under the direction of our present Director of Transportation, Mr. Raymond Kassel. PSI Indexes had to be derived from subjective surface ratings at that time. The most recent recommendation to Congress was made in November of 1977. Based on the rationale expressed above, a pilot study of the major part of the rural interstate system was conducted. The Objective of the study was to measure pavement performance through the use of the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) - Pavement Performance concepts as developed by the AASHO Road Test and to explore the usefulness of this type of data as a pavement management tool. Projects in the vicinity of the major urban centers were not included in this study due to the extra time that would be required to isolate accurate traffic data in these areas. Projects consisting of asphalt surface courses on crushed stone base sections were not included.