1000 resultados para St. Albans Abbey.
v.16 (1906)
BACKGROUND: Intracoronary injection of autologous bone marrow-derived mononucleated cells (BM-MNC) may improve LV function shortly after acute ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), but little is known about the long-term durability of the treatment effect. METHODS: In a single-centre trial a total of 60 patients with acute anterior STEMI, successful reperfusion therapy and a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of <50% were screened for the study. 23 patients were actively treated with intracoronary infusion of BM-MNC within a median of 3 days. The open-label control group consisted of 19 patients who did not consent to undergo BM-MNC treatment but agreed to undergo regular clinical and echocardiographic follow-up for up to 5 years after AMI. RESULTS: Whereas at 4 months there was no significant difference between the increase in LVEF in the BM-MNC group and the control group (+7.0%, 95%CI 3.6; 10.4) vs. +3.9%, 95%CI -2.1; 10), the absolute increase at 5 years remained stable in the BM-MNC but not in the control group (+7.95%, 95%CI 3.5; 12.4 vs. -0.5%, 95%CI -5.4; 4.4; p for interaction between groups = 0.035). DISCUSSION: In this single-centre, open-labelled study, intracoronary administration of BM-MNC is feasible and safe in the short term. It is also associated with sustained improvement of left ventricular function in patients with acute myocardial infarction, encouraging phase III studies to examine the potential BM-MNC effect on clinical outcome.
En la pràctica diària hi ha síndromes coronàries amb elevació del segment ST que no compleixen de forma estricta els criteris diagnòstics de la definició universal de l'infart. Un 7,2% dels IAM de la nostra mostra presentaven una elevació del ST menor als criteris diagnòstics de l’IAM. El 70,4% d'aquests pacients no van rebre cap tractament de reperfusió en fase aguda. A la coronariografia el 73.4% dels pacients presentaven malaltia dels segments proximals o mitjos. Aquests IAM van presentar una baixa taxa de complicacions intrahospitalàries, però en el seguiment a 26,5 mesos destaca una important necessitat de noves revascularitzacions.
El nivell d’acompliment de les recomanacions de les GPC de la ESC (European Society of Cardiology) per la SCASEST a l’Hospital de Sant Pau als mesos d’octubre a desembre del 2010 és subòptim, similar al d’altres centres americans i europeus, i roman invariable respecte les dades de 2006-2007. El servei de Cardiologia destaca en les recomanacions d’hàbits i control de factors de risc cardiovascular. Existeixen diferències poc rellevants entre els serveis de Cardiologia i Medicina Interna en les recomanacions farmacològiques. No s’ha objectivat una relació significativa entre la qualitat de la informació dels documents assistencials i l’adherència a les GPC.
Introduction: Myocardial infarction is rare in children, if it occurs, findings are almost similar to adults. In Ouchenne muscular dystrophy (OMO), ST segment displacement associated with typical chest pain can occur. We report the case of a young boy with OMO presenting symptoms suggestive of myocardial ischemia. Case report: 7 year old boy, diagnosed with OMO, eoming to the emergency department with complaints of acute chest pain, dyspnoea and anxiety the night before. Clinical examination was not remarkable, with exception of findings of the OMO. ECG showed important ST-segment elevation in right precordial leads. Major increase in troponin 1 42.33 mcg/(normal, <0.04 mcg/I) was found. Echocardiography revealed slight yskinesia of postero-septal wall without decrease in ventricular function. As acute pain had happened more han 12 hours before referral and as the child was asymptomatic, he received anti-platelets therapy. The serum level of troponin 1 declined and the ECG normalised in a few days. Cardiac catheterization did not show any coronary anomaly or eardiac dysfunction. Cardiac biopsy revealed myocardial cell damaged compatible with OMO cardiomyopathy. Tc99m myocardial single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) did not show any radionuclide uptake defect. Conclusions: ln this particular context of children with OMO, the classical signs of myocardial ischemia could be misleading, standard investigation failed to demonstrate the cause of chest pain and inerease of troponin l, there was also no evidence of myocarditis. Role of late enhancement (LE) signal in eontrast-enhanced MRI in the understanding of the occurring process has to be evaluated.
Registre per a estudiar l'impacte clínic de l'SCASEST a un hospital de tercer nivell. En un any van ingressar 310 pacients (54% Cardiologia, 46% Semicrítics/Unitat d'Estada Curta). La mortalitat hospitalaria va ser de l'1%; a 6 mesos va haver un 4,6% de morts i un 16% de reingressos. Edat, filtrat glomerular i FE van ser predictors de mortalitat; una troponina positiva i l'ingres a Cardiologia es van associar amb un menor risc de reingrés. Ingressar a Cardiologia es va associar a ser tributari de coronariografia i revascularització quirúrgica. El tipus de Servei pot tenir un impacte adicional en la hist��ria de l'SCASEST.
The molecular characterization of SPH253157, a new strain of St. Louis encephalitis virus (SLEV), isolated in 2004 from the first case of human infection recognized in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, is reported. The patient, presenting a febrile illness without neurological involvement, was hospitalized as a probable case of dengue fever. Genomic RNA was isolated from the supernatant of C6/36 cells infected with acute phase-serum specimen of the patient and the envelope gene was amplified by reverse-transcription-polymerase chain reaction. The complete nucleotide sequence of the envelope gene of this isolate was directly sequenced from the amplified products and compared with other Brazilian and American SLEV strains. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out under maximum likelihood criterion with outgroups both included and excluded. Outgroups comprised four flavivirus of the Japanese encephalitis group. Phylogeny also included Bayesian analysis. The results indicated that the new SLEV isolate belongs to lineage III, being closely related to an Argentinean strain recovered from Culex sp. in 1979. It is concluded that there are at least 3 lineages of SLEV in Brazil.
St. John's wort, a popular over-the-counter drug for treatment of depression, might reduce concentrations of drugs such as cyclosporin and indinavir and lead to drug resistance and treatment failure. No studies as yet have examined its influence on methadone plasma levels. The trough methadone plasma levels were measured in four patients (2 males, median age: 31 years; range 19 - 40 years) in methadone maintenance treatment just before the introduction of St. John's wort (900 mg/d) and after a median period of 31-day treatment (range 14 - 47). The study was proposed to addict patients about to start an antidepressant therapy. Introduction of St. John's wort resulted in a strong reduction of (R,S)-methadone concentration-to-dose ratios in the four median patients included, with a median decrease to 47 % of the original concentration (range: 19 % - 60 % of the original concentration). Two patients reported symptoms that suggested a withdrawal syndrome. Thus, prescription of St. John's wort might decrease methadone blood levels and induce withdrawal symptoms which, if not correctly identified and handled (by changing the antidepressant or by increasing the methadone dose), might cause unnecessary discomfort to the patient, lead to resumption of illicit drug uses, or be a risk factor for discontinuation of the methadone or antidepressant treatment.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is responsible for over 8 million cases of tuberculosis (TB) annually. Natural products may play important roles in the chemotherapy of TB. The immunological activity of Davilla elliptica chloroform extract (DECE) was evaluated in vitro by the determination of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) release in peritoneal macrophages cultures. DECE was also tested for its antimycobacterial activity against M. tuberculosis using the microplate alamar blue assay. DECE (50, 150, 250 µg/ml) stimulated the production of H2O2 (from 1,79 ± 0,23 to 7,27 ± 2,54; 15,02 ± 2,86; 20,5 ± 2,1 nmols) (means ± SD), NO (from 2,64 ± 1,02 to 25,59 ± 2,29; 26,68 ± 2,41; 29,45 ± 5,87 µmols) (means ± SD) and TNF-alpha (from 2,44 ± 1,46 to 30,37 ± 8,13; 38,68 ± 1,59; 41,6 ± 0,90 units/ml) (means ± SD) in a dose-dependent manner and also showed a promising antimycobacterial activity with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 62,5 µg/ml. This plant may have therapeutic potential in the immunological and microbiological control of TB.
The first aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic performance of presepsin (sCD14-ST) in postmortem serum from femoral blood compared to procalcitonin (PCT) to detect sepsis-related fatalities. The second aim was to compare sCD14-ST levels found in postmortem serum to the values in pericardial fluid to investigate the usefulness of the latter as an alternative biological fluid. Two study groups were formed, a sepsis-related fatalities group and a control group. Radiology (unenhanced CT scans and postmortem angiographies), autopsies, histology, neuropathology, and toxicology as well as other postmortem biochemistry investigations were performed in all cases. Microbiological investigations on right cardiac blood were carried out exclusively in septic cases. The results of this study indicated that postmortem serum PCT and sCD14-ST levels, individually considered, allowed septic cases to be identified. Even though increases in both PCT and sCD14-ST concentrations were observed in the control cases, coherent PCT and sCD14-ST results in cases with suspected sepsis allowed the diagnosis to be confirmed. Conversely, no relevant correlation was identified between postmortem serum and pericardial fluid sCD14-ST levels in either the septic or control groups.