959 resultados para Square lattices
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A sensitive method based on square wave voltammetry is described for the quantitative determination of elemental sulfur, disulfide and mercaptan in gasoline using a mercury film electrode. These sulfur compounds can be quantified by direct dissolution of gasoline in a supporting electrolyte followed by subsequent voltammetric measurement. The supporting electrolyte is 1.4 mol L-1 sodium acetate and No acetic acid in methanol. Chemical and optimum operational conditions for the formation of the mercury film were analyzed in this study. The values obtained were a 4.3 mu m thickness for the mercury film, a 1000 rpm rotation frequency, -0.9 V applied potential and 600 s depositing time. Voltammetric measurements were obtained using square wave voltammetry with detection limits of the 3.0 x 10(-9), 1.6 x 10(-7) and 4.9 x 10(-7) mol L-1 for elemental sulfur, disulfide and mercaptan, respectively. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present paper we consider the vortex lattice properties of a square superconductor such as the vortex patterns, the Gibbs free energy, the magnetization, and the depairing critical current density. We show that this last quantity shows a matching effect, that is, it shows a discontinuous behavior as a function of the applied magnetic field.
In this work we investigate the dynamics of vortices in a square mesoscopic superconductor. As time evolves we show how the vortices are nucleated into the sample to form a multivortex, single vortex, and giant vortex states. We illustrate how the vortices move around at the transition fields before they accommodate into an equilibrium configuration. We also calculate the magnetization and the free energy as functions of the applied magnetic field for several values of temperature. In addition, we evaluate the upper critical field.
The cubic perovskite related material CaCu3Ti4O12 has attracted a great deal of attention due to the high values of the static dielectric constant, of order 104, approximately constant in the temperature range 100-600 K. The substitution of Ca by Cd results in a similar temperature dependence but a static dielectric constant more than one order of magnitude lower. A theoretical electronic structure study is performed on CaCu3Ti4O12 (CCTO) and CdCu3Ti4O12 (CdCTO) using a tight binding with overlap method. Although the calculations are performed in a paramagnetic configuration, excellent agreement with experiment was found for the calculated band gap of CCTO. In spite of the fact that the band structures of both systems look practically the same, a significant difference is found in the calculated bond strength of Ca-O and Cd-O pairs, driven by the presence of Ti, with Ca-O interaction in CCTO loosened with respect to Cd-O interaction in the cadmium compound. It is suggested that O vacancies are more easily formed in CCTO, this being related to the lower electronegativity of Ca as compared to Cd. The formation of oxygen vacancies could be the origin of the difference in the static dielectric constant of the two compounds.
The voltammetric determination of rutin in 0.04 mol l(-1) B-R buffer (pH 4.0) by square wave voltammograms (+0.41 V vs. Ag/AgCl(sat.)) at a poly glutamic acid modified glassy carbon electrode was found to be several orders of magnitude lower than that on a bare glassy carbon electrode. Rutin can be preconcentrated on the films of poly glutamic acid and presented linear relationship from concentration of 7 x 10(-7) to 1 x 10(-5) mol l(-1) in 0.04 mol l(-1) B-R buffer pH 4.0. The method was successfully applied to the determination of rutin in pharmaceutical formulation without any pretreatment.
This work presents an electroanalytical method based on square-wave voltammetry (SWV) for the determination of quinizarine (QNZ) in a mixture of Britton-Robinson buffer 0.08 mol L-1 with 30% of acetonitrile. The QNZ was oxidized at glassy carbon electrode in and the well-defined peak at +0.45 V vs. Ag/AgCl can be used for its determination as colour marker in fuel samples. All parameters were optimized and analytical curves can be constructed for QNZ concentrations ranging from 2.0 x 10(-6) mol L-1 to 1.4 x 10(-5) mol L-1, using f = 60 Hz and E-sw = 25 mV. The method offers a limit detection of 4.12 x 10(-7) mol L-1 and a standard deviation of 4.5% when six measurements of 1.25 x 10(-5) mol L-1 are compared. The method was successfully applied for determining QNZ in gasoline and diesel oil and the obtained results showed good agreement with those reported previously. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The dynamics of a fragmentation model is examined from the point of view of numerical simulation and rate equations. The model includes effects of temperature. The number n (s,t) of fragments of size s at time t is obtained and is found to obey the scaling form n(s,t) approximately s(-tau)t(omegasgamma e(-rhot) f(s/t(z)) where f(x) is a crossover function satisfying f(x) congruent-to 1 for x much less than and f(x) much less than 1 for x much greater than 1. The dependence of the critical exponents tau, omega, gamma and z on space dimensionality d is studied from d = 1 to 5. The result of the dynamics on fractal and nonfractal objects as well as on square and triangular lattices is also examined.
In this paper, we consider the non-central chi-square chart with two stage samplings. During the first stage, one item of the sample is inspected and, depending on the result, the sampling is either interrupted, or it goes on to the second stage, where the remaining sample items are inspected and the non-central chi-square statistic is computed. The proposed chart is not only more sensitive than the joint (X) over bar and R charts, but operationally simpler too, particularly when appropriate devices, such as go-no-go gauges, can be used to decide if the sampling should go on to the second stage or not. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The rural-urban migration phenomenon is analyzed by using an agent-based computational model. Agents are placed on lattices which dimensions varying from d = 2 up to d = 7. The localization of the agents in the lattice defines that their social neighborhood (rural or urban) is not related to their spatial distribution. The effect of the dimension of lattice is studied by analyzing the variation of the main parameters that characterizes the migratory process. The dynamics displays strong effects even for around one million of sites, in higher dimensions (d = 6, 7).
The purpose of this paper is to develop an electroanalytical method based on square-wave voltammetry (SWV) for the determination of the solvent blue 14 (SB-14) in fuel samples. The electrochemical reduction of SB-14 at glassy carbon electrode in a mixture of Britton-Robinson buffer with N,N-dimethyiformamide (1:1, v/v) presented a well-defined peak at-0.40 V vs. Ag/AgCl. All parameters of the SWV technique were optimized and the electroanalytical method presented a linear response from 1.0 x 10(-6) to 6.0 x 10(-6) mol L-1 (r = 0.998) with a detection limit of 2.90 x 10(-7) mol L-1. The developed method was successfully utilized in the quantification of the dye SB-14 in kerosene and alcohol samples with average recovery from 93.00 to 98.10%.
The electrochemical behavior of Cu-xAl alloys, with 11 wt%less than or equal to x less than or equal to 15wt%, in 0.5 M H2SO4 was studied by means of open-circuit potential decay measurements, quasi-stationary and fast cyclic voltammetry, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Some of the alloys (x less than or equal to 14%), when quenched formed martensitic structures. Alloys with greater than or equal to 13% showed a little square-shaped phase when quenched from temperatures around 800 degrees C. It was observed that in sulfuric medium, these formations were dealuminized differently than the martensitic phase. The values of the rest potentials are more influenced by the heat treatment rather than by the alloy composition. An anodic Tafel slope of ca. 60 mV/decade was observed for all the alloys, independently of the heat treatment. This is explained in terms of a competition between two processes: copper oxidation and copper(I) deproportionation. In the cyclic voltammetric experiments it was observed an anodic current peak, related with copper oxidation with a possible formation of some interfacial species, and a cathodic current peak during the reverse potential scan, associated with the reduction of soluble species and/or of the film. The AC Impedance data were interpreted in terms of electric equivalent circuits.
Traditionally, an (X) over bar -chart is used to control the process mean and an R-chart to control the process variance. However, these charts are not sensitive to small changes in process parameters. A good alternative to these charts is the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart for controlling the process mean and variability, which is very effective in detecting small process disturbances. In this paper, we propose a single chart that is based on the non-central chi-square statistic, which is more effective than the joint (X) over bar and R charts in detecting assignable cause(s) that change the process mean and/or increase variability. It is also shown that the EWMA control chart based on a non-central chi-square statistic is more effective in detecting both increases and decreases in mean and/or variability.