941 resultados para Sputter deposition


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Transport and deposition of charged inhaled aerosols in double planar bifurcation representing generation three to five of human respiratory system has been studied under a light activity breathing condition. Both steady and oscillatory laminar inhalation airflow is considered. Particle trajectories are calculated using a Lagrangian reference frame, which is dominated by the fluid force driven by airflow, gravity force and electrostatic forces (both of space and image charge forces). The particle-mesh method is selected to calculate the space charge force. This numerical study investigates the deposition efficiency in the three-dimensional model under various particle sizes, charge values, and inlet particle distribution. Numerical results indicate that particles carrying an adequate level of charge can improve deposition efficiency in the airway model.


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A new numerical modeling of inhaled charge aerosol has been developed based on a modified Weibel's model. Both the velocity profiles (slug and parabolic flows) and the particle distributions (uniform and parabolic distributions) have been considered. Inhaled particles are modeled as a dilute dispersed phase flow in which the particle motion is controlled by fluid force and external forces acting on particles. This numerical study extends the previous numerical studies by considering both space- and image-charge forces. Because of the complex computation of interacting forces due to space-charge effect, the particle-mesh (PM) method is selected to calculate these forces. In the PM technique, the charges of all particles are assigned to the space-charge field mesh, for calculating charge density. The Poisson's equation of the electrostatic potential is then solved, and the electrostatic force acting on individual particle is interpolated. It is assumed that there is no effect of humidity on charged particles. The results show that many significant factors also affect the deposition, such as the volume of particle cloud, the velocity profile and the particle distribution. This study allows a better understanding of electrostatic mechanism of aerosol transport and deposition in human airways.


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Finds of metalwork always raise the question of why they were deposited: a smith's collection, a concealed hoard or a votive offering? Findspots in water suggest offerings, since they would be awkward to retrieve. But understanding the context of deposition means knowing the prehistoric environment. The Fenland area of England has many Bronze Age sites, and deposits of metalwork and a well-mapped ancient environment too. Putting all three together the authors begin to assemble a grammar of deposition: swords and rapiers in rivers, some mixed collections placed in still water and others on once-dry land with burnt mounds.


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PEGylated organosilica nanoparticles have been synthesized through self-condensation of (3-mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane in dimethyl sulfoxide into thiolated nanoparticles with their subsequent reaction with methoxypoly(ethylene glycol) maleimide. The PEGylated nanoparticles showed excellent colloidal stability over a wide range of pH in contrast to the parent thiolated nanoparticles, which have a tendency to aggregate irreversibly under acidic conditions (pH < 3.0). Due to the presence of a poly(ethylene glycol)-based corona, the PEGylated nanoparticles are capable of forming hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes with poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solutions under acidic conditions, resulting in larger aggregates. The use of hydrogen-bonding interactions allows more efficient attachment of the nanoparticles to surfaces. The alternating deposition of PEGylated nanoparticles and poly(acrylic acid) on silicon wafer surfaces in a layer-by-layer fashion leads to multilayered coatings. The self-assembly of PEGylated nanoparticles with poly(acrylic acid) in aqueous solutions and at solid surfaces was compared to the behavior of linear poly(ethylene glycol). The nanoparticle system creates thicker layers than the poly(ethylene glycol), and a thicker layer is obtained on a poly(acrylic acid) surface than on a silica surface, because of the effects of hydrogen bonding. Some implications of these hydrogen-bonding-driven interactions between PEGylated nanoparticles and poly(acrylic acid) for pharmaceutical formulations are discussed.


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The layer-by-layer deposition of polymers onto surfaces allows the fabrication of multilayered materials for a wide range of applications, from drug delivery to biosensors. This work describes the analysis of complex formation between poly(acrylic acid) and methylcellulose in aqueous solutions using Biacore, a surface plasmon resonance analytical technique, traditionally used to examine biological interactions. This technique characterized the layer-by-layer deposition of these polymers on the surface of a Biacore sensor chip. The results were subsequently used to optimize the experimental conditions for sequential layer deposition on glass slides. The role of the solution pH and poly(acrylic acid) molecular weight on the formation of interpolymer multilayered coatings was researched, and showed that the optimal deposition of the polymer complexes was achieved at pHs ≤2.5 with a poly(acrylic acid) molecular weight of 450 kDa.


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This study compares two sets of measurements of the composition of bulk precipitation and throughfall at a site in southern England with a 20-year gap between them. During this time, SO2 emissions from the UK fell by 82%, NOx emissions by 35% and NH3 emissions by 7%. These reductions were partly reflected in bulk precipitation, with deposition reductions of 56% in SO4,38% in NO3, 32% in NH4, and 73% in H+. In throughfall under Scots pine, the effects were more dramatic, with an 89% reduction in SO4 deposition and a 98% reduction in H+ deposition. The mean pH under these trees increased from 2.85 to 4.30. Nitrate and ammonium deposition in throughfall increased slightly, however. In the earlier period, the Scots pines were unable to neutralise the high flux of acidity associated with sulphur deposition, even though this was not a highly polluted part of the UK, and deciduous trees (oak and birch) were only able to neutralise it in summer when the leaves were present. In the later period, the sulphur flux had reduced to the point where the acidity could be neutralised by all species — the neutralisation mechanism is thus likely to be largely leaching of base cations and buffering substances from the foliage. The high fluxes are partly due to the fact that these are 60–80 year old trees growing in an open forest structure. The increase in NO3 and NH4 in throughfall in spite of decreased deposition seems likely due to a decrease in foliar uptake, perhaps due to the increasing nitrogen saturation of the catchment soils. These changes may increase the rate of soil microbial activity as nitrogen increases and acidity declines, with consequent effects on water quality of the catchment drainage stream.


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El Chichón volcano, Chiapas, Mexico, erupted explosively on March 29th, 1982, after a repose period of about 550 years. Amongst ten eruptive episodes documented between March 29th and April 4th, only the three that occurred on March 29th and April 4th produced significant pyroclastic tephra deposits. Here we use analytical (HAZMAP) and numerical (FALL3D) tephra transport models to reconstruct the deposits and the atmospheric plume dispersal associated with the three main fallout units of the 1982 eruption. On the basis of such a reconstruction, we produce hazard maps of tephra fallout associated to a Plinian eruption and discuss the implications of such a severe eruption scenario.


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The authors have studied the adsorption of CuII(hfac)2 on the surface of a model oxide system, TiO2(110), and probed the molecular stability with respect to thermal cycling, using atomic scale imaging by scanning tunneling microscopy supported by x-ray photoemission spectroscopy. They find that at 473 K, the adsorbed metal-organic molecules begin to dissociate and release Cu atoms which aggregate and form Cu nanoparticles. These Cu nanoparticles ripen over time and the size (height) distribution develops into a bimodal distribution. Unlike other organometallic systems, which show a bimodal distribution due to enhanced nucleation or growth at surface step edges, the nanoparticles do not preferentially form at steps. The reduced mobility of the Cu islands may be related to the co-adsorbed ligands that remain in very small clusters on the surface.


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A significant desert dust deposition event occurred on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains, Russia on 5 May 2009, where the deposited dust later appeared as a brown layer in the snow pack. An examination of dust transportation history and analysis of chemical and physical properties of the deposited dust were used to develop a new approach for high-resolution “provenancing” of dust deposition events recorded in snow pack using multiple independent techniques. A combination of SEVIRI red-green-blue composite imagery, MODIS atmospheric optical depth fields derived using the Deep Blue algorithm, air mass trajectories derived with HYSPLIT model and analysis of meteorological data enabled identification of dust source regions with high temporal (hours) and spatial (ca. 100 km) resolution. Dust, deposited on 5 May 2009, originated in the foothills of the Djebel Akhdar in eastern Libya where dust sources were activated by the intrusion of cold air from the Mediterranean Sea and Saharan low pressure system and transported to the Caucasus along the eastern Mediterranean coast, Syria and Turkey. Particles with an average diameter below 8 μm accounted for 90% of the measured particles in the sample with a mean of 3.58 μm, median 2.48 μm. The chemical signature of this long-travelled dust was significantly different from the locally-produced dust and close to that of soils collected in a palaeolake in the source region, in concentrations of hematite. Potential addition of dust from a secondary source in northern Mesopotamia introduced uncertainty in the “provenancing” of dust from this event. Nevertheless, the approach adopted here enables other dust horizons in the snowpack to be linked to specific dust transport events recorded in remote sensing and meteorological data archives.


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A significant desert dust deposition event occurred on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains, Russia on 5 May 2009, where the deposited dust later appeared as a brown layer in the snow pack. An examination of dust transportation history and analysis of chemical and physical properties of the deposited dust were used to develop a new approach for high-resolution provenancing of dust deposition events recorded in snow pack using multiple independent techniques. A combination of SEVIRI red-green-blue composite imagery, MODIS atmospheric optical depth fields derived using the Deep Blue algorithm, air mass trajectories derived with HYSPLIT model and analysis of meteorological data enabled identification of dust source regions with high temporal (hours) and spatial (ca. 100 km) resolution. Dust, deposited on 5 May 2009, originated in the foothills of the Djebel Akhdar in eastern Libya where dust sources were activated by the intrusion of cold air from the Mediterranean Sea and Saharan low pressure system and transported to the Caucasus along the eastern Mediterranean coast, Syria and Turkey. Particles with an average diameter below 8 μm accounted for 90% of the measured particles in the sample with a mean of 3.58 μm, median 2.48 μm and the dominant mode of 0.60 μm. The chemical signature of this long-travelled dust was significantly different from the locally-produced dust and close to that of soils collected in a palaeolake in the source region, in concentrations of hematite and oxides of aluminium, manganese, and magnesium. Potential addition of dust from a secondary source in northern Mesopotamia introduced uncertainty in the provenancing of dust from this event. Nevertheless, the approach adopted here enables other dust horizons in the snowpack to be linked to specific dust transport events recorded in remote sensing and meteorological data archives.


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Activity within caves provides an important element of the later prehistoric and historic settlement pattern of western Scotland. This contribution reports on a small-scale excavation within Croig Cave, on the coast of north-west Mull, that exposed a 1.95m sequence of midden deposits and cave floors that dated bewteen c 1700 BC and AD 1400. Midden analysis indicated the processing of a .... 950 BC, a penannular copper bracelet a discrete ritual episode within the cycle of otherwise potentially mundane activities. Lead isotope analysis indicates an Irish origin for the copper ore. A piece of iron slag within later midden deposits, dated to c 400 BC, along with high frequencies of wood charcoal, suggest that smithing or smelting may have occurred within the cave. High zinc levels in the historic levels of the midden c AD 1200 might indicate intensive processing of seaweed.


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A record of dust deposition events between 2009 and 2012 on Mt. Elbrus, Caucasus Mountains derived from a snow pit and a shallow ice core is presented for the first time for this region. A combination of isotopic analysis, SEVIRI red-green-blue composite imagery, MODIS atmospheric optical depth fields derived using the Deep Blue algorithm, air mass trajectories derived using the HYSPLIT model and analysis of meteorological data enabled identification of dust source regions with high temporal (hours) and spatial (cf. 20–100 km) resolution. Seventeen dust deposition events were detected; fourteen occurred in March–June, one in February and two in October. Four events originated in the Sahara, predominantly in north-eastern Libya and eastern Algeria. Thirteen events originated in the Middle East, in the Syrian Desert and northern Mesopotamia, from a mixture of natural and anthropogenic sources. Dust transportation from Sahara was associated with vigorous Saharan depressions, strong surface winds in the source region and mid-tropospheric south-westerly flow with daily winds speeds of 20–30 m s−1 at 700 hPa level and, although these events were less frequent, they resulted in higher dust concentrations in snow. Dust transportation from the Middle East was associated with weaker depressions forming over the source region, high pressure centered over or extending towards the Caspian Sea and a weaker southerly or south-easterly flow towards the Caucasus Mountains with daily wind speeds of 12–18 m s−1 at 700 hPa level. Higher concentrations of nitrates and ammonium characterise dust from the Middle East deposited on Mt. Elbrus in 2009 indicating contribution of anthropogenic sources. The modal values of particle size distributions ranged between 1.98 μm and 4.16 μm. Most samples were characterised by modal values of 2.0–2.8 μm with an average of 2.6 μm and there was no significant difference between dust from the Sahara and the Middle East.