784 resultados para Sport Lisbon and Benfica
O crescimento do mercado de bens simbólicos se tornou realidade em todos os continentes. Particularmente, o futebol, desde a Copa do Mundo de 1990, passou por crescimento financeiro incomum. A exploração da paixão dos torcedores/consumidores pelo futebol e por seus respectivos clubes transformou-se em grande atividade comercial e de prestação de serviços, após o advento da Lei Pelé em março de 1998. Consequentemente, os clubes deixaram de ser meras agremiações esportivas e se tornaram grandes organizações, responsáveis por oferecer um produto atraente e cada vez mais rentável. A estratégia empreendedora da gestão de Andrés Sanchez possibilitou ao Sport Club Corinthians Paulista, em 2012, alcançar o primeiro lugar de empresa no futebol brasileiro e a sexta colocação no cenário mundial. Por meio de pesquisa exploratória de natureza qualitativa, ex-post factum, acompanhada de entrevista em profundidade com gestores participantes do empreendimento e membros da torcida organizada, o objetivo central da pesquisa, na perspectiva fenomenológica, buscou identificar as estratégias empregadas na Gestão Andrés Sanchez para a valorização da marca. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a integração das estratégias funcionais com a estratégia dos negócios. Na percepção dos entrevistados, a visão empreendedora permitiu ao clube, em quatro anos (2008-2011), formar a base de seu acelerado crescimento para, posteriormente, alcançar posicionamento diferenciado e, consequentemente, vantagem competitiva sustentável.
Through the awareness-raising efforts of several high-profile current and former athletes, the issue of common mental disorders (CMD) in this population is gaining increasing attention from researchers and practitioners alike. Yet the prevalence is unclear and most likely, under-reported. Whilst the characteristics of the sporting environment may generate CMD within the athletic population, it also may exacerbate pre-existing conditions, and hence it is not surprising that sport psychology and sport science practitioners are anecdotally reporting increased incidences of athletes seeking support for CMDs. In a population where there are many barriers to reporting and seeking help for CMD, due in part to the culture of the high performance sporting environment, anecdotal reports suggest that those athletes asking for help are approaching personnel who they are most comfortable talking to. In some cases, this may be a sport scientist, the sport psychologist or sport psychology consultant. Among personnel in the sporting domain, there is a perception that the sport psychologist or sport psychology consultant is best placed to assist athletes seeking assistance for CMD. However, sport psychology as a profession is split by two competing philosophical perspectives; one of which suggests that sport psychologists should work exclusively with athletes on performance enhancement, and the other views the athlete more holistically and accepts that their welfare may directly impact on their performance. To add further complication, the development of the profession of sport psychology varies widely between countries, meaning that practice in this field is not always clearly defined. This article examines case studies that illustrate the blurred lines in applied sport psychology practice, highlighting challenges with the process of referral in the U.K. athletic population. The article concludes with suggestions for ensuring the field of applied sport psychology is continually evolving and reconfiguring to ensure that it continues to meet the demands of its clients.
Sandpits used by children are frequently visited by wild life which constitutes a source of fungal pathogens and allergenic fungi. This study aimed to take an unannounced snapshot of the urban levels of fungal contaminants in sands, using for this purpose two public recreational parks, three elementary schools and two kindergartens. All samples were from Lisbon and neighboring municipalities and were tested for fungi of clinical interest. Potentially pathogenic fungi were isolated from all samples besides one. Fusarium dimerum (32.4%) was found to be the dominant species in one park and Chrysonilia spp. in the other (46.6%). Fourteen different species and genera were detected and no dermatophytes were found. Of a total of 14 species and genera, the fungi most isolated from the samples of the elementary schools were Penicillium spp. (74%), Cladophialophora spp. (38%) and Cladosporium spp. (90%). Five dominant species and genera were isolated from the kindergartens. Penicillium spp. was the only genus isolated in one, though with remarkably high counts (32500 colony forming units per gram). In the other kindergarten Penicillium spp. were also the most abundant species, occupying 69% of all the fungi found. All of the samples exceeded the Maximum Recommended Value (MRV) for beach sand defined by Brandão et al. 2011, which are currently the only quantitative guidelines available for the same matrix. The fungi found confirm the potential risk of exposure of children to keratinophilic fungi and demonstrates that regular cleaning or replacing of sand needs to be implemented in order to minimize contamination.
Fish introductions have been made from small fish ponds to the largest lakes in Africa. The primary intent of these introductions has been to sustain or increase fish production, although some introductions have been made to develop sport fisheries and to control unwanted organisms. Some of these introductions have fulfilled their objective in the short term, but several of these "successful" introductions have created uncertainties about their long term sustainability. Lates niloticus, Oreochromis niloticus, O. leucostictus, Tilapia melanopleura and T. zilli were introduced into lakes Victoria and Kyoga in 1950s and early 1960s. By the 1980s O. niloticus and O. niloticus dominated the fisheries of these lakes, virtually eliminating a number of endemic fish species. The loss of genetic diversity of the fish in the worlds second largest lake has also been accompanied by a loss of trophic diversity. The transformation of the fish community has, in Lake Victoria coincided with a profound eutrophication (algal blooms, fish kills, hypolimnetic anoxia) which might be related to alterations of the lake's food-web structure. In contrast, the introduction of a planktivore, Limnothrissa miodon into Lake Kivu and the Kariba reservoir has established highly successful fisheries with little documented effect on the pre-existing fish community or trophic ecology of the lakes. The highly endemised species-rich African Great lakes may be particularly sensitive to species introductions and require special consideration and caution when introductions are contemplated because species extinctions, introgressive hybridization and ecosystem alterations may occur following fish introductions.
Background and aims: The prevalence of anti-HCV and HBsAg in Portugal has been shown to be elevated in high-risk groups, such as intravenous drug-users and incarcerated individuals. However, in the general population, prevalence remains largely unknown. The aims of this study were to estimate the prevalence of anti-HCV and HBsAg in the general Portuguese population and identify associated risk factors. Materials and methods: We carried out a nationwide, population-based cross-sectional study of adults resident in mainland Portugal. Serology for HBsAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, and anti-HCV was performed. Anti-HCV-positive individuals were tested for HCV RNA by PCR. Results: Of 1685 participants, 50.6% were men, mean age 50.2±18.3 years. In terms of hepatitis C, the prevalence of anti-HCV was 0.54% [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.2–0.9] and 0.12% (95% CI: 0.0–0.3) were viremic, with peak prevalence among individuals 35–64 years of age (0.8%), men (0.8%), and individuals from Lisbon and Tagus Valley region (1.9%). In terms of hepatitis B, the estimated prevalence of HBsAg was 1.45% (95% CI: 0.9–2.0). A higher prevalence was found in individuals who were 35–64 years old (2.2%), in men (2.5%), and in the Northern region (2.6%). The presence of positive serological markers of hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus infection did not correlate with elevated aminotransferases, race, place of birth, and alcohol consumption. Conclusion: These results suggest a low endemicity for both hepatitis B and hepatitis C in the general population, in contrast to a very high prevalence in risk groups, thus suggesting that targeted screening to high-risk groups may be more cost-effective than general population screening.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Social e das Organizações.
Automatic video segmentation plays a vital role in sports videos annotation. This paper presents a fully automatic and computationally efficient algorithm for analysis of sports videos. Various methods of automatic shot boundary detection have been proposed to perform automatic video segmentation. These investigations mainly concentrate on detecting fades and dissolves for fast processing of the entire video scene without providing any additional feedback on object relativity within the shots. The goal of the proposed method is to identify regions that perform certain activities in a scene. The model uses some low-level feature video processing algorithms to extract the shot boundaries from a video scene and to identify dominant colours within these boundaries. An object classification method is used for clustering the seed distributions of the dominant colours to homogeneous regions. Using a simple tracking method a classification of these regions to active or static is performed. The efficiency of the proposed framework is demonstrated over a standard video benchmark with numerous types of sport events and the experimental results show that our algorithm can be used with high accuracy for automatic annotation of active regions for sport videos.
Este trabalho de investigação procura entender como as organizações desportivas utilizam a marca como estratégia e com que objetivos e fins poderão obter. Tendo como principal foco o estudo de um dos maiores clubes de Portugal, o Sport Lisboa e Benfica, com uma pequena abordagem sobre a realidade vivida na Associação Académica de Coimbra, estudando, o que os Adeptos procuram e pensam sobre a Marca Benfica e Académica. A análise é feita a partir do contexto das organizações desportivas, de forma a contribuir, quer para o aprofundamento do conhecimento cientifico existente sobre a identidade clubística e a marca, quer para obtenção de informação que permita a adequação de estratégias de intervenção aos próprios clubes. É neste sentido que, após a revisão da literatura relevante na área, foram estudados o Sport Lisboa e Benfica e a Associação Académica de Coimbra, de forma a compreender o papel dos adeptos e sócios. Considerando como objeto de estudo a realidade dos adeptos dentro dos clubes, os objetivos da investigação são: perceber se o valor da marca resulta do sentido de identidade clubística dos seus associados e das associações, lealdade e fidelidade que estes mantêm à marca, contribuindo desse modo para o reforço e valorização dessa marca e averiguar a influência da idade, género e tempo de afiliação dos sócios nas suas representações sobre o clube. Assim, o valor da marca Benfica e marca Académica, resulta do sentido de identidade clubística dos seus adeptos e sócios e das associações, lealdade e fidelidade à marca que estes mantêm à marca, sendo o papel social e os usos das instalações que potenciam esta relação, ajudando desse modo a reforçar e valorizar a marca Benfica e marca Académica.
The aims of the present study were to determine the effect of firefighter's boots on the vertical component of the ground reaction force (GRF) at heel strike, also known as heel strike transient and to analyze the effect of the viscoelastic insoles placed into the firefighter’s boots on this force during the gait. The magnitude of the impact force (FZI) from the vertical ground reaction force, the time to the production of this force (TZI) and the loading rate (GC) were registered. 39 firefighters without any pathology during 2 years before the study were recruited. Three different walking conditions were tested: 1) gait with firefighter's boots, 2) gait with firefighter's boots and viscoelastic insoles and 3) gait with sport shoes. The results showed a higher production and magnitude of the impact force during gait with firefighter's boots than during gait with sport shoes (13,1 vs. 2,6 % of occurrence of the impact force and 61,39 ± 35,18 %BW (body weight) vs. 49,38 ± 22,99 %BW, respectively). The gait with viscoelastic insoles placed into the firefighter's boots did not show significant differences in any of the parameters characterizing the impact force compared to the gait without insoles. The results of this study show a lower cushioning of the impact force during the gait with firefighter's boots in comparison to the gait with sport shoes and the inefficiency of the viscoelastic insoles placed inside the firefighter's boots to ameliorate the cushioning of the impact force at natural walking speed.
The following text is a business plan for SurfScholar - an advising service to attract international students to get entire academic degrees in Portugal’s most dynamic Surf-City: Lisbon. SurfScholar is presented as a viable business concept with environmental, economic and socio-cultural sustainability as guiding principles. For a variety of reasons, Lisbon is becoming an increasingly popular destination for international student mobility. Additionally, Lisbon and its surrounding coastal areas have been experiencing a recent boom in surf related tourism. The text goes into detail about how SurfScholar combines educational tourism and surf tourism by promoting Lisbon as the perfect destination to be both an international student and a surf tourist. To test the market interest in this concept, a simple website was created with a call-toaction. With minimal marketing, SurfScholar received a robust amount of interest from people around the world. SurfScholar’s mission to is to be at the forefront of linking educational tourism and surf tourism and to explore Portugal’s potential as the premier global destination for this new niche segment of tourism. SurfScholar’s business plan is formatted in accordance with the United States Agency for International Development’s, Sustainable Tourism Enterprise Development: A Business Planning Approach, (Humke & Hilbrunner, n.d).
The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. Purpose As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory - PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children's group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: - The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. - There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. - Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. - Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. - For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don´t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. - Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. - There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated
Purpose: The Quality of life is currently a major topic discussed in our society. The World Health Organization (WHO) has been developing a unifying and transcultural definition of QOL. They considered it as 'the individual's perception of his or her position in life, within the cultural context and value system he or she lives in, and in relation to his or her goals, expectations, parameters and social relations. It is a broad ranging concept affected in a complex way by the person's physical health, psychological state, level of independence, social relationships and their relationship to salient features of their environment (WHOQOL, 1997, p. 1). Congenital heart disease is the most prevalent congenital disease in Portugal. Despite the advances in cardiac treatment and an early correct diagnosis that could increase the survival of children with congenital heart disease, this condition influences the quality of life of children, adolescents and their parents. Knowing the perception of quality of life could help healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, providing suited care to the needs of these families, establishing priorities in their interventions, sensing predictors of a poor quality of life, promoting adherence to treatment and boosting compliance with treatment, and fostering greater satisfaction for these children, adolescents and their parents. 'As part of broader research and with the awareness that the chronic conditions could impact the quality of life and considering that all advances on treating congenital cardiac diseases we have defined this main objective: To determine the quality of life in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease (CHD) and the perception of their parents, as well as factors that influence it. Methods: It is a quantitative, descriptive and correlational research. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, which consisted of four parts: socio-demographic and educational characteristics, clinical characteristics, and quality of life, obtained using the Pediatric Cardiac Quality of Life Inventory ? PCQLI - (Marino, Tomlinson, Wernovsky, Drotar , Newburger, Mahony et al., 2010) translated into Portuguese. Data collection took place between February and July 2014, in compliance with ethical research guidelines. The sample comprised 59 children, 59 parents of children, 80 adolescents and 80 parents of adolescents. Results: The results indicated that children, adolescents, and their parents have high level of perceived health. The results are similar in all groups: children and parents and adolescents and parents. In the group of children, we observed the classification of "Good" in 66.10%, followed by the "Very Good" at 18.65% and "fair" in 15.25% of cases. The parents of the children responded in about half the cases that the health of their children was "good" (50.85%), "very good" in 30.51% "fair" in 11.86% and "Excellent "in 6.78%. In turn, the group of adolescents can be seen that 46.25% rate their health as "good", 32.50% as "very good", 16.25% as "Average" and 5% as "Excellent". Parents of teenagers classify the health of their children mostly as "good" in 42.50%, 31.25% as "very good", 20% as "fair" and 6.25% as "excellent". To point out that none of the respondents pointed out the option of a health status "Bad". About the quality of life, in general the results indicated that children, adolescents and their parents have high levels of quality of life, and that perceptions of parents and children are similar. Only in the children?s group (8 to 12 years old), was no influence of socio-demographic, school or clinical variables on quality of life observed. For adolescents (13 to 18 years old), school, special education, school retention, the age of diagnosis of congenital heart disease, cardiac catheterization and surgical intervention influenced their quality of life. Perception of quality of life of parents of children and of adolescents was influenced by socio-demographic and clinical variables. The results partly agree with the literature in this field. About the influence of some variables: The perception of quality of life expressed by children and adolescents with congenital heart disease and parents are related, with statistical significance. There were no statistically significant relationships between the quality of life of children and adolescents and their age, gender or socioeconomic status. Adolescents differ statistically significant between their quality of life and their education, the frequency of special education and the existence of grade retention. The severity of heart disease, the number of cardiac catheterizations or surgery and the presence of other health disorders are unrelated to the quality of life of children and adolescents. Adolescents revealed that the level of quality of life is influenced by the age of diagnosis of CHD by cardiac catheterization and surgery. For parents of children and adolescents gender and their education don?t influence their perception of quality of life. Only the socioeconomic status of parents of teens has statistically significant difference to quality of life. Parents of children and adolescents do not show statistically significant relationship between the perceived level of quality of life and severity of disease, age at diagnosis, the number of surgical interventions and the existence of other health disorders. There is a relationship of statistical significance between cardiac catheterization and the perceived quality of life by parents of adolescents; between the number of cardiac catheterizations and the perception of quality of life of parents of children; and between performing surgery and the perception of parents of children and adolescents. Conclusion: To analyze the quality of life of children and adolescents with CHD must be a key focus of attention in caring for this population, allowing the identification of individual differences, interests, preferences, and prevent potential problems. The knowledge acquired along with clinical experience contributes to improve the quality of life of children and families, facilitating their growth, psycho-emotional development and social integration. Nevertheless, the reading and interpretation of these results must be prudent and cautious, there are limitations to this research, including: the use of a range of specific quality of life for the Congenital heart disease in children, adolescents, and parents but whose validation process could not be completed in this study; the low prevalence of severe conditions in our sample; the absence of national studies to enable comparison with the results obtained. We intend to continue the process of validation of instrument and enlarge the research to Lisbon and Oporto, other major centers where the cardiac conditions can be treated.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física