995 resultados para Speeches, addresses, etc., English.


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Es un curso de inglés, actualizado con los últimos avances en tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC), que enseña a los alumnos el lenguaje y las habilidades necesarias para entender y trabajar en el mundo de la informática. Explica la gramática y la terminología relacionadas con los ordenadores, la programación y el diseño de páginas web, para proporcionar a los estudiantes las herramientas lingüísticas necesarias en distintas áreas: busqueda de empleo, describir características y funciones y debatir sobre las últimas tecnologías. Va acompañado del libro del profesor.


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Este recurso para el profesor contiene notas detalladas para enseñar cada uno de los módulos en que se divide el libro del alumno, también, tiene información técnica adicional y tests que pueden ser fotocopiados para cada uno de estos módulos. Sirve de apoyo al libro utilizado por el estudiante como curso de inglés para aprender el lenguaje y las habilidades necesarias para entender y trabajar en el mundo de la informática. Este curso, también, enseña la gramática y la terminología relacionadas con los ordenadores, con la programación y el diseño de páginas web, para proporcionar al alumno las herramientas lingüísticas necesarias en distintas áreas: solicitar un puesto de trabajo, describir características y funciones y debatir sobre las últimas tecnologías.


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Este texto parte del supuesto de que los profesores de inglés, no sólo deben ser capaces de hablar y escribir el idioma que enseñan, sino que, también, necesitan saber mucho sobre la manera en que funciona el lenguaje, es decir, sus componentes, sus regularidades, y la forma en que se utiliza. Además, se supone que este tipo de conocimiento útil se adquiere a través del estudio ó análisis de ejemplos de la propia lengua. Por tanto, con el objetivo de aumentar este conocimiento, se incluyen aquí, una secuencia de tareas que se inician al nivel de fonemas hasta llegar al texto completo.


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Recurso con actividades básicas reales como correos electrónicos, conversaciones telefónicas, excusas, negociación, manejo de quejas de clientes, etc., para la enseñanza del inglés de negocios. Cubre secciones principales sobre: temas de negocios, habilidades en comunicación empresarial, lenguaje de trabajo. Estas áreas incluyen actividades sobre diversos temas, como dinero y finanzas, reuniones, negociaciones, telefonía, gestión, marketing. También puede ser de interés para profesores de inglés general, que buscan actividades con habilidades basadas en contextos significativos.


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Contiene una guía para el profesor de la cual se disponen dos ejemplares, y un cuaderno de actividades para el alumno


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This article addresses the question of how far working memory may affect second language (L2) learners' improvement in spoken language during a period of immersion. Research is presented testing the hypothesis that individual differences in working memory (WM) capacity are associated with individual variation in improvements in oral production of questions in English. Thirty-two Chinese adult speakers of English were tested, before and after a year's postgraduate study in the United Kingdom, to measure grammatical accuracy and fluency using a question elicitation task, and to measure WM using a battery of first language (L1) and L2 WM tests. Story recall in L1 (Mandarin) was significantly associated with individuals' improvement in oral grammatical measures (p < .05). However, there was no significant mean improvement across the cohort in grammatical accuracy, although there was for fluency. The findings suggest that WM may aid certain aspects of individuals' L2 oral proficiency during academic immersion through postgraduate study. They also indicate that academic immersion in itself can lead to improvements in oral proficiency, independent of WM capacity, but there is no general guarantee of significant grammatical change. Further research to clarify the opportunities for input and interaction available in academic immersion settings is called for.


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The Mary E. Frayser Papers consists of correspondence, speeches, reports, clippings, minutes, histories, family histories, constitutions and bylaws, membership lists, program notes, photographs, and other papers, relating to her work with the South Carolina Extension Service (1912-1940) Winthrop College, her involvement with the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1935-1952), the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs (1926-1952), the South Carolina Status of Women Conference (1945-1952), the South Carolina Division of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) (1929, 1935-1949), the South Carolina Interracial Institute (1938-1942), the South Carolina Division of the Southern Regional Council (1944-1951), and the South Carolina Conference of Social Work (1936-1967). There are also papers relating to Frayser’s efforts to promote social and economic legislation and participation by women in public affairs and her interest in libraries and work in the movement for the support of public libraries in South Carolina (1925-1968). Correspondents included G.H. Aault, Evan Chesterman, Wil Lou Gray, Sarah Hughes, Christine South Gee, and Maude Massey Rogers. This collection is a good source of women’s club activities in the twentieth century. Important areas of research would include the way club activity affected social and economic legislation in the state and the various forces involved in the movement for state tax supported libraries. While the papers do range from 1841 to 1953, the greater bulk of the papers extend from the early 1930s to about 1947. Since the work of the various women's club organizations were so inter-related, a researcher working with the papers of a particular organization for a particular time span should consider the Frayser papers of all other organizations. The related papers for the “Correspondence and Related Papers” series for particular organizations are generally similar and include: memoranda, outlines, reports, resolutions, minutes, etc. Additional Frayser information can be found by referring to the Winthrop University Archives (official records).


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Abstract This dissertation investigates the notion of equivalence with particular reference to lexical cohesion in the translation of political speeches. Lexical cohesion poses a particular challenge to the translators of political speeches and thus preserving lexical cohesion elements as one of the major elements of cohesion is undoubtedly crucial to their translation equivalence. We rely on Halliday’s (1994) classification of lexical cohesion which comprises: repetition, synonymy, antonymy, meronymy and hyponymy. Other traditional models of lexical cohesion are examined. We include Grammatical Parallelism for its role in creating textual semantic unity which is what cohesion is all about. The study shed light on the function of lexical cohesion elements as rhetorical device. The study also deals with lexical problems resulting from the transfer of lexical cohesion elements from the SL into the TL, which is often beset by many problems that most often result from the differences between languages. Three key issues are identified as being fundamental to equivalence and lexical cohesion in the translation of political speeches: sociosemiotic approach, register analysis, rhetoric, and poetic function. The study also investigates the lexical cohesion elements in the translation of political speeches from English into Arabic, Italian and French in relation to ideology, and its control, through bias and distortion. The findings are discussed, implications examined and topics for further research suggested.


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Well-established methods exist for measuring party positions, but reliable means for estimating intra-party preferences remain underdeveloped. While most efforts focus on estimating the ideal points of individual legislators based on inductive scaling of roll call votes, this data suffers from two problems: selection bias due to unrecorded votes and strong party discipline, which tends to make voting a strategic rather than a sincere indication of preferences. By contrast, legislative speeches are relatively unconstrained, as party leaders are less likely to punish MPs for speaking freely as long as they vote with the party line. Yet, the differences between roll call estimations and text scalings remain essentially unexplored, despite the growing application of statistical analysis of textual data to measure policy preferences. Our paper addresses this lacuna by exploiting a rich feature of the Swiss legislature: on most bills, legislators both vote and speak many times. Using this data, we compare text-based scaling of ideal points to vote-based scaling from a crucial piece of energy legislation. Our findings confirm that text scalings reveal larger intra-party differences than roll calls. Using regression models, we further explain the differences between roll call and text scalings by attributing differences to constituency-level preferences for energy policy.


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This article deals with both the word-formation mechanism of blending and the creative process involved in providing characters with proper names in cartoons or TV series for children in English. The study addresses the nature and features of proper and common names, two apparently well-distinguished categories, as well as, and basically fictional proper names, by suggesting differences between fictional proper names and other types of proper and common names. Furthermore, it discusses the presence of blending in fiction and in fictional proper names, with special reference to charactonyms. The main focus of this work is on blended charactonyms in cartoons addressed to children, which for the purposes of this study will be called cartoonyms or charactoons. Questions such as the following are addressed: the formation or creation of cartoonyms or charactoons from pre-existing material; the semantic motivations behind their formation; their resulting structural complexity; their particularly descriptive, expressive and meaningful nature; as well as how suitable they are to the genre in which they are used.