966 resultados para Spectral Shift Function


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The progression to end-stage renal failure is independent of the initial pathogenic mechanism. Metabolic acidosis is a common consequence of chronic renal failure that results from inadequate ammonium excretion and decreased tubular bicarbonate reabsorption. Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) is the immediate metabolic precursor of the heme molecule. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of erythrocytes protoporphyrin IX at an animal model during progressive renal disease. A total of 36 eight-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into six groups: Normal, 4 and 8 weeks after 5/6 nephrectomy (NX). Renal function was evaluated by creatinine clearance and plasma creatinine levels. The autofluorescence of erythrocytes porphyrin of healthy and NX rats was analyzed using fluorescence spectroscopy. Emission spectra were obtained by exciting the samples at 405 nm. Significant differences between normal and NX rats autofluorescence shape occurred in the 600-700 nm spectral region. A correlation was observed between emission band intensity at 635 nm and progression of renal disease.


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This work investigates the two-photon absorption spectrum of perylene tetracarboxylic derivatives using the white-light continuum Z-scan technique. Perylene derivatives present relatively high two-photon absorption cross-section, which makes them attractive for applications in photonics. Because of the spectral resolution of the white-light continuum Z-scan, we were able to observe a well defined structure in the two-photon absorption spectrum, composed by two distinct peaks. These peaks, as well as the resonant enhancement of the nonlinearity, were modeled using the sum-over-states approach considering a four-level energy diagram with two final two-photon states. The existence of such states was confirmed using the response function formalism within the DFT framework. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Considering a series representation of a coherent system using a shift transform of the components lifetime T-i, at its critical level Y-i, we study two problems. First, under such a shift transform, we analyse the preservation properties of the non-parametric distribution classes and secondly the association preserving property of the components lifetime under such transformations. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on the findings of a study that considered how anxiety might function to organise nurses' practice. With reference to psychoanalytic theory this paper analyses field notes taken during a series of nursing change-of-shift handovers. The handover practices analysed met all the criteria for a ritual, as understood in psychoanalytic theory, and functioned to alleviate anxiety in the short term while symbolically expressing a forbidden and unknown knowledge. We argue that the handover ritual contained certain prohibitions, yet allowed some expression of the prohibited knowledge in a disguised way. The prohibition concerned how the patient affected the nurse, that is, moved the nurse to love and hate the patient. We argue that this prohibition is expressed, in disguise, via the displacement of affection for the patient onto other nurses and through negative stereotyping of some patients. We also argue that these prohibitions of the handover mirror broader prohibitions within nursing, and thus the rituals of the handover become an expression of how professional prohibitions are enacted in practice. We conclude that the important implicit function of the handover ritual is to keep anxiety at bay, thereby enabling the nurse to commence practice rather than being immobilised by the effect of potentially overwhelming anxiety.


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The ordered weighted averaging (OWA) determination method with stress function was proposed by Yager, and it makes the OWA operator elements scatter in the shape of the stress function. In this paper, we extend the OWA determination with the stress function method using an optimization model. The proposed method transforms the OWA optimal solution elements into the interpolation points of the stress function. The proposed method extends the basic form of the stress function method with both scale and vertical shift transformations.We also explore a number of properties of this optimization-based stress function method. The OWA operator optimal solution elements can distribute as the shape of the given stress function in a parameterized way, in which case, the solution always possesses the arithmetic average operator as a special case.


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A spectral element model updating procedure is presented to identify damage in a structure using Guided wave propagation results. Two damage spectral elements (DSE1 and DSE2) are developed to model the local (cracks in reinforcement bar) and global (debonding between reinforcement bar and concrete) damage in one-dimensional homogeneous and composite waveguide, respectively. Transfer matrix method is adopted to assemble the stiffness matrix of multiple spectral elements. In order to solve the inverse problem, clonal selection algorithm is used for the optimization calculations. Two displacement-based functions and two frequency-based functions are used as objective functions in this study. Numerical simulations of wave propagation in a bare steel bar and in a reinforcement bar without and with various assumed damage scenarios are carried out. Numerically simulated data are then used to identify local and global damage of the steel rebar and the concrete-steel interface using the proposed method. Results show that local damage is easy to be identified by using any considered objective function with the proposed method while only using the wavelet energy-based objective function gives reliable identification of global damage. The method is then extended to identify multiple damages in a structure. To further verify the proposed method, experiments of wave propagation in a rectangular steel bar before and after damage are conducted. The proposed method is used to update the structural model for damage identification. The results demonstrate the capability of the proposed method in identifying cracks in steel bars based on measured wave propagation data.


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The purpose was to investigate the effects of the spectral power distribution (SPD) and illuminance of task lighting on visual function in age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) compared to normal healthy eyes. Twenty-eight subjects with ARMD and 18 age-matched normal subjects were studied. The effects on visual function were determined for four common task light sources: standard pearl coat incandescent (SP), daylight blue incandescent (DL), warm white fluorescent (WW) and cool white fluorescent (CW). Apart from a small, statistically significant improvement in contrast sensitivity with DL compared to SP lighting (0.5 dB, p = 0.01), there were no significant effects of SPD on other visual functions and no differences in the effects for subjects with ARMD and those with normal vision. Thus, for task lighting typically used in low vision rehabilitation, the SPD would seem to be of minimal clinical importance to visual function. However, increasing the task illuminance had a greater effect on visual function, in particular for subjects with ARMD (p < 0.01). For an increase in illuminance from 300 to 3000 lux, the mean increase in contrast sensitivity and near visual acuity was 1.5 dB and 0.13 log MAR, respectively. Although this effect is not large, we suggest that it is clinically relevant and supports the provision of additional task illuminance as an important part of low vision rehabilitation for patients with ARMD.


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Little is known about the motor control of the lumbo-pelvic musculature in microgravity and its simulation (bed-rest). Analysis of spectral and temporal electromyographic variables can provide information on motor control relevant for normal function. This study examined the effect of 56-days of bed-rest with 1-year follow-up in 10 male subjects on the median frequency and the activation timing in surface electromyographic recordings from five superficial lumbo-pelvic muscles during a repetitive knee movement task. Trunk fat mass (from whole body-composition measurements) and movement accuracy as possible explanatory factors were included. Increased median frequency was observed in the lumbar erector spinae starting late in bed-rest, but this was not seen in its synergist, the thoracic erector spinae (p<.0001). These changes persisted up to 1-year after bed-rest and were independent of changes in body-composition or movement accuracy. Analysis suggested decreases of median frequency (p<.0001) in the abdominal and gluteal muscles to result from increased (p<.01) trunk fat levels during and after bed-rest. No changes in lumbo-pelvic muscle activation timing were seen. The results suggest that bed-rest particularly affects the shorter lumbar erector spinae and that the temporal sequencing of superficial lumbo-pelvic muscle activation is relatively robust.


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The aim of the present study was to assess the spectral behavior of the erector spinae muscle during isometric contractions performed before and after a dynamic manual load-lifting test carried out by the trunk in order to determine the capacity of muscle to perform this task. Nine healthy female students participated in the experiment. Their average age, height, and body mass (± SD) were 20 ± 1 years, 1.6 ± 0.03 m, and 53 ± 4 kg, respectively. The development of muscle fatigue was assessed by spectral analysis (median frequency) and root mean square with time. The test consisted of repeated bending movements from the trunk, starting from a 45º angle of flexion, with the application of approximately 15, 25 and 50% of maximum individual load, to the stand up position. The protocol used proved to be more reliable with loads exceeding 50% of the maximum for the identification of muscle fatigue by electromyography as a function of time. Most of the volunteers showed an increase in root mean square versus time on both the right (N = 7) and the left (N = 6) side, indicating a tendency to become fatigued. With respect to the changes in median frequency of the electromyographic signal, the loads used in this study had no significant effect on either the right or the left side of the erector spinae muscle at this frequency, suggesting that a higher amount and percentage of loads would produce more substantial results in the study of isotonic contractions.


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In this study, we evaluated the involvement of rat ventral prostate smooth muscle cells (SMC) in secretory activity and whether this function is modulated after castration. Cell morphology was examined at both light and electron microscopy levels and the organelles involved in secretory function were labeled by the zinc-iodide-osmium (ZIO) method at the ultrastructural level and their volume density was determined by stereology. Castration resulted in marked changes of the SMC, which adopted a spinous aspect and abandoned the layered arrangement observed in the prostates of non-castrated rats. The volume density of ZIO reactive organelles increased progressively after castration, reaching significantly higher levels 21 days after castration, Since previous studies have demonstrated that SMC express SMC markers (even 21 days after castration) and are able to respond to adrenergic stimulation, we concluded that differentiated SMC are able to shift from a predominantly contractile to a more synthetic phenotype without changing their differentiation status. (c) 2005 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The sensing of blood gas tensions and/or pH is an evolutionarily conserved, homeostatic mechanism, observable in almost all species studied from invertebrates to man. In vertebrates, a shift from the peripheral O2-oriented sensing in fish, to the central CO2/pH sensing in most tetrapods reflects the specific behavioral requirements of these two groups whereby, in teleost fish, a highly O2-oriented control of breathing matches the ever-changing and low oxygen levels in water, whilst the transition to air-breathing increased the importance of acid-base regulation and O2-related drive, although retained, became relatively less important. The South American lungfish and tetrapods are probably sister groups, a conclusion backed up by many similar features of respiratory control. For example, the relative roles of peripheral and central chemoreceptors are present both in the lungfish and in land vertebrates. In both groups, the central CO2/pH receptors dominate the ventilatory response to hypercarbia (60-80), while the peripheral CO2/pH receptors account for 20-30. Some basic components of respiratory control have changed little during evolution. This review presents studies that reflect the current trends in the field of chemoreceptor function, and several laboratories are involved. An exhaustive review on the previous literature, however, is beyond the intended scope of the article. Rather, we present examples of current trends in respiratory function in vertebrates, ranging from fish to humans, and focus on both O2 sensing and CO2 sensing. As well, we consider the impact of chronic levels of hypoxia - a physiological condition in fish and in land vertebrates resident at high elevations or suffering from one of the many cardiorespiratory disease states that predispose an animal to impaired ventilation or cardiac output. This provides a basis for a comparative physiology that is informative about the evolution of respiratory functions in vertebrates and about human disease. Currently, most detail is known for mammals, for which molecular biology and respiratory physiology have combined in the discovery of the mechanisms underlying the responses of respiratory chemoreceptors. Our review includes new data on nonmammalian vertebrates, which stresses that some chemoreceptor sites are of ancient origin.


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Firefly luciferases are called pH-sensitive because their bioluminescence spectra display a typical red-shift at acidic pH, higher temperatures, and in the presence of heavy metal cations, whereas other beetle luciferases (click beetles and railroadworms) do not, and for this reason they are called pH-insensitive. Despite many studies on firefly luciferases, the origin of pH-sensitivity is far from being understood. This subject is revised in view of recent results. Some substitutions of amino-acid residues influencing pH-sensitivity in firefly luciferases have been identified. Sequence comparison, site-directed mutagenesis and modeling studies have shown a set of residues differing between pH-sensitive and pH-insensitive luciferases which affect bioluminescence colors. Some substitutions dramatically affecting bioluminescence colors in both groups of luciferases are clustered in the loop between residues 223-235 (Photinus pyralis sequence). A network of hydrogen bonds and salt bridges involving the residues N229-S284-E311-R337 was found to be important for affecting bioluminescence colors. It is suggested that these structural elements may affect the benzothiazolyl side of the luciferin-binding site affecting bioluminescence colors. Experimental evidence suggest that the residual red light emission in pH-sensitive luciferases could be a vestige that may have biological importance in some firefly species. Furthermore, the potential utility of pH-sensitivity for intracellular biosensing applications is considered. © The Royal Society of Chemistry and Owner Societies.


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Several beetle luciferases have been cloned and sequenced. However, most studies on structure and function relationships and bioanalytical applications were done with firefly luciferases, which are pH sensitive. Several years ago we cloned Pyrearinus termitilluminans larval click beetle luciferase, which displays the most blue-shifted bioluminescence among beetle luciferases and is pH insensitive. This enzyme was expressed in E. coli, purified, and its properties investigated. This luciferase shows slower luminescence kinetics, KM values comparable to other beetle luciferases and high catalytic constant. Fluorescence studies with 8-anilino-1-naphtalene-sulfonic acid (1,8-ANS) and modeling studies suggest that the luciferin binding site of this luciferase is very hydrophobic, supporting the solvent and orientation polarizability effects as determining mechanisms for bioluminescence colors. Although pH insensitive in the range between pH 6-8, at pH 10 this luciferase displays a remarkable red-shift and broadening of the bioluminescence spectrum. Modeling studies suggest that the residue C312 may play an important role in bioluminescence color modulation. Compared to other beetle luciferases, Pyrearinus termitilluminans luciferase also displays higher thermostability and sustained luminescence in a bacterial cell environment, which makes this luciferase particularly suitable for in vivo cell analysis and bioimaging. © The Royal Society of Chemistry and Owner Societies 2009.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We study the spectral functions, and in particular the zeta function, associated to a class of sequences of complex numbers, called of spectral type. We investigate the decomposability of the zeta function associated to a double sequence with respect to some simple sequence, and we provide a technique for obtaining the first terms in the Laurent expansion at zero of the zeta function associated to a double sequence.