952 resultados para Sorting Nexin


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The Trypanosomatidae comprise a large group of parasitic protozoa, some of which cause important diseases in humans. These include Tryanosoma brucei (the causative agent of African sleeping sickness and nagana in cattle), Trypanosoma cruzi (the causative agent of Chagas' disease in Central and South America), and Leishmania spp. (the causative agent of visceral and [muco]cutaneous leishmaniasis throughout the tropics and subtropics). The cell surfaces of these parasites are covered in complex protein- or carbohydrate-rich coats that are required for parasite survival and infectivity in their respective insect vectors and mammalian hosts. These molecules are assembled in the secretory pathway. Recent advances in the genetic manipulation of these parasites as well as progress with the parasite genome projects has greatly advanced our understanding of processes that underlie secretory transport in trypanosomatids. This article provides an overview of the organization of the trypanosomatid secretory pathway and connections that exist with endocytic organelles and multiple lytic and storage vacuoles. A number of the molecular components that are required for vesicular transport have been identified, as have some of the sorting signals that direct proteins to the cell surface or organelles it? the endosome-vacuole system. Finally, the subcellular organization of the major glycosylation pathways in these parasites is reviewed. Studies on these highly divergent eukaryotes provide important insights into the molecular processes underlying secretory transport that arose very early in eukaryotic evolution. They also reveal unusual or novel aspects of secretory), transport and protein glycosylation that may be exploited in developing new antiparasite drugs.


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E-cadherin-catenin complexes mediate cell-cell adhesion on the basolateral membrane of epithelial cells. The cytoplasmic tail of E-cadherin supports multiple protein interactions, including binding of beta-catenin at the C terminus and of p120(ctn) to the juxtamembrane domain. The temporal assembly and polarized trafficking of the complex or its individual components to the basolateral membrane are not fully understood. In Madin-Darby canine kidney cells at steady state and after treatment with cycloheximide or temperature blocks, E-cadherin and beta-catenin localized to the Golgi complex, but p120ctn was found only at the basolateral plasma membrane. We previously identified a dileucine sorting motif (Leu(586)-Leu(587), termed S1) in the juxtamembrane domain of E-cadherin and now show that it is required to target full-length E-cadherin to the basolateral membrane. Removal of S1 resulted in missorting of E-cadherin mutants (EcadDeltaS1) to the apical membrane; beta-catenin was simultaneously missorted and appeared at the apical membrane. p120(ctn) was not mistargeted with EcadDeltaS1, but could be recruited to the E-cadherin-catenin complex only at the basolateral membrane. These findings help define the temporal assembly and sorting of the E-cadherin-catenin complex and show that membrane recruitment of p120(ctn) in polarized cells is contextual and confined to the basolateral membrane.


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The influence of near-bed sorting processes on heavy mineral content in suspension is discussed. Sediment concentrations above a rippled bed of mixed quartz and heavy mineral sand were measured under regular nonbreaking waves in the laboratory. Using the traditional gradient diffusion process, settling velocity would be expected to strongly affect sediment distribution. This was not observed during present trials. In fact, the vertical gradients of time-averaged suspension concentrations were found to be similar for the light and heavy minerals, despite their different settling velocities. This behavior implies a convective rather than diffusive distribution mechanism. Between the nonmoving bed and the lowest suspension sampling point, fight and heavy mineral concentration differs by two orders of magnitude. This discrimination against the heavy minerals in the pickup process is due largely to selective entrainment at the ripple face. Bed-form dynamics and the nature of quartz suspension profiles are found to be little affected by the trialed proportion of overall heavy minerals in the bed (3.8-22.1%).


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Animais híbridos representam um desafio à taxonomia e sistemática, pois correspondem a unidades evolutivas geralmente sem clara delimitação morfológica, comportamental e genética. Híbridos podem ser morfologicamente intermediários aos parentais ou, devido à introgressão e retrocruzamentos, suas características podem se misturar tornando difícil sua identificação. Uma das formas de identificação de híbridos é por meio de ferramentas de biologia molecular, que ao utilizarem marcadores de DNA mitocondrial (herança exclusiva materna) e DNA nuclear (herança materna e paterna), permitem a comparação entre informações genéticas. Além da hibridização existem outras fontes de conflito entre dados moleculares provenientes do DNA mitocondrial e DNA nuclear, como por exemplo a retenção de polimorfismos ancentrais. Em localidades do Espírito Santo, Brasil, foram coletados indivíduos de morfologia distinta de Trachycephalus mesophaeus e T. nigromaculatus, que são as únicas espécies do gênero conhecidas nesse estado. Porém, estudos piloto usando o gene mitocondrial Citocromo Oxidase subunidade I (COI) agruparam esses espécimes com amostras de T. typhonius. Devido a estas incongruências, foram sequenciados fragmentos de dois genes mitocondriais - COI e Nicotinamida Desidrogenase subunidade 2 (ND2) e um exon nuclear (tirosinase) de 173 indivíduos de Trachycephalus, de forma a esclarecer as identificações taxonômicas e investigar a correspondência entre caracteres morfológicos e genéticos nesta linhagem, na sua área de ocorrência As filogenias moleculares, divergências genéticas, redes de haplótipos e polimorfismos de nucleotídeos únicos (SNPs) confirmaram as três espécies acima mencionadas como linhagens evolutivas distintas e revelaram mais sete indivíduos potencialmente híbridos, mas morfologicamente assinalados a T. mesophaeus, T. nigromaculatus ou T. typhonius.. Devido à taxa de evolução lenta da tirosinase, as espécies mais recentes T. typhonius e T. nigromaculatus parecem não terem sido sorteadas completamente nesse gene. Já T. mesophaeus, que é a espécie mais antiga das três, foi recuperada inequivocamente em todas as análises. De forma inédita, as análises moleculares evidenciaram a ocorrência de introgressão bidirecional entre T. nigromaculatus e T. typhonius e entre T. nigromaculatus e T. mesophaeus, sendo que há indícios de indivíduos F1 (cruzamentos entre espécies parentais puras gerando híbridos). A utilização do gene ND2 mostrou-se mais eficiente do que o gene COI nas filogenias e, apesar da tirosinase ser um gene nuclear de evolução lenta, contribuiu para a identificação de incongruências citonucleares. Nossos resultados mostram que a história filogenética de Trachycephalus é complexa e que o uso de marcadores nucleares de evolução mais rápida e ampliação dessas análises para outras espécies do gênero podem revelar mais eventos de hibridização.


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Body and brain undergo several changes with aging. One of these changes is the loss of neuroplasticity, which leads to the decrease of cognitive abilities. Hence the necessity of stopping or reversing these changes is of utmost importance to contemporary society. In the present work, electroencephalogram (EEG) markers of cognitive decline are sought whilst the subjects perform the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). Considering the expected age-related cognitive deficits, WCST was applied to young and elder participants. The results suggest that coherence on theta and alpha EEG rhythms decrease with aging and increase with performance. Additionally, theta phase coherence seems more sensitive to performance, while alpha synchronization appears as a potential ageing marker.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the discriminative and diagnostic values of neuropsychological tests for identifying schizophrenia patients. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with 36 male schizophrenia outpatients and 72 healthy matched volunteers was carried out. Participants underwent the following neuropsychological tests: Wisconsin Card Sorting test, Verbal Fluency, Stroop test, Mini Mental State Examination, and Spatial Recognition Span. Sensitivity and specificity estimated the diagnostic value of tests with cutoffs obtained using Receiver Operating Characteristic curves. The latent class model (diagnosis of schizophrenia) was used as gold standard. RESULTS: Although patients presented lower scores in most tests, the highest canonical function for the discriminant analysis was 0.57 (Verbal Fluency M). The best sensitivity and specificity were obtained in the Verbal Fluency M test (75 and 65, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The neuropsychological tests showed moderate diagnostic value for the identification of schizophrenia patients. These findings suggested that the cognitive impairment measured by these tests might not be homogeneous among schizophrenia patients.


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O objetivo da pesquisa pretende verificar se há um contributo da formação em mediação no desenvolvimento de conhecimentos nessa área e na mudança de atitude nos Assistentes Operacionais (AO), face à resolução de conflitos entre alunos. Os recreios das escolas do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.ºCEB) são os locais onde ocorre a quase totalidade dos conflitos entre alunos (Fernández, 2007; Oliveira, 2007; Rosa, 2007). Esses recreios são supervisionados pelos AO, os quais devem ter formação específica em estratégias de resolução de conflitos. A mediação é apontada como a melhor estratégia na abordagem dos conflitos escolares, perspetivando melhoria na convivência escolar e na construção de um clima escolar positivo, propício à eficácia da educação. A estratégia de pesquisa baseia-se num estudo de intervenção com uma amostra de conveniência, simultaneamente qualitativo e quantitativo. Os dados foram recolhidos por questionário, por levantamento dos conhecimentos anteriores e posteriores à formação e por entrevistas aos participantes. No estudo participaram sete AO. Os resultados revelaram que os AO desenvolveram conhecimentos sobre mediação e percecionaram em si mesmos mudanças de atitude face à resolução de conflitos entre alunos. Os resultados ainda revelaram que os AO se sentem desvalorizados no meio escolar, mas motivados na interação com os alunos. Concluiu-se que a formação em mediação de conflitos oferece um contributo significativo no desenvolvimento de conhecimentos sobre mediação e facilita uma mudança de atitude na resolução de conflitos entre alunos. Concluiu-se também que os AO estão conscientes do seu papel educativo e que têm sugestões pertinentes de melhoria.ABSTRAT This research intends to evaluate whether training in mediation contributes for the development of knowledge in this area, and for changes in attitude, when Operational Assistants (OAs) sort out conflicts between students. The playgrounds of the schools of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (1stCEB) are the places where almost the conflicts between students happen. These playgrounds are supervised by OAs, which must have specific training in conflict resolution strategies. Mediation is considered the best strategy for addressing students’ conflicts in order to improve school coexistence and positive climate, conducive to the effectiveness of education. The research strategy is based on an intervention study with a convenience sample, both qualitative and quantitative. Data was collected by questionnaire, assessment of knowledge before and after training and final interviews. The participants were 7 OAs. The results revealed the development of knowledge about mediation, who perceives themselves as changing attitudes towards conflicts resolution between students. The results also revealed that the OAs feel devalued, but motivated when interacting to students. Training in conflict mediation offers a significant contribution in the development of knowledge about mediation and facilitates a change of attitude in sorting out conflicts between students. It was also concluded that the OAs are aware of their educational role and have relevant suggestions for improvement.


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A remarkable accumulation of marine boulders located above the present spring tide level has occurred in two coastal lowlands of the Algarve (Portugal). The size-interval of the particles studied here is seldom reported in the literature in association with extreme events of coastal inundation, thus making this study of relevance to many other coasts worldwide. The spreads of boulders extend several hundred meters inland and well beyond the present landward limit of storm activity. The marine origin of the boulders is demonstrated by well-developed macro-bioerosion sculpturing and in situ skeletal remains of endolithic shallow marine bivalves. The good state preservation of the fossils within the boulders indicates that abrasion duringtransport and redeposition was not significant. We envisage boulder deposition as having taken place during the Lisbon tsunami of ad 1755 through the simultaneous landward entrainment of coarse particles from nearshore followed by rapid shoreward suspended-dominated transport and non-graded redeposition that excluded significant sorting by weight or boulder dimensions. We use numerical hydrodynamic modeling of tsunami (and storm) waves to test the observational data on boulder dimensions (density, size, distribution) on the most likely processes of sediment deposition. This work demonstrates the effectiveness of the study of boulder deposits in tsunami reconstruction. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Copyright: © 2014 Rodrigues et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is considered by different International Agencies as a genotoxic and potent hepatocarcinogen. However, despite the fact that the fungi producing this compound are detected in some work environments, AFB1 is rarely monitored in occupational settings. The aim of the present investigation was to assess exposure to AFB1 of workers from one Portuguese waste company located in the outskirt of Lisbon. Occupational exposure assessment to AFB1 was done with a biomarker of internal dose that measures AFB1 in the serum by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Forty-one workers from the waste company were enrolled in this study (26 from sorting; 9 from composting; 6 from incineration). A control group (n = 30) was also considered in order to know the AFB1 background levels for the Portuguese population. All the workers showed detectable levels of AFB1 with values ranging from 2.5ng ml−1 to 25.9ng ml−1 with a median value of 9.9±5.4ng ml−1. All of the controls showed values below the method’s detection limit. Results obtained showed much higher (8-fold higher) values when compared with other Portuguese settings already studied, such as poultry and swine production. Besides this mycotoxin, other mycotoxins are probably present in this occupational setting and this aspect should be taken into consideration for the risk assessment process due to possible synergistic reactions. The data obtained suggests that exposure to AFB1 occurs in a waste management setting and claims attention for the need of appliance of preventive and protective safety measures.


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High loads of fungi have been reported in different types of waste management plants. This study intends to assess fungal contamination in one waste-sorting plant before and after cleaning procedures in order to analyze their effectiveness. Air samples of 50 L were collected through an impaction method, while surface samples, taken at the same time, were collected by the swabbing method and subject to further macro- and microscopic observations. In addition, we collected air samples of 250 L using the impinger Coriolis μ air sampler (Bertin Technologies) at 300 L/min airflow rate in order to perform real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) amplification of genes from specific fungal species, namely Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus complexes, as well as Stachybotrys chartarum species. Fungal quantification in the air ranged from 180 to 5,280 CFU m−3 before cleaning and from 220 to 2,460 CFU m−3 after cleaning procedures. Surfaces presented results that ranged from 29 × 104 to 109 × 104 CFU m−2 before cleaning and from 11 × 104 to 89 × 104 CFU m−2 after cleaning. Statistically significant differences regarding fungal load were not detected between before and after cleaning procedures. Toxigenic strains from A. flavus complex and S. chartarum were not detected by qPCR. Conversely, the A. fumigatus species was successfully detected by qPCR and interestingly it was amplified in two samples where no detection by conventional methods was observed. Overall, these results reveal the inefficacy of the cleaning procedures and that it is important to determine fungal burden in order to carry out risk assessment.


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The paper presents a RFDSCA automated synthesis procedure. This algorithm determines several RFDSCA circuits from the top-level system specifications all with the same maximum performance. The genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function proportional to the RFDSCA quality factor and uses the epsiv-concept and maximin sorting scheme to achieve a set of solutions well distributed along a non-dominated front. To confirm the results of the algorithm, three RFDSCAs were simulated in SpectreRF and one of them was implemented and tested. The design used a 0.25 mum BiCMOS process. All the results (synthesized, simulated and measured) are very close, which indicate that the genetic synthesis method is a very useful tool to design optimum performance RFDSCAs.


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Trabalho final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Mecânica Ramo de Energia, Refrigeração e Climatização


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Aims: The main aims of this work were the study of cork slabs moulds colonization and the evaluation of the moulds diversity during cork processing steps, in different cork stoppers factories. Simultaneously, it was envisaged to perform an evaluation of the air quality. Methods and Results: Moulds were isolated and identified from cork slabs and cork samples in four cork stoppers factories. The identification was based on morphological characters and microscopic observation of the reproductive structures. Airborne spore dispersion was assessed using a two stage Andersen sampler. It was observed that Chrysonilia sitophila was always present on cork slabs during the maturing period, but mould diversity appeared to be associated to the different factory configurations and processing steps. Conclusions: Spatial separation of the different steps of the process, including physical separation of the maturation step, is essential to guarantee high air quality and appropriate cork slabs colonization, i.e. C. sitophila dominance. The sorting and cutting of the edges of cork slabs after boiling and before the maturing step is also recommended. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is very important for the cork stopper industry as it gives clear indications on how to keep high quality manufacturing standards and how to avoid occupational health problems.


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Aims: The main aims of this work were the study of cork slabs moulds colonization and the evaluation of the moulds diversity during cork processing steps, in different cork stoppers factories. Simultaneously, it was envisaged to perform an evaluation of the air quality. Methods and Results: Moulds were isolated and identified from cork slabs and cork samples in four cork stoppers factories. The identification was based on morphological characters and microscopic observation of the reproductive structures. Airborne spore dispersion was assessed using a two stage Andersen sampler. It was observed that Chrysonilia sitophila was always present on cork slabs during the maturing period, but mould diversity appeared to be associated to the different factory configurations and processing steps. Conclusions: Spatial separation of the different steps of the process, including physical separation of the maturation step, is essential to guarantee high air quality and appropriate cork slabs colonization, i.e. C. sitophila dominance. The sorting and cutting of the edges of cork slabs after boiling and before the maturing step is also recommended. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is very important for the cork stopper industry as it gives clear indications on how to keep high quality manufacturing standards and how to avoid occupational health problems.