951 resultados para Single-Trial


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BACKGROUND: The emergency department has been identified as an area within the health care sector with the highest reports of violence. The best way to control violence is to prevent it before it becomes an issue. Ideally, to prevent violent episodes we should eliminate all triggers of frustration and violence. Our study aims to assess the impact of a quality improvement multi-faceted program aiming at preventing incivility and violence against healthcare professionals working at the ophthalmological emergency department of a teaching hospital. METHODS/DESIGN: This study is a single-center prospective, controlled time-series study with an alternate-month design. The prevention program is based on the successive implementation of five complementary interventions: a) an organizational approach with a standardized triage algorithm and patient waiting number screen, b) an environmental approach with clear signage of the premises, c) an educational approach with informational videos for patients and accompanying persons in waiting rooms, d) a human approach with a mediator in waiting rooms and e) a security approach with surveillance cameras linked to the hospital security. The primary outcome is the rate of incivility or violence by patients, or those accompanying them against healthcare staff. All patients admitted to the ophthalmological emergency department, and those accompanying them, will be enrolled. In all, 45,260 patients will be included in over a 24-month period. The unit analysis will be the patient admitted to the emergency department. Data analysis will be blinded to allocation, but due to the nature of the intervention, physicians and patients will not be blinded. DISCUSSION: The strengths of this study include the active solicitation of event reporting, that this is a prospective study and that the study enables assessment of each of the interventions that make up the program. The challenge lies in identifying effective interventions, adapting them to the context of care in an emergency department, and thoroughly assessing their efficacy with a high level of proof.The study has been registered as a cRCT at clinicaltrials.gov (identifier: NCT02015884).


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Background and Aims: The three anti-TNF agents infliximab (IFX), adalimumab (ADA) andcertolizumab pegol (CZP) have demonstrated similar efficacy in induction and maintenanceof response and remission in Crohn's disease (CD) treatment. Given the comparability ofthese drugs, patient's preferences may influence the choice of the product. However, dataon patient's preferences for choosing anti-TNF agents are lacking. We therefore aimed toassess the CD patient's appraisal to select the drug of his choice and to identify factorsguiding this decision.Methods: A prospective survey among anti-TNF-naive CD patientswas performed. Patients were provided a description of the three anti-TNF agents focusingon indication, application mode (s.c. vs. i.v.), application time intervals, setting of application(hospital vs. private practice vs. patient's home), average time to apply the medication permonth, typical side effects, and the scientific evidence of efficacy and safety available for everydrug. Patients answered a questionnaire consisting of 17 questions, covering demographic,disease-specific, and medication data.Results: Hundred patients (47f/53m, mean age 45±16years) completed the questionnaire. Disease duration was <1year in 7%, 1-5 years in 31%,and >5 years in 62% of patients. Disease location was ileal in 33%, colonic in 40%, andileocolonic in 27%. Disease phenotype was inflammatory in 68%, stenosing in 29%, andinternally fistulizing in 3% of patients. Additionally, 20% had perianal fistulizing disease.Patients were already treated with the following drugs: mesalamines 61%, budesonide 44%,prednisone 97%, thiopurines 78%, methotrexate 16%. In total, 30% had already heardabout IFX, 20% about ADA, and 11% about CZP. Thirty-six percent voted for treatmentwith ADA, 28% for CZP, and 25% for IFX, whereas 11% were undecided. The followingfactors influenced the patient's decision for choosing a specific anti-TNF drug (severalanswers possible): side effects 76%, physician's recommendation 66%, application mode54%, efficacy experience 52%, time to spend for therapy 27%, patient's recommendations21%, interactions with other medications 12%. The single most important factor for choosinga specific anti-TNF was (1 answer): side effect profile 35%, physician's recommendation22%, efficacy experience 21%, application mode 13%, patient's recommendations 5%, timespent for therapy 3%, interaction with other medications 1%.Conclusions: The majority ofpatients preferred anti-TNF syringes to infusions. The safety profile of the drugs and thephysician's recommendation are major factors influencing the patient's choice for a specificanti-TNF drug. Patient's issues about safety and lifestyle habits should be taken into accountwhen prescribing specific anti-TNF formulations.


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OBJECTIVE: To test if enhancing maternal skin-to-skin contact, or kangaroo mother care (KMC) by adding rocking, singing and sucking is more efficacious than simple KMC for procedural pain in preterm neonates. STUDY DESIGN: Preterm neonates (n=90) between 32 0/7 and 36 0/7 weeks' gestational age participated in a single-blind randomized crossover design. The infant was held in KMC with the addition of rocking, singing and sucking or the infant was held in KMC without additional stimulation. The Premature Infant Pain Profile was the primary outcome with time to recover as the secondary outcome. A repeated-measures analysis of covariance was employed for analyses. RESULT: There were no significant differences in any of the 30 s time periods over the 2 min of blood sampling nor in time to return to baseline. Compared to historical controls of the same age in incubator, the pain scores were lower and comparable to other studies of KMC. There were site differences related to lower scores with the use of sucrose in one site and higher scores in younger, sicker infants in another site. CONCLUSION: The sensorial stimulations from skin-to-skin contact that include tactile, olfactory sensations from the mother are sufficient to decrease pain response in premature neonates. Other studies showing that rocking, sucking and music were efficacious were independent of skin-to-skin contact, which, when used alone has been shown to be effective as reported across studies.


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Introduction: Though a trial of intrathecal (IT) therapy should always be performed before implantation of a definitive intrathecal pump, there is no agreement as to how this test should be performed. Ziconotide is trialed in most of cases with continuous IT administration using implanted catheters. Unlike other intrathecal drugs, there is little experience with single bolus IT injections of ziconotide. The aim of the study is to assess the feasibility of single-shot IT trialing with ziconotide. Patients and methods: Eleven consecutive patients with chronic neuropathic intractable pain were trialed with a single IT bolus of 2.5 mcg of ziconotide. Pain and side effects are monitored for at least 72 hours after the injection. Depending on the response, a second injection is given a week later, with either the same dose (if VAS decreased ≥50% without side effects), a higher dose of 3.75 mcg (if VAS decreased <50% without side effects) or a lower dose of 1.25 mcg (if VAS decreased ≥50% but with side effects). If VAS decreased less than 50% and side effects occurred, no further injection was performed. When VAS decreased >50% without side effects after the first or the second dose, the result is confirmed by one more injection of the same dose one week later. The trial is considered positive if two successive injections provide a VAS decreased more than 50% without side effects. Results: Eleven patients (6 females and 5 males) were included. Nine patients experienced modest or no pain relief. Four of these had significant side effects (dizziness, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain) and had no further injection. In the others 5, one patient retired from study and four received a second injection of 3.75 mcg. The trial was negative in all 5 cases because of side effects (dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, muscle cramps), the pain decreased in only 2 patients. Two patients experienced profound pain relief with an IT injection of 2.5 mcg. One patient had no side effects and the other had dizziness and drowsiness that disappeared with an injection of 1.25 mcg. Pain relief without adverse effects was confirmed with the second injection. The trial was considered positive for those two patients. Discussion and conclusion: The response rate of 18% (2/11) is consistent with the success rate of a continuous infusion trialing with an implanted catheter. Single-shot injection of ziconotide may therefore predict efficacy.


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BACKGROUND: A phase I dose-escalation trial of transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) with idarubicin-loaded beads was performed in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). AIM: To estimate the maximum-tolerated dose (MTD) and to assess safety, efficacy, pharmacokinetics and quality of life. METHODS: Patients received a single TACE session with injection of 2 mL drug-eluting beads (DEBs; DC Bead 300-500 μm) loaded with idarubicin. The idarubicin dose was escalated according to a modified continuous reassessment method. MTD was defined as the dose level closest to that causing dose-limiting toxicity (DLT) in 20% of patients. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were enrolled, including nine patients at 5 mg, six patients at 10 mg, and six patients at 15 mg. One patient at each dose level experienced DLT (acute myocardial infarction, hyperbilirubinaemia and elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST) at 5-, 10- and 15-mg, respectively). The calculated MTD of idarubicin was 10 mg. The most frequent grade ≥3 adverse events were pain, elevated AST, elevated γ-glutamyltranspeptidase and thrombocytopenia. At 2 months, the objective response rate was 52% (complete response, 28%, and partial response, 24%) by modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours. The median time to progression was 12.1 months (95% CI 7.4 months - not reached); the median overall survival was 24.5 months (95% CI 14.7 months - not reached). Pharmacokinetic analysis demonstrated the ability of DEBs to release idarubicin slowly. CONCLUSIONS: Using drug-eluting beads, the maximum-tolerated dose of idarubicin was 10 mg per TACE session. Encouraging responses and median time to progression were observed. Further clinical investigations are warranted (NCT01040559).


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BACKGROUND: Combination highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has significantly decreased HIV-1 related morbidity and mortality globally transforming HIV into a controllable condition. HAART has a number of limitations though, including limited access in resource constrained countries, which have driven the search for simpler, affordable HIV-1 treatment modalities. Therapeutic HIV-1 vaccines aim to provide immunological support to slow disease progression and decrease transmission. We evaluated the safety, immunogenicity and clinical effect of a novel recombinant plasmid DNA therapeutic HIV-1 vaccine, GTU(®)-multi-HIVB, containing 6 different genes derived from an HIV-1 subtype B isolate. METHODS: 63 untreated, healthy, HIV-1 infected, adults between 18 and 40 years were enrolled in a single-blinded, placebo-controlled Phase II trial in South Africa. Subjects were HIV-1 subtype C infected, had never received antiretrovirals, with CD4 ≥ 350 cells/mm(3) and pHIV-RNA ≥ 50 copies/mL at screening. Subjects were allocated to vaccine or placebo groups in a 2:1 ratio either administered intradermally (ID) (0.5mg/dose) or intramuscularly (IM) (1mg/dose) at 0, 4 and 12 weeks boosted at 76 and 80 weeks with 1mg/dose (ID) and 2mg/dose (IM), respectively. Safety was assessed by adverse event monitoring and immunogenicity by HIV-1-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells using intracellular cytokine staining (ICS), pHIV-RNA and CD4 counts. RESULTS: Vaccine was safe and well tolerated with no vaccine related serious adverse events. Significant declines in log pHIV-RNA (p=0.012) and increases in CD4+ T cell counts (p=0.066) were observed in the vaccine group compared to placebo, more pronounced after IM administration and in some HLA haplotypes (B*5703) maintained for 17 months after the final immunisation. CONCLUSIONS: The GTU(®)-multi-HIVB plasmid recombinant DNA therapeutic HIV-1 vaccine is safe, well tolerated and favourably affects pHIV-RNA and CD4 counts in untreated HIV-1 infected individuals after IM administration in subjects with HLA B*57, B*8101 and B*5801 haplotypes.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of a governmentally-led center based child care physical activity program (Youp'la Bouge) on child motor skills.Patients and methods: We conducted a single blinded cluster randomized controlled trial in 58 Swiss child care centers. Centers were randomly selected and 1:1 assigned to a control or intervention group. The intervention lasted from September 2009 to June 2010 and included training of the educators, adaptation of the child care built environment, parental involvement and daily physical activity. Motor skill was the primary outcome and body mass index (BMI), physical activity and quality of life secondary outcomes. The intervention implementation was also assessed. RESULTS: At baseline, 648 children present on the motor test day were included (age 3.3 +/- 0.6, BMI 16.3 +/- 1.3 kg/m2, 13.2% overweight, 49% girls) and 313 received the intervention. Relative to children in the control group (n = 201), children in the intervention group (n = 187) showed no significant increase in motor skills (delta of mean change (95% confidence interval: -0.2 (-0.8 to 0.3), p = 0.43) or in any of the secondary outcomes. Not all child care centers implemented all the intervention components. Within the intervention group, several predictors were positively associated with trial outcomes: 1) free-access to a movement space and parental information session for motor skills 2) highly motivated and trained educators for BMI 3) free-access to a movement space and purchase of mobile equipment for physical activity (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This "real-life" physical activity program in child care centers confirms the complexity of implementing an intervention outside a study setting and identified potentially relevant predictors that could improve future programs.Trial registration: Trial registration number: clinical trials.gov NCT00967460 http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00967460.


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PURPOSE: To compare clinical benefit response (CBR) and quality of life (QOL) in patients receiving gemcitabine (Gem) plus capecitabine (Cap) versus single-agent Gem for advanced/metastatic pancreatic cancer. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were randomly assigned to receive GemCap (oral Cap 650 mg/m(2) twice daily on days 1 through 14 plus Gem 1,000 mg/m(2) in a 30-minute infusion on days 1 and 8 every 3 weeks) or Gem (1,000 mg/m(2) in a 30-minute infusion weekly for 7 weeks, followed by a 1-week break, and then weekly for 3 weeks every 4 weeks) for 24 weeks or until progression. CBR criteria and QOL indicators were assessed over this period. CBR was defined as improvement from baseline for >or= 4 consecutive weeks in pain (pain intensity or analgesic consumption) and Karnofsky performance status, stability in one but improvement in the other, or stability in pain and performance status but improvement in weight. RESULTS: Of 319 patients, 19% treated with GemCap and 20% treated with Gem experienced a CBR, with a median duration of 9.5 and 6.5 weeks, respectively (P < .02); 54% of patients treated with GemCap and 60% treated with Gem had no CBR (remaining patients were not assessable). There was no treatment difference in QOL (n = 311). QOL indicators were improving under chemotherapy (P < .05). These changes differed by the time to failure, with a worsening 1 to 2 months before treatment failure (all P < .05). CONCLUSION: There is no indication of a difference in CBR or QOL between GemCap and Gem. Regardless of their initial condition, some patients experience an improvement in QOL on chemotherapy, followed by a worsening before treatment failure.


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The objective of this analysis was to assess the radiation exposure associated with (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan when used as consolidation therapy in adults with low or minimal tumor burden after first-line therapy of advanced follicular lymphoma (FL). METHODS: The patients who were enrolled in the phase 3 first-line indolent trial were 18 y or older, with CD20(+) grade 1 or 2 stage III or IV FL, and a partial response, complete response, or unconfirmed complete response to first-line chemotherapy. The patients were allocated randomly to receive a single infusion of unlabeled rituximab 250 mg/m(2) on day -7 and consolidation on day 0 with a single dose of (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan, 14.8 MBq/kg, immediately after unlabeled rituximab, 250 mg/m(2), or no further treatment. On day -7, a subset of patients received an injection of 185 MBq of (111)In-ibritumomab tiuxetan immediately after unlabeled rituximab, 250 mg/m(2), for central dosimetry analysis. Correlations were assessed between organ radiation absorbed dose and toxicity, body weight, body mass index, and progression-free survival. RESULTS: Central dosimetry evaluations were available from 57 of 70 patients. Median radiation absorbed doses were 100 cGy (range, 28-327 cGy) for the red marrow and 72 cGy (range, 46-106 cGy) for the whole body. Radiation absorbed doses did not differ significantly between patients who had a partial response or complete response to initial therapy. Progression-free survival correlated significantly with the whole-body (r = 0.4401; P = 0.0006) and bone marrow (r = 0.2976; P = 0.0246) radiation dose. Body weight was significantly negatively correlated with whole-body radiation dose (r = -0.4971; P < 0.0001). Neither the whole-body radiation dose nor the bone marrow radiation dose correlated with hematologic toxicity. CONCLUSION: In patients with low or minimal residual tumor burden after first-line chemotherapy of advanced FL, whole-body and bone marrow exposure after (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan consolidation showed a significant positive correlation with progression-free survival, whereas dosimetric data could not predict hematologic toxicity.


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OBJECTIVE: A multidimensional lifestyle intervention performed in 652 preschoolers (72% of migrant, 38% of low educational level (EL) parents) reduced body fat, but not BMI and improved fitness. The objective of this study is to examine whether the intervention was equally effective in children of migrant and/or low EL parents.¦METHODS: Cluster-randomized controlled single blinded trial, conducted in 2008/09 in 40 randomly selected preschools in Switzerland. The culturally tailored intervention consisted of a physical activity program and lessons on nutrition, media use and sleep. Primary outcomes included BMI and aerobic fitness. Secondary outcomes included %body fat, waist circumference and motor agility.¦RESULTS: Children of migrant parents benefitted similarly from the intervention compared to their counterparts (p for interaction≥ 0.09). However, children of low EL parents benefitted less, although these differences did not reach statistical significance (p for interaction≥ 0.06). Average intervention effect sizes for BMI were -0.10, -0.05, -0.11 and 0.04 kg/m(2) and for aerobic fitness were 0.55, 0.20, 0.37 and -0.05 stages for children of non-migrant, migrant, middle/high EL and low EL parents, respectively.¦CONCLUSIONS: This intervention was similarly effective among preschoolers of migrant parents compared to their counterparts, while children of low EL parents benefitted less.


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Objective: To assess whether a downhill walking training programme is more effective than the same amount of training applied uphill in chronic stroke survivors. Design: Randomized, single-blind study. Setting: Outpatient rehabilitation service. Methods: Thirty-eight adults with hemiplegia from stroke lasting more than three months were randomly allocated to one of the two groups: 'UP' - 45 minutes of physical therapy + 30 minutes of treadmill with 5% ascending slope; and 'DOWN' - 45 minutes of physical therapy + 30 minutes of treadmill with 5% descending slope. Both groups were treated 5 times a week for six weeks. Patients were evaluated before treatment, at the end of treatment and after three months. Outcome measures: Primary outcome measure was the number of patients showing an improvement in 6-minute walking test (6MWT) greater than 50 m. Secondary outcome measures were: (1) number of patients showing a clinically relevant improvement of gait speed during 10-m walking test (10mWT); (2) number of patients showing an improvement in timed up and go (TUG) greater than minimal detectable change. Results: Both groups had a significant improvement after treatment and at follow-up. At the end of treatment, compared to UP group, more patients in the DOWN group showed clinically significant improvements in primary and secondary outcomes (16/19 patients for 6MWT, 11/19 patients for 10mWT and 9/19 patients for TUG compared with 3/19, 4/19 and 2/19 patients, respectively, P < 0.01). At follow-up, results were similar except for 10mWT. Conclusions: In chronic stroke patients, downhill treadmill training produces a bigger effect than uphill training.


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BACKGROUND: Thymostimulin is a thymic peptide fraction with immune-mediated cytotoxicity against hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in vitro and palliative efficacy in advanced HCC in two independent phase II trials. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of thymostimulin in a phase III trial. METHODS: The study was designed as a prospective randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter clinical phase III trial. Between 10/2002 and 03/2005, 135 patients with locally advanced or metastasised HCC (Karnofsky >or=60%/Child-Pugh <or= 12) were randomised to receive thymostimulin 75 mg s.c. 5x/week or placebo stratified according to liver function. Primary endpoint was twelve-month survival, secondary endpoints overall survival (OS), time to progression (TTP), tumor response, safety and quality of life. A subgroup analysis according to liver function, KPS and tumor stage (Okuda, CLIP and BCLC) formed part of the protocol. RESULTS: Twelve-month survival was 28% [95%CI 17-41; treatment] and 32% [95%CI 19-44; control] with no significant differences in median OS (5.0 [95% CI 3.7-6.3] vs. 5.2 [95% CI 3.5-6.9] months; p = 0.87, HR = 1.04 [95% CI 0.7-1.6]) or TTP (5.3 [95%CI 2.0-8.6] vs. 2.9 [95%CI 2.6-3.1] months; p = 0.60, HR = 1.13 [95% CI 0.7-1.8]). Adjustment for liver function, Karnofsky status or tumor stage did not affect results. While quality of life was similar in both groups, fewer patients on thymostimulin suffered from accumulating ascites and renal failure. CONCLUSIONS: In our phase III trial, we found no evidence of any benefit to thymostimulin in the treatment of advanced HCC and there is therefore no justification for its use as single-agent treatment. The effect of thymostimulin on hepato-renal function requires further confirmation. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN64487365.


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Purpose To reduce the incidence of febrile neutropenia during rapid COJEC (cisplatin, vincristine, carboplatin, etoposide, and cyclophosphamide given in a rapid delivery schedule) induction. In the High-Risk Neuroblastoma-1 (HR-NBL1) trial, the International Society of Paediatric Oncology European Neuroblastoma Group (SIOPEN) randomly assigned patients to primary prophylactic (PP) versus symptom-triggered granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF; filgrastim). Patients and Methods From May 2002 to November 2005, 239 patients in 16 countries were randomly assigned to receive or not receive PPGCSF. There were 144 boys with a median age of 3.1 years (range, 1 to 17 years) of whom 217 had International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS) stage 4 and 22 had stage 2 or 3 MYCN-amplified disease. The prophylactic arm received a single daily dose of 5 μg/kg GCSF, starting after each of the eight COJEC chemotherapy cycles and stopping 24 hours before the next cycle. Chemotherapy was administered every 10 days regardless of hematologic recovery, provided that infection was controlled. Results The PPGCSF arm had significantly fewer febrile neutropenic episodes (P = .002), days with fever (P = .004), hospital days (P = .017), and antibiotic days (P = .001). Reported Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) graded toxicity was also significantly reduced: infections per cycle (P = .002), fever (P < .001), severe leucopenia (P < .001), neutropenia (P < .001), mucositis (P = .002), nausea/vomiting (P = .045), and constipation (P = .008). Severe weight loss was reduced significantly by 50% (P = .013). Protocol compliance with the rapid induction schedule was also significantly better in the PPGCSF arm shown by shorter time to completion (P = .005). PPGCSF did not adversely affect response rates or success of peripheral-blood stem-cell harvest. Following these results, PPG-GSF was advised for all patients on rapid COJEC induction.


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BACKGROUND: Upper limb paresis remains a relevant challenge in stroke rehabilitation. AIM: To evaluate if adding mirror therapy (MT) to conventional therapy (CT) can improve motor recovery of the upper limb in subacute stroke patients. DESIGN: Prospective, single-center, single-blind, randomised, controlled trial. SETTING: Subacute stroke patients referred to a Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Unit between October 2009 and August 2011. POPULATION: Twenty-six subacute stroke patients (time from stroke <4 weeks) with upper limb paresis (Motricity Index â0/00¤ 77). METHODS: Patients were randomly allocated to the MT (N.=13) or to the CT group (N.=13). Both followed a comprehensive rehabilitative treatment. In addition, MT Group had 30 minutes of MT while the CT group had 30 minutes of sham therapy. Action Research Arm Test (ARAT) was the primary outcome measures. Motricity Index (MI) and the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) were the secondary outcome measures. RESULTS: After one month of treatment patients of both groups showed statistically significant improvements in all the variables measured (P<0.05). Moreover patients of the MT group had greater improvements in the ARAT, MI and FIM values compared to CT group (P<0.01, Glass's Î" Effect Size: 1.18). No relevant adverse event was recorded during the study. CONCLUSION: MT is a promising and easy method to improve motor recovery of the upper limb in subacute stroke patients. CLINICAL REHABILITATION IMPACT: While MT use has been advocated for acute patients with no or negligible motor function, it can be usefully extended to patients who show partial motor recovery. The easiness of implementation, the low cost and the acceptability makes this therapy an useful tool in stroke rehabilitation.


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AIMS: To evaluate the effectiveness of brief alcohol intervention (BAI) in reducing alcohol use among hazardous drinkers treated in the emergency department (ED) after an injury; in addition it tests whether assessment of alcohol use without BAI is sufficient to reduce hazardous drinking. DESIGN: Randomized controlled clinical trial with 12-month follow-up conducted between January 2003 and June 2005. SETTING: Urban academic emergency department (ED) of the Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 5136 consecutive patients attending ED after an injury completed a seven-item general and a three-item alcohol screen and 1472 (28.7%) were positive for hazardous drinking according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Addiction definition; of these 987 (67.1%) were randomized into a BAI group (n = 310) or a control group with screening and assessment (n = 342) or a control group with screening only (n = 335) and then a total of 770 patients (78.0%) completed the 12-month follow-up procedures. INTERVENTION: A single 10-15-minute session of standardized BAI conducted by a trained research assistant. MEASUREMENTS: Percentage of participants who have changed to low-risk drinking at follow-up. FINDINGS: Data obtained at 12 months indicated that similar proportions were low-risk drinkers in BAI versus control groups with and without assessment (35.6%, 34.0%, 37.0%, respectively, P = 0.71). Data also indicated similar reductions in drinking frequency, quantity, binge drinking frequency and Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores across groups. All groups reported similar numbers of days hospitalized and numbers of medical consults in the last 12 months. A model including age groups, gender, AUDIT and injury severity scores indicated that BAI had no influence on the main alcohol use outcome. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides the evidence that a 10-15-minute BAI does not decrease alcohol use and health resource utilization in hazardous drinkers treated in the ED, and demonstrates that commonly found decreases in hazardous alcohol use in control groups cannot be attributed to the baseline alcohol assessment.