956 resultados para Single Cell
B cell abnormalities contribute to the development and progress of autoimmune disease. Traditionally, the role of B cells in autoimmune disease was thought to be predominantly limited to the production of autoantibodies. Nevertheless, in addition to autoantibody production, B cells have other functions potentially relevant to autoimmunity. Such functions include antigen presentation to and activation of T cells, expression of costimulatory molecules and cytokine production. Recently, the ability of B cells to negatively regulate cellular immune responses and inflammation has been described and the concept of “regulatory B cells” has emerged. A variety of cytokines produced by regulatory B cell subsets have been reported with interleukin-10 (IL-10) being the most studied. IL-10-producing regulatory B cells predominantly localize within a rare CD1dhiCD5+ B cell subset in mice and the CD24hiCD27+ B cell subset in adult humans. This specific IL-10-producing subset of regulatory B cells have been named “B10 cells” to highlight that the regulatory function of these rare B cells is primarily mediated by IL-10, and to distinguish them from other regulatory B cell subsets that regulate immune responses through different mechanisms. B10 cells have been studies in a variety of animal models with autoimmune disease and clinical settings of human autoimmunity. There are many unsolved questions related to B10 cells including their surface phenotype, their origin and development in vivo, and their role in autoimmunity.
In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, the role of the B cell receptor (BCR) in B10 cell development is highlighted. First, the BCR repertoire of mouse peritoneal cavity B10 cells is examined by single cell sequencing; peritoneal cavity B10 cells have clonally diverse germline BCRs that are predominantly unmutated. Second, mouse B10 cells are shown to have higher frequencies of λ+ BCRs compared to non-B10 cells which may indicate the involvement of BCR light chain editing early in the process of B10 cell development in vivo. Third, human peripheral blood B10 cells are examined and are also found to express higher frequencies of λ chains compared to non-b10 cells. Therefore, B10 cell BCRs are clonally diverse and enriched for unmutated germline sequences and λ light chains.
In Chapter 4 of this dissertation, B10 cells are examined in the healthy developing human across the entire age range of infancy, childhood and adolescence, and in a large cohort of children with autoimmunity. The study of B10 cells in the developing human documents a massive transient expansion during middle childhood when up to 30% of blood B cells were competent to produce IL-10. The surface phenotype of pediatric B10 cells was variable and reflective of overall B cell development. B10 cells down-regulated CD4+ T cell interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production through IL-10-dependent pathways and IFN-γ inhibited whereas interleukin-21 (IL-21) promoted B cell IL-10 competency in vitro. Children with autoimmunity had a contracted B10 cell compartment, along with increased IFN-γ and decreased IL-21 serum levels compared to age-matched healthy controls. The decreased B10 cell frequencies and numbers in children with autoimmunity may be partially explained by the differential regulation of B10 cell development by IFN-γ and IL-21 and alterations in serum cytokine levels. The age-related changes of the B10 cell compartment during normal human development provide new insights into immune tolerance mechanisms involved in inflammation and autoimmunity.
These studies collectively demonstrate that BCR signals are the most important early determinant of B10 cell development in vivo, that human B10 cells are not a surface phenotype defined developmental B cell subset but a functionally defined regulatory B cell subset that regulates CD4+ T IFN-γ production through IL-10-dependent pathways and that human B10 cell development can be regulated by soluble factors in vivo such as the cytokine milieu. The findings of these studies provide new insights into immune tolerance mechanisms involved in human autoimmunity and the potent effects of IL-21 on human B cell IL-10 competence in vitro open new horizons in the development of autologous B10 cell-based therapies as an approach to treat human autoimmune disease in the future.
B cells mediate immune responses via the secretion of antibody and interactions with other immune cell populations through antigen presentation, costimulation, and cytokine secretion. Although B cells are primarily believed to promote immune responses using the mechanisms described above, some unique regulatory B cell populations that negatively influence inflammation have also been described. Among these is a rare interleukin (IL)-10-producing B lymphocyte subset termed “B10 cells.” B cell-derived IL-10 can inhibit various arms of the immune system, including polarization of Th1/Th2 cell subsets, antigen presentation and cytokine production by monocytes and macrophages, and activation of regulatory T cells. Further studies in numerous autoimmune and inflammatory models of disease have confirmed the ability of B10 cells to negatively regulate inflammation in an IL-10-dependent manner. Although IL-10 is indispensable to the effector functions of B10 cells, how this specialized B cell population is selected in vivo to produce IL-10 is unknown. Some studies have demonstrated a link between B cell receptor (BCR)-derived signals and the acquisition of IL-10 competence. Additionally, whether antigen-BCR interactions are required for B cell IL-10 production during homeostasis as well as active immune responses is a matter of debate. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to determine the importance of antigen-driven signals during B10 cell development in vivo and during B10 cell-mediated immunosuppression.
Chapter 3 of the dissertation explored the BCR repertoire of spleen and peritoneal cavity B10 cells using single-cell sequencing to lay the foundation for studies to understand the full range of antigens that may be involved in B10 cell selection. In both the spleen and peritoneal cavity B10 cells studied, BCR gene utilization was diverse, and the expressed BCR transcripts were largely unmutated. Thus, B10 cells are likely capable of responding to a wide range of foreign and self-antigens in vivo.
Studies in Chapter 4 determined the predominant antigens that drive B cell IL-10 secretion during homeostasis. A novel in vitro B cell expansion system was used to isolate B cells actively expressing IL-10 in vivo and probe the reactivities of their secreted monoclonal antibodies. B10 cells were found to produce polyreactive antibodies that bound multiple self-antigens. Therefore, in the absence of overarching active immune responses, B cell IL-10 is secreted following interactions with self-antigens.
Chapter 5 of this dissertation investigated whether foreign antigens are capable of driving B10 cell expansion and effector activity during an active immune response. In a model of contact-induced hypersensitivity, in vitro B cell expansion was again used to isolate antigen-specific B10 clones, which were required for optimal immunosuppression.
The studies described in this dissertation shed light on the relative contributions of BCR-derived signals during B10 cell development and effector function. Furthermore, these investigations demonstrate that B10 cells respond to both foreign and self-antigens, which has important implications for the potential manipulation of B10 cells for human therapy. Therefore, B10 cells represent a polyreactive B cell population that provides antigen-specific regulation of immune responses via the production of IL-10.
In this paper strontium-site-deficient Sr2Fe1.4Co0.1Mo0.5O6-δ-based perovskite oxides (SxFCM) were prepared and evaluated as the cathode materials for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). All samples exhibited a cubic phase structure and the lattice shrinked with increasing the Sr-deficiency as shown in XRD patterns. XPS results determined that the transition elements (Co/Fe/Mo) in SxFCM oxides were in a mixed valence state, demonstrating the small polaron hopping conductivity mechanism existed. Among the samples, S1.950FCM presented the lowest coefficient of thermal expansion of 15.62 × 10-6 K-1, the highest conductivity value of 28 S cm-1 at 500 °C, and the lowest interfacial polarization resistance of 0.093 Ω cm2 at 800 °C, respectively. Furthermore, an anode-supported single cell with a S1.950FCM cathode was prepared, demonstrating a maximum power density of 1.16 W cm-2 at 800 °C by using wet H2 (3% H2O) as the fuel and ambient air as the oxidant. These results indicate that the introduction of Sr-deficiency can dramatically improve the electrochemical performance of Sr2Fe1.4Co0.1Mo0.5O6-δ, showing great promise as a novel cathode candidate material for IT-SOFCs.
In this work Cu1.4Mn1.6O4 (CMO) spinel oxide is prepared and evaluated as a novel cobalt-free cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). Single phase CMO powder with cubic structure is identified using XRD. XPS results confirm that mixed Cu+/Cu2+ and Mn3+/Mn4+ couples exist in the CMO sample, and a maximum conductivity of 78 S cm−1 is achieved at 800 °C. Meanwhile, CMO oxide shows good thermal and chemical compatibility with a 10 mol% Sc2O3 stabilized ZrO2 (ScSZ) electrolyte material. Impedance spectroscopy measurements reveals that CMO exhibits a low polarization resistance of 0.143 Ω cm2 at 800 °C. Furthermore, a Ni-ScSZ/ScSZ/CMO single cell demonstrates a maximum power density of 1076 mW cm−2 at 800 °C under H2 (3% H2O) as the fuel and ambient air as the oxidant. These results indicate that Cu1.4Mn1.6O4 is a superior and promising cathode material for IT-SOFCs.
Memristori on yksi elektroniikan peruskomponenteista vastuksen, kondensaattorin ja kelan lisäksi. Se on passiivinen komponentti, jonka teorian kehitti Leon Chua vuonna 1971. Kesti kuitenkin yli kolmekymmentä vuotta ennen kuin teoria pystyttiin yhdistämään kokeellisiin tuloksiin. Vuonna 2008 Hewlett Packard julkaisi artikkelin, jossa he väittivät valmistaneensa ensimmäisen toimivan memristorin. Memristori eli muistivastus on resistiivinen komponentti, jonka vastusarvoa pystytään muuttamaan. Nimens mukaisesti memristori kykenee myös säilyttämään vastusarvonsa ilman jatkuvaa virtaa ja jännitettä. Tyypillisesti memristorilla on vähintään kaksi vastusarvoa, joista kumpikin pystytään valitsemaan syöttämällä komponentille jännitettä tai virtaa. Tämän vuoksi memristoreita kutsutaankin usein resistiivisiksi kytkimiksi. Resistiivisiä kytkimiä tutkitaan nykyään paljon erityisesti niiden mahdollistaman muistiteknologian takia. Resistiivisistä kytkimistä rakennettua muistia kutsutaan ReRAM-muistiksi (lyhenne sanoista resistive random access memory). ReRAM-muisti on Flash-muistin tapaan haihtumaton muisti, jota voidaan sähköisesti ohjelmoida tai tyhjentää. Flash-muistia käytetään tällä hetkellä esimerkiksi muistitikuissa. ReRAM-muisti mahdollistaa kuitenkin nopeamman ja vähävirtaiseman toiminnan Flashiin verrattuna, joten se on tulevaisuudessa varteenotettava kilpailija markkinoilla. ReRAM-muisti mahdollistaa myös useammin bitin tallentamisen yhteen muistisoluun binäärisen (”0” tai ”1”) toiminnan sijaan. Tyypillisesti ReRAM-muistisolulla on kaksi rajoittavaa vastusarvoa, mutta näiden kahden tilan välille pystytään mahdollisesti ohjelmoimaan useampia tiloja. Muistisoluja voidaan kutsua analogisiksi, jos tilojen määrää ei ole rajoitettu. Analogisilla muistisoluilla olisi mahdollista rakentaa tehokkaasti esimerkiksi neuroverkkoja. Neuroverkoilla pyritään mallintamaan aivojen toimintaa ja suorittamaan tehtäviä, jotka ovat tyypillisesti vaikeita perinteisille tietokoneohjelmille. Neuroverkkoja käytetään esimerkiksi puheentunnistuksessa tai tekoälytoteutuksissa. Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan Ta2O5 -perustuvan ReRAM-muistisolun analogista toimintaa pitäen mielessä soveltuvuus neuroverkkoihin. ReRAM-muistisolun valmistus ja mittaustulokset käydään läpi. Muistisolun toiminta on harvoin täysin analogista, koska kahden rajoittavan vastusarvon välillä on usein rajattu määrä tiloja. Tämän vuoksi toimintaa kutsutaan pseudoanalogiseksi. Mittaustulokset osoittavat, että yksittäinen ReRAM-muistisolu kykenee binääriseen toimintaan hyvin. Joiltain osin yksittäinen solu kykenee tallentamaan useampia tiloja, mutta vastusarvoissa on peräkkäisten ohjelmointisyklien välillä suurta vaihtelevuutta, joka hankaloittaa tulkintaa. Valmistettu ReRAM-muistisolu ei sellaisenaan kykene toimimaan pseudoanalogisena muistina, vaan se vaati rinnalleen virtaa rajoittavan komponentin. Myös valmistusprosessin kehittäminen vähentäisi yksittäisen solun toiminnassa esiintyvää varianssia, jolloin sen toiminta muistuttaisi enemmän pseudoanalogista muistia.
A diverse T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire is a prerequisite for effective viral clearance. However, knowledge of human TCR repertoire to defined viral antigens is limited. Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing (HTS) and single-cell sorting have revolutionized the study of human TCR repertoires to different types of viruses. In collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Nan-ping Weng (National Institute on Aging, NIH), we applied unique molecular identifier (UMI)-labelled HTS, single-cell paired TCR analysis, surface plasmon resonance, and X-ray crystallography to exhaustively interrogate CD8+ TCR repertoires specific for cytomegalovirus (CMV) and influenza A (Flu) in HLA-A2+ humans. Our two CMV-specific TCR-pMHC structures and two Flu-specific TCR-pMHC structures provide a plausible explanation for the much higher diversity of CMV-specific than Flu-specific TCR repertoires in humans. Our comprehensive biochemical and structural portrait of two different anti-viral T cell responses may contribute to the future development of predictors of immunity or disease at the individual level.
As one of the newest members in Articial Immune Systems (AIS), the Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA) has been applied to a range of problems. These applications mainly belong to the eld of anomaly detection. However, real-time detection, a new challenge to anomaly detection, requires improvement on the real-time capability of the DCA. To assess such capability, formal methods in the research of real-time systems can be employed. The ndings of the assessment can provide guideline for the future development of the algorithm. Therefore, in this paper we use an interval logic based method, named the Duration Calcu- lus (DC), to specify a simplied single-cell model of the DCA. Based on the DC specications with further induction, we nd that each individual cell in the DCA can perform its function as a detector in real-time. Since the DCA can be seen as many such cells operating in parallel, it is potentially capable of performing real-time detection. However, the analysis process of the standard DCA constricts its real-time capability. As a result, we conclude that the analysis process of the standard DCA should be replaced by a real-time analysis component, which can perform periodic analysis for the purpose of real-time detection.
Tissue mechanics and cellular interactions influence every single cell in our bodies to drive morphogenesis. However, little is known about mechanisms by which cells sense physical forces and transduce them from the cytoskeleton to the nucleus to control gene expression and stem cell fate. We have identified a novel nuclear-mechanosensor complex, consisting of the nuclear membrane protein emerin (Emd), actin and non-muscle myosin IIA (NMIIA), that regulates transcription, chromatin remodeling and lineage commitment. Force-induced enrichment of Emd at the outer nuclear membrane leads to a compensation between H3K9me2,3 and H3K27me3 on constitutive heterochromatin. This strain-induced epigenetic switch is accompanied by the global rearrangement of chromatin. In parallel, forces promote local F-actin polymerization at the outer nuclear membrane, which limits the availability of nuclear G-actin. Subsequently, the reduction of nuclear G-actin results in attenuated global transcription and therefore increased H3K27me3 occupancy to reinforce gene silencing. Restoring nuclear actin levels in the presence of mechanical strain counteracts PRC2-mediated silencing of transcribed genes. This mechanosensory circuit is also observed in vivo. Depletion of NMIIA in mouse epidermis leads to decreased H3K27me3 levels and precocious lineage commitment, thus abrogating organ growth and patterning. Our results reveal how mechanical signals regulate nuclear architecture, chromatin organization and transcription to control cell fate decisions.
Rhodotorula glutinis CCT 2182, Rhodosporidium toruloides CCT 0783, Rhodotorula minuta CCT 1751 and Lipomyces starkeyi DSM 70296 were evaluated for the conversion of sugars from Brazilian molasses into single-cell oil (SCO) feedstock for biodiesel. Pulsed fed-batch fermentations were performed in 1.65 l working volume bioreactors. The maximum specific growth rate (µmax), lipid productivity (Pr) and cellular lipid content were, respectively, 0.23 h(-1), 0.41 g l(-1) h(-1), and 41% for Rsp. toruloides; 0.20 h(-1), 0.27 g l(-1) h(-1), and 36% for Rta. glutinis; 0.115 h(-1), 0.135 g l(-1) h(-1), and 27 % for Rta. minuta; and 0.11 h(-1), 0.13 g l(-1) h(-1), and 32% for L. starkeyi. Based on their microbial lipid productivity, content, and profile, Rsp. toruloides and Rta. glutinis are promising candidates for biodiesel production from Brazilian molasses. All the oils from the yeasts were similar to the composition of plant oils (rapeseed and soybean) and could be used as raw material for biofuels, as well as in food and nutraceutical products.
The recombinant Rhizopus oryzae lipase (1-3 positional selective), immobilized on Relizyme OD403, has been applied to the production of biodiesel using single cell oil from Candida sp. LEB-M3 growing on glycerol from biodiesel process. The composition of microbial oil is quite similar in terms of saponifiable lipids than olive oil, although with a higher amount of saturated fatty acids. The reaction was carried out in a solvent system, and n-hexane showed the best performance in terms of yield and easy recovery. The strategy selected for acyl acceptor addition was a stepwise methanol addition using crude and neutralized single cell oil, olive oil and oleic acid as substrates. A FAMEs yield of 40.6% was obtained with microbial oils lower than olive oil 54.3%. Finally in terms of stability, only a lost about 30% after 6 reutilizations were achieved.
The acellular dermal matrix (ADM) was introduced in periodontology as a substitute for the autogenous grafts, which became restricted because of the limited source of donor's tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate, in vitro, the distribution, proliferation and viability of human gingival fibroblasts seeded onto ADM. ADM was seeded with human gingival fibroblasts for up to 21 days. The following parameters were evaluated: cell distribution, proliferation and viability. Results revealed that, at day 7, fibroblasts were adherent and spread on ADM surface, and were unevenly distributed, forming a discontinuous single cell layer; at day 14, a confluent fibroblastic monolayer lining ADM surface was noticed. At day 21, the cell monolayer exhibited a reduction in cell density. At 7 days, about to 90% of adherent cells on ADM surface were cycling while at 14 and 21 days this proportion was significantly reduced. A high proportion of viable cell was detected on AMD surface both on 14 and 21 days. The results suggest that fibroblast seeding onto ADM for 14 days can allow good conditions for cell adhesion and spreading on the matrix; however, migration inside the matrix was limited.
Tamarindus indica has been used in folk medicine as an antidiabetic, a digestive aid, and a carminative, among other uses. Currently, there is no information in the toxicology literature concerning the safety of T. indica extract. We evaluated the clastogenic and/or genotoxic potential of fruit pulp extract of this plant in vivo in peripheral blood and liver cells of Wistar rats, using the comet assay, and in bone marrow cells of Swiss mice, using the micronucleus test. The extract was administered by gavage at doses of 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg body weight. Peripheral blood and liver cells from Wistar rats were collected 24 h after treatment, for the comet assay. The micronucleus test was carried out in bone marrow cells from Swiss mice collected 24 h after treatment. The extract made with T. indica was devoid of clastogenic and genotoxic activities in the cells of the rodents, when administered orally at these three acute doses.
The present work reports on the effect of the type of backside contact used in the electrochemical process and their relation with the structural features and optical responses of the one-dimensional photonic crystal (PC) anodized in simple and double electrochemical cell. The PC, obtained in the single cell, showed to have thicker layers than of the PC obtained in double electrochemical cell. Additionally, the PC obtained in double cell showed highest reflectance in the band gap region than of the PCs obtained in single cell. These results suggest that the interface roughness between adjacent layers in the PC devices obtained in double electrochemical cell is minimized. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim of the study was to find out whether consumption of quercetin (QC), an abundant flavonoid in the human diet, protects against DNA damage caused by exposure to organic mercury. Therefore, rats were treated orally with methylmercury (MeHg) and the flavonoid with doses that reflect the human exposure. The animals received MeHg (30 mu g/kg/bw/day), QC (0.5-50 mg/kg/bw/day), or combinations of both over 45 days. Subsequently, the glutathione levels (GSH) and the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and catalase (CAT) were determined, and DNA damage was measured in hepatocytes and peripheral leukocytes in single cell gel electrophoresis assays. MeHg decreased the concentration of GSH and the activity of GPx by 17 and 12%, respectively and caused DNA damage to liver and blood cells, while with QC no such effects were seen. When the flavonoid was given in combination with MeHg, the intermediate and the highest concentrations (5.0 and 50.0 mg/kg/bw/day) were found to cause DNA protection; DNA migration was reduced by 54 and 65% in the hepatocytes and by 27 and 36% in the leukocytes; furthermore, the reduction in GSH and GPx levels caused by MeHg treatment was restored. In summary, our results indicate that consumption of QC-rich foods may protect Hg-exposed humans against the adverse health effects of the metal.
Studies of functional brain imaging in humans and single cell recordings in monkeys have generally shown preferential involvement of the medially located supplementary motor area (SMA) in self-initiated movement and the lateral premotor cortex in externally cued movement. Studies of event-related cortical potentials recorded during movement preparation, however, generally show increased cortical activity prior to self-initiated movements but little activity at early stages prior to movements that are externally cued at unpredictable times. In this study, the spatial location and relative timing of activation for self-initiated and externally triggered movements were examined using rapid event-related functional MRI. Twelve healthy right-handed subjects were imaged while performing a brief finger sequence movement (three rapid alternating button presses: index-middle-index finger) made either in response to an unpredictably timed auditory cue (between 8 to 24 s after the previous movement) or at self-paced irregular intervals. Both movement conditions involved similar strong activation of medial motor areas including the pre-SMA, SMA proper, and rostral cingulate cortex, as well as activation within contralateral primary motor, superior parietal, and insula cortex. Activation within the basal ganglia was found for self-initiated movements only, while externally triggered movements involved additional bilateral activation of primary auditory cortex. Although the level of SMA and cingulate cortex activation did not differ significantly between movement conditions, the timing of the hemodynamic response within the pre-SMA was significantly earlier for self-initiated compared with externally triggered movements. This clearly reflects involvement of the pre-SMA in early processes associated with the preparation for voluntary movement. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science.