944 resultados para Simultaneous excretion
Stroma mediated wound healing signals may share similarities with the ones produced by tumor's microenvironment and their modulation may impact tumor response to the various anti-cancer treatments including radiation therapy. Therefore we conducted this study, to assess the crosstalk between stromal and carcinoma cells in response to radiotherapy by genetic modulation of the stroma and irradiation. We found that fibroblasts irrespective of their RhoB status do not modulate intrinsic radiosensitivity of TC-1 but produce diffusible factors able to modify tumor cell fate. Then we found that Wt and RhoB deficient fibroblasts stimulated TC-1 migration through distinct mechanisms which are TGF-β1 and MMP-mediated respectively. Lastly, we found that simultaneous irradiation of fibroblasts and TC-1 abrogated the pro-migratory phenotype by repression of TGF-β and MMP secretion. This last result is highly relevant to the clinical situation and suggests that conversely to, the current view; irradiated stroma would not enhance carcinoma migration and could be manipulated to promote anti-tumor immune response.
Objective: This study investigated patterns of the simultaneous use of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis among young polydrug users, and whether use of one substance might be a cue for use of another and associations with the severity of substance dependence. Methods: The study focused on 3 subsamples from the ongoing Swiss Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF, N=5,990). It used 12 months of data on alcohol/tobacco co-users, alcohol/cannabis co-users and tobacco/cannabis co-users (N=2,660, 1,755 and 1,460 respectively. Simultaneous use, numbers of symptoms of substance dependence, and hazardous use of alcohol, tobacco and cannabis were assessed. The effect of simultaneous polydrug use (SPU) on the numbers of symptoms of substance dependence was tested using analysis of variance. Results: Polydrug use was most common as SPU, and less common as non/occasional SPU. Moreover, when participants started to use one substance while using another, the severity of substance dependence was more strongly associated with the triggered substance than with cue. Conclusions: This study highlights the necessity to take SPU into account. First, SPU rather than separate drug use was the most common pattern for polydrug users. Second, frequent SPU was associated with increased numbers of symptoms of substance dependence compared to non/occasional SPU. Furthermore, SPU may reveal the severity of substance use dependence, when substance use is triggered by a cue substance. For these reasons, SPU should be a serious cause for concern for prevention and intervention purposes.
The effect of different food matrices on the metabolism and excretion of polyphenols is uncertain. The objective of the study was to evaluate the possible effect of milk on the excretion of (2)-epicatechin metabolites from cocoa powder after its ingestion with and without milk. Twenty-one volunteers received the following three test meals each in a randomised cross-over design with a 1-week interval between meals: (1) 250 ml whole milk as a control; (2) 40 g cocoa powder dissolved in 250 ml whole milk (CC-M); (3) 40 g cocoa powder dissolved in 250 ml water (CC-W). Urine was collected before consumption and during the 0-6, 6-12 and 12-24 h periods after consumption. (2)-Epicatechin metabolite excretion was measured using liquid chromatography-MS. One (2)-epicatechin glucuronide and three (2)-epicatechin sulfates were detected in urine excreted after the intake of the two cocoa beverages (CC-M and CC-W). The results show that milk does not significantly affect the total amount of metabolites excreted in urine. However, differences in metabolite excretion profiles were observed; there were changes in the glucuronide and sulfate excretion rates, and the sulfation position between the period of excretion and the matrix. The matrix in which polyphenols are consumed can affect their metabolism and excretion, and this may affect their biological activity. Thus, more studies are needed to evaluate the effect of these different metabolite profiles on the body.
The enhanced functional sensitivity offered by ultra-high field imaging may significantly benefit simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies, but the concurrent increases in artifact contamination can strongly compromise EEG data quality. In the present study, we focus on EEG artifacts created by head motion in the static B0 field. A novel approach for motion artifact detection is proposed, based on a simple modification of a commercial EEG cap, in which four electrodes are non-permanently adapted to record only magnetic induction effects. Simultaneous EEG-fMRI data were acquired with this setup, at 7T, from healthy volunteers undergoing a reversing-checkerboard visual stimulation paradigm. Data analysis assisted by the motion sensors revealed that, after gradient artifact correction, EEG signal variance was largely dominated by pulse artifacts (81-93%), but contributions from spontaneous motion (4-13%) were still comparable to or even larger than those of actual neuronal activity (3-9%). Multiple approaches were tested to determine the most effective procedure for denoising EEG data incorporating motion sensor information. Optimal results were obtained by applying an initial pulse artifact correction step (AAS-based), followed by motion artifact correction (based on the motion sensors) and ICA denoising. On average, motion artifact correction (after AAS) yielded a 61% reduction in signal power and a 62% increase in VEP trial-by-trial consistency. Combined with ICA, these improvements rose to a 74% power reduction and an 86% increase in trial consistency. Overall, the improvements achieved were well appreciable at single-subject and single-trial levels, and set an encouraging quality mark for simultaneous EEG-fMRI at ultra-high field.
The simultaneous etherification of isobutene and isoamylenes with ethanol has been studied using macroreticu-lar acid ion-exchange resins as catalyst. Most of the experiments were carried out over Amberlyst-35. In addition,Amberlyst-15 and Purolite CT-275 were also tested. Chemical equilibrium of four chemical reactions was studied:ethyl tert-butyl ether formation, tert-amyl ethyl ether formation from isoamylenes (2-methyl-1-butene and 2-methyl-2-butene) and isomerization reaction between both isoamylenes. Equilibrium data were obtained in a batchwisestirred tank reactor operated at 2.0 MPa and within the temperature range from 323 to 353 K. Experimental molarstandard enthalpy and entropy changes of reaction were determined for each reaction. From these data, the molarenthalpy change of formation of ethyl tert-butyl ether and tert-amyl ethyl ether were estimated. Besides, the chemical equilibrium between both diisobutene dimers, 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene and 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene, wasevaluated. A good agreement between thermodynamic results for the simultaneous etherification carried out in thiswork and those obtained for the isolated ethyl tert-butyl ether and tert-amyl ethyl ether systems was obtained.
OBJECTIVE: White coat hypertensive is a pre-hypertensive state that has been associated with increased sympathetic drive. The objective of the study was to compare the exposure of the kidney to sympathetic nerve activity using urinary normetanephrine (UNMN) as a marker of renal sympathetic exposure in white coat hypertensive (WCH) and healthy normotensive (HN) participants. DESIGN AND METHOD: This was a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled crossover study. WCH were included if office blood pressure was >140/80 mmHg and ambulatory blood pressure <135/85 mmHg and HN if OBP was <140/90 mmHg and ABP <135/85 mmHg Participants were randomized to receive either 16 mg of candesartan or a matched placebo for one week before study day. On the study day systemic and renal hemodynamics as well as plasma norepinephrine and urinary excretion of normetanephrine (measured by LC/MS-MS were measured after one hour of baseline, one hour of lower body negative pressure and one hour of recovery period. Excretion of UNMN was expressed as the total of UNMN excreted during these three hours (cumUNMN). Paired or unpaired t-test were used for comparison. RESULTS: 25 HN and 12 WCH participants were included in the study. Mean age (±standard deviation), BMI were respectively 31.0±10.5 years and 22.0 ± 2.2 Kg/m2 in HN and 40.7±17.8 years and 26.7 ± 6.3 Kg/m2 in WCH.Table 1 Baseline mean blood pressure, plasma noradrenaline and cumulated UNMN during placebo and candesartan(Figure is included in full-text article.)Mean blood pressure was higher during placebo and candesartan in WCH compared to HN. Cumulated UNMN was higher in both groups after candesartan treatment. Cumulated UNMN was higher in WCH than in HN only after candesartan treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary excretion of normetanephrine is increased in WCH compared to HN when treated with candesartan. The increased excretion of uNMN when the renin angiotensin system is blocked might reflect an increased sensitivity of WCH to stress conditions such as orthostatic stress.
The determination of gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural waters is useful in a wide range of environmental studies. Furthermore, gross alpha and gross beta parameters are included in international legislation on the quality of drinking water [Council Directive 98/83/EC].1 In this work, a low-background liquid scintillation counter (Wallac, Quantulus 1220) was used to simultaneously determine gross alpha, gross beta and 226Ra activity in natural water samples. Sample preparation involved evaporation to remove 222Rn and its short-lived decay daughters. The evaporation process concentrated the sample ten-fold. Afterwards, a sample aliquot of 8 mL was mixed with 12 mL of Ultima Gold AB scintillation cocktail in low-diffusion vials. In this study, a theoretical mathematical model based on secular equilibrium conditions between 226Ra and its short-lived decay daughters is presented. The proposed model makes it possible to determine 226Ra activity from two measurements. These measurements also allow determining gross alpha and gross beta simultaneously. To validate the proposed model, spiked samples with different activity levels for each parameter were analysed. Additionally, to evaluate the model's applicability in natural water, eight natural water samples from different parts of Spain were analysed. The eight natural water samples were also characterised by alpha spectrometry for the naturally occurring isotopes of uranium (234U, 235U and 238U), radium (224Ra and 226Ra), 210Po and 232Th. The results for gross alpha and 226Ra activity were compared with alpha spectrometry characterization, and an acceptable concordance was obtained.
To-date, there has been no effective chiral capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) method reported for the simultaneous enantioseparation of the antidepressant drug, venlafaxine (VX) and its structurally-similar major metabolite, O-desmethylvenlafaxine (O-DVX). This is mainly due to the difficulty of identifying MS compatible chiral selector, which could provide both high enantioselectivity and sensitive MS detection. In this work, poly-sodium N-undecenoyl-L,L-leucylalaninate (poly-L,L-SULA) was employed as a chiral selector after screening several dipeptide polymeric chiral surfactants. Baseline separation of both O-DVX and VX enantiomers was achieved in 15min after optimizing the buffer pH, poly-L,L-SULA concentration, nebulizer pressure and separation voltage. Calibration curves in spiked plasma (recoveries higher than 80%) were linear over the concentration range 150-5000ng/mL for both VX and O-DVX. The limit of detection (LOD) was found to be as low as 30ng/mL and 21ng/mL for O-DVX and VX, respectively. This method was successfully applied to measure the plasma concentrations of human volunteers receiving VX or O-DVX orally when co-administered without and with indinivar therapy. The results suggest that micellar electrokinetic chromatography electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (MEKC-ESI-MS/MS) is an effective low cost alternative technique for the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics studies of both O-DVX and VX enantiomers. The technique has potential to identify drug-drug interaction involving VX and O-DVX enantiomers while administering indinivar therapy.
Contexte de recherche Mon projet de thèse en médecine concerne l'exploration des facteurs associés à l'excrétion urinaire de calcium durant 24h dans une étude populationnelle suisse. Les données qui ont été utilisées sont issues d'une étude populationnelle connue sous le nom de « Swiss survey on Salt intake », qui a été effectuée entre janvier 2010 et mars 2012 et avait pour but principal d'investiguer la consommation de sel de la population suisse. L'étude a regroupé plusieurs centres d'investigations dans toute la Suisse (11 centres dans 9 cantons), dans trois langues nationales (français, allemand et italien) et concerne des participants âgés de plus de 15 ans. Cette étude avait l'avantage de collecter des données anthropométriques, sanguines, urinaires, de lister les traitements et de poser des questions sur le style de vie (alcool, activité physique, etc.). A notre connaissance, peu d'articles populationnels explorent les facteurs associés à l'excrétion urinaire de calcium durant 24h et notamment l'association de celle-ci avec le calcium corrigé sanguin et la 250H-vitamine D2*3 sanguin chez les hommes et les femmes. Méthodes Après exclusions des données manquantes, 1293 participants sur 1550 ont été retenus pour l'analyse statistique. Celle-ci a été effectuée grâce au logiciel Stata 12. Nous avons utilisé la régression linéaire multiple dont la variable dépendante était l'excrétion urinaire de calcium durant 24h en stratifiant les analyses par sexe (en raison des interactions statistiques significatives entre calcémie et sexe, et entre vitamine D et sexe). Les variables indépendantes comprenaient des variables en lien avec l'excrétion urinaire de calcium (vingt-quatre covariables au total) dont la 250H-vitamine D2+3 (avec la variabilité saisonnière) et la calcémie (calcium sérique corrigé par les protéines). Résultats D'importantes différences entre hommes et femmes ont été observées : une association positive entre l'excrétion urinaire de calcium durant 24h et la calcémie corrigée a été trouvée chez les femmes mais pas chez les hommes. En parallèle, nous relevons une association positive entre l'excrétion urinaire de calcium durant 24h et la 250H-vitamine D2+3 chez les hommes mais pas chez les femmes (liée essentiellement à la présence 250H-vitamine D3 en quantité bien plus importante que la 250H-vitamine D2). Nous soulevons deux hypothèses possibles pour expliquer ces importances différences hommes-femmes. La première hypothèse est l'influence des hormones sexuelles. La seconde hypothèse est la contribution des facteurs diététiques. De nouvelles analyses et de nouvelles études populationnelles sont nécessaires pour confirmer ou infirmer ces hypothèses. Perspectives Une prochaine étape sera d'explorer l'influence de l'excrétion urinaire de sodium, de potassium et d'urée sur les associations observées afin d'étudier une possible influence de l'alimentation sur ces résultats. Une autre étape consistera à doser les hormones sexuelles dans les échantillons de cette étude ou dans ceux d'une autre étude. La prévalence de l'hypercalciurie dans cette étude (9 % chez les hommes et 8.1% chez les femmes) est plus basse que dans d'anciennes études non-populationnelles. Il paraît important de mentionner qu'il existe peu de données sur les normes de calciurie dans la population générale et qu'il n'existe pas de consensus international claire concernant la définition de l'hypercalciurie. Cette prévalence élevée est notamment pertinente dans la cadre des néphrolithiasés, qui sont connues pour être plus fréquentes chez les hommes que chez les femmes. Enjeux Les différences hommes-femmes observées pourraient avoir des implications pour améliorer notre compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans les lithiases urinaires et dans le risque cardiovasculaire associé ainsi que dans notre compréhension des mécanismes associés à l'ostéoporose.
This paper reports the method development for the simultaneous determination of methylmercury MeHgþ) and inorganic mercury (iHg) species in seafood samples. The study focused on the extraction and quantification of MeHgþ (the most toxic species) by liquid chromatography coupled to on-line UV irradiation and cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectroscopy (LC-UV-CV-AFS), using HCl 4 mol/L as the extractant agent. Accuracy of the method has been verified by analysing three certified reference materials and different spiked samples. The values found for total Hg and MeHgþ for the CRMs did not differ significantly from certified values at a 95% confidence level, and recoveries between 85% and 97% for MeHgþ, based on spikes, were achieved. The detection limits (LODs) obtained were 0.001 mg Hg/kg for total mercury, 0.0003 mg Hg/kg for MeHgþ and 0.0004 mg Hg/kg for iHg. The quantification limits (LOQs) established were 0.003 mg Hg/kg for total mercury, 0.0010 mg Hg/kg for MeHgþ and 0.0012 mg Hg/kg for iHg. Precision for each mercury species was established, being 12% in terms of RSD in all cases. Finally, the developed method was applied to 24 seafood samples from different origins and total mercury contents. The concentrations for Total Hg, MeHg and iHg ranged from 0.07 to 2.33, 0.003-2.23 and 0.006-0.085 mg Hg/kg, respectively. The established analytical method allows to obtain results for mercury speciation in less than 1 one hour including both, sample pretreatment and measuring step.