920 resultados para Simulação de pontos de vista


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The mandibular and maxillary canines when well positioned in the arch, are important functionally and aesthetically. Although these teeth are frequently malpositioned in the dental arch, their absence of eruption are not common, occuring more frequently with the maxillary canine than the mandibular canine. The canine transmigration is a well-known pre eruptive phenomenon in which the tooth goes thru the facial midline, occurring more frequently in the mandible than in maxila. Females are more susceptible than males and the right side more than the left one. Normally the patients do not show any symptoms, and this condition is observed during radiographic exams to diagnose the late exfoliation of the deciduous canine or for any other purpose. Due to the relationship between impacted canines and pathologic lesions, infection, trauma to the adjacent teeth, pain, ectopic eruption and interference with prosthesis, it´s indicated the surgical extraction of these teeth. The goal of this article is to describe and discuss the surgical treatment of an impacted canine (43) in the chin.


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In this article initially we tried to show the criticism made by Nabuco about the imperial slave politics, then your search overcoming of slavery through the abolitionist campaign. The two moments of labor established the confrontation of his positions with the treatment given to the topics studied by historiography in the variety of their views.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pain is a subjective condition and, thus, difficult to measure. The best tools to assess pain are the pain evaluation questionnaires, which provide either diagnostic, pain evolution or pain intensity information. To provide information which could help differentiate between nociceptive pain and neuropathic pain is one of the most important functions of these questionnaires. The questionnaires can measure pain intensity, quality of life, or sleep quality. Quality of life and sleep are two really important characteristics to assess the pain impact on patients' life. Pain intensity assessing questionnaires combine physical evaluations with questions, providing information either from the patient sensations or clinical assessment of pain manifestations as well as the underlying biological mechanisms (such as hyperalgesia or allodynia). For example, the Pain Detect questionnaire has two parts: the patient form (intuitive, with pictures and easy understandable) and the physician form. Thus, in this questionnaire, subjective information is provided by the patient and the objective one is provided by the physician. Other pain intensity questionnaires are NPSI, DN4, LANSS or StEP. Quality of life questionnaires are versatile (can be used in different pathologies). These questionnaires include functional self-evaluation questions, and other ones associated to physical and mental health. Two of such quality of life questionnaires are SF-36 and NHP. Sleep evaluation questionnaires include quantitative features such as the number of sleep interruptions, sleep latency or sleep duration as well as qualitative characteristics such as rest sensation, mood and dreams. One of the most used sleep evaluation questionnaires is PSQI, which includes patient questions and bed-partner questions, providing information from two points of view.


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This dissertation shows a new tool in the process of producing specialized printed media: desktop publishing. Because it is an important tool to this communication media, the visualization of its evolutionary journey began in the pre-history of informative vehicle, advancing to the informatics society. And it was just in this last social stage that desktop publishing legitimized its function, resulting in impacts on the production of these media and conditioned new styles. At the presentation of this new post-industrial society, a change of work and leisure sphere was verified, whose fusion is present and in this interaction, desktop publishing arose at home, in the little bureaus. In this journey, desktop publishing became an object of reflection because of its conditioning aspects that fostered moments of observation in relation to a possible threat to creativity, thanks to its facilities and clichés. On the other hand, different positive aspects of desktop we also shown, at the same time, its conditioning aspects resulting into a restudy of its execution in different printed media, showing its effects and sharing points of view. So, new styles and a editorial way of production were seen too. Add to this aspect desktop publishing – in general meaning – the computerization of magazine articles – has been producing resignation of journalists, which is another important aspect in the presenting dissertation.


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This dissertation shows a new tool in the process of producing specialized printed media: desktop publishing. Because it is an important tool to this communication media, the visualization of its evolutionary journey began in the pre-history of informative vehicle, advancing to the informatics society. And it was just in this last social stage that desktop publishing legitimated its function, resulting in impacts on the production of these media and conditioned new styles. At the presentation of this new post-industrial society, a change of work and leisure sphere was verified, whose fusion is present and in this iteration, desktop publishing arose at home, in the little bureau. In this journey, desktop publishing became an object of reflection because of its conditioning aspects that fostered moments of observation in relation to a possible threat to creativity, thanks to its facilities and clichés. On the other hand, different positive aspects of desktop were also shown, at the same time, its conditioning aspects resulting into a restudy of its execution in different printed medias, showing its effects and sharing points of view. So, new styles and an editorial way of production were seen as well. Add to this aspect, desktop publishing – in general meanings – the informatization of magazine offices – has been producing dismissing of journalists, which is another important aspect in the presenting dissertation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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This work tries to show to the reader a more mystical side of Excalibur and its importance to the Arthurian myth. As its origin is pagan indigenous to the legends of the Celtic people, they will be briefly introduced to the reader so that they can realize the time in which the Celts lived, who they were and a little about how they acted in accordance with their culture . It will also be exposed a brief overview about the character of King Arthur and all the changes that it has passed through according to what suited to the culture of each time. Two legends about Excalibur will be analyzed, so that both points of view Pagan and Christian can be disclosed according to the myths and theoretical texts used as a basis for this work. Finally, several analyzis about the sword will be brought to the reader so they can understand the complexity of myths and symbols that the Celts have left as a legacy


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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O artigo apresenta uma perspectiva sintética da concepção de criança, pontuando questões relacionadas à pós-modernidade e ao problema da violência sexual intrafamiliar, o que faz parte da revisão bibliográfica para a elaboração de dissertação do Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e Social da UFPA. As reflexões são articuladas através dos pontos de vista da Psicologia e da terapia ocupacional, pois a primeira é a base do nosso mestrado, e a segunda, do campo de atuação. O pensamento pós-moderno valoriza o singular e o idiossincrático, assim, apreender o discurso sobre a criança nos remete à importância de compreender o que elas próprias pensam e sentem sobre a sua condição infantil. A Psicologia da qual nos valemos oferece, para as análises, o conceito de nutrição psicológica, que diz respeito ao provimento, pelos cuidadores, de alimentos positivos capazes de permitir à criança desenvolver-se de modo criativo e saudável; além desse conceito, a terapia ocupacional apresenta o de atividades expressivas.


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This work tries to show to the reader a more mystical side of Excalibur and its importance to the Arthurian myth. As its origin is pagan indigenous to the legends of the Celtic people, they will be briefly introduced to the reader so that they can realize the time in which the Celts lived, who they were and a little about how they acted in accordance with their culture . It will also be exposed a brief overview about the character of King Arthur and all the changes that it has passed through according to what suited to the culture of each time. Two legends about Excalibur will be analyzed, so that both points of view Pagan and Christian can be disclosed according to the myths and theoretical texts used as a basis for this work. Finally, several analyzis about the sword will be brought to the reader so they can understand the complexity of myths and symbols that the Celts have left as a legacy


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS