983 resultados para Shiga toxin


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Jararhagin is a metalloproteinase from Bothrops jararaca responsible for hemorrhage, inflammation, necrosis and edema. Effects of low doses of the toxin were analyzed on the energy metabolism of mice as well as its physiological implications. Measures of O-2 consumption (VO2) were quantified after 4 and 24 h of the jarathagin administration during four weeks. Hematocrit and histology of the lungs were also analyzed after the end of the treatment. Results showed that animals that received subcutaneous doses of jararhagin had significant increase in VO2 from second (120 ng) and third weeks (60 ng) after 4 and 24 h, comparing to control, as well as in the number of erythrocytes after four weeks. Histology of the lungs showed interstitial edema within the alveolar septum. Results suggest that the jararhagin toxin caused an increase in VO2 and edema of intra-alveolar septum. The increase of the erythrocytes could be a physiological response to adjust the higher necessity of oxygen, due to diffusional abnormalities caused by the edema. Thus, low doses of jararhagin promote endothelial edema which lead to changes in several physiological conditions. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bucain is a three-finger toxin, structurally homologous to snake-venom muscarinic toxins, from the venom of the Malayan krait Bungarus candidus. These proteins have molecular masses of approximately 6000-8000 da and encompass the potent curaremimetic neurotoxins which confer lethality to Elapidae and Hydrophidae venoms. Bucain was crystallized in two crystal forms by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique in 0.1 M sodium citrate pH 5.6, 15% PEG 4000 and 0.15 M ammonium acetate. Form I crystals belong to the monoclinic system space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 93.73, b = 49.02, c = 74.09 Angstrom, beta = 111.32degrees, and diffract to a nominal resolution of 1.61 Angstrom. Form II crystals also belong to the space group C2, with unit-cell parameters a = 165.04, b = 49.44, c = 127.60 Angstrom, beta = 125.55degrees, and diffract to a nominal resolution of 2.78 Angstrom. The self-rotation function indicates the presence of four and eight molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit of the form I and form II crystals, respectively. Attempts to solve these structures by molecular-replacement methods have not been successful and a heavy-atom derivative search has been initiated.


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The effects of mildly acidic conditions on the free energy of unfolding (Delta G(u)(buff)) of the pore-forming alpha-hemolysin (alpha HL) from Staphylococcus aureus were assessed between pH 5.0 and 7.5 by measuring intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence, circular dichroism and elution time in size exclusion chromatography during urea denaturation, Decreasing the pH from 7.0 to 5.0 reduced the calculated Delta G(u)(buff) from 8.9 to 4.2 kcal moI(-1), which correlates with an increased rate of pore formation previously observed over the same pH range, It is proposed that the lowered surface pH of biological membranes reduces the stability of alpha HL thereby modulating the rate of pore formation. (C) 1999 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Determinou-se o tempo necessário para a eliminação de Escherichia coli Shigatoxigênica (STEC) não-O157 em esterco bovino composto, obtido de fezes frescas de três vacas portadoras de cepas STEC não-O157 que apresentavam o gene stx 2. Foram utilizados dois sistemas de compostagem, o primeiro foi um buraco de 0,6m escavado no solo e o segundo um monte apresentando uma arquitetura piramidal com um metro de altura. Todos os dias, durante os primeiros 10 dias e a cada cinco dias durante um mês, uma amostra de três pontos diferentes dos dois sistemas de compostagem foram coletadas e semeadas para determinar a presença de E. coli e a presença do gene stx 2 nas células, sendo que em cada coleta a temperatura do sistema de compostagem foi determinada. Células de STEC não-O157 sobreviveram por 8, 25 e 30 dias nas temperaturas de 42, 40 e 38ºC, respectivamente, no sistema enterrado no solo, enquanto que no sistema de monte as células foram detectadas por 4, 4 e 7 dias em temperaturas de 65, 58 e 52ºC, respectivamente. A temperatura e os microrganismos presentes na microbiota do sistema de compostagem parecem ser os responsáveis pela eliminação do patógeno. Pode-se concluir que os dois sistemas de compostagem utilizados mostraram-se eficientes na eliminação de células de STEC. A aplicação de esterco após compostagem deve diminuir o risco de contaminação ambiental e a disseminação do patógeno.


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The structural specificity of alpha-PMTX, a novel peptide toxin derived from wasp venom has been studied on the neuromuscular synapse in the walking leg of the lobster. alpha-PMTX is known to induce repetitive action potentials in the presynaptic axon due to sodium channel inactivation. We synthesized 29 analogs of alpha-PMTX by substituting one or two amino acids and compared threshold concentrations of these mutant toxins for inducing repetitive action potentials. In 13 amino acid residues of alpha-PMTX, Arg-1, Lys-3 and Lys-12 regulate the toxic activity because substitution of these basic amino acid residues with other amino acid residues greatly changed the potency. Determining the structure-activity relationships of PMTXs will help clarifying the molecular mechanism of sodium channel inactivation. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We studied the effects of a wasp toxin beta-pompilidotoxin (beta-PMTX) on rat hippocampal CA1 interneurons by the current-clamp technique. The firing patterns of pyramidal neurons and pyramidale interneurons were not affected by beta-PMTX, but in oriens and radiatum interneurons, beta-PMTX converted the action potentials to prolonged depolarizing potentials by slowing the inactivation of Na+ channels. In lacunosum moleculare interneurons, beta-PMTX induced initial bursting spikes followed by block of succeeding spikes. Comparison of beta-PMTX with a sea anemone toxin, ATX 11, revealed that ATX 11 altered the firing properties of pyramidal neurons and pyramidale interneurons that were unchanged by beta-PMTX. Our results suggest that beta-PMTX modulates Na+ currents in CAl interneurons differently in various CAl neurons and the toxin is useful to classify Na+ channel subtypes. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pompilidotoxins (PMTXs), derived from the venom of solitary wasp has been known to facilitate synaptic transmission in the lobster neuromuscular junction, and a recent further study from rat trigeminal neurons revealed that the toxin slows Na+ channel inactivation without modifying activation process. Here we report that beta -PMTX modifies rat brain type II Na+ channel alpha -subunit (rBII) expressed in human embryonic kidney cells but fails to act on the rat heart alpha -subunit (rH1) at similar concentrations. We constructed a series of chimeric mutants of rBII and rH1 Na+ channels and compared modification of the steady-state Na+ currents by beta -PMTX. We found that a difference in a single amino acid between Glu-1616 in rBII and Gln-1615 in rH1 at the extracellular loop of D4S3-S4 is crucial for the action of beta -PMTX. PMTXs, which are small peptides with 13 amino acids, would be a potential tool for exploring a new functional moiety of Na+ channels.