943 resultados para Sex-role Stereotypes
Female sex hormones (FSHs) exert profound regulatory effects on the course of lung inflammation due to allergic and non-allergic immune responses. As pollution is one of the pivotal factors to induce lung dysfunction, in this study we investigated the modulatory role of FSHs on lung inflammation after a formaldehyde (FA) exposure. For this purpose, lung and systemic inflammatory responses were evaluated in terms of leukocytes countings in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), peripheral blood and bone marrow lavage from 7-day ovariectomized (OVx) and Sham-OVx rats subjected to FA inhalation for 3 consecutive days. The hypothesized link between effects of FSHs on expression of adhesion molecules and mast cells degranulation was also studied. Once exposed to FA, Sham-OVx rats increased the number of total cells recovered in BAL and of leukocytes in peripheral blood, and decreased the counts in bone marrow. By contrast, in OVx rats upon FA exposure there was a reduction of the total cells counts in BAL and of blood leukocytes: lung expressions of ICAM-1 and Mac-1 were depressed, but the number of bone marrow cells did not vary. Estradiol treatment of OVx rats increased the total cells in BAL and decreased the number of blood leukocytes, whereas the number of bone marrow cell remained unaltered. Progesterone treatment, in turn increased the total cells in BAL and blood leukocytes, but decreased the number of bone marrow cells. OVx rats exposed to FA developed tracheal hyperresponsiveness to methacholine (MCh). A similarly altered response was found between the tracheal segments of Sham-OVx rats after FA exposure and that found in tracheae of naive rats. Estradiol treatment prevented FA-induced tracheal hyperresponsiveness to MCh whereas progesterone was ineffective in this regard. In addition, OVx rats upon FA exposure significantly increased both, the ability of mast cell degranulation and serum corticosterone levels. In conclusion, it was found that FSHs act by distinct control mechanisms on FA-induced lung inflammation and tracheal hyperresponsiveness, since at low circulating levels of FSHs (such as those after OVx) there is some resistance to the development of a lung inflammatory response, but the cholinergic tracheal responsiveness is exacerbated. Our data also help to understand the involvement of FSHs on mast cells activity after pollutants exposure and add information regarding the role of FSHs on the mechanisms related to endothelium-leukocyte interactions. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
O presente trabalho utilizou conceitos da Psicologia Social de George H. Mead relativos ã interiorização da real idade social. Utilizou também a teoria da construção social do indivíduo de Berger e Luckmann, que considera a construção do sujeito a partir da socialização primária e secundária. Finalmente, utilizou a teoria do papel, de Goffman. A pesquisa procurou verificar a presença de maior antagonismo frente ao exercício da dupla jornada de trabalho, em mulheres que trabalham fora na faixa de 20-30 anos em relação a mulheres na faixa de 41-60 anos. Para tanto, utilizou-se um questionário constituído de duas partes: a primeira, apresentou itens que levantaram áreas de conflito frente ao exercício dos papéis domésticos do trabalho fora de casa. A segunda, detectou os estereótipos que as mulheres possuem sobre a mulher doméstica e a mulher que trabalha fora. o grupo experimental constituiu-se de 144 mulheres da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, pertencente à classe média, divididas em quatro grupos de 36 mulheres cada, distribuídos assim: dois grupos de 20-30 anos, um trabalhando fora e outro não; dois grupos de 41-60 'anos, um trabalhando fora e outro não. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o exercício da dupla jornada de trabalho e vivenciado de forma mais conflitiva por parte das mulheres de 41-60 anos, do que pelas mulheres de 20-30 anos.
This study documents how the presence of a woman in an executive political role affects the gender stereotype of women in politics. We use Brazilian electoral data and restrict our focus to close mayoral races (using an RDD design) in which the top two candidates are of opposite sexes. Our most important result was a reduction in the number of candidates and votes for female mayoral candidates after a woman is elected, regardless of her eligibility status for reelection. This negative result is linked only to the position of mayor and not to other political positions (councilor, state or federal deputy). In addition, our results may be interpreted as evidence that voters do not use their update on women as local leaders to change their beliefs on women’s ability to run for other political positions. Finally, female mayors do not appear to have a role model effect on younger cohorts of women. We also note that our results are not influenced by differences in mayoral policies (generally and specifically for women), which could influence voters’ gender stereotypes.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Although there are reports concerning a vascular adaptive response to stress in males, this is not yet defined in females. The aim of this study was to delineate functional gender differences in the rat vascular adaptive response to stress and to determine the ability of sex hormones to modulate the stress-induced vascular adaptive response. Responses to noradrenaline were evaluated in aortas, with and without endothelium, from intact, gonadectomized and gonadectomized-hormone-replaced males and females submitted or not to stress (2-h immobilization). Reactivity of the aorta of stressed and non-stressed intact males and females (n = 6-14 per group) was also examined in the presence of L-NAME or indomethacin. Stress decreased and gonadectomy increased maximal responses to noradrenaline in aortas with intact endothelium from both genders. Stress also reduced noradrenaline potency in males. In females, but not males, stress decreased the gonadectomy-induced noradrenaline hyper-reactivity to near that of intact non-stressed rats. Hormone replacement restored the gonadectomy-induced impaired vascular adaptive response to stress. L-NAME, but not indomethacin, abolished the stress-induced decrease in aorta reactivity of males and females. None of the procedures altered reactivity of aortas denuded of endothelium. Conclusion: Stress-induced vascular adaptive responses show gender differences. The magnitude of the adaptive response is dependent on testicular hormones and involves endothelial nitric oxide-system hyperactivity.
An early stage of sex chromosome differentiation is reported to occur in the electric eel Eigenmannia virescens (Pisces, Sternopygidae) from populations of two tributaries of the Parana river system (Brazil). Cytogenetic studies carried out in the two populations showed that the Mogi-Guacu population is characterized by 2n = 38 chromosomes and undifferentiated sex chromosomes and the Tiete population presents 2n = 38 both for males and females and an XX:XY sex chromosome system. The X-chromosome is acrocentric, easily recognized by the presence of a conspicuous heterochromatin block in its distal portion; the Y-chromosome is probably one of the medium sized acrocentrics present in the male karyotype. BrdU induced R-bands of the two populations did not reveal any difference in the euchromatic regions of the chromosomes. AluI and HaeIII restriction enzyme digestion patterns and chromomycin A3 staining of the X-chromosome are presented. The possible role of heterochromatinization in the evolution of sex chromosomes in fish is discussed.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Repetitive DNAs have been extensively applied as physical chromosome markers on comparative studies, identification of chromosome rearrangements and sex chromosomes, chromosome evolution analysis, and applied genetics. Here we report the characterization of repetitive DNA sequences from the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) genome by construction and screening of plasmid library enriched with repetitive DNAs, analysis of a BAC-based physical map, and hybridization to chromosomes. The physical mapping of BACs enriched with repetitive sequences and C(o)t-1 DNA (DNA enriched for highly and moderately repetitive DNA sequences) to chromosomes using FISH showed a predominant distribution of repetitive elements in the centromeric and telomeric regions and along the entire length of the largest chromosome pair (X and Y sex chromosomes) of the species. The distribution of repetitive DNAs differed significantly between the p arm of X and Y chromosomes. These findings suggest that repetitive DNAs have had an important role in the differentiation of sex chromosomes. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os parasitas do gênero Schistosoma situam-se entre os primeiros metazoários que desenvolveram sexos separados, determinado cromossomicamente no ovo fertilizado. Apesar da ocorrência de cromossomos sexuais específicos, as fêmeas de Schistosoma não atingem a maturidade somática e sexual sem a presença dos machos. Na verdade, um dos aspectos mais controversos e, ao mesmo tempo, mais fascinantes, envolvendo o desenvolvimento sexual das fêmeas está em se desvendar a natureza do estímulo que controla e mantém tal processo. Muito embora a natureza do estímulo (físico ou químico) seja motivo de controvérsia, concordam os mais diferentes autores que o acasalamento é um requisito indispensável para que ocorra a maturação e migração das fêmeas para o sítio definitivo de permanência no sistema vascular do hospedeiro vertebrado. Admite-se, ainda, que o estímulo não é espécie-específico e, em alguns casos, nem mesmo gênero-específico. Não obstante a existência de um número considerável de artigos dedicados ao tema, não há um consenso sobre o processo (ou processos) que controla(m) o encontro de machos e fêmeas no sistema circulatório do hospedeiro vertebrado, bem como está por ser determinada a natureza do estímulo, oriundo dos machos, que controla e mantém o desenvolvimento somático e sexual das fêmeas. Ao longo dos anos os machos de Schistosoma têm sido considerados, por vezes pejorativamente, os irmãos, os músculos ou o fígado das fêmeas. em síntese, resta saber se a natureza do estímulo responsável pelo desenvolvimento das fêmas envolve a transferência de hormônios, nutrientes, a mera estimulação tátil ou a combinação de dois ou mais desses fatores
Thirty-eight tumors (five grade I-II astrocytomas, three grade III astrocytomas, four glioblastomas, one oligodendroglioma, four ependymomas, one pineocytoma, three medulloblastomas, four acoustic nerve neurinomas, one intraspinal neurinoma, one neurofibroma, 10 meningiomas, and one craniopharyngioma) and three benign lesions of the nervous system were evaluated cytogenetically after in vitro culture. Sex chromosome loss was detected in 56% of the cases (-X in 13 of the 25 female patients and -Y in nine of the 16 male patients). The objective of the present report was to study the role of this abnormality in cells of the nervous system.
Background: Fluctuations of estradiol and progesterone levels caused by the menstrual cycle worsen asthma symptoms. Conflicting data are reported in literature regarding pro and anti-inflammatory properties of estradiol and progesterone.Methods: Female Wistar rats were ovalbumin (OVA) sensitized 1 day after resection of the ovaries (OVx). Control group consisted of sensitized-rats with intact ovaries (Sham-OVx). Allergic challenge was performed by aerosol (OVA 1%, 15 min) two weeks later. Twenty four hours after challenge, BAL, bone marrow and total blood cells were counted. Lung tissues were used as explants, for expontaneous cytokine secretion in vitro or for immunostaining of E-selectin.Results: We observed an exacerbated cell recruitment into the lungs of OVx rats, reduced blood leukocytes counting and increased the number of bone marrow cells. Estradiol-treated OVx allergic rats reduced, and those treated with progesterone increased, respectively, the number of cells in the BAL and bone marrow. Lungs of OVx allergic rats significantly increased the E-selectin expression, an effect prevented by estradiol but not by progesterone treatment. Systemically, estradiol treatment increased the number of peripheral blood leukocytes in OVx allergic rats when compared to non treated-OVx allergic rats. Cultured-BAL cells of OVx allergic rats released elevated amounts of LTB4 and nitrites while bone marrow cells increased the release of TNF-α and nitrites. Estradiol treatment of OVx allergic rats was associated with a decreased release of TNF-α, IL-10, LTB4 and nitrites by bone marrow cells incubates. In contrast, estradiol caused an increase in IL-10 and NO release by cultured-BAL cells. Progesterone significantly increased TNF- α by cultured BAL cells and bone marrow cells.Conclusions: Data presented here suggest that upon hormonal oscillations the immune sensitization might trigger an allergic lung inflammation whose phenotype is under control of estradiol. Our data could contribute to the understanding of the protective role of estradiol in some cases of asthma symptoms in fertile ans post-menopausal women clinically observed. © 2010 de Oliveira et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Chronic ethanol intake is associated with sex hormone disturbances, and it is well known that melatonin plays a key role in regulating several reproductive processes. We report the effects of ethanol intake and melatonin treatment (at doses of 100. μg/100. g. BW/day) on sex hormones and steroid receptors in the ovaries, oviducts and uteri of ethanol-preferring rats. After 150 days of treatment, animals were euthanized, and tissue samples were harvested to evaluate androgen, estrogen, progesterone and melatonin receptor subunits (AR, ER-α and ER-β, PRA, PRB and MT1R, respectively). Melatonin decreased estradiol (E2) and increased progesterone (P4) and 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (6-STM), while an ethanol-melatonin combination reduced both P4 and E2. Ovarian AR was not influenced by either treatment, and oviduct AR was reduced after ethanol-melatonin combination. Oviduct ER-α, ER-β and uterine ER-β were down-regulated by either ethanol or melatonin. Conversely, ovarian PRA and PRB were positively regulated by ethanol and ethanol-melatonin combination, whereas PRA was down-regulated in the uterus and oviduct after ethanol consumption. MT1R was increased in ovaries and uteri of melatonin-treated rats. Ethanol and melatonin exert opposite effects on E2 and P4, and they differentially regulate the expression of sex steroid receptors in female reproductive tissues. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Background: The accumulation of repetitive DNA during sex chromosome differentiation is a common feature of many eukaryotes and becomes more evident after recombination has been restricted or abolished. The accumulated repetitive sequences include multigene families, microsatellites, satellite DNAs and mobile elements, all of which are important for the structural remodeling of heterochromatin. In grasshoppers, derived sex chromosome systems, such as neo-XY♂/XX♀ and neo-X1X2Y♂/X 1X1X2X2♀, are frequently observed in the Melanoplinae subfamily. However, no studies concerning the evolution of sex chromosomes in Melanoplinae have addressed the role of the repetitive DNA sequences. To further investigate the evolution of sex chromosomes in grasshoppers, we used classical cytogenetic and FISH analyses to examine the repetitive DNA sequences in six phylogenetically related Melanoplinae species with X0♂/XX♀, neo-XY♂/XX♀ and neo-X1X2Y♂/X1X1X 2X2♀ sex chromosome systems. Results: Our data indicate a non-spreading of heterochromatic blocks and pool of repetitive DNAs (C 0 t-1 DNA) in the sex chromosomes; however, the spreading of multigene families among the neo-sex chromosomes of Eurotettix and Dichromatos was remarkable, particularly for 5S rDNA. In autosomes, FISH mapping of multigene families revealed distinct patterns of chromosomal organization at the intra- and intergenomic levels. Conclusions: These results suggest a common origin and subsequent differential accumulation of repetitive DNAs in the sex chromosomes of Dichromatos and an independent origin of the sex chromosomes of the neo-XY and neo-X1X2Y systems. Our data indicate a possible role for repetitive DNAs in the diversification of sex chromosome systems in grasshoppers. © 2013Palacios-Gimenez et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC