887 resultados para Set Design
Cyber-physical systems integrate computation, networking, and physical processes. Substantial research challenges exist in the design and verification of such large-scale, distributed sensing, ac- tuation, and control systems. Rapidly improving technology and recent advances in control theory, networked systems, and computer science give us the opportunity to drastically improve our approach to integrated flow of information and cooperative behavior. Current systems rely on text-based spec- ifications and manual design. Using new technology advances, we can create easier, more efficient, and cheaper ways of developing these control systems. This thesis will focus on design considera- tions for system topologies, ways to formally and automatically specify requirements, and methods to synthesize reactive control protocols, all within the context of an aircraft electric power system as a representative application area.
This thesis consists of three complementary parts: synthesis, specification, and design. The first section focuses on the synthesis of central and distributed reactive controllers for an aircraft elec- tric power system. This approach incorporates methodologies from computer science and control. The resulting controllers are correct by construction with respect to system requirements, which are formulated using the specification language of linear temporal logic (LTL). The second section addresses how to formally specify requirements and introduces a domain-specific language for electric power systems. A software tool automatically converts high-level requirements into LTL and synthesizes a controller.
The final sections focus on design space exploration. A design methodology is proposed that uses mixed-integer linear programming to obtain candidate topologies, which are then used to synthesize controllers. The discrete-time control logic is then verified in real-time by two methods: hardware and simulation. Finally, the problem of partial observability and dynamic state estimation is ex- plored. Given a set placement of sensors on an electric power system, measurements from these sensors can be used in conjunction with control logic to infer the state of the system.
This paper addresses the need for computer support in aerospace design. A review of current design methodologies and computer support tools is presented and the need for further support in aerospace design, particularly in the early formative stages of the design process, is discussed. A parameter-based model of design, founded on the assumption that a design process can be constructed from a predefined set of tasks, is proposed for aerospace design. This is supported by knowledge of possible tasks in which the confidence in key design parameters is used as a basis for identifying, or signposting, the next task. A prototype implementation of the signposting model, for use in the design of helicopter rotor blades, is described and results from trials of the tool are presented. Further areas of research are discussed
In the past many different methodologies have been devised to support software development and different sets of methodologies have been developed to support the analysis of software artefacts. We have identified this mismatch as one of the causes of the poor reliability of embedded systems software. The issue with software development styles is that they are ``analysis-agnostic.'' They do not try to structure the code in a way that lends itself to analysis. The analysis is usually applied post-mortem after the software was developed and it requires a large amount of effort. The issue with software analysis methodologies is that they do not exploit available information about the system being analyzed.
In this thesis we address the above issues by developing a new methodology, called "analysis-aware" design, that links software development styles with the capabilities of analysis tools. This methodology forms the basis of a framework for interactive software development. The framework consists of an executable specification language and a set of analysis tools based on static analysis, testing, and model checking. The language enforces an analysis-friendly code structure and offers primitives that allow users to implement their own testers and model checkers directly in the language. We introduce a new approach to static analysis that takes advantage of the capabilities of a rule-based engine. We have applied the analysis-aware methodology to the development of a smart home application.
A neural network is a highly interconnected set of simple processors. The many connections allow information to travel rapidly through the network, and due to their simplicity, many processors in one network are feasible. Together these properties imply that we can build efficient massively parallel machines using neural networks. The primary problem is how do we specify the interconnections in a neural network. The various approaches developed so far such as outer product, learning algorithm, or energy function suffer from the following deficiencies: long training/ specification times; not guaranteed to work on all inputs; requires full connectivity.
Alternatively we discuss methods of using the topology and constraints of the problems themselves to design the topology and connections of the neural solution. We define several useful circuits-generalizations of the Winner-Take-All circuitthat allows us to incorporate constraints using feedback in a controlled manner. These circuits are proven to be stable, and to only converge on valid states. We use the Hopfield electronic model since this is close to an actual implementation. We also discuss methods for incorporating these circuits into larger systems, neural and nonneural. By exploiting regularities in our definition, we can construct efficient networks. To demonstrate the methods, we look to three problems from communications. We first discuss two applications to problems from circuit switching; finding routes in large multistage switches, and the call rearrangement problem. These show both, how we can use many neurons to build massively parallel machines, and how the Winner-Take-All circuits can simplify our designs.
Next we develop a solution to the contention arbitration problem of high-speed packet switches. We define a useful class of switching networks and then design a neural network to solve the contention arbitration problem for this class. Various aspects of the neural network/switch system are analyzed to measure the queueing performance of this method. Using the basic design, a feasible architecture for a large (1024-input) ATM packet switch is presented. Using the massive parallelism of neural networks, we can consider algorithms that were previously computationally unattainable. These now viable algorithms lead us to new perspectives on switch design.
Despite over 30 years of effort, an HIV-1 vaccine that elicits protective antibodies still does not exist. Recent clinical studies have identified that during natural infection about 20% of the population is capable of mounting a potent and protective antibody response. Closer inspection of these individuals reveal that a subset of these antibodies, recently termed potent VRC01-like (PVL), derive exclusively from a single human germline heavy chain gene. Induced clonal expansion of the B cell encoding this gene is the first step through which PVL antibodies may be elicited. Unfortunately, naturally occurring HIV gp120s fail to bind to this germline, and as a result cannot be used as the initial prime for a vaccine regimen. We have determined the crystal structure of an important germline antibody that is a promising target for vaccine design efforts, and have set out to engineer a more likely candidate using computationally-guided rational design.
In addition to prevention efforts on the side of vaccine design, recently characterized broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibodies have excellent potential for use in gene therapy and passive immunotherapy. The separation distance between functional Fabs on an antibody is important due to the sparse distribution of envelop spikes on HIV compared to other viruses. We set out to build and characterize novel antibody architectures by incorporating structured linkers into the hinge region of an anti-HIV antibody b12. The goal was to observe whether these linkers increased the arm-span of the IgG dimer. When incorporated, flexible Gly4Ser repeats did not result in detectable extensions of the IgG antigen binding domains, by contrast to linkers including more rigid domains such as β2-microglobulin, Zn-α2-glycoprotein, and tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs). This study adds an additional set of linkers with varying lengths and rigidities to the available linker repertoire, which may be useful for the modification and construction of antibodies and other fusion proteins.
A general description of the need for hospital flow meters is given along with an analysis of some common flow measurement methods.
The design criteria, establishment of the basic configuration of the instrument, and the evolution of the final design are presented in detail. The ability of the magnetic crossover mechanism to extract the square root of an input is explained, and design curves are presented. The action of the flow totalizer is described in relation to the rest of the instrument. A complete set of manufacturing drawings for the instrument and its tooling is included in the thesis.
In conclusion, an evaluation of the completed instrument is made, and improvements and modifications are indicated. Mention is made of the adaptability of the magnetic crossover mechanism to other instrumentation.
The centralized paradigm of a single controller and a single plant upon which modern control theory is built is no longer applicable to modern cyber-physical systems of interest, such as the power-grid, software defined networks or automated highways systems, as these are all large-scale and spatially distributed. Both the scale and the distributed nature of these systems has motivated the decentralization of control schemes into local sub-controllers that measure, exchange and act on locally available subsets of the globally available system information. This decentralization of control logic leads to different decision makers acting on asymmetric information sets, introduces the need for coordination between them, and perhaps not surprisingly makes the resulting optimal control problem much harder to solve. In fact, shortly after such questions were posed, it was realized that seemingly simple decentralized optimal control problems are computationally intractable to solve, with the Wistenhausen counterexample being a famous instance of this phenomenon. Spurred on by this perhaps discouraging result, a concerted 40 year effort to identify tractable classes of distributed optimal control problems culminated in the notion of quadratic invariance, which loosely states that if sub-controllers can exchange information with each other at least as quickly as the effect of their control actions propagates through the plant, then the resulting distributed optimal control problem admits a convex formulation.
The identification of quadratic invariance as an appropriate means of "convexifying" distributed optimal control problems led to a renewed enthusiasm in the controller synthesis community, resulting in a rich set of results over the past decade. The contributions of this thesis can be seen as being a part of this broader family of results, with a particular focus on closing the gap between theory and practice by relaxing or removing assumptions made in the traditional distributed optimal control framework. Our contributions are to the foundational theory of distributed optimal control, and fall under three broad categories, namely controller synthesis, architecture design and system identification.
We begin by providing two novel controller synthesis algorithms. The first is a solution to the distributed H-infinity optimal control problem subject to delay constraints, and provides the only known exact characterization of delay-constrained distributed controllers satisfying an H-infinity norm bound. The second is an explicit dynamic programming solution to a two player LQR state-feedback problem with varying delays. Accommodating varying delays represents an important first step in combining distributed optimal control theory with the area of Networked Control Systems that considers lossy channels in the feedback loop. Our next set of results are concerned with controller architecture design. When designing controllers for large-scale systems, the architectural aspects of the controller such as the placement of actuators, sensors, and the communication links between them can no longer be taken as given -- indeed the task of designing this architecture is now as important as the design of the control laws themselves. To address this task, we formulate the Regularization for Design (RFD) framework, which is a unifying computationally tractable approach, based on the model matching framework and atomic norm regularization, for the simultaneous co-design of a structured optimal controller and the architecture needed to implement it. Our final result is a contribution to distributed system identification. Traditional system identification techniques such as subspace identification are not computationally scalable, and destroy rather than leverage any a priori information about the system's interconnection structure. We argue that in the context of system identification, an essential building block of any scalable algorithm is the ability to estimate local dynamics within a large interconnected system. To that end we propose a promising heuristic for identifying the dynamics of a subsystem that is still connected to a large system. We exploit the fact that the transfer function of the local dynamics is low-order, but full-rank, while the transfer function of the global dynamics is high-order, but low-rank, to formulate this separation task as a nuclear norm minimization problem. Finally, we conclude with a brief discussion of future research directions, with a particular emphasis on how to incorporate the results of this thesis, and those of optimal control theory in general, into a broader theory of dynamics, control and optimization in layered architectures.
Gas turbine compression systems are required to perform adequately over a range of operating conditions. Complexity has encouraged the conventional design process for compressors to focus initially on one operating point, usually the most commonor arduous, to draw up an outline design. Generally, only as this initial design is refined is its offdesign performance assessed in detail. Not only does this necessarily introduce a potentially costly and timeconsuming extra loop in the design process, but it also may result in a design whose offdesign behavior is suboptimal. Aversion of nonintrusive polynomial chaos was previously developed in which a set of orthonormal polynomials was generated to facilitate a rapid analysis of robustness in the presence of generic uncertainties with good accuracy. In this paper, this analysis method is incorporated in real time into the design process for the compression system of a three-shaft gas turbine aeroengine. This approach to robust optimization is shown to lead to designs that exhibit consistently improved system performance with reduced sensitivity to offdesign operation.
O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender como o design é utilizado no espaço expositivo para construir contexto, conteúdo e linguagem. Entender quais estratégias são usadas para projetar ambientes atraentes à visitação em vista a proporcionar experiências coletivas e individuais, contemplativas, espaciais (imersivas), sensoriais e interativas. Para tal analisamos a mudança do papel dos museus ao longo do tempo e montamos um panorama das instituições museológicas no Brasil nas últimas décadas. Selecionamos padrões de exibição instituídos historicamente em termos mundiais, já que o Brasil sofreu enorme influência cultural da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. Estabelecemos uma base de conceitos que envolvem a linguagem do projeto de exposições e museus temáticos, considerando aspectos como formas de aprendizagem do público, comportamento deste em relação ao objeto exposto, produção de conteúdo, produção de sentido, escolha de linguagem, intencionalidade, construção de experiência, mediação e interface. Analisamos como estudo de caso, o projeto de dois museus temáticos contemporâneos, o Museu da Língua Portuguesa e o Museu do Futebol, com a intenção de construir uma crítica ao projeto espacial-visual, entendendo as relações estabelecidas entre os objetos (previamente existentes ou projetados produtos, textos, imagens, vídeos), a forma como eles são expostos e as características do local escolhido para abrigar a exposição.
O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender como o design é utilizado no espaço expositivo para construir contexto, conteúdo e linguagem. Entender quais estratégias são usadas para projetar ambientes atraentes à visitação em vista a proporcionar experiências coletivas e individuais, contemplativas, espaciais (imersivas), sensoriais e interativas. Para tal analisamos a mudança do papel dos museus ao longo do tempo e montamos um panorama das instituições museológicas no Brasil nas últimas décadas. Selecionamos padrões de exibição instituídos historicamente em termos mundiais, já que o Brasil sofreu enorme influência cultural da Europa e dos Estados Unidos. Estabelecemos uma base de conceitos que envolvem a linguagem do projeto de exposições e museus temáticos, considerando aspectos como formas de aprendizagem do público, comportamento deste em relação ao objeto exposto, produção de conteúdo, produção de sentido, escolha de linguagem, intencionalidade, construção de experiência, mediação e interface. Analisamos como estudo de caso, o projeto de dois museus temáticos contemporâneos, o Museu da Língua Portuguesa e o Museu do Futebol, com a intenção de construir uma crítica ao projeto espacial-visual, entendendo as relações estabelecidas entre os objetos (previamente existentes ou projetados produtos, textos, imagens, vídeos), a forma como eles são expostos e as características do local escolhido para abrigar a exposição.
Reclamações contra a sinalização viária existente no Rio de Janeiro são comuns. A cidade ainda é a porta de entrada do Brasil e o destino preferido dos visitantes. Dentro de pouco tempo, o Rio será palco de importantes eventos esportivos internacionais e há preocupação em como poderá a cidade oferecer orientação para os turistas que nela venham a transitar. Este estudo procura saber quais são, de fato, os motivos que justificam as incessantes queixas contra a sinalização instalada e procura extrair daí diretrizes que possam ser aplicadas aos projetos de sistemas de sinalização que efetivamente resolvam os problemas de orientação dos usuários. Para isso, procurou-se primeiro mapear o contexto histórico em que vem evoluindo a sinalização de trânsito; em seguida, examinou-se em que implica o desenvolvimento de projetos de sinalização em geral; para no próximo passo se focar questões da sinalização de trânsito. Foram feitos dois levantamentos: o primeiro, de entrevistas estruturadas individualizadas com taxistas, que são usuários intensos das vias e da sinalização. A amostra escolhida foi de 19 taxistas frequentadores da Praça Santos Dumont, localizada na Zona Sul da cidade, e um importante entroncamento de tráfego. O segundo envolveu cinco profissionais designers com o perfil de experiência prévia no desenvolvimento de projetos de sistemas de sinalização. Com esse grupo, a técnica utilizada foi a de Think Aloud Protocol, através da qual cada um desses indivíduos foi acompanhado e documentado enquanto dirigia e se orientava pela sinalização num trajeto que vai desde a citada Praça Santos Dumont até o Estádio do Maracanã, situado na Zona Norte da cidade, e que costuma ser um destino preferencial em eventos esportivos. Os resultados das duas pesquisas foram analisados e deles extraídas diretrizes que são apresentadas nas Conclusões e que objetivam a eficácia do sistema através de mensagens claras, textos legíveis, posicionamento oportuno e estabilidade formal visando o reconhecimento e o entendimento por parte do usuário.
CAD software can be structured as a set of modular 'software tools' only if there is some agreement on the data structures which are to be passed between tools. Beyond this basic requirement, it is desirable to give the agreed structures the status of 'data types' in the language used for interactive design. The ultimate refinement is to have a data management capability which 'understands' how to manipulate such data types. In this paper the requirements of CACSD are formulated from the point of view of Database Management Systems. Progress towards meeting these requirements in both the DBMS and the CACSD community is reviewed. The conclusion reached is that there has been considerable movement towards the realisation of software tools for CACSD, but that this owes more to modern ideas about programming languages, than to DBMS developments. The DBMS field has identified some useful concepts, but further significant progress is expected to come from the exploitation of concepts such as object-oriented programming, logic programming, or functional programming.
An experimental procedure along with a method of analysis to judge the suitability of an individual to be included in a taste panel is described. The procedure is based on comparison of the organoleptic scores assigned by the individual to pairs of fish samples whose qualities are known and a set of physical measurements of the same samples. Fisher's Exact Probability Test provides a criterion for the judgement.
Life is full of difficult choices. Everyone has their own way of dealing with these, some effective, some not. The problem is particularly acute in engineering design because of the vast amount of information designers have to process. This paper deals with a subset of this set of problems: the subset of selecting materials and processes, and their links to the design of products. Even these, though, present many of the generic problems of choice, and the challenges in creating tools to assist the designer in making them. The key elements are those of classification, of indexing, of reaching decisions using incomplete data in many different formats, and of devising effective strategies for selection. This final element - that of selection strategies - poses particular challenges. Product design, as an example, is an intricate blend of the technical and (for want of a better word) the aesthetic. To meet these needs, a tool that allows selection by analysis, by analogy, by association and simply by 'browsing' is necessary. An example of such a tool, its successes and remaining challenges, will be described.
This report presents the stepwise development of requirements for a process-based design support system aimed at improving the engineering design process. The starting point was the set of characteristics identified in three sources: models of design processes in prescriptive literature; empirical studies of design in descriptive literature; and a case-study in industry. All identified characteristics and derived requirements are listed in this report.