933 resultados para Sequential organ failure assessment score
Objetivo: Determinar la significación clínica y pronóstica de la disfunción renal en pacientes con Endocarditis Infecciosa (EI) Material y método: Estudio protocolizado, descriptivo, observacional y transversal de pacientes con EI diagnosticados según criterios de Duke. Se realizó un análisis comparativo entre los pacientes con EI sin (Grupo Sin) y con Disfunción Renal (Grupo DR), que se definió en base a uremia > 0.60 g/l y/o creatininemia > 1.5 mg/dl y/o hematuria o proteinuria. Fueron analizados en EPI info 6.04. Resultados: De un total de 110 EI incluidas, 58 (52.7%) presentaron DR principalmente secundaria a glomerulonefritis (n 22), sepsis (n 14), insuficiencia renal crónica (n 5), insuficiencia cardíaca, nefropatía diabética y nefrotoxicidad (n 4 cada una) y embólica (n 1). No hubo diferencias en la permanencia media hospitalaria (32 DS±23.3 vs 26.32 DS±17.28 días), el sexo (masculino: 60.3 vs 71.25%) y la demora diagnóstica (5.5 (DS±7.23) vs. 5.4 (DS±7.64 días)(pNS). La edad media fue mayor en el grupo DR en el LS (49.62 DS±15.71 vs 43.53 DS±17.94 años). El Grupo DR tuvo mas frecuentemente EI Definida (87.9 vs 67.3%) (p=0.0089) y no hubo diferencias en la localización Mitral (48.3 vs 48.1%) y Aórtica (44.8 vs 34.6%). La valvulopatía degenerativa se presentó en el LS en DR (34.5 VS 19.6%)(p=0.07). No hubo diferencias en la presencia de comórbidas (62.1 vs 71.2%) (pNS) pero la enfermedad últimamente fatal ocurrió mas frecuentemente en DR (51.4 vs 21.6%)(p=0.05). Al ingreso sólo la presencia de rales pulmonares (53.4 vs 32.7%) y púrpura cutánea (27.6 vs 13.5%) fueron más frecuentes en DR (p=0.05). La sepsis no controlada (34.5 vs 15.7%), insuficiencia cardíaca (51.7 vs 32.7%), encefalopatía (50 vs 27.5%), shock séptico (24.1 vs 7.8%) y fallo multiorgánico (34.5 vs 3.9%) fueron complicaciones más frecuentes en DR (p<0.05). La fiebre persistente se encontró en el LS en el grupo de DR (48.3 vs 32.7%)(p=0.09). No hubo diferencias en el hallazgo de vegetaciones por ecocardiografía (83.3 vs 75.6%). La anemia (Hb<9 mg/dl) (31.86 DS±53.41 vs 35.21 DS±7.85)(p=0.009), hipergammaglobulinemia (58.5 vs 29.8)(p=0.006) e hiperglucemia (36.1 vs 18.5)(p=0.03) se asociaron a DR. En el grupo con DR fue mas común la EI con cultivos negativos (31.5 vs 0%)(p=0.001) y el predominio de las infecciones por S. aureus Meticilino Resistente (MRSA)(21.6 vs 2.7%) (p=0.02). No hubo diferencias en la indicación de cirugía (31 vs 36.5%). La mortalidad hospitalaria fue significativamente mayor en DR (51.7 vs 25%)(p=0.0041)(OR 3.2, IC95%1.42-7.24). Conclusión: En los pacientes con EI la disfunción renal resultó ser un indicador de desarrollo de complicaciones infecciosas y cardíacas, de infección por MRSA y de mortalidad cruda hospitalaria.-
La estructura económica mundial, con centros de producción y consumo descentralizados y el consiguiente aumento en el tráfico de mercancías en todo el mundo, crea considerables problemas y desafíos para el sector del transporte de mercancías. Esta situación ha llevado al transporte marítimo a convertirse en el modo más económico y más adecuado para el transporte de mercancías a nivel global. De este modo, los puertos marítimos se configuran como nodos de importancia capital en la cadena de suministro al servir como enlace entre dos sistemas de transporte, el marítimo y el terrestre. El aumento de la actividad en los puertos marítimos produce tres efectos indeseables: el aumento de la congestión vial, la falta de espacio abierto en las instalaciones portuarias y un impacto ambiental significativo en los puertos marítimos. Los puertos secos nacen para favorecer la utilización de cada modo de transporte en los segmentos en que resultan más competitivos y para mitigar estos problemas moviendo parte de la actividad en el interior. Además, gracias a la implantación de puertos secos es posible discretizar cada uno de los eslabones de la cadena de transporte, permitiendo que los modos más contaminantes y con menor capacidad de transporte tengan itinerarios lo más cortos posible, o bien, sean utilizados únicamente para el transporte de mercancías de alto valor añadido. Así, los puertos secos se presentan como una oportunidad para fortalecer las soluciones intermodales como parte de una cadena integrada de transporte sostenible, potenciando el transporte de mercancías por ferrocarril. Sin embargo, su potencial no es aprovechado al no existir una metodología de planificación de la ubicación de uso sencillo y resultados claros para la toma de decisiones a partir de los criterios ingenieriles definidos por los técnicos. La decisión de dónde ubicar un puerto seco exige un análisis exhaustivo de toda la cadena logística, con el objetivo de transferir el mayor volumen de tráfico posible a los modos más eficientes desde el punto de vista energético, que son menos perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. Sin embargo, esta decisión también debe garantizar la sostenibilidad de la propia localización. Esta Tesis Doctoral, pretende sentar las bases teóricas para el desarrollo de una herramienta de Herramienta de Ayuda a la Toma de Decisiones que permita establecer la localización más adecuada para la construcción de puertos secos. Este primer paso es el desarrollo de una metodología de evaluación de la sostenibilidad y la calidad de las localizaciones de los puertos secos actuales mediante el uso de las siguientes técnicas: Metodología DELPHI, Redes Bayesianas, Análisis Multicriterio y Sistemas de Información Geográfica. Reconociendo que la determinación de la ubicación más adecuada para situar diversos tipos de instalaciones es un importante problema geográfico, con significativas repercusiones medioambientales, sociales, económicos, locacionales y de accesibilidad territorial, se considera un conjunto de 40 variables (agrupadas en 17 factores y estos, a su vez, en 4 criterios) que permiten evaluar la sostenibilidad de las localizaciones. El Análisis Multicriterio se utiliza como forma de establecer una puntuación a través de un algoritmo de scoring. Este algoritmo se alimenta a través de: 1) unas calificaciones para cada variable extraídas de información geográfica analizada con ArcGIS (Criteria Assessment Score); 2) los pesos de los factores obtenidos a través de un cuestionario DELPHI, una técnica caracterizada por su capacidad para alcanzar consensos en un grupo de expertos de muy diferentes especialidades: logística, sostenibilidad, impacto ambiental, planificación de transportes y geografía; y 3) los pesos de las variables, para lo que se emplean las Redes Bayesianas lo que supone una importante aportación metodológica al tratarse de una novedosa aplicación de esta técnica. Los pesos se obtienen aprovechando la capacidad de clasificación de las Redes Bayesianas, en concreto de una red diseñada con un algoritmo de tipo greedy denominado K2 que permite priorizar cada variable en función de las relaciones que se establecen en el conjunto de variables. La principal ventaja del empleo de esta técnica es la reducción de la arbitrariedad en la fijación de los pesos de la cual suelen adolecer las técnicas de Análisis Multicriterio. Como caso de estudio, se evalúa la sostenibilidad de los 10 puertos secos existentes en España. Los resultados del cuestionario DELPHI revelan una mayor importancia a la hora de buscar la localización de un Puerto Seco en los aspectos tenidos en cuenta en las teorías clásicas de localización industrial, principalmente económicos y de accesibilidad. Sin embargo, no deben perderse de vista el resto de factores, cuestión que se pone de manifiesto a través del cuestionario, dado que ninguno de los factores tiene un peso tan pequeño como para ser despreciado. Por el contrario, los resultados de la aplicación de Redes Bayesianas, muestran una mayor importancia de las variables medioambientales, por lo que la sostenibilidad de las localizaciones exige un gran respeto por el medio natural y el medio urbano en que se encuadra. Por último, la aplicación práctica refleja que la localización de los puertos secos existentes en España en la actualidad presenta una calidad modesta, que parece responder más a decisiones políticas que a criterios técnicos. Por ello, deben emprenderse políticas encaminadas a generar un modelo logístico colaborativo-competitivo en el que se evalúen los diferentes factores tenidos en cuenta en esta investigación. The global economic structure, with its decentralized production and the consequent increase in freight traffic all over the world, creates considerable problems and challenges for the freight transport sector. This situation has led shipping to become the most suitable and cheapest way to transport goods. Thus, ports are configured as nodes with critical importance in the logistics supply chain as a link between two transport systems, sea and land. Increase in activity at seaports is producing three undesirable effects: increasing road congestion, lack of open space in port installations and a significant environmental impact on seaports. These adverse effects can be mitigated by moving part of the activity inland. Implementation of dry ports is a possible solution and would also provide an opportunity to strengthen intermodal solutions as part of an integrated and more sustainable transport chain, acting as a link between road and railway networks. In this sense, implementation of dry ports allows the separation of the links of the transport chain, thus facilitating the shortest possible routes for the lowest capacity and most polluting means of transport. Thus, the decision of where to locate a dry port demands a thorough analysis of the whole logistics supply chain, with the objective of transferring the largest volume of goods possible from road to more energy efficient means of transport, like rail or short-sea shipping, that are less harmful to the environment. However, the decision of where to locate a dry port must also ensure the sustainability of the site. Thus, the main goal of this dissertation is to research the variables influencing the sustainability of dry port location and how this sustainability can be evaluated. With this objective, in this research we present a methodology for assessing the sustainability of locations by the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Bayesian Networks (BNs). MCDA is used as a way to establish a scoring, whilst BNs were chosen to eliminate arbitrariness in setting the weightings using a technique that allows us to prioritize each variable according to the relationships established in the set of variables. In order to determine the relationships between all the variables involved in the decision, giving us the importance of each factor and variable, we built a K2 BN algorithm. To obtain the scores of each variable, we used a complete cartography analysed by ArcGIS. Recognising that setting the most appropriate location to place a dry port is a geographical multidisciplinary problem, with significant economic, social and environmental implications, we consider 41 variables (grouped into 17 factors) which respond to this need. As a case of study, the sustainability of all of the 10 existing dry ports in Spain has been evaluated. In this set of logistics platforms, we found that the most important variables for achieving sustainability are those related to environmental protection, so the sustainability of the locations requires a great respect for the natural environment and the urban environment in which they are framed.
The dose-limiting toxicity of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and immunotoxin (IT) therapy in humans is vascular leak syndrome (VLS). VLS has a complex etiology involving damage to vascular endothelial cells (ECs), extravasation of fluids and proteins, interstitial edema, and organ failure. IL-2 and ITs prepared with the catalytic A chain of the plant toxin, ricin (RTA), and other toxins, damage human ECs in vitro and in vivo. Damage to ECs may initiate VLS; if this damage could be avoided without losing the efficacy of ITs or IL-2, larger doses could be administered. In this paper, we provide evidence that a three amino acid sequence motif, (x)D(y), in toxins and IL-2 damages ECs. Thus, when peptides from RTA or IL-2 containing this sequence motif are coupled to mouse IgG, they bind to and damage ECs both in vitro and, in the case of RTA, in vivo. In contrast, the same peptides with a deleted or mutated sequence do not. Furthermore, the peptide from RTA attached to mouse IgG can block the binding of intact RTA to ECs in vitro and vice versa. In addition, RTA, a fragment of Pseudomonas exotoxin A (PE38-lys), and fibronectin also block the binding of the mouse IgG-RTA peptide to ECs, suggesting that an (x)D(y) motif is exposed on all three molecules. Our results suggest that deletions or mutations in this sequence or the use of nondamaging blocking peptides may increase the therapeutic index of both IL-2, as well as ITs prepared with a variety of plant or bacterial toxins.
One of the early events in physiological shock is the generation of activators for leukocytes, endothelial cells, and other cells in the cardiovascular system. The mechanism by which these activators are produced has remained unresolved. We examine here the hypothesis that pancreatic digestive enzymes in the ischemic intestine may be involved in the generation of activators during intestinal ischemia. The lumen of the small intestine of rats was continuously perfused with saline containing a broadly acting pancreatic enzyme inhibitor (6-amidino-2-naphthyl p-guanidinobenzoate dimethanesulfate, 0.37 mM) before and during ischemia of the small intestine by splanchnic artery occlusion. This procedure inhibited activation of circulating leukocytes during occlusion and reperfusion. It also prevented the appearance of activators in portal venous and systemic artery plasma and attenuated initiating symptoms of multiple organ injury in shock. Intestinal tissue produces only low levels of activators in the absence of pancreatic enzymes, whereas in the presence of enzymes, activators are produced in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion. The results indicate that pancreatic digestive enzymes in the ischemic intestine serve as an important source for cell activation and inflammation, as well as multiple organ failure.
Hemorrhagic shock (HS) and resuscitation leads to widespread production of oxidant species. Activation of the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) has been shown to contribute to cell necrosis and organ failure in various disease conditions associated with oxidative stress. We tested the hypothesis whether PARP activation plays a role in the multiple organ dysfunction complicating HS and resuscitation in a murine model of HS and resuscitation by using mice genetically deficient in PARP (PARP−/−) and their wild-type littermates (PARP+/+). Animals were bled to a mean blood pressure of 45 mmHg (1 mmHg = 133 Pa) and resuscitated after 45 min with isotonic saline (2× volume of shed blood). There was a massive activation of PARP, detected by poly(ADP-ribose) immunohistochemistry, which localized to the areas of the most severe intestinal injury, i.e., the necrotic epithelial cells at the tip of the intestinal villi, and colocalized with tyrosine nitration, an index of peroxynitrite generation. Intestinal PARP activation resulted in gut hyperpermeability, which developed in PARP+/+ but not PARP−/− mice. PARP−/− mice were also protected from the rapid decrease in blood pressure after resuscitation and showed an increased survival time, as well as reduced lung neutrophil sequestration. The beneficial effects of PARP suppression were not related to a modulation of the NO pathway nor to a modulation of signaling through IL-6, which similarly increased in both PARP+/+ and PARP−/− mice exposed to HS. We propose that PARP activation and associated cell injury (necrosis) plays a crucial role in the intestinal injury, cardiovascular failure, and multiple organ damage associated with resuscitated HS.
O sistema imunológico preserva a integridade do organismo perante o ambiente que ele está inserido. As reações imunológicas são essenciais para controle e eliminação da infecção, no entanto se os mecanismos contra regulatórios da resposta imunológica forem superados, a homeostasia pode falhar levando a um desequilíbrio no processo de reparo do organismo, podendo causar danos, insuficiência de órgão e até a morte. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado a interação entre o sistema imunológico e os aminoácidos. Visto que a glutamina é utilizada como substrato energético para enterócitos, além de fornecer nitrogênio para síntese de purinas e pirimidinas para proliferação celular e a taurina participa da hemostasia, estabilização de membranas, mobilização de cálcio, além de ser importante agente antioxidante, nos propusemos nesse trabalho investigar os efeitos da glutamina e taurina sobre aspectos relacionados a resposta imunológica de células da linhagem Raw 264.7. Para tanto foram avaliadas: viabilidade celular; a capacidade proliferativa e o ciclo celular; a capacidade de síntese de citocinas: IL-1 α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10 e TNF-α e a expressão do fator de transcrição NFκB, bem como de seu inibidor IκBα. Foi possível observar aumento da viabilidade e proliferação celular para células tratadas com glutamina, entretanto não foi observado o mesmo efeito para taurina. Quando ambos aminoácidos foram associados, houve prevalência dos efeitos da glutamina. Observamos neste trabalho, que houve uma tendência da diminuição de expressão da relação de p-NFκB/NFκB quando se aumentou a concentração de glutamina. Paralelamente, o mesmo foi encontrado para relação p-IκB/IκB. Esses resultados corroboram com os resultados encontrados na produção das citocinas pró-inflamatórias IL-1α, Il-1β e TNF-α, uma vez que ao aumentarmos a concentração de glutamina bem como glutamina e taurina, observamos menor produção das mesmas. Complementarmente, encontramos resultados opostos para a citocina anti-inflamatória IL-10, a qual teve maior síntese em resposta ao aumento da concentração dos aminoácidos. Portanto concluímos que tanto a glutamina quanto a taurina possuem capacidade de modular aspectos da resposta imunológica de células Raw 264.7.
BACKGROUND & AIMS The liver performs a panoply of complex activities coordinating metabolic, immunologic and detoxification processes. Despite the liver's robustness and unique self-regeneration capacity, viral infection, autoimmune disorders, fatty liver disease, alcohol abuse and drug-induced hepatotoxicity contribute to the increasing prevalence of liver failure. Liver injuries impair the clearance of bile acids from the hepatic portal vein which leads to their spill over into the peripheral circulation where they activate the G-protein-coupled bile acid receptor TGR5 to initiate a variety of hepatoprotective processes. METHODS By functionally linking activation of ectopically expressed TGR5 to an artificial promoter controlling transcription of the hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), we created a closed-loop synthetic signalling network that coordinated liver injury-associated serum bile acid levels to expression of HGF in a self-sufficient, reversible and dose-dependent manner. RESULTS After implantation of genetically engineered human cells inside auto-vascularizing, immunoprotective and clinically validated alginate-poly-(L-lysine)-alginate beads into mice, the liver-protection device detected pathologic serum bile acid levels and produced therapeutic HGF levels that protected the animals from acute drug-induced liver failure. CONCLUSIONS Genetically engineered cells containing theranostic gene circuits that dynamically interface with host metabolism may provide novel opportunities for preventive, acute and chronic healthcare. LAY SUMMARY Liver diseases leading to organ failure may go unnoticed as they do not trigger any symptoms or significant discomfort. We have designed a synthetic gene circuit that senses excessive bile acid levels associated with liver injuries and automatically produces a therapeutic protein in response. When integrated into mammalian cells and implanted into mice, the circuit detects the onset of liver injuries and coordinates the production of a protein pharmaceutical which prevents liver damage.
Objective To determine the range of various cardiac parameters using echocardiography in apparently normal, healthy English Bull Terriers. Design Fourteen English Bull Terriers were selected for study. Cardiac auscultation of the parents of these dogs was normal. Echocardiographic examination of one parent of each animal showed: no mitral or aortic valve abnormalities; no myocardial lesions; no two dimensional evidence of fixed or dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction; and no systolic aortic or left ventricular outflow tract turbulence on colour flow Doppler examination. The 14 selected dogs did not have arrhythmias or murmurs, and on echocardiographic examination had similar findings to their parents. Systolic blood pressure was measured in all dogs and they had no clinical evidence of Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease or Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis. Procedure All dogs were auscultated and subjected to a sequential global echocardiographic assessment of the heart, including two dimensional long and short axis, and colour flow Doppler interrogation of the mitral and aortic valves. Dimensional measurements, including those from the left atrium, aortic annulus and left ventricle, were taken from a right parasternal window, and derived values such as fractional shortening, stroke volume and left atrial to aortic annulus ratio were calculated. Peak systolic aortic velocity was measured from the left parasternal window using two dimensional-guided pulsed wave Doppler with angle correction. Systolic blood pressure was measured using a Doppler monitor. The absence of Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease was determined using renal ultrasonography, and of Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis using urinary protein to creatinine ratio. Results These 14 dogs had greater left ventricular wall thickness and smaller aortic root diameters than those reported as normal for other breeds of comparable body size. Left atrial dimensions were also larger, however this may have been due to the maximising method of measurement. These apparently normal English Bull Terriers also had higher aortic velocities than those reported for other breeds, possibly due to a smaller aortic root diameter or other anatomic substrate of the left ventricular outflow tract, lower systemic vascular resistance, or breed-specific normal left ventricular hypertrophy. While these dogs were selected to be as close to normal as possible, the breed may have a particular anatomy that produces abnormal left ventricular echocardiographic parameters. Conclusion These echocardiographic parameters may be used to diagnose left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and left ventricular hypertrophy, and inaccurate diagnoses may result if breed-specific values are not used.
This prospective study evaluated serum procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) as markers for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)/sepsis and mortality in patients with traumatic brain injury and subarachnoid haemorrhage. Sixty-two patients were followed for 7 days. Serum PCT and CRP were measured on days 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Seventy-seven per cent of patients with traumatic brain injury and 83% with subarachnoid haemorrhage developed SIRS or sepsis (P= 0.75). Baseline PCT and CRP were elevated in 35% and 55% ofpatients respectively (P=0.03). There was a statistically non-significant step-wise increase in serum PCT levels from no SIRS (0.4 +/- 0.6 ng/ml) to SIRS (3.05 +/- 9.3 ng/ml) to sepsis (5.5 +/- 12.5 ng/ml). A similar trend was noted in baseline PCT in patients with mild (0.06 +/- 0.9 ng/ml), moderate (0.8 +/- 0.7 ng/ml) and severe head injury (1.2 +/- 1.9 ng/ml). Such a gradation was not observed with serum CRP There was a non-significant trend towards baseline PCT being a better marker of hospital mortality compared with baseline CRP (ROC-AUC 0.56 vs 0.31 respectively). This is the first prospective study to document the high incidence of SIRS in neurosurgical patients. In our study, serum PCT appeared to correlate with severity of traumatic brain injury and mortality. However, it could not reliably distinguish between SIRS and sepsis in this cohort. This is in pan because baseline PCT elevation seemed to correlate with severity of injury. Only a small proportion ofpatients developed sepsis, thus necessitating a larger sample size to demonstrate the diagnostic usefulness of serum PCT as a marker of sepsis. Further clinical trials with larger sample sizes are required to confirm any potential role of PCT as a sepsis and outcome indicator in patients with head injuries or subarachnoid haemorrhage.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a progressive neuromuscular disease with death usually occurring because of respiratory failure. Signs of early respiratory insufficiency are usually first detectable in sleep. Objective: To study the presentation of sleep-related breathing disorder (SRBD) in patients with DMD. Method:> A retrospective review of patients with DMD attending a tertiary paediatric sleep disorder clinic over a 5-year period. Symptoms, lung function and polysomnographic indices were reviewed. Results: A total of 34 patients with DMD were referred for respiratory assessment (1-15 years). Twenty-two (64%) reported sleep-related symptomatology. Forced vital capacity (FVC) was between 12 and 107% predicted (n = 29). Thirty-two progressed to have polysomnography of which 15 were normal studies (median age: 10 years) and 10 (31%) were diagnostic of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) (median age: 8 years). A total of 11 patients (32%) showed hypoventilation (median age: 13 years) during the 5-year period and non-invasive ventilation (NIV) was offered to them. The median FVC of this group was 27% predicted. There was a significant improvement in the apnoea/hypopnoea index (AHI) (mean difference = 11.31, 95% CI = 5.91-16.70, P = 0.001) following the institution of NIV. Conclusions: The prevalence of SRBD in DMD is significant. There is a bimodal presentation of SRBD, with OSA found in the first decade and hypoventilation more commonly seen at the beginning of the second decade. Polysomnography is recommended in children with symptoms of OSA, or at the stage of becoming wheelchair-bound. In patients with the early stages of respiratory failure, assessment with polysomnography-identified sleep hypoventilation and assisted in initiating NIV.
Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition that can be fatal if not appropriately managed. Although heat stroke has been recognised as a medical condition for centuries, a universally accepted definition of heat stroke is lacking and the pathology of heat stroke is not fully understood. Information derived from autopsy reports and the clinical presentation of patients with heat stroke indicates that hyperthermia, septicaemia, central nervous system impairment and cardiovascular failure play important roles in the pathology of heat stroke. The current models of heat stroke advocate that heat stroke is triggered by hyperthermia but is driven by endotoxaemia. Endotoxaemia triggers the systemic inflammatory response, which can lead to systemic coagulation and haemorrhage, necrosis, cell death and multi-organ failure. However, the current heat stroke models cannot fully explain the discrepancies in high core temperature (Tc) as a trigger of heat stroke within and between individuals. Research on the concept of critical Tc: as a limitation to endurance exercise implies that a high Tc may function as a signal to trigger the protective mechanisms against heat stroke. Athletes undergoing a period of intense training are subjected to a variety of immune and gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances. The immune disturbances include the suppression of immune cells and their functions, suppression of cell-mediated immunity, translocation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), suppression of anti-LPS antibodies, increased macrophage activity due to muscle tissue damage, and increased concentration of circulating inflammatory and pyrogenic cytokines. Common symptoms of exercise-induced GI disturbances include diarrhoea, vomiting, gastrointestinal bleeding, and cramps, which may increase gut-related LPS translocation. This article discusses the current evidence that supports the argument that these exercise-induced immune and GI disturbances may contribute to the development of endotoxaemia and heat stroke. When endotoxaemia can be tolerated or prevented, continuing exercise and heat exposure will elevate Tc to a higher level (> 42 degrees C), where heat stroke may occur through the direct thermal effects of heat on organ tissues and cells. We also discuss the evidence suggesting that heat stroke may occur through endotoxaemia (heat sepsis), the primary pathway of heat stroke, or hyperthermia, the secondary pathway of heat stroke. The existence of these two pathways of heat stroke and the contribution of exercise-induced immune and GI disturbances in the primary pathway of heat stroke are illustrated in the dual pathway model of heat stroke. This model of heat stroke suggests that prolonged intense exercise suppresses anti-LPS mechanisms, and promotes inflammatory and pyrogenic activities in the pathway of heat stroke.
Sepsis continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality as it can readily lead tosevere sepsis, septic shock, multiple organ failure and death. The onset can be rapid and difficult to define clinically. Despite the numerous candidate markers proposed in the literature, to date a serum marker for sepsis has not been found. The aim of this study was to assay the serum of clinically diagnosed patients with eithera Gram-negative or Gram- positive bacterial sepsis for elevated levels of nine potentialmarkers of sepsis, using commercially produced enzyme linked immunosorbent assays(ELISA). The purpose was to find a test marker for sepsis that would be helpful toclinicians in cases of uncertain sepsis and consequently expose false positive BC'scaused by skin or environmental contaminants. Nine test markers were assayed including IL-6, IL-I 0, ILI2, TNF-α, lipopolysaccharide binding protein, procalcitonin, sE-selectin, sICAM -1 and a potential differential marker for Gram-positive sepsis- anti-lipid S antibody. A total of 445 patients were enrolled into this study from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Selly Oak Hospital (Birmingham). The results showed that all the markers were elevated in patients with sepsis and that patients with a Gram-negative sepsis consistently produced higher median/range serum levels than those with a Gram-positive sepsis. No single marker was able to identify all the septic patients. Combining two markers caused the sensitivities and specificities for a diagnosis of sepsis to increase to within a 90% to 100% range. By a process of elimination the markers that survived into the last phase were IL-6 with sICAM -1, and anti-lipid S IgG assays Defining cut-off levels for a diagnosis of sepsis became problematic and a semi-blind trial was devised to test the markers in the absence of both clinical details and positive blood cultures. Patients with pyrexia of unknown origin and negative BC were included in this phase (4). The results showed that IL-6 with sICAM-l are authentic markers of sepsis. There was 82% agreement between the test marker diagnosis and the clinical diagnosis for sepsis in patients with a Gram-positive BC and 78% agreement in cases of Gram-negative Be. In the PUO group the test markers identified 12 cases of sepsis and the clinical diagnosis 15. The markers were shown to differentiate between early sepsis and sepsis, inflammatory responses and infection. Anti-lipid S with IL-6 proved be a sensitive marker for Gram-positive infections/sepsis.
Safety enforcement practitioners within Europe and marketers, designers or manufacturers of consumer products need to determine compliance with the legal test of "reasonable safety" for consumer goods, to reduce the "risks" of injury to the minimum. To enable freedom of movement of products, a method for safety appraisal is required for use as an "expert" system of hazard analysis by non-experts in safety testing of consumer goods for implementation consistently throughout Europe. Safety testing approaches and the concept of risk assessment and hazard analysis are reviewed in developing a model for appraising consumer product safety which seeks to integrate the human factors contribution of risk assessment, hazard perception, and information processing. The model develops a system of hazard identification, hazard analysis and risk assessment which can be applied to a wide range of consumer products through use of a series of systematic checklists and matrices and applies alternative numerical and graphical methods for calculating a final product safety risk assessment score. It is then applied in its pilot form by selected "volunteer" Trading Standards Departments to a sample of consumer products. A series of questionnaires is used to select participating Trading Standards Departments, to explore the contribution of potential subjective influences, to establish views regarding the usability and reliability of the model and any preferences for the risk assessment scoring system used. The outcome of the two stage hazard analysis and risk assessment process is considered to determine consistency in results of hazard analysis, final decisions regarding the safety of the sample product and to determine any correlation in the decisions made using the model and alternative scoring methods of risk assessment. The research also identifies a number of opportunities for future work, and indicates a number of areas where further work has already begun.