734 resultados para Self-regulated learning


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L’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés est attribuable en partie, aux effets délétères du vieillissement normal sur le fonctionnement cognitif. Les méthodes d’évaluation neuropsychologique par les tests ayant montré une certaine efficacité dans le cas du dépistage des habiletés de conduite chez les conducteurs âgés atteints d’affections neurologiques pathologiques, la présente thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence de cette approche chez les conducteurs vieillissants de la population générale. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est ainsi d’obtenir une vue d’ensemble sur le rôle et la sensibilité des mesures neuropsychologiques dans la prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés. Dans la même perspective, la thèse explore d’autre part le rôle de variables sociodémographiques et psychologiques. L’article 1 évalue la validité prédictive de sept tests des fonctions visuo-attentionnelles et de la mémoire de travail en regard des habiletés de détection périphérique chez 50 conducteurs âgés de 62 à 83 ans. L’étude sur simulateur de conduite comprend une condition de conduite simple et une condition plus soutenue incluant une distraction téléphonique de type « mains-libres ». Selon les résultats, certains tests cognitifs prédisent bien les temps de détection. En outre, la validité prédictive des tests est plus importante dans la situation de conduite plus exigeante. Cela dit, les résultats de l’article 2 révèlent que le recours aux stratégies d’évitement des situations exigeantes est plus prononcé chez les individus qui présentent des faiblesses à certains des tests neuropsychologiques proposés. Les résultats indiquent en outre que l’utilisation des stratégies d’évitement routier est plus fréquente chez les conducteurs ayant tendance à déprécier leurs habiletés de conduite générales, à exprimer une moindre perception de contrôle ainsi qu’une attitude défavorable à l’endroit des situations de conduite complexes ou risquées. Les stratégies d’évitement se révèlent donc comme des réponses autorégulatrices proportionnelles aux limitations cognitives et aux perceptions individuelles. Dans les deux études, l’âge ne permet pas d’expliquer les différences individuelles, ceci ni en termes d’habiletés de détection périphérique ni de tendances autorégulatrices. Le rôle du genre est cependant plus nuancé. Ainsi, le principal apport de la présente thèse réside dans la constatation que si d’une part, certaines limitations neuropsychologiques sont associées à une réduction des habiletés de détection périphérique, ces mêmes limitations s’accompagnent aussi de mesures autorégulatrices qui peuvent contribuer à réduire le risque routier. Il appert conséquemment que les méthodes de dépistage de l’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés se basant sur l’évaluation des limitations cognitives et attentionnelles doivent également rechercher et évaluer la teneur de leurs comportements routiers autorégulateurs. Dans le contexte de vieillissement de la population, des interventions pourront également miser sur le renforcement de ces comportements.


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Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du doctorat en psychologie (D.Psy.)


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Gerade männliche Jugendliche nutzen in ihrer Pubertät und Adoleszenz zu einer gelingenden Gestaltung ihres Alltags und zur Ausbildung ihrer Identität zahlreiche Erscheinungsformen des Fantasy-Rollenspielens. In einem Prozess von Aneignung und Entäußerung integrieren dabei die Jugendlichen das überaus reiche multimediale Angebot, welches die Spiele bieten, in ihre Alltagsgestaltung, indem sie sich daraus spezifische Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements bauen. Diese dienen einerseits der sozialen Integration und Distinktion, andererseits der Präsentation ihrer Identitätsentwürfe sich und anderen. Die Jugendlichen schaffen sich mittels dieser spezifischen Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements eine in weiten Teilen von ihnen selbst bestimmte Welt, in der sie ihre Phantasie wie Kreativität mit großer Intensität, ja Obsession, innerhalb integrativer und solidarischer Interaktionsformen selbststeuernd und professionell ausleben. Diese Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements zeigen Angebots- und Nutzungsformen, die sich nach einem medienkommunikativen Aneignungs- und Entäußerungsmodell in der Tradition der Cultural Studies (Stuart Hall) beschreiben lassen. Die Langzeitbeobachtung der Jugendlichen zeigt, dass sie alltagspragmatische Kulturtechniken zur selbstbestimmten Gestaltung von Alltag entwickeln: zunächst eine Strukturierung ihrer kognitiven, affektiven und pragmatischen Interaktion nach Kriterien erfolgreicher intrinsischer Interaktion, mit dem Ziel derer Perpetuierung im Flow-Erleben (Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi), dann eine Ästhetisierung von Alltagswirklichkeit mittels kollektiver Fiktionalisierung in der Tradition des Collective Story Telling (Janet H. Murray). Diese Kulturtechniken stellen vor dem Hintergrund der Enkodierung und Dekodierung sozialer Codes spezifische Adaptionen von Prozessen der Bedeutungszuweisung und Subjekt- bzw. Identitätskonstitution dar. Die sie evozierenden und mit ihnen korrespondierenden handlungsleitenden Themen der Jugendlichen sind der Wunsch nach Rekonstitution von Gesamtheit in einer sich fragmentarisierenden Wirklichkeit, die Affirmation von Selbstbestimmung- und Autonomieerfahrungen, das Erleben von Reintegration und Solidarität für das sich dissoziiert erfahrende Individuum. Das Handeln der Jugendlichen basiert damit auf dem momentan dominanten Prozess einer Individualisierung von Lebenswelt unter den Bedingungen von Reflexivität und Erlebnisrationalität in der postmodernen Gesellschaft. Mit ihren Versuchen selbstbestimmter Gestaltung folgen sie dem aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Auftrag einer weitgehend in eigener Regie vorzunehmenden Lokalisierung dieses Prozesses. Zunehmend tritt diese von den Jugendlichen selbstgesteuerte Sozialisation neben die traditionell heteronome Sozialisation von gesellschaftlichen Instituten wie etwa die von Schule. Damit wird das Handeln der Jugendlichen zu einer Herausforderung an Pädagogik und Schule. Schule muss, wenn sie ihrem eigentlichen Auftrag von Förderung gerecht werden will, eine Sensibilität für diese Eigenständigkeit von Jugendlichen entwickeln und in der Beobachtung ihres Handelns didaktische Innovationen für Lehren und Lernen entwickeln. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Wiederentdeckung des pädagogischen Dialogs, besonders aber die Entwicklung einer individualisierten Lernkultur und die Förderung jugendlicher Gestaltungskompetenzen, welche von deren alltagsästhetischen Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen im Umgang mit multimedialen Kulturprodukten ausgeht. Schule kann und muss für diese Prozesse selbstgesteuerten Lernens angemessene pädagogische Räume bereitstellen, in denen die Jugendlichen innerhalb eines geschützten Kontextes in der Auseinandersetzung mit eigenen wie fremden Entwürfen ihre Identität entwickeln können.


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Der Name einer kleinen Internatsschule im Berner Oberland taucht zunehmend in den Diskussionen über die Gestaltung von selbst organisiertem Lernen auf: Institut Beatenberg. Der Direktor des Instituts, Andreas Müller, und seine Mitarbeiter sind gefragte Referenten auf Veranstaltungen über die Einführung einer Lehr-Lernkultur, die den Lernenden und seine Lernprozesse in den Mittelpunkt der pädagogischen Arbeit stellt. Zudem finden ihre Publikationen zunehmendes Interesse im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. Ein Schlüsselinstrument wurde dabei zum Schlagwort: Kompetenzraster. Doch die stellen nur eines der Instrumente dar, die den ‚Wirkungskreislauf des Lernerfolgs’ in Beatenberg stützen. Berufliche Schulen in Hessen und Hamburg haben im Rahmen von Modellprojekten mit der Erarbeitung von Kompetenzrastern nach den Vorbildern in Beatenberg begonnen und versprechen sich damit eine neue, auf selbst organisiertem Lernen aufbauende kompetenzorientierte berufliche Bildung. In dem Beitrag werden die Arbeit mit Kompetenzrastern und den dahinter liegenden ‚Lernlandschaften’ sowie der ‚Wirkungskreislauf den Lernerfolgs’ in Beatenberg kompetenzorientiert dargestellt. Die Dimensionen Definition, Beschreibung, Ordnung, Erwerb, Messung und Anerkennung von Kompetenzen werden herausgearbeitet und die Möglichkeiten von Kompetenzrastern in der beruflichen Bildung kritisch gewürdigt. Der Beitrag ist entlang der genannten Dimensionen gegliedert.


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Introdução: Procuramos analisar a associação entre a frequência/adesão ao exercício físico (FAEF) em contexto de ginásios e health clubs (GHC) e os constructos previstos pela Teoria da Auto Determinação (TAD) em indivíduos que treinam com Treinador Pessoal (TP)e indivíduos que não treinam com TP. Método: Efetuámos uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL), seguida de um estudo observacional onde aplicámos questionários psicométricos para avaliar o clima da sessão de treino, resposta psicológica global, regulação motivacional, satisfação das necessidades psicológicas (NPB), escolha percebida sobre o desempenho em exercício. Foi controlada a FAEF durante 3 meses. A amostra consistiu em 88 clientes (Midade = 41.35, SD = 12.22, MIMC = 25.10, SD = 14.52) Resultados: Na RSL encontrámos 10 estudos, nenhum em contexto de TP. No nosso estudo não se registaram diferenças na FAEF, nem nas regulações motivacionais entre os grupos. No grupo com TP a competência associou-se à FAEF (p=.017) e a autonomia associou-se a menores níveis de mau estar psicológico e de fadiga (p=.032). O Clima de Tratamento do Programa não influenciou nenhum dos outcomes estudados. No grupo sem TP, quanto mais Autonomia (p=.038) e Motivação Intrínseca (p=.001) maior a FAEF. Regulações mais autodeterminadas estão associados a maiores valores de FAEF (p=.009). A motivação intrínseca associou-se positivamente (p=.014) com a FAEF em toda a amostra. Discussão: O suporte das NBP origina uma motivação mais auto regulada o que se reflete numa maior FAEF e bem estar psicológico. No grupo com TP a competência teve um maior contributo para a FAEF, no grupo sem TP a autonomia registou o valor mais elevado. Não se observaram diferenças entre os grupos na regulação motivacional e na FAEF. O suporte de autonomia dado pelo TP não apresentou resultados significativos na FAEF, o que contraria o esperado pela TAD. Estes dados são, por si só reveladores da importância de se aprofundar conhecimentos que auxiliem os TP’s a a motivarem com mais qualidade os seus alunos.


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A temática apresentada é resultante da prática de ensino supervisionada no Ensino Secundário em Artes Visuais e tem como finalidade aprofundar questões que envolvem a autorregulação das aprendizagens para o desenvolvimento do pensamento reflexivo dos alunos. A importância do paradigma reflexivo está cada vez mais presente nas práticas educativas dos nossos tempos, remetendo para um novo conceito de ensino e de avaliação no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, de acordo com um ensino cada vez mais centrado no aluno. Seguindo a intemporalidade do pensamento freireano são desenvolvidas práticas de avaliação tendo por base a integração do portefólio como instrumento de aprendizagem progressiva para a prática reflexiva dos alunos na disciplina de Desenho A. Este projeto de investigação participativa pretende analisar informações qualitativas e quantitativas de forma a reconhecer o contributo e o benefício da dimensão reflexiva ao longo do processo de ensino-aprendizagem no desenvolvimento pessoal e cognitivo do aluno.


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Temporal discounting (TD) matures with age, alongside other markers of increased impulse control, and coherent, self-regulated behaviour. Discounting paradigms quantify the ability to refrain from preference of immediate rewards, in favour of delayed, larger rewards. As such, they measure temporal foresight and the ability to delay gratification, functions that develop slowly into adulthood. We investigated the neural maturation that accompanies the previously observed age-related behavioural changes in discounting, from early adolescence into mid-adulthood. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging of a hypothetical discounting task with monetary rewards delayed in the week to year range. We show that age-related reductions in choice impulsivity were associated with changes in activation in ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), ventral striatum (VS), insula, inferior temporal gyrus, and posterior parietal cortex. Limbic frontostriatal activation changes were specifically associated with age-dependent reductions in impulsive choice, as part of a more extensive network of brain areas showing age-related changes in activation, including dorsolateral PFC, inferior parietal cortex, and subcortical areas. The maturational pattern of functional connectivity included strengthening in activation coupling between ventromedial and dorsolateral PFC, parietal and insular cortices during selection of delayed alternatives, and between vmPFC and VS during selection of immediate alternatives. We conclude that maturational mechanisms within limbic frontostriatal circuitry underlie the observed post-pubertal reductions in impulsive choice with increasing age, and that this effect is dependent on increased activation coherence within a network of areas associated with discounting behaviour and inter-temporal decision-making.


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This article explores the reasons that affect the decisions of managers of firms to adopt management practices in order to green their supply chain management. Under the context of environmental policy, the relationship between policy instruments (‘command and control’, market-based, and self-regulated) and the decisions of managers to adopt green supply chain management (G-SCM) practices is examined. The results show that in some cases the environmental legislation, market-based instruments and self-regulated incentives could play a critical role in the decisions of managers to adopt some specific G-SCM practices, while in other cases environmental policy instruments have not seemed to affect the decisions of managers regarding some other G-SCM practices.


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We report on use of iPads (and other IOS devices) for student fieldwork use and as electronic field notebooks and to promote active. We have used questionnaires and interviews of tutors and students to elicit their views and technology and iPad use for fieldwork. There is some reluctance for academic staff to relinquish paper notebooks for iPad use, whether in the classroom or on fieldwork, as well as use them for observational and measurement purposes. Students too are largely unaware of the potential of iPads for enhancing fieldwork. Apps can be configured for a wide variety of specific uses that make iPads useful for educational as well as social uses. Such abilities should be used to enhance existing practice as well as make new functionality. For example, for disabled students who find it difficult to use conventional note taking. iPads can be used to develop student self-directed learning and for group contributions. The technology becomes part of the students’ personal learning environments as well as at the heart of their knowledge spaces – academic and social. This blurring of boundaries is due to iPads’ usability to cultivate field use, instruction, assessment and feedback processes. iPads can become field microscopes and entries to citizen science and we see the iPad as the main ‘computing’ device for students in the near future. As part of the Bring Your Own Technology/Device (BYOD) the iPad has much to offer although, both staff and students need to be guided in the most effective use for self-directed education via development of Personal Learning Environments. A more student-oriented pedagogy is suggested to correspond to the increasing use of tablet technologies by students


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A educação a distância ganha força como mais uma forma de aprendizagem e como um novo recurso de apoio ao trabalho pedagógico. Por essa razão, existe um grande esforço dos governos, no sentido de priorizar as novas formas de aprendizagem a distância. Acompanhar a evolução das políticas públicas de educação a distância, principalmente os impactos percebidos na qualidade do ensino, é o principal objetivo deste estudo. A pesquisa de campo aconteceu em escolas públicas de Niterói, onde foi observada a evolução dos programas da Secretaria de Educação a Distância SEED, bem como os outros aspectos da pesquisa em si. Considerando a atualidade do tema, foi imprescindível, além da revisão na literatura específica e das referencias bibliográficas usuais, fundamentar a argumentação da autora com periódicos e outros conhecimentos pesquisados na internet, através da informação mediada. A dissertação destaca o resultado de toda a investigação e conclui que as novas tecnologias e as formas interativas de aprendizagem ainda não são aceitos pela comunidade escolar, como importantes recursos auxiliares. Os programas TV Escola e Proinfo deveriam revolucionar o modo de capacitação de professores e a aprendizagem dos alunos, mas não estão provocando os resultados desejados, nas escolas observadas. Os objetivos dos programas ainda não foram alcançados e o esforço dos atores governamentais e não governamentais não teve o sucesso desejado.


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Due to shortage of time and limited availability of faculty surgeons to teach basic surgical skills during medical graduation, the search for alternative ways of simulated training with feedback is needed. The purpose of this study was to compare the simulated teaching of suture skills to novice medical students by senior medical students and by experienced faculty surgeons. Forty-eight novice medical students were randomly assigned to three practice conditions on bench model (n = 16): self-directed suture training (control), senior medical student-directed suture skills' training, or experienced faculty surgeon-directed suture skills' training. Pre- and post-tests were applied. Global Rating Scale with blinded evaluation and self-perceived confidence based on Likert scale were used to assess all suture performances in pre- and post-training. Effect size was also calculated. The analysis made after training showed that the students who received feedback from the instructors had better performance based on the Global Rating Scale (all p < 0.0000) and felt more confident to carry out sutures (all p < 0.0000) when compared to the control. There was no significant difference (all p > 0.05) between the student-directed teaching and faculty-directed teaching groups. The magnitude of the effect (instructor-directed training suture) was considered large (>0.80) in all measurements. The acquisition of suture skills after student-directed training was similar to the training supervised by faculty surgeon, and the increase in suture performances of trainees that received instructor administered training was superior to self-directed learning. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Italia.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The paper investigates the role of the body in didactics. It looks up for points of contact between the functional sceneries of the classroom and some recent approaches, such like simplexity, neurosciences and enactivism. The two experiments presented they aim to demonstrate the importance of body awareness to improve the didactic quality. The first experience used a SenseWear Armband that provided data about the energetic expenditure of a teacher during diff erent activities in a lesson. Th e second experiment relied on a neurofeedback device integrated to a sensor, it detected body temperature with the aim of understanding the role of the body in the process of self-regulation-learning and management of attention and arousal.


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The purpose of the current study is to identify the impact of teaching students to revise their stories on writing production (Total Words Written; TWW), writing accuracy (Percent Correct Writing Sequences; %CWS), number of critical story elements included in stories, and quality of writing. Three third-grade and one fourth-grade student who were experiencing difficulties in the area of writing were involved in the study. The students were first taught to plan their stories using the evidence-based program, Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD), which has frequently been implemented to teach students to plan their stories. Students were then taught to revise their stories using SRSD procedures modified for instruction in revision strategies. Student progress was evaluated through a multiple-probe design across tasks and a multiple-probe design across participants, which allowed for experimental control over time and across story probes. In addition to the previously mentioned variables, student’s acceptability of the intervention and their attitudes toward writing were also assessed. Results indicated that instruction in revising increased student writing accuracy beyond the effects of instruction in planning. Additionally, although instruction in planning was shown to increase writing production, number of critical story elements, and quality of writing, instruction in revising produced additional improvement in these variables as well. Finally, results indicated that students liked the intervention and their attitudes toward writing generally increased. Implications for practice and future research directions will be discussed. Advisor: Merilee McCurdy


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Auditing is an important activity in today’s society and is characterised by several dilemmas. The assumption underlying this thesis is that auditing is influenced in prac-tice by the thought patterns of auditors. These patterns are shaped in an environment that is both regulated and self-regulated. The purpose of the thesis is to describe, analyse and compare the thought patterns of Swedish auditors and important stake-holders with regard to the way in which auditors audit information provided by listed companies and how they make statements about this information. The purpose is also to make some suggestions about how the auditing activity can be modified in order to reduce conflicting interests. The methodological approach combines the use of the repertory grid technique and open-ended interview questions. Interviews were carried out with 82 auditors and 73 stakeholders. To validate the findings, four focus groups, consisting of auditors, investors and creditors, were consulted. The findings indicate that auditors devote a relatively large amount of time and considerable effort to objects that can be verified satisfactorily, but not to objects that they perceive as being of primary importance to investors and creditors. A similar gap is found in the thought patterns of investors and creditors. Moreover, several expec-tation gaps are found, in particular regarding auditors’ statements. On the one hand, the auditors studied were reluctant to make statements about any other information than information obtained according to current practice; on the other hand, the inves-tors and creditors expressed a need for additional information about the outcome of the audit and the choice of auditing objects. The concluding suggestions concern measures that can reduce the discrepancies identi-fied, including (i) the introduction of a mandatory primary audit and a market-oriented secondary audit, (ii) extended information about the outcome of the audit and the choice of auditing objects that will benefit the stakeholders, (iii) a somewhat less expo-sed position of the auditors, and (iv) the importance of a changed balance of power in the auditing arena and the need for an integrated and dynamic approach to auditing. Keywords: auditing, accounting information, auditors, stakeholders, agency theory, thought patterns, expectation gap, repertory grid.