965 resultados para Sedimentary sands
An apatite fission track study of crystalline rocks underlying sedimentary basins in northeastern Brazil indicate that crustal blocks that occur on opposite sides of a geological fault experienced different thermal histories. Samples collected on the West block yielded corrected fission-track ages from 140 to 375 Ma, whereas samples collected on the East block yielded ages between 90 and 125 Ma. The thermal models suggest that each block experienced two cooling events separated by a heating event at different times. We concluded that the West block moved downward relative to the East block ca. 140 Ma ago, when sediments eroded from the East side were deposited on the West side. This process represents the early stage of sedimentary basin formation and the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean in the region. Downward and upward movements related to heating and cooling events of these crustal blocks at different periods until recent times are proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The Paraná Basin is a Western Gondwanan cratonic basin that is better defined as the Paraná depositional site, since it has a diverse history as a basin. Sedimentation started in the Ordovician-Silurian, followed by extensive marine Devonian deposition. A Late Paleozoic/ Triassic facies cycle wedge was clearly built during Pangean time. The Early Cretaceous was characterized by extensive basaltic lava flows immediately before the break-up of Pangea. Following these rifting and drifting processes, the basin's structural framework was totally rebuilt, generating new depositional sites in the Late Cretaceous to Tertiary. Based on more recent data, at least two different basins may be defined during the evolution of what was once considered a unique basin. Nevertheless, even if considered as a single basin, the sedimentary pile of the Paraná Basin has considerable economic potential, until now exploited only rudimentarily, except for its groundwater resources. Aggregates, limestones, clays, industrial sands, gems, dimension stones, hydrocarbons, coal, peat, and uranium are some of the potential mineral resources of this basin. Copyright © 1997 by V. H. Winston & Son, Inc. All rights reserved.
The Brasília belt borders the western margin of the São Francisco Craton and records the history of ocean opening and closing related to the formation of West Gondwana. This study reports new U-Pb data from the southern sector of the belt in order to provide temporal limits for the deposition and ages of provenance of sediments accumulated in passive margin successions around the south and southwestern margins of the São Francisco Craton, and date the orogenic events leading to the amalgamation of West Gondwana. Ages of detrital zircons (by ID-TIMS and LA-MC-ICPMS) were obtained from metasedimentary units of the passive margin of the São Francisco Craton from the main tectonic domains of the belt: the internal allochthons (Araxá Group in the Áraxá and Passos Nappes), the external allochthons (Canastra Group, Serra da Boa Esperança Metasedimentary Sequence and Andrelândia Group) and the autochthonous or Cratonic Domain (Andrelândia Group). The patterns of provenance ages for these units are uniform and are characterised as follows: Archean- Paleoproterozoic ages (3.4-3.3, 3.1-2.7, and 2.5-2.4Ga); Paleoproterozoic ages attributed to the Transamazonian event (2.3-1.9Ga, with a peak at ca. 2.15Ga) and to the ca. 1.75Ga Espinhaço rifting of the São Francisco Craton; ages between 1.6 and 1.2Ga, with a peak at 1.3Ga, revealing an unexpected variety of Mesoproterozoic sources, still undetected in the São Francisco Craton; and ages between 0.9 and 1.0Ga related to the rifting event that led to the individualisation of the São Francisco paleo-continent and formation of its passive margins. An amphibolite intercalation in the Araxá Group yields a rutile age of ca. 0.9Ga and documents the occurrence of mafic magmatism coeval with sedimentation in the marginal basin. Detrital zircons from the autochthonous and parautochthonous Andrelândia Group, deposited on the southern margin of the São Francisco Craton, yielded a provenance pattern similar to that of the allochthonous units. This result implies that 1.6-1.2Ga source rocks must be present in the São Francisco Craton. They could be located either in the cratonic area, which is mostly covered by the Neoproterozoic epicontinental deposits of the Bambuí Group, or in the outer paleo-continental margin, buried under the allochthonous units of the Brasília belt. Crustal melting and generation of syntectonic crustal granites and migmatisation at ca. 630Ma mark the orogenic event that started with westward subduction of the São Francisco plate and ended with continental collision against the Paraná block (and Goiás terrane). Continuing collision led to the exhumation and cooling of the Araxá and Passos metamorphic nappes, as indicated by monazite ages of ca. 605Ma and mark the final stages of tectonometamorphic activity in the southern Brasília belt. Whilst continent-continent collision was proceeding on the western margin of the São Francisco Craton along the southern Brasília belt, eastward subduction in the East was generating the 634-599Ma Rio Negro magmatic arc which collided with the eastern São Francisco margin at 595-560Ma, much later than in the Brasília belt. Thus, the tectonic effects of the Ribeira belt reached the southernmost sector of the Brasília belt creating a zone of superposition. The thermal front of this event affected the proximal Andrelândia Group at ca. 588Ma, as indicated by monazite age. The participation of the Amazonian craton in the assembly of western Gondwana occurred at 545-500Ma in the Paraguay belt and ca. 500Ma in the Araguaia belt. This, together with the results presented in this work lead to the conclusion that the collision between the Paraná block and Goiás terrane with the São Francisco Craton along the Brasília belt preceded the accretion of the Amazonian craton by 50-100 million years. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rhythmite samples from Varvite Quarry and Park of Itu (SP), and well cores from Rafard (SP), were analyzed by optical microscopy to describe the petrographic characteristics of their light-colored (siltstone) and dark-colored (shale) laminae. The light-colored ones are essentially siltstones, commonly with traces of sands; the mineralogical composition is mainly quartz, with traces of feldspar and scarce mica; quartz or calcite cementation occurs in variable intensity, the first one being more intense in the Itu rhythmites; parallel laminations, internally normal graded or massive are the most common sedimentary structures in these rocks; bioturbations and dropstones are commonly observed in Itu rhythmites; contacts between siltstone laminae, and siltstone beds and shale laminae are commonly non-erosive and sharp. Considering this study and the macroscopic description of these rhythmites it was possible to clarify many questions about their composition, as the grain-size of the light-colored beds composed by silt with subordinate dropped sand, and the inappropriate use of the term varvite to the most of the Itu rhythmites. It was also important to reinforce their proglacial lacustrine origin, with random freezing of lacustrine surface water, and only sporadic ice-contact.
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The mineral exploration is a complex activity that should involve a combination of direct and indirect techniques of geological investigation. The growing demand for base metals in the national and international market provides the revaluation of mineral occurrences that can become deposits and mines. This paper presents the results of the electrical resistivity and induced polarization geophysical methods in azimuthal arrangement, applied in a mineral occurrence of disseminated copper sulfides, previously studied through trenches and core drilling, located in the Camaquã Sedimentary Basin, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The inversion models indicate the coincidence of high chargeability and low resistivity values. The integration of geophysical data permitted the elaboration of 3D attributes visualization models for the mineralization enclosed in volcanic tuffs. The integrated geophysical and geological analysis indicates the potential of a new mineralized area. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.
The radioactivity due to 238U and 234U in three aquifer systems occurring within the Paraná sedimentary basin, South America, has been investigated. Uranium is much less dissolved from fractured igneous rocks than from the porous sedimentary rocks as indicated by the U-mobility coefficients between 7. 6 × 10-6 and 1. 2 × 10-3 g cm-3. These values are also compatible with the U preference ratios relative to Na, K, Ca, Mg and SiO2, which showed that U is never preferentially mobilized in the liquid phase during the flow occurring in cracks, fissures, fractures and faults of the igneous basaltic rocks. Experimental dissolution of diabase grains on a time-scale laboratory has demonstrated that the U dissolution appeared to be a two-stage process characterized by linear and second-order kinetics. The U dissolution rate was 8 × 10-16 mol m-2 s-1 that is within the range of 4 × 10-16-3 × 10-14 mol m-2 s-1 estimated for other rock types. The 234U/238U activity ratio of dissolved U in solutions was higher than unity, a typical result expected during the water-rock interactions when preferential 234U-leach from the rock surfaces takes place. Some U-isotopes data allowed estimating 320 ka for the groundwater residence time in a sector of a transect in São Paulo State. A modeling has been also realized considering all U-isotopes data obtained in Bauru (35 samples), Serra Geral (16 samples) and Guarani (29 samples) aquifers. The results indicated that the Bauru aquifer waters may result from the admixture of waters from Guarani (1. 5 %) and Serra Geral (98. 5 %) aquifers. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to study the interactions of sedimentary humic substances (SHS) from a sugarcane cultivation area with Cu(II) and Cr(III) and to evaluate the occurrence of these metals in the pore water and SHS. Materials and methods: For this study, the northwestern region of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, which is considered the region with the highest production of sugar cane in the state, was selected. Samples of sediment were collected from four sampling sites in the Preto, Turvo, and Grande rivers. The SHS and pore water were extracted from the sediment using the method suggested by the International Humic Substances Society and centrifugation, respectively. The complexing capacity (CC) of the SHS for Cu(II) and Cr(III) was determined by individually titrating these metals with an ultrafiltration system using tangential flow. The total concentrations of Cr and Cu were determined for the pore water, sediments, and humic substances with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and Zeeman background correction after an acid digestion, according to the methods described in US EPA Method 3050B. Results and discussion: The SHS from a site in the Turvo River, which is typically cultivated with sugarcane, possessed the highest concentration of Cu bound to SHS (25.0%), the largest CC (0.63 mmol Cu g-1 HS) and the highest concentration of this metal in the pore water (1.38 mg Cu Kg-1 sed.). For Cr, the SHS collected from a location on the Preto River dam had the largest CC (0.90 mmol Cr g-1 HS) and the lowest Cr content in the pore water (0.29 mg Cr Kg-1 sed.), indicating that there was an inverse relationship between the CC and the concentration of metal available in the pore water. Conclusions: Sedimentary humic substances might be one of the regulatory factors controlling the availability of Cu and Cr in the sediments found in a typical region that has been planted with sugarcane. Distinct behaviors were observed between the two elements investigated; higher CC and a larger fraction of Cu(II) were found in the pore water of samples originating from sugarcane crops. The opposite behavior was observed for the Cr(III) species. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Na zona costeira, sedimentos, água e organismos interagem intensamente. Nas costas equatoriais dominadas por maré os manguezais são abundantes. Estas áreas são conhecidas por sua importância ecológica. No caso dos manguezais da costa atlântica da América do Sul o caranguejo-uçá Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) se destaca por sua relevância ecológica e econômica, sendo que altas densidades deste organismo são encontradas na zona costeira amazônica. O presente estudo investiga a distribuição de sedimentos nos manguezais de Bragança (costa Amazônica, Brasil) e suas correlações com a vegetação e a distribuição do caranguejo-uçá. Quarenta e sete amostras de sedimento foram avaliadas, assim como caranguejos de 8 destas áreas foram coletados, onde o tipo dominante de vegetação foi também identificado. Os resultados demonstram que os sedimentos superficiais, assim como no extrato 0,8 a 1 m de profundidade, na área são principalmente compostos por silte (59%), incluindo em média 21% de areia e 20% de argila. O tipo de vegetação predominante foi significativamente correlacionado com a abundância e tamanho/peso dos caranguejos. As características sedimentares também foram substancialmente diferentes dependendo da vegetação. Áreas dominadas por Avicennia germinans tiveram mais areia e argila que as áreas dominadas por Rizophora mangle, onde a fração silte prevalece grandemente e os caranguejos eram significativamente maiores e mais abundantes. Os resultados demonstraram que sedimentos, invertebrados bentônicos e vegetação estão intimamente relacionados nos manguezais e devem ser estudados de maneira integrada.
Depósitos coluviais pleistocênicos são descritos e datados na região de Presidente Figueiredo, Estado do Amazonas. O estudo sedimentológico-estratigráfico de afloramentos, integrado com análise geomorfológica e datação por luminescência opticamente estimulada, permitiu caracterizar a arquitetura e litofácies destas sucessões sedimentares e fornecer informações sobre a história da denudação e modificações da paisagem da Amazônia Central durante o Pleistoceno. Os depósitos coluviais consistem em areias e, principalmente, cascalhos com arcabouço aberto, matriz arenosa, acamamento maciço e, localmente, gradação inversa, sugestivos de deposição por fluxos gravitacionais e torrenciais, em condições de alta energia. Dois tipos de depósitos coluviais foram identificados: Depósito coluvial tipo 1, datado em 57.000±5.000 anos AP, que é composto por cascalhos e areias com fragmentos de pelito, crosta laterítica e arenito ferruginizado, recobrindo rochas do Eopaleozóico; e Depósito coluvial tipo 2, datado em 22.100±2.600 anos AP, que consiste em cascalhos com fragmentos de caulim semi-flint e crosta laterítica, encontrado principalmente sobre os depósitos siliciclásticos caulínicos da Formação Alter do Chão, do Cretáceo-Terciário (?). A composição dos fragmentos indica como fontes as rochas fanerozóicas intemperizadas e os paleossolos lateríticos bauxítico-ferruginosos que foram removidos durante a denudação dos platôs. Os dois eventos de coluviação descritos aqui parecem confirmar que as fases principais de geomorfogênese seriam correlatas às duas fases climáticas secas e de recuo da floresta registradas para o final do Pleistoceno na Amazônia.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)