192 resultados para Scrap


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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The Recycling Market Development Advisory Council is comprised of 14 governor-appointed members representing the recycling industry, government, higher education, solid waste industry and citizen affiliations. The Council is staffed by the South Carolina Department of Commerce. This report also provides information on RMDAC’s work plan, economic development data, resources and market information for the glass, paper, plastics, scrap tires, used oil, nonferrous aluminum and ferrous scrap metal industries.


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Introducción: En el estudio del cromo se encuentran presentes la práctica totalidad de elementos que caracterizan a los denominados "Medios de Comunicación de Masas", así como la evolución de la sociedad a lo largo de ciento cincuenta años en lo que a generación de iconos simbólicos se refiere. El cromo pertenece al campo de la industria cultural, porque se orienta a la distracción del sujeto, al ocio que transcurre en su entorno más cercano. El cromo participa de todos y cada uno de los rasgos definitorios de la denominada cultura de masas aunque de modo discreto, accediendo a los espacios más íntimos de la sociedad. La iconografía del cromo constituye un lenguaje en sí misma, denotando su capacidad como transmisor de mensajes y constituyendo un poderoso sistema de comunicación gráfico mediante códigos fácilmente reconocibles por cualquier espectador indiferenciado con independencia de su nacionalidad, idioma, clase y cultura. Nuestro objetivo ha sido realizar una interpretación global de los cromos (o scraps) por medio de una lectura visual original y rigurosa, pero aplicando un método de análisis eficaz y contrastado en numerosos proyectos de investigación, poniendo de relieve el hecho de tratarse de un objeto cotidiano, cercano, doméstico¿ para acceder, después, a categorías superiores, reservadas tradicionalmente a otros soportes de comunicación. Hipótesis: Mediante la presente investigación trataremos de demostrar que el cromo o scrap es un medio de comunicación destinado a difundir valores morales e ideológicos, en sintonía con el poder vigente, y que alcanzó notables cotas de popularidad durante la práctica totalidad del siglo XIX y parte del XX (1800-1920). La pertinencia de la hipótesis propuesta requiere de la consideración de que su atractivo y eficacia residen, fundamentalmente, en la extrema sencillez de su lenguaje, vocacionalmente universal, lo cual le permitió extenderse como fenómeno cultural más allá de la Inglaterra victoriana hacia el resto de Europa y al otro lado del Atlántico, en EEUU. Así mismo, como medio de comunicación, pretendemos concluir que el cromo representa un ejemplo de manifestación propio de la "cultura de masas", desvinculándose, pese a su apariencia, de la denominada "cultura popular", con la que tan sólo comparte determinados aspectos iconográficos. Investigación: El análisis de contenido se ajusta a la perfección como procedimiento a la naturaleza de cualquier imagen, en cuyo mensaje suelen ser reconocibles, tanto los rasgos evidentes de carácter denotativo, como las características latentes, sólo accesibles desde una lectura connotativa. Permite la posibilidad implícita de reconocer la intencionalidad del emisor, de quien comunica, a partir de la forma y el aspecto del propio medio de comunicación; en este caso, el cromo. En nuestra investigación, se ha optado por un modelo mixto de análisis de contenido en el que el objeto de estudio ha sido sometido, tanto a técnicas empíricas de cuantificación de variables (análisis cuantitativo), como a una interpretación semiótica de las características formales del medio (análisis cualitativo). Conclusiones: El cromo funciona como transmisor de un mensaje y soporte no verbal ni escrito, sino gráfico. Como todo lenguaje no deja de ser eficaz a la hora de transmitir mediante códigos conocidos y manipulados por el emisor y perfectamente reconocibles por el receptor. Aun tratándose de modestos trozos de papel, la filosofía de su lenguaje nos lleva a la praxis y al establecimiento de un campo teórico sobre los aspectos más relevantes y la definición de la sociedad que los produjo. Entendemos que el cromo responde a las características de la denominada "cultura de masas", en el sentido de que ésta es una consecuencia social procedente de la difusión y consolidación, a partir del siglo XIX, de las nuevas tecnologías destinadas a perpetuar en el tiempo la información simbólica, icónica o escrita; desde la xilografía, el cartel y la fotografía, hasta la televisión y el cine, pasando por el propio cromo.


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Esta investigación evalúa el impacto ambiental del proceso de producción de fibra corta en Enka de Colombia teniendo en cuenta tres escenarios diferentes, utilizando la metodología establecida en el Greenhouse Gas Protocol Standard -- Generando una comparación entre dichos escenarios con el fin de evaluar si hay una compensación entre las emisiones que se generan por el uso de una carboeléctrica y las emisiones que se pueden ahorrar mediante el reciclaje de botellas PET -- A partir de lo anterior se realiza un inventario de análisis de ciclo de vida donde se evalúan las emisiones asociadas a la producción de materias primas, transporte, consumo de energía y residuos para cada escenario -- Con el desarrollo de este proyecto se logra concluir que sí hay una reducción de emisiones por el reciclaje de botellas PET, reduciendo las emisiones de CO2 en aproximadamente un 15.4%


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Culturally responsive instruction refers to the identification of relevant cultural aspects of students’ lives and infusion of these into the curriculum. This instructional approach assumes that a culturally appropriate curriculum can potentially motivate, engage, and lead students to higher rates of achievement. This quasi-experimental study (N=44) investigated the relationship of culturally responsive instruction and the reading comprehension and attitude of struggling urban adolescent readers. The study incorporated the use of culturally responsive instruction using culturally relevant literature (CRL), the Bluford Series Novels, as authentic texts of instruction. Participants were seventh grade reading students at a Title I middle school in South Florida. After a baseline period, two different classes were taught for 8 weeks using different methods. One class formed the experimental group (n=22) and the other class formed the comparison group (n=22). The CRI curriculum for the experimental group embraced the socio-cultural perspective through the use of small discussion groups in which students read and constructed meaning with peers through interaction with the Bluford Series Novels; gave written responses to multiple strategies according to SCRAP – Summarize, Connect, Reflect, Ask Questions, Predict; responded to literal and inferential questions, while at the same time validating their responses through evidence from the text. The Read XL (basal reader) curriculum of the comparison group utilized a traditional form of instruction which incorporated the reading of passages followed by responses to comprehension questions, and teacher-led whole group discussion. The main sources of data were collected from the Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, the Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading (FAIR), and the Rhody Secondary Reading Attitude Assessment. Statistical analyses were performed using Repeated Measures ANOVAs. Findings from the study revealed that the experimental participants’ reading attitudes and FAIR comprehension scores increased when compared to the comparison group. Overall, the results from the study revealed that culturally responsive instruction can potentially foster reading comprehension and a more positive attitude towards reading. However, a replication of this study in other settings with a larger, more randomized sample size and a greater ethnic variation is needed in order to make full generalizations.


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Phytoremediation studies have been conducted in an area contaminated by heavy metals, located in Piracicaba - SP, Brazil. This area was contaminated accidentally by the addition of auto scrap shredding to the soil and was limed later to reduce heavy metal mobility in the environment. Previous characterization showed that it also presents high concentration of boron, which has limited the initial plant development of some species. As sunflower plants require a high boron supply and the literature describes its use in the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals under some conditions, the aim of this work was to evaluate its potential for the remediation of this area. In the present study, the results of preliminary tests are presented, aiming at the evaluation of sunflower plant germination and its initial development when cultivated in the contaminated soil described. Two sunflower hybrids were sown in soils treated with different rates of boron and in the soil from the contaminated area in study. The results showed that sunflower plants had a normal initial development, even in the soil from the contaminated area. Therefore, sunflower is a promising crop and further studies will be developed to evaluate the sunflower efficiency in phytoextraction or phytostabilization of heavy metals in areas where boron contamination also occurs, as is the case in the study area.