906 resultados para Schellbach-Kopra, Ingrid
Työ tehtiin Nokia Technology Platforms S60 Mobile Runtime-yksikölle. Työn tavoitteena oli evaluoida ATS3-testausjärjestelmä. ATS3-järjestelmällä voidaan automatisoida ohjelmistotestausta. Evaluoinnilla pyrittiin selvittämään voidaanko tuotekehitysvaiheessa oleva järjestelmä ottaa jo käyttöön vai vaatiiko se vielä lisäkehitystä. Työssä kerrotaan aluksi yleisesti ohjelmistotestauksesta. Siinä käydään läpi myös testausprosessin vaiheet sekä kerrotaan lyhyesti avuksi kehitetyistä työkaluista. Työssä kerrotaan myös ATS3-järjestelmän edeltäjien ominaisuuksista, sekä miten ne eroavat tarkastelun kohteena olevasta järjestelmästä. Varsinainen evaluointi alkoi tutustumalla ja asentamalla järjestelmä. Tämän jälkeen suoritettiin samat testit sekä ATS2.x-järjestelmässä että ATS3-järjestelmäss. Testauksen jälkeen analysoitiin testitulosten yhdenmukaisuuden perusteella, voidaanko siirtyä käyttömään ATS3-järjestelmää. Testitulokset olivat käytännässä yhdenmukaiset suoritettaessa testejä matkapuhelimessa, mutta emulaattoritestaus täytyi jättää väliin. Lukuisista yrityksistä sekä järjestelmän kehittäjän avusta huolimatta testejä ei onnistuttu suorittamaan ATS3-järjestelmän emulaattoriympäristössä. Näin ollen päädyttiin tulokseen, ettei järjestelmää voida ottaa vielä käytöön emulaattoritestauksessa, vaan se vaatii lisätutkimusta sekä perehtymistä järjestelmään.
Estudio descriptivo, transversal, realizado en Santiago de Chile. Tuvo como objetivo evaluar el razonamiento científico y comunicación oral y escrita en el licenciado en enfermería. Muestra constituida por 37 estudiantes licenciados en la carrera de enfermería. La investigación fue diseñada en tres etapas: I) creación y validación del instrumento; II) capacitación del equipo de docentes participantes para la aplicación uniforme del instrumento; III) aplicación del instrumento y análisis de datos. Los principales resultados muestran porcentajes diferentes de competencia obtenidos por los licenciados en enfermería, prevaleciendo el logro del razonamiento científico (83,16%); seguido de la comunicación oral y escrita (78,37%). Esta investigación muestra la utilidad para las Escuelas de Enfermería de implementar un sistema para evaluar el perfil de egresados del grado de licenciado en enfermería que garantice la calidad de la formación.
Objective: To build a theoretical model to configure the network social support experience of people involved in home care. Method: A quantitative approach research, utilizing the Grounded Theory method. The simultaneous data collection and analysis allowed the interpretation of the phenomenon meaning The network social support of people involved in home care. Results: The population passive posture in building their well-being was highlighted. The need of a shared responsibility between the involved parts, population and State is recognized. Conclusion: It is suggested for nurses to be stimulated to amplify home care to attend the demands of caregivers; and to elaborate new studies with different populations, to validate or complement the proposed theoretical model.
Abstract OBJECTIVE To relate the managerial competencies required of nurses with the process of change experienced in the expansion of the Family Health Strategy (FHS). METHOD A qualitative research conducted in primary health care in a southern Brazilian city, through interviews with 32 managerial and clinical nurses. The interviews were processed by IRAMUTEQ software. The resulting classes were examined under five managerial competencies to promote change. RESULTS The four classes obtained from data were: the Family Health Strategy expansion process; confrontations and potentialities; mobilization for the change; innovations in medical and nursing consultations. The classes were related to one or more competencies. CONCLUSION The expansion of the Family Health Strategy requires managerial competencies of implementing and sustaining change, negotiating agreements and commitments, using power and influence ethically and effectively, sponsoring and selling new ideas, and encouraging and promoting innovation.
L'individu confronté au diagnostic de cancer subit un bouleversement brutal de ses repères et de ses habitudes. La maladie représente une menace pour son équilibre de vie et sa stabilité sociale. Sa capacité à faire face et à opérer différents remaniements dans sa façon d'être au monde et d'envisager l'avenir est en partie déterminée par ses ressources personnelles. Toutefois, le soutien émotionnel peut également représenter un moyen privilégié de donner du sens à cette expérience singulière qu'est la maladie. La reconstruction narrative dans un cadre soutenant, caractérisé par une écoute bienveillante, offre au patient la possibilité de reconnaître sa souffrance comme partie intégrante de lui-même. Un récit de vie qui intègre la maladie lui permet de se réapproprier son histoire. Cette démarche nécessite de la part du thérapeute une disponibilité psychique et temporelle et la capacité de soutenir le patient dans un processus de liaison à travers les différentes étapes de la maladie. The individual facing the diagnosis of cancer is subjected to abrupt changes with regard to his inner world, his life, habits and social relationships. The patient's capacity to cope, to integrate changes in the way of living and to face the future is determined by his personal resources. However, psychological support may also be an important mean to search for and find sense to the singular experience of the illness. The narrative reconstruction within a supportive setting provides the patient a possibility to recognise his sufferance as an integral part of himself. A life narrative, which integrates the illness, allows the patient to re-appropriate his history again. Such a therapeutic project necessitates from the therapist a psychological and temporal disponibility and a capacity to create links all along the different stages of the disease.
Polistine wasps are important in Neotropical ecosystems due to their ubiquity and diversity. Inventories have not adequately considered spatial attributes of collected specimens. Spatial data on biodiversity are important for study and mitigation of anthropogenic impacts over natural ecosystems and for protecting species. We described and analyzed local-scale spatial patterns of collecting records of wasp species, as well as spatial variation of diversity descriptors in a 2500-hectare area of an Amazon forest in Brazil. Rare species comprised the largest fraction of the fauna. Close range spatial effects were detected for most of the more common species, with clustering of presence-data at short distances. Larger spatial lag effects could also be identified in some species, constituting probably cases of exogenous autocorrelation and candidates for explanations based on environmental factors. In a few cases, significant or near significant correlations were found between five species (of Agelaia, Angiopolybia, and Mischocyttarus) and three studied environmental variables: distance to nearest stream, terrain altitude, and the type of forest canopy. However, association between these factors and biodiversity variables were generally low. When used as predictors of polistine richness in a linear multiple regression, only the coefficient for the forest canopy variable resulted significant. Some level of prediction of wasp diversity variables can be attained based on environmental variables, especially vegetation structure. Large-scale landscape and regional studies should be scheduled to address this issue.
La prise en charge des patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques, à l'interface entre corps et psyché, nécessite une approche globale et souvent un réseau de soins coordonnés, contenant et stable. La psychiatrie de liaison a naturellement trouvé sa place dans ce réseau de soins spécifiques auprès des différents soignants impliqués. Les réflexions issues de cette expérience ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre le rôle thérapeutique des soignants et font émerger la notion de Moi auxiliaire comme élément clé dans le traitement de ces patients. Dans cet article, nous reprendrons les fondements historiques et conceptuels de la fonction de Moi auxiliaire pour nous intéresser à ses différentes applications dans ces prises en charge : consultation médicale, psychothérapie individuelle ou de groupe, colloque interdisciplinaire. The management of the patient suffering from chronic pain, situated on the interface between body and psyche, necessitates a global approach and often a coordinated, stable and containing network of care. Liaison psychiatry has become part of this network, together with various health care professionals from somatic disciplines. Based on these experiences, this article aims to better understand the therapeutic role of those who take care of the chronic pain patient by identifying the auxiliary ego as a key element of care. The historical development and conceptual framework of the auxiliary ego are utilized to highlight its roles in the different aspects of care of these patients:in the medical consultation, individual psychotherapy, group psychotherapy and in the interdisciplinary meetings.
O P é um dos elementos mais críticos para a produção agrícola, pois, além de sua grande importância para as plantas, sua disponibilidade é cada vez mais limitada em virtude da progressiva escassez das suas jazidas. A diferenciação de genótipos quanto à tolerância à deficiência de P permite investigar os mecanismos atuantes e o desenvolvimento de genótipos que combinem diferentes mecanismos, aumentando o nível de tolerância. O objetivo deste trabalho foi diferenciar, em solução hidropônica, genótipos de trigo contrastantes quanto à tolerância à deficiência de P. Foram realizados três estudos. No primeiro, avaliou-se o efeito da retirada do endosperma na resposta de plântulas à limitação de P. No segundo estudo, foram avaliadas características de plântulas, submetidas a diferentes doses de P, dos cultivares Anahuac, sensível, e Toropi, tolerante. No terceiro estudo, foram avaliadas cinco linhagens recombinantes do cruzamento entre Toropi e Anahuac. A remoção do endosperma da semente é necessária para diferenciar genótipos quanto à tolerância à deficiência de P em solução nutritiva, aos 10 dias da germinação. A diferenciação de genótipos é feita pelo cálculo da razão entre a concentração de fosfato livre (Pi) na parte aérea obtida nas doses de 10 e de 1.000 µmol L-1 de P, ficando, nos genótipos tolerantes, essa razão próxima de 1,0 e, nos sensíveis, próxima de 0,5. As quantidades de Pi na parte aérea ou total na plântula também podem ser utilizadas. O cultivar Toropi e os genótipos NYW 865-016, NYW 865-081 e NYW 865-086 são mais tolerantes à deficiência de P em solução nutritiva, quando comparados aos do cultivar Anahuac e aos genótipos NYW 865-084 e NYW 865-073. A tolerância de Toropi nas condições avaliadas não se deve ao volume do sistema radicular, mas possivelmente a fatores relacionados com o transporte e uso de Pi internamente.
Apesar do potencial para uso agrícola e das características edáficas peculiares, poucos trabalhos são desenvolvidos para estimar a acidez potencial dos solos com elevado teor de matéria orgânica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi definir um modelo matemático que estime a acidez potencial (H + Al) a partir do pH SMP após determinação do pH do solo em água ou em solução de CaCl2 10 mmol L-1, com leitura do pH na suspensão ou sobrenadante da solução SMP de equilíbrio, em determinada relação solo:tampão SMP, em Organossolos da Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (SdEM), Estado de Minas Gerais, situada entre 17 ° 30 ' a 20 ° 30 ' S e 43 ° a 44 ° W. Foram utilizadas 22 amostras de Organossolos classificados como Organossolo Háplico sáprico térrico, Organossolo Háplico fíbrico típico e Organossolo Háplico hêmico típico da SdEM. A acidez potencial dos Organossolos da SdEM pode ser estimada satisfatoriamente por meio do pH SMP na relação solo:tampão SMP de 10:10 medido na suspensão solo-solução SMP associada à rotina de determinação do pH do solo em água. O C orgânico foi o atributo químico que mais influenciou a acidez potencial dos Organossolos da SdEM.