995 resultados para Scale 1:300,000None


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American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) is a vector-transmitted infectious disease with an estimated 1.5 million new cases per year. In Brazil, ACL represents a significant public health problem, with approximately 30,000 new reported cases annually, representing an incidence of 18.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Corte de Pedra is in a region endemic for ACL in the state of Bahia (BA), northeastern Brazil, with 500-1,300 patients treated annually. Over the last decade, population and family-based candidate gene studies were conducted in Corte de Pedra, founded on previous knowledge from studies on mice and humans. Notwithstanding limitations related to sample size and power, these studies contribute important genetic biomarkers that identify novel pathways of disease pathogenesis and possible new therapeutic targets. The present paper is a narrative review about ACL immunogenetics in BA, highlighting in particular the interacting roles of the wound healing gene FLI1 with interleukin-6 and genes SMAD2 and SMAD3 of the transforming growth factor beta signalling pathway. This research highlights the need for well-powered genetic and functional studies on Leishmania braziliensis infection as essential to define and validate the role of host genes in determining resistance/susceptibility regarding this disease.


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PURPOSE: Spine surgery rates are increasing worldwide. Treatment failures are often attributed to poor patient selection and inappropriate treatment, but for many spinal disorders there is little consensus on the precise indications for surgery. With an aging population, more patients with lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis (LDS) will present for surgery. The aim of this study was to develop criteria for the appropriateness of surgery in symptomatic LDS. METHODS: A systematic review was carried out to summarize the current level of evidence for the treatment of LDS. Clinical scenarios were generated comprising combinations of signs and symptoms in LDS and other relevant variables. Based on the systematic review and their own clinical experience, twelve multidisciplinary international experts rated each scenario on a 9-point scale (1 highly inappropriate, 9 highly appropriate) with respect to performing decompression only, fusion, and instrumented fusion. Surgery for each theoretical scenario was classified as appropriate, inappropriate, or uncertain based on the median ratings and disagreement in the ratings. RESULTS: 744 hypothetical scenarios were generated; overall, surgery (of some type) was rated appropriate in 27 %, uncertain in 41 % and inappropriate in 31 %. Frank panel disagreement was low (7 % scenarios). Face validity was shown by the logical relationship between each variable's subcategories and the appropriateness ratings, e.g., no/mild disability had a mean appropriateness rating of 2.3 ± 1.5, whereas the rating for moderate disability was 5.0 ± 1.6 and for severe disability, 6.6 ± 1.6. Similarly, the average rating for no/minimal neurological abnormality was 2.3 ± 1.5, increasing to 4.3 ± 2.4 for moderate and 5.9 ± 1.7 for severe abnormality. The three variables most likely (p < 0.0001) to be components of scenarios rated "appropriate" were: severe disability, no yellow flags, and severe neurological deficit. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to report criteria for determining candidacy for surgery in LDS developed by a multidisciplinary international panel using a validated method (RAM). The panel ratings followed logical clinical rationale, indicating good face validity. The work refines clinical classification and the phenotype of degenerative spondylolisthesis. The predictive validity of the criteria should be evaluated prospectively to examine whether patients treated "appropriately" have better clinical outcomes.


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We observed the occurrence of large numbers of galls induced by Parkiamyia paraensis (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) on the leaflets of Parkia pendula (Fabaceae) in northern Para, Brazil. We addressed two questions in this study: i) what is the proportion of attacked plants in the field, and nursery conditions?; and ii) what is the impact of galls on the host plant? An average of 86% of the plants were galled in the field. Galled P. pendula were distinct from healthy individuals due to their prostrated architecture and death of terminal shoots. Approximately 50% of the total available leaves and 35% leaflets were attacked by P. paraensis on saplings under nursery conditions. Each one-year old plant supported an average of 1,300 galls, and an average of 60g allocated to galled tissue. Otherwise, attacked individuals were taller and heavier than healthy plants. Attacked plants weighed five times more than healthy plants. When the weight of the galls was removed, the total weight (aerial part without galls) of attacked plants was drastically reduced, indicating that most of the biomass of attacked plants was due to the attack by P. paraensis galls. Although the data indicate a paradox, as young plants attacked by the galling herbivore appear to develop more vigorously than unattacked plants, we suggest that P. paraensis negatively affect P. pendula development.


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Este trabalho produz uma avaliação das características geológicas e geotécnicas de um território da ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde, incidindo sobre a cidade da Praia e a área envolvente. Os objectivos principais do trabalho são a representação cartográfica das unidades litológicas, com uma proposta de coluna litológica sintética, a correlação com as unidades geológicas definidas por outros autores, bem como a realização de um conjunto de ensaios in situ e análises laboratoriais visando a caracterização dos parâmetros físicos e mecânicos das diferentes unidades litológicas definidas para a área em estudo. É efectuada uma compilação sobre as principais investigações geológicas realizadas em Cabo Verde, desde o séc. XIX até a actualidade, assim como a descrição das características geológicas da ilha de Santiago e dos principais processos de formação e evolução das formas de relevo e dos recursos naturais (hídricos e solos). A pesquisa incluiu uma revisão dos conceitos descritivos de caracterização dos vulcanitos e vulcanoclastitos presentes e compreendeu a redefinição das unidades litológicas da região, a respectiva representação cartográfica na escala 1: 10.000 (com maior detalhe do que a informação pré-existente) e o levantamento de campo dos principais alinhamentos estruturais. São igualmente apresentados os resultados do tratamento das bandas espectrais de imagens de satélite que suportam a definição das unidades litológicas, bem como dos principais alinhamentos tectónicos que afectam as unidades da área de estudo. Para a caracterização das diferentes unidades litológicas com base nas propriedades in situ, recorreu-se a perfis-tipo, estabelecendo uma descrição das características mineralógicas, petrográficas, texturais e estruturais das materiais presentes. Os materiais foram igualmente ensaiados in situ e amostrados para uma caracterização laboratorial. Os resultados dos ensaios geotécnicos, geomecânicos, mineralógicos e de radioactividade natural permitiram refinar a cartografia proposta e estabelecer parâmetros de comportamento para as 30 unidades litológicas consideradas, a partir de intervalos de valores não homogéneos, contudo representativos da variabilidade observada. Com base nestes resultados são apresentados valores indicativos de aptidão dos materiais, nomeadamente para fundações de edifícios, aterros, construção e potencial hidrogeológico.


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Abstract: To have an added value over BMD, a CRF of osteoporotic fracture must be predictable of the fracture, independent of BMD, reversible and quantifiable. Many major recognized CRF exist.Out of these factorsmany of themare indirect factor of bone quality. TBS predicts fracture independently of BMD as demonstrated from previous studies. The aim of the study is to verify if TBS can be considered as a major CRF of osteoporotic fracture. Existing validated datasets of Caucasian women were analyzed. These datasets stem from different studies performed by the authors of this report or provided to our group. However, the level of evidence of these studies will vary. Thus, the different datasets were weighted differently according to their design. This meta-like analysis involves more than 32000 women (≥50 years) with 2000 osteoporotic fractures from two prospective studies (OFELY&MANITOBA) and 7 crosssectional studies. Weighted relative risk (RR) for TBS was expressed for each decrease of one standard deviation as well as per tertile difference (TBS=1.300 and 1.200) and compared with those obtained for the major CRF included in FRAX®. Overall TBS RR obtained (adjusted for age) was 1.79 [95%CI-1.37-2.37]. For all women combined, RR for fracture for the lowest comparedwith themiddle TBS tertilewas 1.55[1.46- 1.68] and for the lowest compared with the highest TBS tertile was 2.8[2.70-3.00]. TBS is comparable to most of the major CRF (Fig 1) and thus could be used as one of them. Further studies have to be conducted to confirm these first findings.


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The main volcanic edifice of the Crosa de Sant Dalmai is the largest in the catalonian volcanic area. The crater is 1.300 m long and 74 m deep. At present it is protected by the "Pla d'Espais d'Interès Natural" of the Generalitat de Catalunya


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The quality of semi-detailed (scale 1:100.000) soil maps and the utility of a taxonomically based legend were assessed by studying 33 apparently homogeneous fields with strongly weathered soils in two regions in São Paulo State: Araras and Assis. An independent data set of 395 auger sites was used to determine purity of soil mapping units and analysis of variance within and between mapping units and soil classification units. Twenty three soil profiles were studied in detail. The studied soil maps have a high purity for some legend criteria, such as B horizon type (> 90%) and soil texture class (> 80%). The purity for the "trophic character" (eutrophic, dystrophic, allic) was only 55% in Assis. It was 88% in Araras, where many soil units had been mapped as associations. In both regions, the base status of clay-textured soils was generally better than suggested by the maps. Analysis of variance showed that mapping was successful for "durable" soil characteristics such as clay content (> 80% of variance explained) and cation exchange capacity (≥ 50% of variance explained) of 0-20 and 60-80 cm layers. For soil characteristics that are easily modified by management, such as base saturation of the 0-20 cm layer, the maps had explained very little (< 15%) of the total variance in the study areas. Intermediate results were obtained for base saturation of the 60-80 cm layer (56% in Assis; 42% in Araras). Variance explained by taxonomic groupings that formed the basis for the legend of the soil maps was similar to, often even smaller than, variance explained by mapping units. The conclusion is that map boundaries have been very carefully located, but descriptions of mapping units could be improved. In future mappings, this could possibly be done at low cost by (a) bulk sampling to remove short range variation and enhance visualization of spatial patterns at distances > 100 m; (b) taking advantage of correlations between easily measured soil characteristics and chemical soil properties and, (c) unbending the link between legend criteria and a taxonomic system. The maps are well suited to obtain an impression of land suitability for high-input farming. Additional field work and data on former land use/management are necessary for the evaluation of chemical properties of surface horizons.


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A eficácia da semeadura direta na redução da erosão hídrica depende, em grande parte, da cobertura do solo ocasionada pelos resíduos das culturas. Objetivou-se determinar, entre agosto de 2001 e junho de 2002, em um Cambissolo Húmico alumínico léptico, situado entre 27 º 49 ' latitude Sul e 50 º 20 ' longitude Oeste de Greenwich, a decomposição do resíduo de milho. Os tratamentos, em três repetições, consistiram de: solo sem resíduo ou descoberto (SSR), solo com 8,77 Mg ha-1 de resíduo de milho (SR) e solo com 8,77 Mg ha-1 de resíduo de milho mais 100 kg ha-1 de N (SR + N), avaliados em intervalos regulares de 30 dias. Determinou-se a quantidade do resíduo de milho, C orgânico e N total do referido resíduo. No solo, na camada de 0-0,03 m, foram avaliados C orgânico, N mineral, K trocável, pH em água, umidade e temperatura e, no ar, a temperatura a um metro acima da superfície do solo. O SR + N apresentou maior decomposição do resíduo de milho do que o SR, principalmente nos primeiros 120 dias, de tal modo que o tempo necessário para a quase que completa decomposição do resíduo (restando ainda cerca de 10 % da massa inicial) seria de aproximadamente 1.300 dias, para o SR, e de aproximadamente 900 dias, para o SR + N.


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A heterogeneidade na compactação do solo, provocada por diferentes intensidades de tráfego, pode limitar a produção em áreas citrícolas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o índice de compressão (IC) e a pressão de preconsolidação (sigmap) nas posições de amostragem: linha de plantio, entre rodado, rodado e projeção da copa, para avaliar a heterogeneidade da compactação de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico sob pomar de laranja. A amostragem foi realizada em 40 pontos, distribuídos aleatoriamente (10 em cada posição). Após saturadas com água e equilibradas no potencial (psi): -10 kPa, as amostras foram pesadas e submetidas ao ensaio de compressão uniaxial com a aplicação sucessiva e contínua de pressões de 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1.000, 1.300 e 1.600 kPa. Os resultados indicaram que a pressão de preconsolidação mostrou-se mais sensível do que o índice de compressão na avaliação da heterogeneidade da compactação do solo em áreas citrícolas. A compactação do solo aumentou no sentido das posições de amostragem: linha de plantio, entre rodado, rodado das máquinas e implementos agrícolas e projeção da copa das plantas cítricas.


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O incremento da produtividade das pastagens tem sido associado ao comportamento à compressão dos solos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: quantificar as curvas de compressão e a pressão de preconsolidação em sistemas de pastejo intensivo rotacionado irrigado e não irrigado. Foram coletadas 96 amostras indeformadas de solo em quatro ciclos sucessivos de pastejo instalado com capim Tanzânia (Panicum maximum Jacq.) em um Argissolo Vermelho. Após saturadas com água e equilibradas no potencial (psi): -10 kPa, as amostras foram pesadas e submetidas ao ensaio de compressão uniaxial com a aplicação sucessiva e contínua de pressões de 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1.000, 1.300 e 1.600 kPa. Os resultados comprovaram a hipótese de que houve diferença na compressibilidade do solo sob os sistemas de pastejo rotacionado intensivo irrigado e não irrigado. A maior compactação inicial verificada no sistema de pastejo rotacionado intensivo irrigado favoreceu o deslocamento das curvas de compressão uniaxial para valores superiores de densidade do solo. A pressão de preconsolidação foi significativamente superior no quarto ciclo de pastejo no sistema de pastejo rotacionado intensivo irrigado em relação ao sistema pastejo rotacionado intensivo não irrigado.


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Iowa may be known for some of the world’s most fertile cropland, but in recent years, we’ve become fertile ground for rapid growth in information technology as well. From the recent “plug-in” of Google’s $600-million Council Bluffs data center to Microsoft’s planned half-billion-dollar West Des Moines expansion to IBM’s 1,300-job-creating expansion in Dubuque, technology leaders are finding Iowa a place to grow. And why not? Iowa has a supportive business climate and its infrastructure — physical and human — give our technology companies the competitive advantages that allow them to grow and prosper.


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Iowa may be known for some of the world’s most fertile cropland, but in recent years, we’ve become fertile ground for rapid growth in information technology as well. From the recent “plug-in” of Google’s $600-million Council Bluffs data center to Microsoft’s planned half-billion-dollar West Des Moines expansion to IBM’s 1,300-job-creating expansion in Dubuque, technology leaders are finding Iowa a place to grow. And why not? Iowa has a supportive business climate and its infrastructure — physical and human — give our technology companies the competitive advantages that allow them to grow and prosper.


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Iowa may be known for some of the world’s most fertile cropland, but in recent years, we’ve become fertile ground for rapid growth in information technology as well. From the recent “plug-in” of Google’s $600-million Council Bluffs data center to Microsoft’s planned half-billion-dollar West Des Moines expansion to IBM’s 1,300-job-creating expansion in Dubuque, technology leaders are finding Iowa a place to grow. And why not? Iowa has a supportive business climate and its infrastructure — physical and human — give our technology companies the competitive advantages that allow them to grow and prosper.


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Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a multisystem disorder with a variable phenotype. The involvement of peripheral nerves in DM1 disease is controversial. The DM1 animal model DM300 transgenic mice that carry 350 to 500 CTG repeats express a mild DM1 phenotype but do not exhibit motor or sensory pathology. Here, we investigated the presence or absence of peripheral neuropathy in transgenic mice (DMSXL) that carry more than 1,300 CTG repeats and display a severe form of DM1. Electrophysiologic, histologic, and morphometric methods were used to investigate the structure and function of peripheral nerves. We observed lower compound muscle action potentials recorded from hind limb muscles and slowing of sciatic nerve conduction velocity in DMSXL versus control mice. Morphometric analyses showed an axonopathy and neuronopathy in the DMSXL mice characterized by a decrease in numbers of myelinatedmotor axons in sciatic nerve and in spinal cord motor neurons. Pathologic alterations in the structure of hind limb neuromuscular junctions were also detected in the DMSXL mice. These results suggest that peripheral neuropathy can be linked to a large CTG expansion and a severe form of DM1.