960 resultados para Satire, Japanese.


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Rice has been demonstrated to be one of the major contributors to arsenic (As) in human diets in addition to drinking water, but little is known about rice products as an additional source of As exposure. Rice products were analyzed for total As and a subset of samples were measured for arsenic speciation using high performance liquid chromatography interfaced with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (HPLC-ICP-MS). A wide range of rice products had total and inorganic arsenic levels that typified those found in rice grain including, crisped rice, puffed rice, rice crackers, rice noodles and a range of Japanese rice condiments as well as rice products targeted at the macrobiotic, vegan, lactose intolerant and gluten intolerance food market. Most As in rice products are inorganic As (75.2-90.1%). This study provides a wider appreciation of how inorganic arsenic derived from rice products enters the human diet. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We herein present a case of congenital erythrocytosis caused by haemoglobin (Hb) Bethesda in a Japanese family. A 55-year-old asymptomatic man was referred to our hospital for the investigation of erythrocytosis, which was present in other members of his family. The patient's serum erythropoietin level was normal, and the JAK2 V617F mutation was not detected. His P50 value was mildly decreased, thus we suspected the presence of an Hb variant with a high oxygen affinity. The high-performance liquid chromatography analysis showed an abnormal Hb, and by direct sequencing we identified the Hb Bethesda variant in this patient. For the differential diagnosis, we recommend the estimation of the P50 value as a practical and useful test.


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The purpose of this research is to reveal (1) which English binomials Japanese learners of English have productive knowledge of and (2) what strategies they use to produce English binomials when they do not know the binomials. One hundred and three Japanese learners of English with intermediate proficiency level completed an online survey of 44 binomials. The participants were given the first word of a binomial and asked to type a word following “and”. The target word was provided by more than 75% of participants for 19 of the 44 binomials, meaning that learners have productive knowledge for certain binomials. An analysis of errors suggested that the participants relied heavily on semantic relationships between items in binomials.However, the use of a semantic strategy for producing the second words often leads to non-binomial expressions. From these results we suggest that giving more input to learners, as well as teaching the “Me first” principle (Cooper & Ross, 1975) explicitly would help the learners to develop more accurate and effective strategies for uncertain or unfamiliar binomials.


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Petites obsessions : ironie et satire dans l'écriture de nouvelles destinées à la jeunesse", mémoire en création littéraire, comporte deux parties. La première présente un recueil de nouvelles humoristiques destinées à un lectorat jeunesse. Ces nouvelles, au nombre de huit, bien que différentes les unes des autres, partagent une même thématique, l'obsession, et des tonalités humoristiques comparables, soit la satire et l'ironie. La seconde partie de ce mémoire, plus théorique, se divise en trois sections. D'abord, on trouve une section traitant de la littérature jeunesse; on y parle du héros et du système de personnages, de l'humour utilisé dans ce type de littérature et, finalement de quelques thèmes fréquemment rencontrés : amour, intégration au groupe de pairs, identité, liberté et indépendance, nouvelles réalités sociales. Ce portrait rapide et succinct de la littérature jeunesse vient étayer les stratégies d'écriture utilisées lors de la rédaction de Petites obsessions , stratégies susceptibles de favoriser l'éclosion de l'humour dans un contexte littéraire. L'analyse d'un corpus restreint, mais représentatif, qui s'ensuit (Raymond Plante, Robert Soulières, Sylvie Desrosiers et Denis Côté) permet d'observer concrètement la présence des divers éléments textuels décrits en première partie, pour ensuite les mettre en corrélation avec la création littéraire proprement dite. À cette dernière étape, consignée dans la troisième section, s'ajoute une réflexion sur l'intentionnalité qui fonde l'écriture de Petites obsessions de même que sur les cibles qui y sont visées.


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Concert Program for A Concert of Japanese Music, January 20, 1966


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This study presents an empirical investigation of the determinants of net interest margins and spreads in the Russian and Japanese banking sectors with a particular focus on commercial banks. Net interest mar-gins and spreads serve as indicators of financial intermediation efficiency. This paper employed a bank-level unbalanced panel dataset prolonging from 2005 to 2014. My main empirical results show that bank characteristics explain the most of the variation in not only net interest margins but also in spreads. Capi-talization, liquidity risk, inflation, economic growth, private and government debt are important determi-nants of margin in Russia. In Japan to the contrary loan and deposit market concentration along with bank size do predominate. Common significant variables in both countries are the substitution effect, cost effi-ciency and profitability. Turning to net interest spreads, micro- and macro-specific variables are the main significant drivers in Russia. I reach the conclusion that there are no significant determinants of net interest spreads in Japan within the original selection of variables, but operating efficiency and deposits to total funding seem to prevail. In both countries, there are solid differences in the net interest margins as well as spreads once the pre- and the post-crisis periods are considered.


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The present work project studies the next step in the internationalization process of Shoyce, the soy milk products brand of Nutre. In order to select the best target market in the Asia-Pacific for Nutre to export, a sequential screening process was developed using two complementary approaches: preliminary country screening and country ranking, followed by an in-depth analysis of the country ranking first. The analysis revealed Japan as the most attractive country for Shoyce’s international expansion. Potential entry modes in the Japanese soy milk market were then evaluated, whereby direct exporting via a local distributor was found to be the most appropriate.


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The importance of Japanese encephalitis (JE) in endemic populations and in travellers requires a balanced assessment. This disease represents an important public health problem in some endemic areas, which contrasts with the minimal risk for travellers to endemic areas. This is reflected by high numbers of infections mainly among children in endemic countries and by few case reports among tourists and even expatriates. The total number of case reports between 1978 and 2008 amounts to a risk of one to two cases per year. Nevertheless, some travelling groups may be at higher risk when visiting or working in high risk areas. A new vaccine against Japanese encephalitis will soon be registered in Switzerland. This paper contributes to the scarce data available for decision making whether or not to recommend the vaccination to tourists and expatriates.