874 resultados para Sandwich-panel
The objective of this paper is to examine whether informal labor markets affect the flows of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and also whether this effect is similar in developed and developing countries. With this aim, different public data sources, such as the World Bank (WB), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) are used, and panel econometric models are estimated for a sample of 65 countries over a 14 year period (1996-2009). In addition, this paper uses a dynamic model as an extension of the analysis to establish whether such an effect exists and what its indicators and significance may be.
The increasing number of trials testing management strategies for luminal Crohn's disease (CD) has not fitted all the gaps in our knowledge and thus, in clinical. practice, many decisions for CD patients have to be taken without the benefit of high-quality evidence. Methods: A multidisciplinary European expert panel used the RAND Appropriateness Method to develop and rate explicit criteria for the management of individual patients with active, steroid-dependent (ST-D) and steroid-refractory (ST-R) CD. Results: Overall., 296 indications pertaining to mild-to-moderate, severe, ST-D, and ST-R CD were rated. In anti-TNF naive patients, budesonide and prednisone were found to be appropriate for mild-moderate CD, and infliximab (IFX) was appropriate when these had previously failed or had not been tolerated. In patients with a prior successful treatment by IFX, this drug, with or without co-administration of a thiopurine analog, was favoured. Other anti-TNFs were appropriate in the presence of intolerance or resistance to IFX. High-dose steroids, IFX or adlimumab were appropriate in severe active CD. For the 105 indications for ST-D or ST-R disease, the panel considered the thiopurine analogs, methotrexate, IFX, adalimumab, and surgery for limited resection, to be appropriate, depending on the outcome of prior therapies. Anti-TNFs were generally considered appropriate in ST-R. Conclusion: Steroids, including budesonide for mild-to-moderate CD, remain the first-line therapy for active luminal CD. Anti-TNFs, in particular IFX as shown by the amount of available evidence, remain the second-line therapy for most indications. Thiopurine analogs, methotrexate and anti-TNFs are favoured in ST-D patients and ST-R patients. (C) 2009 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
En el proyecto se ha diseñado una nave industrial teniendo en cuenta la normativa vigente en el sector y una serie de consideraciones realizadas, como la posibilidad de una futua ampliación o la existencia de puente grúa y de un altillo. También se han estudiado las distintas alternativas que nos ofrece el mercado para construir la estructura de la nave industrial, eligiendo el hormigón prefabricado y el panel sandwich de cubierta como los más apropiados para nuetro caso. Finalmente, se ha justificado el conjunto de acciones (cargas) existentes en la nave, el cálculo de las principales piezas de alimentación requerida.
The future of high technology welded constructions will be characterised by higher strength materials and improved weld quality with respect to fatigue resistance. The expected implementation of high quality high strength steel welds will require that more attention be given to the issues of crack initiation and mechanical mismatching. Experiments and finite element analyses were performed within the framework of continuum damage mechanics to investigate the effect of mismatching of welded joints on void nucleation and coalescence during monotonic loading. It was found that the damage of undermatched joints mainly occurred in the sandwich layer and the damageresistance of the joints decreases with the decrease of the sandwich layer width. The damage of over-matched joints mainly occurred in the base metal adjacent to the sandwich layer and the damage resistance of the joints increases with thedecrease of the sandwich layer width. The mechanisms of the initiation of the micro voids/cracks were found to be cracking of the inclusions or the embrittled second phase, and the debonding of the inclusions from the matrix. Experimental fatigue crack growth rate testing showed that the fatigue life of under-matched central crack panel specimens is longer than that of over-matched and even-matched specimens. Further investigation by the elastic-plastic finite element analysis indicated that fatigue crack closure, which originated from the inhomogeneousyielding adjacent to the crack tip, played an important role in the fatigue crack propagation. The applicability of the J integral concept to the mismatched specimens with crack extension under cyclic loading was assessed. The concept of fatigue class used by the International Institute of Welding was introduced in the parametric numerical analysis of several welded joints. The effect of weld geometry and load condition on fatigue strength of ferrite-pearlite steel joints was systematically evaluated based on linear elastic fracture mechanics. Joint types included lap joints, angle joints and butt joints. Various combinations of the tensile and bending loads were considered during the evaluation with the emphasis focused on the existence of both root and toe cracks. For a lap joint with asmall lack-of-penetration, a reasonably large weld leg and smaller flank angle were recommended for engineering practice in order to achieve higher fatigue strength. It was found that the fatigue strength of the angle joint depended strongly on the location and orientation of the preexisting crack-like welding defects, even if the joint was welded with full penetration. It is commonly believed that the double sided butt welds can have significantly higher fatigue strength than that of a single sided welds, but fatigue crack initiation and propagation can originate from the weld root if the welding procedure results in a partial penetration. It is clearly shown that the fatigue strength of the butt joint could be improved remarkably by ensuring full penetration. Nevertheless, increasing the fatigue strength of a butt joint by increasing the size of the weld is an uneconomical alternative.
Especially in panel surveys, respondent attrition, respondent learning, and interviewer experience effects play a crucial role with respect to data quality. We examine three interview survey quality indicators in the same survey in a cross sectional as well as in a longitudinal way. In the cross sectional analysis we compare data quality in the mature original sample with that in a refreshment sample, surveyed in the same wave. Because in the same wave an interviewer survey was conducted, collecting attitudes on their socio demography, survey attitudes and burden measures, we are able to consider interviewer fixed effects as well. The longitudinal analysis gives more insight in the respondent learning effects with respect to the quality indicators considered by considering the very same respondents across waves. The Swiss Household Panel, a CATI survey representative of the Swiss residential population, forms an ideal modelling database: the interviewer - respondent assignment is random, both within and across waves. This design avoids possible confusion with other effects stemming from a non-random assignment of interviewers, e.g. area effects or effects from assigning the best interviewers to the hard cases. In order to separate interviewer, respondent and wave effects, we build cross-classified multilevel models.
Reference collections of multiple Drosophila lines with accumulating collections of "omics" data have proven especially valuable for the study of population genetics and complex trait genetics. Here we present a description of a resource collection of 84 strains of Drosophila melanogaster whose genome sequences were obtained after 12 generations of full-sib inbreeding. The initial rationale for this resource was to foster development of a systems biology platform for modeling metabolic regulation by the use of natural polymorphisms as perturbations. As reference lines, they are amenable to repeated phenotypic measurements, and already a large collection of metabolic traits have been assayed. Another key feature of these strains is their widespread geographic origin, coming from Beijing, Ithaca, Netherlands, Tasmania, and Zimbabwe. After obtaining 12.5× coverage of paired-end Illumina sequence reads, SNP and indel calls were made with the GATK platform. Thorough quality control was enabled by deep sequencing one line to >100×, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms and indels were validated using ddRAD-sequencing as an orthogonal platform. In addition, a series of preliminary population genetic tests were performed with these single-nucleotide polymorphism data for assessment of data quality. We found 83 segregating inversions among the lines, and as expected these were especially abundant in the African sample. We anticipate that this will make a useful addition to the set of reference D. melanogaster strains, thanks to its geographic structuring and unusually high level of genetic diversity.
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in developed countries. Early detection of CRC leads to decreased CRC mortality. A blood-based CRC screening test is highly desirable due to limited invasiveness and high acceptance rate among patients compared to currently used fecal occult blood testing and colonoscopy. Here we describe the discovery and validation of a 29-gene panel in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) for the detection of CRC and adenomatous polyps (AP). Blood samples were prospectively collected from a multicenter, case-control clinical study. First, we profiled 93 samples with 667 candidate and 3 reference genes by high throughput real-time PCR (OpenArray system). After analysis, 160 genes were retained and tested again on 51 additional samples. Low expressed and unstable genes were discarded resulting in a final dataset of 144 samples profiled with 140 genes. To define which genes, alone or in combinations had the highest potential to discriminate AP and/or CRC from controls, data were analyzed by a combination of univariate and multivariate methods. A list of 29 potentially discriminant genes was compiled and evaluated for its predictive accuracy by penalized logistic regression and bootstrap. This method discriminated AP >1cm and CRC from controls with a sensitivity of 59% and 75%, respectively, with 91% specificity. The behavior of the 29-gene panel was validated with a LightCycler 480 real-time PCR platform, commonly adopted by clinical laboratories. In this work we identified a 29-gene panel expressed in PBMC that can be used for developing a novel minimally-invasive test for accurate detection of AP and CRC using a standard real-time PCR platform.
Kiristyvä kansainvälinen kilpailu pakottaa automaatiojärjestelmien valmistajat ottamaan käyttöön uusia menetelmiä, joiden avulla järjestelmien suorituskykyä ja joustavuutta saadaan parannettua. Agenttiteknologiaa on esitetty käytettäväksi olemassa olevien automaatiojärjestelmien kanssa vastaamaan automaatiolle asetettaviin uusiin haasteisiin. Agentit ovat itsenäisiä yhteisöllisiä toimijoita, jotka suorittavat niille ennalta määrättyjä tehtäviä. Ne tarjoavat yhtenäisen kehyksen kehittyneiden toimintojen toteutukselle. Agenttiteknologian avulla automaatiojärjestelmä saadaan toimimaan joustavasti ja vikasietoisesti. Tässä työssä selostetaan agenttiteknologian ajatuksia ja käsitteitä. Lisäksi selvitetään sen soveltuvuutta monimutkaisten ohjausjärjestelmien kehittämiseen ja etsitään käyttökohteita sen soveltamiselle levytehtaassa. Työssä käsitellään myös aatteita, jotka ovat johtaneet agenttiteknologian käyttöön automaatiojärjestelmissä, sekä selostetaan agenttiavusteisen esimerkkisovelluksen rakenne ja testitulokset. Tutkimuksen tuloksena löydettiin useita kohteita agenttiteknologian käytölle levytehtaassa. Esimerkkisovellus osoittaa sen sopivan hyvin kehittyneiden toimintojen toteutukseen automaatiojärjestelmissä.
Les membres de la Génération Sandwich (GS) jouent un rôle pivot dans la société : tout en ayant un emploi, ils s'occupent de leurs enfants ou petits-enfants et offrent de l'aide à leurs parents ou beaux-parents (P/BP) fragilisés par leur vieillissement. Les charges de travail coexistantes générées par ces activités représentent pour leur santé un risque potentiel qui pourrait augmenter. Les connaissances sur la GS et sa santé perçue sont cependant insuffisantes pour que les infirmières de santé au travail développent des interventions préventives basées sur des preuves. La majorité des recherches existantes ont considéré la coexistence des charges comme a priori pathogénique. La plupart des études n'ont examiné l'association que d'une ou de deux de ces trois activités avec la santé. Très peu ont utilisé un cadre théorique infirmier. La présente thèse visait à développer les connaissances sur les membres de la GS et leur santé perçue. Aussi, nous avons adopté une des stratégies existantes pour développer des théories en science infirmière - donc pour développer des connaissances infirmières pour intervenir - décrites par Meleis (2012) : la stratégie « de la Théorie à la Recherche à la Théorie ». Premièrement, un cadre de référence infirmier salutogénique a été construit. Il s'est basé sur le modèle de soins Neuman Systems Model, des concepts issus de la théorie Déséquilibre entre Effort et Récompense de Siegrist et d'une recension intégrative des écrits. Il relie les charges de la GS avec la santé perçue et suggère l'existence de facteurs protégeant la santé. Deuxièmement, un dispositif de recherche descriptif corrélationnel exploratoire a été mis en place pour confronter les deux propositions relationnelles du cadre théorique au monde empirique. Des données ont été récoltées au moyen d'un questionnaire électronique rempli par 826 employés d'une administration publique (âge 45-65 ans). Après examen, 23.5% de l'échantillon appartenait à la GS. La probabilité d'appartenir à la GS augmentait avec l'avancement en âge des P/BP, la co-résidence et la présence d'un enfant dans le ménage ; cependant le sexe n'influençait pas cette probabilité. Les analyses n'ont révélé aucune relation entre la charge totale et la santé physique ou mentale des femmes. Néanmoins, il y avait une relation négative entre cette charge et la santé physique des hommes et une relation négative proche du seuil de significativité, sans toutefois l'atteindre, entre cette charge et leur santé mentale. La nature de ces deux dernières relations était principalement le fait de la charge de travail domestique et familiale. Cinq facteurs identifiés théoriquement ont effectivement protégé la santé de la GS de leurs charges coexistantes : l'absence de sur-engagement dans l'activité professionnelle et une grande latitude décisionnelle dans l'aide aux P/BP ont protégé la santé mentale des femmes ; une grande latitude décisionnelle dans l'activité domestique et familiale a protégé la santé mentale des hommes ; l'absence de sur-engagement dans l'aide aux P/BP et des relations de bonne qualité dans l'activité professionnelle ont protégé la santé physique des hommes. S'appuyant sur ces facteur protecteurs de la santé, cette thèse a proposé des pistes afin de développer des interventions pour la prévention primaire en santé au travail qui soient soucieuses de faire évoluer favorablement les inégalités de genre (gender-transformative). Elles ne concernent pas seulement les membres de la GS et les P/BP, mais aussi les employeurs. Troisièmement, comme les deux propositions relationnelles ont plutôt bien supporté la confrontation avec le monde empirique, cette thèse offre des suggestions pour poursuivre le développement de son cadre théorique et tendre vers la création d'une théorie de moyenne portée en science infirmière.
Coexisting workloads from professional, household and family, and caregiving activities for frail parents expose middle-aged individuals, the so-called "Sandwich Generation", to potential health risks. Current trends suggest that this situation will continue or increase. Thus SG health promotion has become a nursing concern. Most existing research considers coexisting workloads a priori pathogenic. Most studies have examined the association of one, versus two, of these three activities with health. Few studies have used a nursing perspective. This article presents the development of a framework based on a nursing model. We integrated Siegrist's Effort-Reward Imbalance middle-range theory into "Neuman Systems Model". The latter was chosen for its salutogenic orientation, its attention to preventive nursing interventions and the opportunity it provides to simultaneously consider positive and negative perceptions of SG health and SG coexisting workloads. Finally, it facilitated a theoretical identification of health protective factors.
Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a heterogeneous disease whose assessment and management have traditionally been based on the severity of airflow limitation (forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1)). Yet, it is now clear that FEV1 alone cannot describe the complexity of the disease. In fact, the recently released Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), 2011 revision has proposed a new combined assessment method using three variables (symptoms, airflow limitation and exacerbations). Methods Here, we go one step further and propose that in the near future physicians will need a"control panel" for the assessment and optimal management of individual patients with complex diseases, including COPD, that provides a path towards personalised medicine. Results We propose that such a"COPD control panel" should include at least three different domains of the disease: severity, activity and impact. Each of these domains presents information on different"elements" of the disease with potential prognostic value and/or with specific therapeutic requirements. All this information can be easily incorporated into an"app" for daily use in clinical practice. Conclusion We recognise that this preliminary proposal needs debate, validation and evolution (eg, including"omics" and molecular imaging information in the future), but we hope that it may stimulate debate and research in the field.
In the past four decades, women have made major inroads into occupations previously dominated by men. This paper examines whether occupational feminization is accompanied by a decline in wages: Do workers suffer a wage penalty if they remain in, or move into, feminizing occupations? We analyze this question over the 1990s and 2000s in Britain, Germany, and Switzerland, using longitudinal panel data to estimate individual fixed effects for men and women. Moving from an entirely male to an entirely female occupation entails a loss in individual earnings of 13 percent in Britain, 7 percent in Switzerland, and 3 percent in Germany. The impact of occupational feminization on wages is not linear, but sets apart occupations holding more than 60 percent of women. Moving into such female occupations incurs a wage penalty. Contrary to the prevailing idea in economics, differences in productivity-human capital, job-specific skills, and time investment-do not fully explain the wage gap between male and female occupations. The wage penalty associated with working in a female occupation is also much larger where employer discretion is greater-in the private sector-than where wagesetting is guided by formal rules-the public sector. These findings suggest that wage disparities across male and female occupations are due to gender devaluation.