973 resultados para STL-Format


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Northern Hemisphere sea ice from a Finite-Element Sea-Ice Ocean Model (FESOM) 4.5 km resolution simulation carried out by researchers from Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), Germany. Concentration is shown with color; thickness is shown with shading. A global 1 degree mesh is used, with the "Arctic Ocean" locally refined to 4.5 km. South of CAA and Fram Strait the resolution is not refined in this simulation. The animation indicates that the 4.5 km model resolution helps to represent the small scale sea ice features, although much higher resolution is required to fully resolve the ice leads. The animation is created by Michael Böttinger from DKRZ (https://www.dkrz.de).


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Supported file formats: - CrossRef XML file(s) - TRiDaS (Tree Ring Data Standard, http://www.tridas.org). Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d001 - IMMA (International Maritime Meteorological Archive). Used by the project CLIWOC (García-Herrera et al. 2007, http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.743343) - NOAA IOAS (International Ocean Atlas Series). Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d008 - SOCAT (Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas, Bakker et al. 2014, http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.811776) - CHUAN (Comprehensive Historical Upper-Air Network, Stickler et al. 2013, http://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.821222). Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d003 - Thermosalinograph (TSG) data. Format developed by Gerd Rohardt. Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d002 - Columus GPS Data Logger V-900 format to KML or GPX. Example: hdl:10013/epic.42747.d006


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Several groups all over the world are researching in several ways to render 3D sounds. One way to achieve this is to use Head Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs). These measurements contain the Frequency Response of the human head and torso for each angle. Some years ago, was only possible to measure these Frequency Responses only in the horizontal plane. Nowadays, several improvements have made possible to measure and use 3D data for this purpose. The problem was that the groups didn't have a standard format file to store the data. That was a problem when a third part wanted to use some different HRTFs for 3D audio rendering. Every of them have different ways to store the data. The Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics or SOFA was created to provide a solution to this problem. It is a format definition to unify all the previous different ways of storing any kind of acoustics data. At the moment of this project they have defined some basis for the format and some recommendations to store HRTFs. It is actually under development, so several changes could come. The SOFA[1] file format uses a numeric container called netCDF[2], specifically the Enhaced data model described in netCDF 4 that is based on HDF5[3]. The SoundScape Renderer (SSR) is a tool for real-time spatial audio reproduction providing a variety of rendering algorithms. The SSR was developed at the Quality and Usability Lab at TU Berlin and is now further developed at the Institut für Nachrichtentechnik at Universität Rostock [4]. This project is intended to be an introduction to the use of SOFA files, providing a C++ API to manipulate them and adapt the binaural renderer of the SSR for working with the SOFA format. RESUMEN. El SSR (SoundScape Renderer) es un programa que está siendo desarrollado actualmente por la Universität Rostock, y previamente por la Technische Universität Berlin. El SSR es una herramienta diseñada para la reproducción y renderización de audio 2D en tiempo real. Para ello utiliza diversos algoritmos, algunos orientados a sistemas formados por arrays de altavoces en diferentes configuraciones y otros algoritmos diseñados para cascos. El principal objetivo de este proyecto es dotar al SSR de la capacidad de renderizar sonidos binaurales en 3D. Este proyecto está centrado en el binaural renderer del SSR. Este algoritmo se basa en el uso de HRTFs (Head Related Transfer Function). Las HRTFs representan la función de transferencia del sistema formado por la cabeza y el torso del oyente. Esta función es medida desde diferentes ángulos. Con estos datos el binaural renderer puede generar audio en tiempo real simulando la posición de diferentes fuentes. Para poder incluir una base de datos con HRTFs en 3D se ha hecho uso del nuevo formato SOFA (Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics). Este nuevo formato se encuentra en una fase bastante temprana de su desarrollo. Está pensado para servir como formato estándar para almacenar HRTFs y cualquier otro tipo de medidas acústicas, ya que actualmente cada laboratorio cuenta con su propio formato de almacenamiento y esto hace bastante difícil usar varias bases de datos diferentes en un mismo proyecto. El formato SOFA hace uso del contenedor numérico netCDF, que a su vez esta basado en un contenedor más básico llamado HRTF-5. Para poder incluir el formato SOFA en el binaural renderer del SSR se ha desarrollado una API en C++ para poder crear y leer archivos SOFA con el fin de utilizar los datos contenidos en ellos dentro del SSR.


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An uncertainty propagation methodology based on Monte Carlo method is applied to PWR nuclear design analysis to assess the impact of nuclear data uncertainties in 235,238 U, 239 Pu and Scattering Thermal Library for Hydrogen in water. This uncertainty analysis is compared with the design and acceptance criteria to assure the adequacy of bounding estimates in safety margins.


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RDF streams are sequences of timestamped RDF statements or graphs, which can be generated by several types of data sources (sensors, social networks, etc.). They may provide data at high volumes and rates, and be consumed by applications that require real-time responses. Hence it is important to publish and interchange them efficiently. In this paper, we exploit a key feature of RDF data streams, which is the regularity of their structure and data values, proposing a compressed, efficient RDF interchange (ERI) format, which can reduce the amount of data transmitted when processing RDF streams. Our experimental evaluation shows that our format produces state-of-the-art streaming compression, remaining efficient in performance.


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The gene VII protein (pVII) and gene IX protein (pIX) are associated closely on the surface of filamentous bacteriophage that is opposite of the end harboring the widely exploited pIII protein. We developed a phagemid format wherein antibody heavy- and light-chain variable regions were fused to the amino termini of pVII and pIX, respectively. Significantly, the fusion proteins interacted to form a functional Fv-binding domain on the phage surface. Our approach will be applicable to the display of generic peptide and protein libraries that can form combinatorial heterodimeric arrays. Consequently, it represents a first step toward artificial antibodies and the selection of novel biological activities.


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The consolidation of collaborative video platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo in recent years has significantly changed the way fashion brands communicate with their audiences. Fashion films have emerged as a new and revolutionary tool adopted by luxury brands at the start of the XXI Century to construct their brands. A sample of 62 fashion films from 2006 to 2016 was analyzed in order to describe fashion film’s anatomy and its main characteristics that constitute an especial type of branded content, originated by brands in their quest for exclusivity and authenticity. As a distinctive type of experiential marketing mostly used by luxury fashion brands, they would become a new communication strategy for mainstream brands, but also allow the discovery of a profound connection with consumers through audiovisual narration.


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In questo mio elaborato ho affrontato il tema della traduzione audiovisiva. Mi sono soffermata sulla tecnica del sottotitolaggio, concentrando la mia attenzione sui format televisivi di cucina. Sono stata spinta da una vera e propria passione per tutto ciò che riguarda la sfera gastronomica e i programmi televisivi a questa dedicati. Oggi queste trasmissioni hanno raggiunto un vero e proprio successo mondiale. La nostra è l’era dei grandi format televisivi che non parlano altro che di cucina, sfide tra i fornelli e critiche spietate. La cucina è alla base di ogni civiltà ed è parte integrante della cultura di ogni popolo. Tra le molteplici sfaccettature delle culture, troviamo la gastronomia che, dal mio punta di vista, è situata ai primi posti per importanza. L’Italia e la Francia hanno, sin da sempre, dimostrato la loro eccellenza all’interno del panorama mondiale enogastronomico: la cucina italiana, con la sua semplicità e i suoi sapori mediterranei, e quella francese, ricca di note tradizionali ed esotiche all’unisono. Per questo motivo, la mia attenzione si è rivolta a un talk show culinario ormai noto in tutto il mondo: MasterChef. In questo format televisivo, i concorrenti sono tenuti a sostenere varie prove, nelle quali bisogna realizzare piatti dell’arte culinaria del paese in cui il programma viene trasmesso e non solo. Scopo del programma è aggiudicarsi il titolo di miglior chef. Ho scelto chiaramente un’edizione a mio piacimento del programma per entrambi i paesi e ho proposto un sottotitolaggio per un particolare momento di questo format televisivo: la finale. Nella fattispecie, ho proposto il sottotitolaggio per la finale di MasterChef Italia in francese e per la finale di MasterChef France in italiano. Ho scelto di sottotitolare questo particolare momento della trasmissione televisiva, in quanto ritengo che, oltre ad essere uno dei più emozionanti per i telespettatori, sia ricco di elementi utili per un’analisi approfondita in ambito traduttivo.