932 resultados para Root system efficiency


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Development of new technologies, aiming at increasing productivity in different crops, involves constant research on the effectiveness and application of these techniques in seed treatment. In this study, it was aimed at evaluating physiological potential of rice seeds treated with plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (strains DFs185, DFs223, DFs306, DFs416), or with two dosages of the insecticide thiamethoxam. The variables assessed were: germination (G); first count of germination (FCG); cold test (CT); length of seedlings aerial parts (LAP), root system (LRS), and total length (TL); emergence speed index (ESI); emergence (E), at 14 days; and dry phytomass (DP). Treatments have had a positive effect on percentage of G, FCG and E. The strain DFs185 has promoted increase in percentage emergence, for five of the six lots assessed. The variables: LAP; LRS; TL; ESI; and DP have undergone low or none influence of treatments; and there has been no toxic effect of rhizobacteria or insecticide thiamethoxam. In the cold test, a negative effect of treatments has been detected. Seed treatment with rhizobacteria, as well as with thiamethoxam, improve quality of low quality rice seeds. The strain DFs185 is promising for treating rice seeds, once it stimulates seed germination and emergence.


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The increasing emphasis on energy efficiency is starting to yield results in the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; however, the effort is still far from sufficient. Therefore, new technical solutions that will enhance the efficiency of power generation systems are required to maintain the sustainable growth rate, without spoiling the environment. A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is only possible with new low-carbon technologies, which enable high efficiencies. The role of the rotating electrical machine development is significant in the reduction of global emissions. A high proportion of the produced and consumed electrical energy is related to electrical machines. One of the technical solutions that enables high system efficiency on both the energy production and consumption sides is high-speed electrical machines. This type of electrical machines has a high system overall efficiency, a small footprint, and a high power density compared with conventional machines. Therefore, high-speed electrical machines are favoured by the manufacturers producing, for example, microturbines, compressors, gas compression applications, and air blowers. High-speed machine technology is challenging from the design point of view, and a lot of research is in progress both in academia and industry regarding the solution development. The solid technical basis is of importance in order to make an impact in the industry considering the climate change. This work describes the multidisciplinary design principles and material development in high-speed electrical machines. First, high-speed permanent magnet synchronous machines with six slots, two poles, and tooth-coil windings are discussed in this doctoral dissertation. These machines have unique features, which help in solving rotordynamic problems and reducing the manufacturing costs. Second, the materials for the high-speed machines are discussed in this work. The materials are among the key limiting factors in electrical machines, and to overcome this limit, an in-depth analysis of the material properties and behavior is required. Moreover, high-speed machines are sometimes operating in a harsh environment because they need to be as close as possible to the rotating tool and fully exploit their advantages. This sets extra requirements for the materials applied.


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Le but de cette étude est de comprendre l’effet d’une irrigation par les eaux usées et /ou de la fertilisation par les engrais chimiques sur la productivité aérienne et souterraine d’une plantation de saule Salix miyabeana SX67 en CICR dans un contexte de filtre végétal. Nous avons d’une part évalué l’impact de diverses doses d’eau usées et/ou de la fertilisation minérale sur les rendements en biomasse ligneuse d’une culture de saules au cours d’un cycle de croissance de deux ans. D’autre part et pour la même période nous avons comparé le développement racinaire (biomasse, morphologie et distribution dans le sol) suite aux divers traitements. Les résultats ont montré qu’au terme de deux ans de croissance, les traitements par les eaux usées aussi bien que celle par les engrais a permis l’augmentation des rendements de la biomasse aérienne de notre culture de saules avec un effet plus prononcé suite au traitements des eaux usées qu’à celui du fertilisant chimique. Nous avons mesuré des productivités en biomasse aussi élevées que 39,4 Mg ha-1 et 54,7 Mg ha-1 et ce pour les parcelles qui ont reçu la plus grande quantité d'eaux usées, respectivement pour les saules non fertilisé et fertilisé (D3-NF et D3-F). La majeure partie du système racinaire était en superficie avec 92-96% des racines (racine fine et racine grosse) concentrées dans les premiers 40 cm de sol et nous avons trouvé que la biomasse des racines fines était comprise entre 1,01 et 1,99 Mg ha-1. Généralement la fertilisation chimique n’a pas eu d’effet sur les rendements en biomasse des racines totales et/ou fines. Bien que l’irrigation par les eaux usées ait entraîné une réduction statistiquement significative de la biomasse racinaire, néanmoins cette réduction n'était pas linéaire (avec une réduction de la biomasse de D0 à D1, une augmentation de D1 à D2 pour réduire de nouveau de D2 à D3). Cette tendance porte à penser qu'au-delà d'une certaine quantité d'eau et de nutriments (suite à l’irrigation par les eaux usées), le développement du système racinaire des saules est affecté négativement, et bien que la biomasse aérienne soit restée élevée sous le traitement D3, nous pensons que le développement de la plante a été quelque peu déséquilibré. Aucun changement significatif n'a été constaté dans les traits morphologiques liés à l'irrigation par les eaux usées.


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Le cycle du carbone (C) est, depuis la révolution industrielle, déstabilisé par l’introduction dans l’atmosphère de C autrefois fossilisé. Certaines mesures de mitigation prometteuses impliquent la séquestration accrue du CO2 atmosphérique dans les sols via le développement du réseau racinaire des arbres. Ce projet de recherche visait à : 1) quantifier la biomasse racinaire ligneuse produite annuellement par unité de surface par le Salix miyabeana cultivé en régie intensive à courtes rotations, 2) doser la concentration en C et en N des racines de saule en fonction de leur profondeur et de leur diamètre et 3) déterminer l’influence des propriétés pédoclimatiques du milieu sur la séquestration du carbone organique (Corg) par les racines. Pour y arriver, six souches de saules ont été excavées à partir de huit sites (n=48) et neuf carottes de recolonisation ont été implantées à cinq sites (n=45) pour évaluer la productivité racinaire fine. Les échantillons séchés ont été pesés pour quantifier la biomasse racinaire produite, et ont été analysés pour le C et le N. La productivité en biomasse racinaire ligneuse du saule en plantation pour tout le réseau d'échantillonnage varie de 0,7 – 1,8 Mg/ha/an. La proportion de C dans la biomasse racinaire s’étend de 31,3% à 50,4% et sa variance dans les tissus est expliquée par le diamètre racinaire et par les conditions environnementales des sites de provenance. Les conditions climatiques constituent la principale influence sur la production de biomasse racinaire. La variance de la biomasse racinaire est significativement contrôlée (p :0,004) par la quantité de précipitation de l’été et de l’année qui contrôlent ensemble 83,4 % du r2 ajusté. La précipitation de l’été est inversement liée à la productivité racinaire puisque les protéines expansines des racines sont stimulées par les carences hydriques du sol. La production de racines fines des plantations (1,2 à 2,4 Mg/ha/an) est, elle, plus fortement contrôlée par les conditions pédologiques du site qui expliquent 36,5% de la variance de productivité des racines fines contre 37,5% de la variance expliquée par les facteurs pédoclimatiques. Le P et le N du sol ont des rôles prépondérants sur la production de racines fines. Une disponibilité en P accrue dans le sol stimule la biomasse racinaire fine alors qu’une quantité supérieure de N dans le sol limite la croissance racinaire tout en favorisant la croissance des parties aériennes de la plante. Ce projet a permis d’améliorer notre compréhension des conditions pédologiques et climatiques qui engendrent, au Québec méridional, une productivité et une séquestration en Corg accrue dans le réseau racinaire du saule.


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Laser engineering is an area in which developments in the existing design concepts and technology appear at an alarming rate. Now—a-days, emphasis has shifted from innovation to cost reduction and system improvement. To a major extent, these studies are aimed at attaining larger power densities, higher system efficiency and identification of new lasing media and new lasing wavelengths. Todate researchers have put to use all the ditferent Forms of matter as lasing material. Laser action was observed For the first time in a gaseous system - the He-Ne system. This was Followed by a variety of solidstate and gas laser systems. Uarious organic dyes dissolved in suitable solvents were found to lase when pumped optically. Broad band emission characteristics of these dye molecules made wavelength tuning possible using optical devices. Laser action was also observed in certain p-n junctions of semiconductor materials and some of these systems are also tunable. The recent addition to this list was the observation of laser action from certain laser produced plasmas. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the design and Fabrication techniques of pulsed Nitrogen lasers and high power Nd: Glass laserso Attempt was also made to put the systems developed into certain related experiments


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For millennia oasis agriculture has been the backbone of rural livelihood in the desertic Sultanate of Oman. However, little is known about the functioning of these oasis systems, in particular with respect to the C turnover. The objective was to determine the effects of crop, i.e. alfalfa, wheat and bare fallow on the CO2 evolution rate during an irrigation cycle in relation to changes in soil water content and soil temperature. The gravimetric soil water content decreased from initially 24% to approximately 16% within 7 days after irrigation. The mean CO2 evolution rates increased significantly in the order fallow (27.4 mg C m^−2 h^−1) < wheat (45.5 mg C m^−2 h^−1) < alfalfa (97.5 mg C m^−2 h^−1). It can be calculated from these data that the CO2 evolution rate of the alfalfa root system was nearly four times higher than the corresponding rate in the wheat root system. The decline in CO2 evolution rate, especially during the first 4 days after irrigation, was significantly related to the decline in the gravimetric water content, with r = 0.70. CO2 evolution rate and soil temperature at 5 cm depth were negatively correlated (r = -0.56,n = 261) due to increasing soil temperature with decreasing gravimetric water content.


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Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción que tienen los trabajadores acerca del sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en la población asistencial y administrativa en un Hospital de III nivel de atención., Bogotá-Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en población de trabajadores asistenciales y administrativos. Se aplicó el “Cuestionario Nórdico Sobre Seguridad en el Trabajo NOSACQ 50 Spanish” validado. La muestra fue probabilística estratificada aleatoria, en 308 trabajadores (230 asistenciales y 78 administrativos). Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 39.5± 12 años, con mayor frecuencia de género femenino (74.68%), estado civil soltero (38.96%) y nivel educativo técnico (34.40%). La percepción que tienen los trabajadores acerca del sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo fue independiente de su tipo de actividad laboral administrativa y asistencial (p>0.05), la mayor percepción en ambos grupos fue la confianza de los trabajadores en la eficacia del sistema de seguridad (2.71 y 2.77), y las de menor percepción presentaron el empoderamiento de seguridad de gestión (2.35 y 2.46) y la seguridad como prioridad de los empleados y rechazo del riesgo (2.35 y 2.40). Conclusiones: Los trabajadores del Hospital tienen un nivel adecuado de buena percepción acerca de los aspectos de seguridad y salud en el trabajo donde se evidenció que la fortaleza es la confianza de los trabajadores en la eficacia del sistema y la debilidad del sistema se encuentra en la falta de empoderamiento y rechazo al riesgo.


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Aquest treball es centra en l'estudi de la regeneració vegetativa en els estadis inicials del desenvolupament de Quercus coccifera, Q. humilis, Q. ilex i Q. suber, analitzant la capacitat de rebrotada després de l'eliminació de la biomassa aèria. S'ha realitzat una descripció, a nivell histològic, de l'ontogènesi del nus cotiledonar des de l'embrió fins a la plàntula de mig any d'edat de Q. coccifera, Q. humilis i Q. ilex. Així mateix, s'ha analitzat el contingut de midó i de nitrogen a la primavera, l'estiu i l'hivern en diferents parts de les plàntules de les quatre espècies, avaluant, alhora, l'efecte de la tala. D'altra banda, també s'ha estudiat la biometria de les glans, la capacitat de germinació i el creixement de les plàntules de les quatre espècies de Quercus. A partir dels resultats s'ha comprovat que les glans de Q. suber, en general, són més grans, tant en diàmetre com en longitud, i tenen un pes superior, mentre que les de Q. ilex són més petites i pesen menys. En les quatre espècies estudiades, el pes de la llavor està determinat per la longitud i el diàmetre, si bé, també hi ha un cert efecte de l'espècie. Amb les dades obtingudes de les tres variables de la gla s'ha calculat una funció discriminant a partir de la qual es pot determinar, amb un alt grau d'encert, a quina espècie pertany una determinada gla coneixent la mida i el pes. En relació a la capacitat de germinació, en Q. coccifera i Q. ilex la germinació depèn del pes de la gla, mentre que en Q. humilis i Q. suber és independent. Així mateix, també s'ha comprovat que el pes de la llavor afecta positivament en el creixement de les plàntules de tres i sis mesos d'edat. Possiblement un major pes de la gla implica un contingut de substàncies de reserva més elevat, i per tant representa un major subministrament de nutrients cap a la planta, repercutint així en el seu creixement inicial. En plàntules de nou mesos d'edat ja no s'ha trobat relació entre el pes de la gla i el creixement de la planta, la qual cosa es podria explicar pel fet que les substàncies de reserva de la llavor s'han esgotat. Pel que fa al creixement de la plàntula, les plàntules de Q. ilex han tingut la major taxa de creixement per quasi totes les variables estudiades. En aquesta espècie, al principi de l'experiment la grandària de les plàntules ha estat baixa, però al final han crescut més que les de les altres espècies. Les plàntules de Q. coccifera han presentat la menor taxa. En les plàntules de les quatre espècies s'ha constatat, també, que la biomassa del sistema radicular és superior a la de l'aeri. Les plàntules de Q. coccifera i Q. humilis han tingut una relació BA/BR (biomassa aèria/biomassa radicular) més baixa que les de Q. ilex i Q. suber. En espècies mediterrànies s'ha relacionat sovint una baixa relació BA/BR com una adaptació a la sequera. No obstant això, Q. humilis és una espècie que viu en zones més humides que la resta d'espècies estudiades. En referència a la regeneració vegetativa, amb aquest estudi es demostra que les plàntules de les quatre espècies tenen una elevada capacitat d'emissió de rebrots, quan s'elimina la biomassa aèria per sobre la zona d'inserció dels cotilèdons. Tanmateix, el grau de supervivència difereix segons l'espècie i la intervenció. Així, per exemple, les plàntules de Q. ilex han presentat una major mortalitat tant en la primera com en la segona tala, mentre que en Q. humilis i Q. suber la supervivència de les plàntules ha disminuït després de talar dues vegades. En el cas de Q. coccifera el grau de supervivència és bastant similar tant en la primera com en la segona intervenció. La tala successiva afecta negativament al vigor dels rebrots en Q. coccifera, Q. humilis i Q. ilex. Ara bé, en el cas de Q. suber s'ha trobat que els rebrots emesos després de talar dues vegades han estat més grans que els obtinguts després d'una sola tala. Després de tallar la biomassa aèria per sobre la zona d'inserció dels cotilèdons, els rebrots s'originen a partir de les gemmes del nus cotiledonar. L'estudi de l'ontogènesi del nus cotiledonar ens ha permès de constatar que el patró de desenvolupament d'aquest en Q. coccifera, Q. humilis i Q. ilex és similar, però difereix del descrit per a Q. suber. En les tres primeres espècies el nus cotiledonar pràcticament no s'allarga i només es desenvolupen gemmes cotiledonars just en l'axil·la del pecíol cotiledonar. En aquest sentit, cal ressaltar que en el cas de Q. coccifera i Q. ilex les gemmes es formen després de germinar la gla, mentre que en Q. humilis i Q. suber són ja presents en l'embrió. Tal i com també s'ha descrit en Q. suber, en l'estadi de plàntula, en Q. coccifera, Q. humilis i Q. ilex a l'axil·la de la gemma cotiledonar proliferen noves gemmes, de tal manera que es formen plaques de gemmes. Les anàlisis del contingut de midó han permès de determinar que el sistema radicular de les plàntules de Q. coccifera, Q. humilis, Q. ilex i Q. suber conté aproximadament un 90% del midó de tota la planta. Concretament de les diferents fraccions del sistema radicular (nus cotiledonar, 11 pimers centímetres de l'arrel i resta de l'arrel) la major concentració de midó es troba ens els 11 primers cm de l'arrel, que en el cas de Q. suber correspon al nus cotiledonar. Quant a les estacions, a l'estiu la concentració de midó de la part aèria i radicular disminueix en Q. coccifera, Q. humilis i Q. ilex, si bé es recuperen a l'hivern. En canvi en el cas de Q. suber els nivells més baixos de midó s'han obtingut a l'hivern. La tala provoca una disminució dels nivells de midó, ja que una part d'aquest és mobilitzat per a la síntesi dels nous brots. En les quatre espècies la major proporció de midó mobilitzat és en els primers 11 cm de l'arrel, és a dir, el nus cotiledonar en el cas de Q. suber. Per tant, amb aquest estudi es reafirma que el nus cotiledonar de Q. suber és un lignotúber. Tanmateix, Q. coccifera, Q. humilis i Q. ilex no presenten cap lignotúber o estructura especialitzada en la rebrotada, si bé el fet de tenir gemmes i substàncies de reserva els confereix igualment una elevada capacitat per rebrotar. En relació al nitrogen, en les quatre espècies el sistema radicular presenta aproximadament el 70% del nitrogen total de la planta. A l'estiu, la concentració de nitrogen del sistema radicular de Q. humilis i Q. suber és més baixa que a l'hivern, mentre que en Q. coccifera i Q. ilex els valors són bastant similars en ambdues estacions. La tala no provoca una davallada dels nivells de midó, això possiblement es degui a que les plàntules van rebre continuament un aport de nitrogen a través de l'aigua de reg.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have a variety of effects on foliar-feeding insects, with the majority of these being positive, although reports of negative and null effects also exist. Virtually all previous experiments have used mobile insects confined in cages and have studied the effects of one, or at most two, species of mycorrhizae on one species of insect. The purpose of this study was to introduce a greater level of realism into insect-mycorrhizal experiments, by studying the responses of different insect feeding guilds to a variety of AM fungi. We conducted two experiments involving three species of relatively immobile insects (a leaf-mining and two seed-feeding flies) reared in natural conditions on a host (Leucanthemum vulgare). In a field study, natural levels of AM colonization were reduced, while in a phytometer trial, we experimentally colonized host plants with all possible combinations of three known mycorrhizal associates of L. vulgare. In general, AM fungi increased the stature (height and leaf number) and nitrogen content of plants. However, these effects changed through the season and were,dependent on the identity of the fungi in the root system. AM fungi increased host acceptance of all three insects and larval performance of the leaf miner, but these effects were also season- and AM species-dependent. We suggest that the mycorrhizal effect on the performance of the leaf miner is due to fungal-induced changes in host-plant nitrogen content, detected by the adult fly. However, variability in the effect was apparent, because not all AM species increased plant N content. Meanwhile, positive effects of mycorrhizae were found on flower number and flower size, and these appeared to result in enhanced infestation levels by the seed-feeding insects. The results show that AM fungi exhibit ecological specificity, in that different. species have different effects on host-plant growth and chemistry and the performance of foliar-feeding insects. Future studies need to conduct experiments that use ecologically realistic combinations of plants and fungi and allow insects to be reared in natural conditions.


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In the Loess Plateau, China, arable cultivation of slope lands is common and associated with serious soil erosion. Planting trees or grass may control erosion, but planted species may consume more soil water and can threaten long-term ecosystem sustainability. Natural vegetation succession is an alternative ecological solution to restore degraded land, but there is a time cost, given that the establishment of natural vegetation, adequate to prevent soil erosion, is a longer process than planting. The aims of this study were to identify the environmental factors controlling the type of vegetation established on abandoned cropland and to identify candidate species that might be sown soon after abandonment to accelerate vegetation succession and establishment of natural vegetation to prevent soil erosion. A field survey of thirty-three 2 × 2–m plots was carried out in July 2003, recording age since abandonment, vegetation cover, and frequency of species together with major environmental and soil variables. Data were analyzed using correspondence analysis, classification tree analysis, and species response curves. Four vegetation types were identified and the data analysis confirmed the importance of time since abandonment, total P, and soil water in controlling the type of vegetation established. Among the dominant species in the three late-successional vegetation types, the most appropriate candidates for accelerating and directing vegetation succession were King Ranch bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum) and Lespedeza davurica (Leguminosae). These species possess combinations of the following characteristics: tolerance of low water and nutrient availability, fibrous root system and strong lateral vegetative spread, and a persistent seed bank.


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This review investigates the performance of photovoltaic and solar-assisted ground-source heat pumps in which solar heat is transferred to the ground to improve the coefficient of performance. A number of studies indicate that, for systems with adequately sized ground heat exchangers, the effect on system efficiency is small: about 1% improvement if the heat source is photovoltaic, a 1–2% decline if the source is solar thermal. With possible exceptions for systems in which the ground heat exchanger is undersized, or natural recharge from ground water is insufficient, solar thermal energy is better used for domestic hot water than to recharge ground heat. This appears particularly true outside the heating season, as although much of the heat extracted from the ground can be replaced, it seems to have little effect on the coefficient of performance. Any savings in electrical consumption that do result from an improved coefficient can easily be outweighed by an inefficient control system for the circulation pumps.


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Plants constantly sense the changes in their environment; when mineral elements are scarce, they often allocate a greater proportion of their biomass to the root system. This acclimatory response is a consequence of metabolic changes in the shoot and an adjustment of carbohydrate transport to the root. It has long been known that deficiencies of essential macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium) result in an accumulation of carbohydrates in leaves and roots, and modify the shoot-to-root biomass ratio. Here, we present an update on the effects of mineral deficiencies on the expression of genes involved in primary metabolism in the shoot, the evidence for increased carbohydrate concentrations and altered biomass allocation between shoot and root, and the consequences of these changes on the growth and morphology of the plant root system.


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We describe a simple, inexpensive, but remarkably versatile and controlled growth environment for the observation of plant germination and seedling root growth on a flat, horizontal surface over periods of weeks. The setup provides to each plant a controlled humidity (between 56% and 91% RH), and contact with both nutrients and atmosphere. The flat and horizontal geometry of the surface supporting the roots eliminates the gravitropic bias on their development and facilitates the imaging of the entire root system. Experiments can be setup under sterile conditions and then transferred to a non-sterile environment. The system can be assembled in 1-2 minutes, costs approximately 8.78$ per plant, is almost entirely reusable (0.43$ per experiment in disposables), and is easily scalable to a variety of plants. We demonstrate the performance of the system by germinating, growing, and imaging Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Corn (Zea mays), and Wisconsin Fast Plants (Brassica rapa). Germination rates were close to those expected for optimal conditions.


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It is known that roots can respond to patches of fertility; however, root proliferation is often too slow to exploit resources fully, and organic nutrient patches may be broken down and leached, immobilized or chemically fixed before they are invaded by the root system. The ability of fungal hyphae to exploit resource patches is far greater than that of roots due to their innate physiological and morphological plasticity, which allows comprehensive exploration and rapid colonization of resource patches in soils. The fungal symbionts of ectomycorrhizal plants excrete significant quantities of enzymes such as chitinases, phosphatases and proteases. These might allow the organic residue to be tapped directly for nutrients such as N and P. Pot experiments conducted with nutrient-stressed ectomycorrhizal and control willow plants showed that when high quality organic nutrient patches were added, they were colonized rapidly by the ectomycorrhizal mycelium. These established willows (0.5 m tall) were colonized by Hebeloma syrjense P. Karst. for 1 year prior to nutrient patch addition. Within days after patch addition, colour changes in the leaves of the mycorrhizal plants (reflecting improved nutrition) were apparent, and after I month the concentration of N and P in the foliage of mycorrhizal plants was significantly greater than that in non-mycorrhizal plants subject to the same nutrient addition. It seems likely that the mycorrhizal plants were able to compete effectively with the wider soil microbiota and tap directly into the high quality organic resource patch via their extra-radical mycelium. We hypothesize that ectomycorrhizal plants may reclaim some of the N and P invested in seed production by direct recycling from failed seeds in the soil. The rapid exploitation of similar discrete, transient, high-quality nutrient patches may have led to underestimations when determining the nutritional benefits of ectomycorrhizal colonization.


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This study aimed at evaluating the effect of increasing organic loading rates and of enzyme pretreatment on the stability and efficiency of a hybrid upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASBh) treating dairy effluent. The UASBh was submitted to the following average organic loading rates (OLR) 0.98 Kg.m(-3).d(-1), 4.58 Kg.m(-3).d(-1), 8.89 Kg.m(-3).d(-1) and 15.73 Kg.m(-3).d(-1), and with the higher value, the reactor was fed with effluent with and without an enzymatic pretreatment to hydrolyze fats. The hydraulic detention time was 24 h, and the temperature was 30 +/- 2 degrees C. The reactor was equipped with a superior foam bed and showed good efficiency and stability until an OLR of 8.89 Kg.m(-3).d(-1). The foam bed was efficient for solid retention and residual volatile acid concentration consumption. The enzymatic pretreatment did not contribute to the process stability, propitiating loss in both biomass and system efficiency. Specific methanogenic activity tests indicated the presence of inhibition after the sludge had been submitted to the pretreated effluent It was concluded that continuous exposure to the hydrolysis products or to the enzyme caused a dramatic drop in the efficiency and stability of the process, and the single exposure of the biomass to this condition did not inhibit methane formation. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.