985 resultados para Roman mythology
Después publicar de la entrevista a Ramón Valdés (v. Perifèria 5), continúa la colaboración de la revista con el Proyecto Entrevistas3. En esta ocasión los alumnos han entrevistado a la Catedrática de la UAB, Teresa San Román Espinosa. La entrevista tuvo lugar el pasado 25 de junio de 2007 en su despacho del departamento, en un ambiente muy cercano y distendido, dando como resultado un extenso pero a su vez ameno repaso por el recorrido vital e intelectual de una figura de referencia imprescindible en la antropología social española, reconocida y admirada por su trabajo de investigación con los gitanos y por su compromiso personal y profesional con una antropología aplicada e implicada.
Incomplet du commencement et de la fin. — Miniatures.
Commençant par : «... ssavoir Gau. gesir à terre que ne façoit nul semblant de soi relever... » et finissant par : «... à ceste assenblée fors seulement por moi veoir... me dist à cui ele le... » . Incomplet au commencement et à la fin.
Estudi de l'àmbit temàtic de la saviesa en l'obra de Ramon Llull, tot analitzant els exemples dedicats a aquest concepte.
The so-called < Sandwich Generation > (SG) is characterized by concurrent and competing professional, familial, and informal caregiving workloads. These stressors pose potential health risks. However, the current knowledge about SG characteristics and perceived state of health are insufficient to allow occupational health nurses to develop evidence-based interventions designed for health promotion. We aimed to describe this population and examine the relationships between these coexisting workloads and their perceived health. This study is based on a descriptive, correlational design. Employees of a Swiss public administration completed an electronic questionnaire. Of 844 respondents, 23 % are SG members. Ages of frailed parents or parents-in-law, co-residence with the latters, children still living at home predict that employees could be members of the SG. Perceived physical health status of SG members is rated better than mental health status. The heterogeneity of SG is reflected in three clusters. Finally, physical health score is the only that differs from the other health scores adjusting for clusters and sex. This study provides a foundation for developing preventive interventions targeting the SG.