962 resultados para Reserve carbohydrates and tillering
O objetivo do presente estudo foi elaborar e caracterizar um extrato hidrossolúvel à base de gergelim para ser usado como possível substituto do leite de vaca e extrato de soja. Foi proposto um modelo de cinética de absorção de água durante a etapa de maceração no qual estimou o tempo ideal de batimento do gergelim macerado e se essa etapa influencia no rendimento do produto. Posteriormente com o objetivo de saber a influência do tempo de batimento (0,45 min a 14,55 min) e a concentração do extrato (1,925% a 23,07%) foram avaliadas através de um delineamento composto central rotacional (DCCR), ou seja, um delineamento 22 incluindo 4 ensaios nas condições axiais e 5 repetições no ponto central, totalizando 13 experimentos. Para todos os ensaios do delineamento realizou-se análises de viscosidade, cor, sólidos solúveis totais e rendimento. As mesmas análises foram realizadas em amostras comerciais de leite de vaca e extrato hidrossolúvel de soja com o intuito de comparação. Após a realização dessa etapa foi possível à seleção de algumas amostras para elaboração do extrato hidrossolúvel de gergelim e então realizou-se análises físico-químicas (proteína, cinzas, lipídios, carboidratos) e determinou-se a capacidade antioxidante por ABTS e teor de compostos fenólicos de tais amostras. Quanto à análise de rendimento não houve diferença significativa da quantidade de extrato obtido em diferentes temperaturas de maceração pelo teste de Tukey (p> 0,05). O DCCR foi realizado no programa Statistica e selecionaram-se os ensaios 1, 2, 6, 7, PC (ponto central) que foram as amostras que mais se assemelharam com as amostras comerciais estudadas. Nessas amostras realizou-se as análises físico-químicas além de capacidade antioxidante e compostos fenólicos. O conteúdo de sólidos totais na amostra 6 foi superior as demais amostras, diferindo estatisticamente das demais amostras (p> 0,05). Já para o teor de lipídios, cinzas e proteínas encontrados nas amostras 6 e PC foram maiores que as demais amostras, enquanto a amostra 7 exibiu o menor teor de lipídios e proteínas, considerando que o teor de cinzas das amostras 1, 2 e 7 foram estatisticamente iguais. O teor de carboidratos calculado por diferença foi superior nas amostras 1, 2 e 7 e com o menor valor na amostra 6. Os valores de capacidade antioxidante e compostos fenólicos não se diferenciaram estatisticamente entre si ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Concluiu-se portanto que a etapa de maceração não influenciou no rendimento do produto final. A partir das análises físico-químicas pode-se concluir que o extrato hidrossolúvel de gergelim em determinadas amostras apresentou um melhor desempenho quanto ao valor nutricional comparado ao extrato de soja.
RESUMO A acção hipoglicemiante da insulina é máxima no estado pós-prandial e depende da substância hepática sensibilizadora da insulina (HISS). Esta dissertação visa o estudo do mecanismo de acção da insulina no estado pós-prandial e em particular da via dependente da HISS, em modelos animais fisiológicos e patológicos (obesidade e diabetes mellitus tipo 2). Avaliaram-se diferentes tipos de refeição quanto ao seu efeito potenciador da acção da insulina, em ratos Sprague-Dawley (modelo fisiológico). A administração intragástrica de glícidos não afecta a acção da insulina, mas a refeição mista (lípidos, glícidos e proteínas), promove a sensibilização para a acção da insulina, através de um processo que parece ser iniciado no intestino e envolve a activação da via da HISS. Nos estudos de obesidade, o primeiro modelo utilizado foi o rato alimentado com dieta hiperlipídica (HFD), no qual se observou uma insulinorresistência pós-prandial devida quase exclusivamente à perda de acção da HISS, que se correlaciona com a adiposidade (corporal e abdominal) e parece ser devida à diminuição da sua síntese. O segundo modelo de obesidade usado foi o rato Zucker obeso (OZR), modelo genético que apresenta uma diminuição idêntica de ambas as componentes de acção da insulina (dependente e independente da HISS). A alteração na via da HISS parece localizar-se a jusante da sua síntese, sugerindo que um ou vários pontos comuns entre as vias de sinalização intracelular da HISS e da insulina per se estão alterados, resultando num diminuto aporte de glucose. No OZR, a acção da HISS não se altera com a idade, apresentando-se baixa também às 52 semanas de idade. Em ratos não obesos (LZR), a acção da HISS diminui entre as 9 e 52 semanas, sendo acompanhada por um decréscimo menos acentuado, embora significativo, da acção da insulina per se. A diminuição da acção da HISS com a idade parece ser a principal causa de insulinorresistência pós-prandial em LZR velhos, não se agravando no OZR. No modelo de diabetes tipo 2 estudado, o rato Zucker diabético (ZDF), também ambas as componentes de acção da insulina estavam diminuídas. No entanto, a alimentação com ração Purina, ligeiramente mais energética e lipídica do que a ração standard, agrava a disfunção da via da HISS nestes animais, sugerindo que a sensibilidade à insulina em ratos ZDF é muito susceptível a factores nutricionais. A via da HISS é essencial para potenciar a acção da insulina do estado de jejum para o pós-prandial e a sua disfunção é em grande medida responsável pela insulinorresistência observada nos modelos animais de obesidade e diabetes estudados. xix SUMMARY Hypoglycemic insulin action is maximal in the postprandial state and depends on the hepatic insulin sensitizing substance (HISS). The present thesis focus on the postprandial insulin action and, in particular, on the HISS-dependent pathway, both in physiological and pathological (obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus) animal models. Different meals were tested in Sprague-Dawley rats (physiological model) for their capacity to potentiate insulin action. It was observed that intragastric administration of either glucose or sucrose does not affect insulin sensitivity, unlike the mixed meal, composed of lipids carbohydrates and proteins, which significantly potentiated insulin action through a process that seems to be initiated at the intestine and involves activation of the HISS pathway. For the obesity studies, the first of the two obesity models used was the high fat-fed rat (HFD), in which the postprandial insulin resistance was almost exclusively caused by the decrease of HISS action, probably due to the impairment of HISS synthesis. This impairment correlates with both corporal and abdominal adiposity. The second obesity model used was the obese Zucker rat (OZR), a genetic model, which presented a similar impairment of both components of insulin action (HISSdependent and –independent). The modification in HISS pathway in OZR seems to be located downstream from HISS synthesis, that is, at its site of action – the skeletal muscle -, suggesting that one or several points common to both HISS and insulin per se signaling cascades are defective, resulting in a decreased glucose uptake. In OZR, HISS action does not decrease with age and is also low at 52 weeks of age. In non-obese rats (LZR), HISS action decreases from 9 to 52 weeks and it is accompanied by a lower, although significant, impairment of insulin action per se. HISS action impairment with aging seems to be the major cause of insulin resistance in old LZR, whereas insulin resistance is not aggravated in aging OZR. In the type 2 diabetes model, the diabetic Zucker rat (ZDF), both components of insulin action were also equally impaired. However, feeding the animals with Purina rat chow, which is slightly more caloric and more lipidic, induces additional HISS deterioration when compared with the standard lab diet, suggesting that insulin sensitivity in ZDF is very susceptible to nutritional factors. In conclusion, HISS pathway is essential to potentiate insulin action from the fasted to the fed state and its dysfunction is highly responsible for the insulin resistance observed in the obesity and diabetes animal models studied.
Antigenic preparations (saline, methylic, metabolic and exoantigens) of four agents of chromoblastomycosis, Fonsecaea pedrosoi, Phialophora verrucosa, Cladophialophora (Cladosporium) carrionii and Rhinocladiella aquaspersa were obtained. Partial chemical characterization of these antigenic preparations was obtained by determination of the levels of total lipids, protein, and carbohydrates, and identification of the main sterols and carbohydrates. Methylic antigens presented the highest lipid contents, whereas metabolic antigens showed the highest carbohydrate content. Total lipid, protein, and carbohydrate levels were in the range of 2.33 to 2.00mg/ml, 0.04 to 0.02 mg/ml and 0.10 to 0.02 mg/ml, respectively, in the methylic antigens and in the range of 0.53 to 0.18mg/ml, 0.44 to 0.26mg/ml, and 1.82 to 1.02 mg/ml, respectively, in saline antigens. Total lipid, protein, and carbohydrate contents were in the range of 0.55 to 0.20mg/ml, 0.69 to 0.57mg/ml and 10.73 to 5.93mg/ml, respectively, in the metabolic antigens, and in the range of 0.55 to 0.15mg/ml, 0.62 to 0.20mg/ml and 3.55 to 0.42mg/ml, respectively, in the exoantigens. Phospholipids were not detected in the preparations. Saline and metabolic antigens and exoantigens presented hexose and the methylic antigen revealed additional pentose units in their composition. The UV light absorption spectra of the sterols revealed squalene and an ergosterol fraction in the antigens. The characterization of these antigenic preparations may be useful for serological evaluation of patients of chromoblastomycosis.
Contemporaneamente o Homem depara-se com um dos grandes desafios que é o de efetivar a transição para um futuro sustentável. Assim, o setor da energia tem um papel fundamental neste processo de transição, com principal enfoque no setor dos automóveis, sendo este um setor que contribui com elevadas quantidades de gases de efeito estufa libertados para a atmosfera. Também a escassez dos recursos petrolíferos constitui um ponto fundamental no tema apresentado. Com a necessidade de combater esses problemas é que se tem vindo a tentar desenvolver combustíveis renováveis e neutros quanto às emissões. A primeira geração de biocombustíveis obtidos através de culturas agrícolas terrestres preenche em parte esses requisitos, porém, não atinge os valores da procura e ainda competem com a produção de alimentos. Daí o interesse na aposta de uma segunda geração de biocombustíveis produzidos de fontes que não pertencem à cadeia alimentar e são residuais mas, que mesmo assim não permitem satisfazer as necessidades de matériaprima. A terceira geração de biocombustíveis vem justamente responder a estas questões pois assenta em matérias-primas que não competem pela utilização do solo agrícola nem são usadas para fins alimentares, tendo produtividades areais substancialmente superiores às que as culturas convencionais ou biomassas residuais conseguem assegurar. A matéria prima de terceira geração são portanto as microalgas, cujas produtividades em biomassa são extremamente elevadas, para além de produtividades muito superiores em lípidos, hidratos de carbono e/ou outros produtos de valor elevado. No entanto, este tipo de produção de biocombustível ainda enfrenta alguns problemas técnicos que o tornam num processo dispendioso para competir economicamente com outros tipos de produção de biodiesel. Na linha do que foi dito anteriormente, este trabalho apresenta um estudo de viabilidade económica e energética do biodiesel produzido através da Chlorella vulgaris, apresentando as técnicas e resultados de cultivo da Chlorella vulgaris e posteriormente de produção do biodiesel através dos lípidos obtidos através da mesma. Para melhorar a colheita das microalgas, que é uma das fases mais dispendiosas, testou-se o aumento de pH e a adição de um floculante (Pax XL-10), sendo que o primeiro não permitiu obter resultados satisfatórios, enquanto o segundo permitiu obter resultados de rendimento na ordem dos 90%. Mesmo com a melhoria da etapa da colheita, o preço mínimo do biodiesel produzido a partir do óleo de Chlorella vulgaris, com as condições ótimas de cultivo e produtividades máximas encontradas na literatura, foi de 8,76 €/L, pois, na análise económica, o Pax XL-10 revelou-se extremamente caro para utilizar na floculação de microalgas para obtenção de um produto de baixo valor, como é o biodiesel. A não utilização da floculação reduz o preço do biodiesel para 7,85 €/L. O que se pode concluir deste trabalho é que face às técnicas utilizadas, a produção de biodiesel Chlorella vulgaris apenas, não é economicamente viável, pelo que para viabilizar a sustentabilidade do processo seria ainda necessário desenvolver mais esforços no sentido de otimizar a produção de biodiesel, eventualmente associando-a à produção de um outro biocombustível produzido a partir da biomassa extraída residual e/ou da recuperação de outros produtos de maior valor.
BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells have unique properties favorable to their use in clinical practice and have been studied for cardiac repair. However, these cells are larger than coronary microvessels and there is controversy about the risk of embolization and microinfarctions, which could jeopardize the safety and efficacy of intracoronary route for their delivery. The index of microcirculatory resistance (IMR) is an invasive method for quantitatively assessing the coronary microcirculation status. OBJECTIVES: To examine heart microcirculation after intracoronary injection of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells with the index of microcirculatory resistance. METHODS: Healthy swine were randomized to receive by intracoronary route either 30x106 MSC or the same solution with no cells (1% human albumin/PBS) (placebo). Blinded operators took coronary pressure and flow measurements, prior to intracoronary infusion and at 5 and 30 minutes post-delivery. Coronary flow reserve (CFR) and the IMR were compared between groups. RESULTS: CFR and IMR were done with a variance within the 3 transit time measurements of 6% at rest and 11% at maximal hyperemia. After intracoronary infusion there were no significant differences in CFR. The IMR was significantly higher in MSC-injected animals (at 30 minutes, 14.2U vs. 8.8U, p = 0.02) and intragroup analysis showed a significant increase of 112% from baseline to 30 minutes after cell infusion, although no electrocardiographic changes or clinical deterioration were noted. CONCLUSION: Overall, this study provides definitive evidence of microcirculatory disruption upon intracoronary administration of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, in a large animal model closely resembling human cardiac physiology, function and anatomy.
Phycoremediation of swine wastewaters has been widely reported as an attractive tertiary treatment system, that effectively removes the excessive nutrient loadswhilst offering a valuable source of feedstock biomass. Digestate from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB, 6%v/v) and a nitrification reactor (NR; 50% v/v) were used as culturing media to microalgae. Experiments were carried out in lab scale photobioreactors (PBRs) using a consortia of Chlorella and Scenedesmus. Ammonia (44 to 90%) and phosphorus (77%) were efficiently removed from both effluents tested after 4 days. Microalgae biomass harvested from the UASB effluent showed 57, 34 and 1% of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, respectively. Comparatively, the cellular composition of microalgae grown on NR effluent had lower protein (43%) but higher carbohydrate (42%) contents. Negligible difference in lipid fraction was observed independently of the effluents tested. The results suggest that the biomass harvested from phycoremediation of swine wastewaters can offer a valuable protein and carbohydrate feedstock for nutritional and biotechnological applications.
INTRODUCTION: During histoplasmosis, Histoplasma capsulatum soluble antigens (CFAg) can be naturally released by yeast cells. Because CFAg can be specifically targeted during infection, in the present study we investigated CFAg release in experimental murine histoplasmosis, and evaluated the host humoral immune response against high-molecular-mass antigens (hMMAg. >150 kDa), the more immunogenic CFAg fraction. METHODS: Mice were infected with 2.2x10(4) H. capsulatum IMT/HC128 yeast cells. The soluble CFAg, IgG anti-CFAg, IgG anti-hMMAg, and IgG-hMMAg circulating immune complexes (CIC) levels were determined by enzymelinked immunosorbent assay, at days 0, 7, 14, and 28 post-infection. RESULTS: We observed a progressive increase in circulating levels of CFAg, IgG anti-CFAg, IgG anti-hMMAg, and IgG-hMMAg CIC after H. capsulatum infection. The hMMAg showed a high percentage of carbohydrates and at least two main immunogenic components. CONCLUSIONS: We verified for the first time that hMMAg from H. capsulatum IMT/HC128 strain induce humoral immune response and lead to CIC formation during experimental histoplasmosis.
Nowadays, a significant increase in chronic diseases is observed. Epidemiological studies showed a consistent relationship between the consumption of fruits and vegetables and a reduced risk of certain chronic diseases, namely neurodegenerative disorders. One factor common to these diseases is oxidative stress, which is highly related with proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids damage, leading to cellular dysfunction. Polyphenols, highly abundant in berries and associated products, were described as having antioxidant properties, with beneficial effect in these pathologies. The aims of this study were to evaluate by proteomic analyses the effect of oxidative insult in a neuroblastoma cell line (SK-N-MC) and understand the mechanisms involved in the neuroprotective effects of digested extracts from commercial and wild blackberry (R. vagabundus Samp.). The analysis of the total proteome by two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed that oxidative stress in SK-N-MC cells resulted in altered expression of 12 protein spots from a total of 318. Regarding some redox proteomics alterations, particularly proteins carbonylation and glutathionylation, protein carbonyl alterations during stress suggest that cells produce an early and late response; on the other hand, no glutathionylated polypeptides were detected. Relatively to the incubation of SK-N-MC cells with digested berry extracts, commercial blackberry promotes more changes in protein pattern of these cells than R. vagabundus. From 9 statistically different protein spots of cells incubated with commercial blackberry, only β-tubulin and GRP 78 were until now identified by mass spectrometry. Further studies involving the selection of sub proteomes will be necessary to have a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective effects of berries.
Recerca realitzada durant el periode Gener 2006-Abril 2007, a la Facultat de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona sota la direcció de la Dra. M. Carmen López Sabater. La nutrició durant els primers anys de vida té una enorme importància, amb repercussions en el creixement i desenvolupament del nen i en les possibles malalties futures. Tenint en compte que la llet materna és l’aliment ideal per al nadó durant els primers sis mesos de vida, és important conéixer la composició nutricional de la mateixa i la seva evolució al llarg de la lactància (calostre, llet de transició i madura). La llet conté nutrients majoritaris (proteïnes, carbohidrats i lípids) i nutrients minoritaris, com vitamines i minerals. S'ha desenvolupat i validat un mètode per a la determinació d'àcids grassos (AG) i Àcid Linoleic Conjugat (CLA) en llet materna per Cromatografia de Gasos "fast" (fast-GC), permetent reduir el temps d'anàlisi considerablement en comparació amb els mètodes utilitzats fins el moment. La repetibilitat i reproducibilitat trobades han estat bones, amb coeficients de variació inferiors al 10% en tots els casos. L'aplicació a 6 mostres de llet materna ha demostrat que es tracta d'un mètode senzill, ràpid, eficient i pràctic per a l'anàlisi rutinari d'un elevat nombre de mostres. També s'ha començat a desenvolupar un mètode per a l'anàlisi dels anàlegs de tocoferol de la llet materna, degut a l'interès de la vitamina E com a antioxidant natural. És un mètode per Cromatografia Líquida d'Ultra Resolució (UPLC) amb detecció per Fluorescència (FD) i per Photodiode Array (PDA) que permet treballar amb quantitats de mostra petites mantenint o inclús millorant la sensibilitat i reduint el temps d’anàlisi.
This paper assesses the impact of official central bank interventions (CBIs) on exchange rate returns, their volatility and bilateral correlations. By exploiting the recent publication of intervention data by the Bank of England, this study is able to investigate fficial interventions by a total number of four central banks, while the previous studies have been limited to three (the Federal Reserve, Bundesbank and Bank of Japan). The results of the existing literature are reappraised and refined. In particular, unilateral CBI is found to be more successful than coordinated CBI. The likely implications of these findings are then discussed.
In ‘Sugar Reduction: Responding to the Challenge’, PHE is calling on charities, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academics, businesses, retailers and consumers to work together to reduce the amount of sugar we eat as a nation. By analysing dietary data and discussing food habits with stakeholders, we have identified a range of areas that need exploring further. PHE already runs successful marketing campaigns designed to promote healthy living. To build on this, we also want to look at the way foods are being advertised to children, financial measures that relate to sugar sweetened drinks, food procurement across the public sector and education and training. Today, PHE received a draft report from the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN): ‘Carbohydrates and Health’. PHE is particularly interested in SACN’s research because it is clear that the nation is consuming more sugar than the UK’s current recommendations. Diets high in sugar can contribute to excess calorie intake, which can lead to weight gain and obesity.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate nutritional status and dietary habits after implementation of a nutritional education program in professional handball players. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Longitudinal study of 14 handball players evaluated with 72-h recall, a questionnaire on food consumption and anthropometric measures during 4 months. The intervention consisted of a nutrition education program. RESULTS: Energy intake was consistently below the recommended allowances. Macronutrient intakes as a percentage of total energy intake were below the recommended allowances for carbohydrates, and above recommended allowances for fats. Nutritional education was followed by a significant increase (p < 0.01) in total energy and macronutrient intakes, with no significant changes in macronutrient or micronutrient intakes after adjustment for energy intake. DISCUSSION: The imbalance in nutrient intake in handball players suggests that detailed re-analysis is needed to determine specific recommendations for this population. Nutritional education with continuous follow-up to monitor athletes' dietary habits may lead them to adopt appropriate nutritional habits to optimize dietary intakes. The lack of specific recommendations for micronutrient intakes in athletes leads to confusion regarding appropriate intakes; biochemical tests that yield normal values (albeit approaching cut-off values for deficiency) may disguise deficient status for some nutrients when strenuous exercise is involved. CONCLUSION: In-depth studies with nutrition education programs that include long-term follow-up are advisable to avoid deficiencies that can lead to irreversible damage in competitive athletes.
Species distribution models (SDMs) are increasingly proposed to support conservation decision making. However, evidence of SDMs supporting solutions for on-ground conservation problems is still scarce in the scientific literature. Here, we show that successful examples exist but are still largely hidden in the grey literature, and thus less accessible for analysis and learning. Furthermore, the decision framework within which SDMs are used is rarely made explicit. Using case studies from biological invasions, identification of critical habitats, reserve selection and translocation of endangered species, we propose that SDMs may be tailored to suit a range of decision-making contexts when used within a structured and transparent decision-making process. To construct appropriate SDMs to more effectively guide conservation actions, modellers need to better understand the decision process, and decision makers need to provide feedback to modellers regarding the actual use of SDMs to support conservation decisions. This could be facilitated by individuals or institutions playing the role of 'translators' between modellers and decision makers. We encourage species distribution modellers to get involved in real decision-making processes that will benefit from their technical input; this strategy has the potential to better bridge theory and practice, and contribute to improve both scientific knowledge and conservation outcomes.
Energy substrate used by workers of leaf-cutting ants during nest excavation. In this study we aimed to ascertain whether leaf-cutting ant workers lose body reserves (fat or sugars) as a function of nest excavation. For each treatment, we isolated 10 workers of Atta sexdens into two experimental groups, Control (C- without excavation) and Soil (S- with excavation), which were kept for different time intervals (0, 24, 48 or 72 hours), totaling 700 tested workers. We then determined the concentration of soluble carbohydrates and total lipid content in them. The total carbohydrates were determined colorimetrically, based on the reaction between carbohydrates and sulfuric acid-phenol. For determination of lipids, the insects were immersed in organic solvent until they reached a constant weight. Our results showed that carbohydrates are consumed during nest excavation activities. In the experimental groups S24, S48 and S72, there was an average reduction of 5.82 (20.42%), 14.31 (44.96%) and 13.27 (43.96%) µ.mg-1 in soluble sugar when compared with the experimental groups that did not excavate. Furthermore, the lipids were not used during this activity. With respect to dry mass of the workers, their values were C0 = 8%, C24 = 10.4%, C48 = 9.2%, C72 = 10%, S24 = 9.2%, S48 = 8.7% and S72 = 8.5%. Our results show experimentally that the source of energy for nest excavation is carbohydrates, whereas lipids are conserved for other activities.
Trends in food availability in Switzerland were assessed using the Food and Agricultural Organization food balance sheets for the period 1961-2007. A relatively stable trend in the daily caloric supply was found: 3545 kcal/day in 1961 and 3465 kcal/day in 2007. Calories associated with carbohydrates decreased (slope±s.e.: -1.1±0.2 kcal/day/year), namely regarding cereals (-2.9±0.6 kcal/day/year) and fruit (-1.5±0.1 kcal/day/year), while the availability of sugars increased (1.2±0.5 kcal/day/year). In 1961, protein, fat, carbohydrates and alcohol represented 10.6, 33.5, 50.0 and 5.9% of total caloric supply, respectively; in 2007, the values were 10.8, 40.3, 43.7 and 5.2%. In 1961, palm, groundnut and sunflowerseed oil represented 3.4, 30.7 and 5.3% of total vegetable oils, respectively; in 2007, the values were 10.4, 3.7 and 31.6%. We conclude that between 1961 and 2007 total caloric availability remained relatively stable in Switzerland; the health effects of the increased and differing fat availability should be evaluated.