998 resultados para Renda - Distribuição - Brasil - 1976-1997


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This paper investigates the income inequality generated by a jobsearch process when di§erent cohorts of homogeneous workers are allowed to have di§erent degrees of impatience. Using the fact the average wage under the invariant Markovian distribution is a decreasing function of the time preference (Cysne (2004)), I show that the Lorenz curve and the between-cohort Gini coe¢ cient of income inequality can be easily derived in this case. An example with arbitrary measures regarding the wage o§ers and the distribution of time preferences among cohorts provides some quantitative insights into how much income inequality can be generated, and into how it varies as a function of the probability of unemployment and of the probability that the worker does not Önd a job o§er each period.


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Latin America is the region that bears the highest rates of inequality in the world. Deininger and Squire (1996) showed that Latin American countries achieved only minor reductions in inequality between 1960 and 1990. On the other hand, East Asian countries, recurrently cited in recent literature on this issue, have significantly narrowed the gap in income inequality, while achieving sustained economic growth. These facts have triggered a renewed discussion on the relationship between income inequality and economic growth. According to the above literature, income inequality could have an adverse effect on countries’ growth rates. The main authors who spouse this line of thinking are Persson and Tebellini (1994), Alesina and Rodrik (1994), Perotti (1996), Bénabou (1996), and Deininger and Squire (1996, 1998). More recently, however, articles were published that questioned the evidence presented previously. Representatives of this new point of view, namely Li and Zou (1998), Barro (1999), Deininger and Olinto (2000) and Forbes (2000), believe that the relation between these variables can be positive, i.e., income inequality can indeed foster economic growth. Using this literature as a starting point, this article seeks to evaluate the relation between income inequality and economic growth in Latin America, based on a 13-country panel, from 1970 to 1995. After briefly reviewing the above articles, this study estimates the per capita GDP and growth rate equations, based on the neoclassical approach for economic growth. It also estimates the Kuznets curve for this sample of countries. Econometric results are in line with recent work conducted in this area – particularly Li and Zou (1998) and Forbes (2000) – and confirm the positive relation between inequality and growth, and also support Kuznets hypothesis.


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Este trabalho investiga a mediação comunitária como ferramenta de acesso à justiça para a população de baixa renda no Brasil, a partir da sua implementação por meio de um projeto social, conduzido nos limites de uma organização não governamental. Sua elaboração partiu do estudo sobre o funcionamento de três núcleos do "Balcão de Direitos" da ONG Viva Rio. A resolução de conflitos em ambiente institucional caracterizada pela impositividade do direito difere da disputa administrada em ambiente informal, onde a vontade e a cooperação dos pares são os elementos que conduzem a efetividade da lei. O "campo" objeto do nosso estudo conforma uma arena interacional com características peculiares que comporta poder comunicacional, autoridade e legitimidade local. Analisando a atividade dos núcleos de mediação do Balcão de Direitos neste contexto, observei a sua vocação para a valorização da cidadania, e a mediação comunitária como processo multidisciplinar e transversal orientado para o "empoderamento" dos setores vulneráveis, através do investimento nas formas de "comunicação" entre os interlocutores das possíveis relações sociais. Em minha conclusão, o modelo pelo qual tal enfrentamento poderia ser conduzido, parece, ainda, uma hipótese sujeita a melhor verificação.


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Este trabalho investiga a importância da distribuição de renda sobre o crescimento econômico. Construímos um banco de dados de desigualdade mais amplo e representativo que o comumentemente usado na literatura. Utilizamos o estimador de GMM por sistemas para estimar os parâmetros de interesse. Encontramos evidências de uma relação negativa entre desigualdade e crescimento ao utilizarmos o banco de dados restrito e evidências de uma relação positiva entre desigualdade e crescimento quando utilizamos o banco de dados ampliado. Os coeficientes encontrados indicam que a desigualdade afeta o crescimento de maneira marginal.


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This essay aims to discuss local development under the prospect of coordinated intervention of multiple organizations, considering different thematic areas of action, different economic sectors and regions of origin; structured in different methodologies and owners of different social technologies field of expertises. Search to identify determinants, facilitators, and restrictive factors of cross sectorial and cross organizational coordination processes for a common purpose. The field research was conducted at a region of State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where a group of 13 organizations that fit the profile described above, joined up to work jointly, facilitating the environment for local development. The region is between those with the lowest incomes in Brazil. The objective of this study was to verifry what extent the practices implemented by the organizations context (the municipality in question has population of less than 40.000 inhabitants), are contributing to the formation and / or strengthening of a local scene of more opportunities that compete for the quality of life of the population. To meet this goal were interviewd 52 citizens between representatives of organizations, the government, civil society and citizens directly benefit from the Sustainable Araçuaí iniciative, using the semi-structured interview. The result has been the relationship between partnerships determining factors, facilitators and restrictive labour, structured on a conceptual map, and the perception of the impact that these actions have caused coordinates the council from the perspective of the interviewees


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Trata da reestruturação do setor elétrico brasileiro implementada na segunda metade dos anos 90, enfatizando o surgimento das empresas de transmissão de energia elétrica. Analisa os modelos de tarifação existentes e sua utilização no caso brasileiro. Examina a taxa de retorno e os riscos envolvidos no negócio de transmissão de energia, sugerindo uma proposta de remuneração para as empresas deste segmento.


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A tese busca examinar dois desenvolvimentos de grandes conseqüências na América Latina nas últimas três décadas do século XX. Ela procura testar as teorias sobre políticas distributivas examinando os efeitos da democracia e da globalização no estado de bem-estar na América Latina utilizando dados de séries temporais para 15 países entre 1973 e 2000.


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Trata-se de estudo exploratório com o fito de identificar possíveis elementos condicionadores (estimulantes ou inibidores) do desenvolvimento social observado em um grupo de municípios paulistas ao longo dos anos noventa. A melhoria expressiva dos indicadores sociais ocorreu a despeito de esses municípios enfrentarem severa precariedade socioeconômica no início daquela década, e conviveu com desenvolvimento econômico inexpressivo em comparação com as médias estaduais. Encontra amparo teórico nos trabalhos de Gustav Ranis, Frances Stewart e Alejandro Ramirez, os quais se concentram nas conexões entre crescimento econômico e desenvolvimento humano, entendendo que essas ocorrem em dois sentidos, ou duas cadeias (chains).


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This paper explores the distortions on the cost of education, associated with government policies and institutional factors, as an additional determinant of cross-country income differences. Agents are finitely lived and the model takes into account life-cycle features of human capital accumulation. There are two sectors, one producing goods and the other providing educational services. The model is calibrated and simulated for 89 economies. We find that human capital taxation has a relevant impact on incomes, which is amplified by its indirect effect on returns to physical capital. Life expectancy plays an important role in determining long-run output: the expansion of the population working life increases the present value of the flow of wages, which induces further human capital investment and raises incomes. Although in our simulations the largest gains are observed when productivity is equated across countries, changes in longevity and in the incentives to educational investment are too relevant to ignore.


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This paper was developed as part of a broader research program on the political economy of exchange rate policies in Latin America and the Caribbean. We are grateful for helpful comments and suggestions from Jeff Frieden, Ernesto Stein, Jorge Streb, Marcelo Neri and seminar participants at Getulio Vargas Foundation, PUC-Rio, IDB workshop on The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, and LACEA meeting in Buenos Aires. We thank René Garcia for providing us with a Fortran program for estimating the Markov Switching Model, Ilan Goldfajn for sending us updated estimates of the real exchange rate series of Goldfajn and Valdés (1996), Altamir Lopes and Ricardo Markwald for kindly furnishing data on Brazilian external accounts, and Carla Bernardes, Gabriela Domingues, Juliana Pessoa de Araújo, and, specially, Marcelo Pinheiro for excellent research assistant. Both authors thank CNPq for a research fellowship.


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In this paper, we investigate the nature of income inequality across nations. First, rather than functional forms or parameter values in calibration exercises that can potentially drives results, we estimate, test, and distinguish between types of aggregate production functions currently used in the growth literature. Next, given our panel-regression estimates, we perform several exercises, such as variance decompositions, simulations and counter-factual analyses. The picture that emerges is one where countries grew in the past for different reasons, which should be an important ingredient in policy design. Although there is not a single-factor explanation for the difference in output per-worker across nations, inequality, followed by distortions to capital accumulations and them by human capital accumulation.