990 resultados para Redes Sociais online
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
No presente estudo investigamos as relações interpessoais humanas. Especificamente buscamos com ele, replicar parcialmente o trabalho de Stiller e Dunbar (2007) usando o mesmo instrumento, porém utilizando outro tipo de amostra. O objetivo principal foi verificar se as redes sociais desses estudantes estão de acordo com a Hipótese do Cérebro Social, segundo a qual seres humanos seriam capazes de manter e administrar um determinado número de relações interpessoais, por volta de 150 pessoas. Encontramos uma média de 52,53 contatos sociais, inferior ao predito pela Hipótese, despendendo com esses cerca de 25% do seu tempo. Houve correlações significativas entre as variáveis Tamanho da rede social, Freqüência, Tempo de contato, Proximidade Emocional e Coeficiente de parentesco, na rede social em geral, na rede de parentes e na rede de amigos. Em todos os casos, mesmo com a disponibilidade de tecnologias de comunicação à longa distância, os respondentes preferiram contatos face-a-face com os membros da rede social. Discutimos os resultados a partir de quatro hipóteses que não são mutuamente exclusivas. Por outro lado, foram confirmadas hipóteses secundárias, sobre a composição das redes sociais e sobre a interação entre Tamanho da rede, Freqüência e Tempo de Interações e Proximidade emocional. Estudos adicionais são necessários para esclarecer as diferenças encontradas, bem como a influência de outras variáveis que possam aumentar a compreensão das redes sociais.
As experiências de sucesso na estratégia de motivar as populações locais, organizá-las e treiná-las, para a realização de inovações produtivas, revelam que as comunidades onde os indivíduos interagem mais uns com os outros e em que a rede de relações sociais, em seu conjunto, está bem integrada tendem a superar as suas limitações com mais facilidade, tirando-se maior proveito das oportunidades que favorecem a elaboração de estratégias e táticas coletivas, aumentando o poder de escolha e de decisão dos atores envolvidos.
O texto discute as tensões emergentes nos processos em curso nas áreas remanescentes de quilombos do sudeste paulista, entre a ação coletiva mediada por um movimento social, e reforçada pelo reconhecimento legal de um direito coletivo ao território, e estratégias múltiplas dos agentes locais visando contornar a precariedade de sua condição social e econômica, por meio de uma abordagem etnográfica de redes sociais, entendendo essas tensões como críticas para as políticas sociais cujo objetivo é o desenvolvimento territorial.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Social networks can measure the scientific collaboration among researchers, institutions and countries, making visible the investigative behavior of any field. Indexing language is a theme primarily approached by the area of information organization and representation. This paper presents the formation of social networks related to the indexing language theme using the available curricula on the Lattes Platform. Co-authorship analyses were done for researchers and institutions, as well as information about the journals most used to communicate the theme and knowledge areas that deal with investigations of indexing languages. It was found that co-authorship index is high, but the social networks of the respective theme are designed in a localized way.
The aim of this research is to point out the most productive researchers and institutions in the “Social Network” theme, in the ENANCIBs, from 2009 to 2010, as well as to describe their institutional scientific collaboration network. As research procedure, we searched for works with the entry network in the annuals of the event. 169 works were found, from which 120 were developed in co-authorship by 40 institutions. A matrix with the institutional coauthorships was created and the scientific collaboration network was reached. The results point out the same number of both most productive institutions and most productive authors. As for the scientific collaboration network, it is relevant that 37 institutions are interconnected by co-authorship. It’s also relevant that the studies in social network have been more and more present in the Information Science, mainly as investigative method for the construction of knowledge.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This experimental project consists of a proposal for an editorial product in a magazine format that approaches in its pages the aspects on the use of social media on internet. For the production of the reports the spheres of sociability, leisure and professional development were explored. The editorial product approached the editorials of sociability, leisure, culture, ethics, consumption, politics and sports. The influence of the social media was demonstrated in the scope of each of these editorials. The magazine, named Follow, was elaborated in order to reach readers ranging from 21 to 60 years old, with an accessible language. The first edition of Follow was concluded in November 2010, with the format 17,5 X 25,4 cm. The magazine has 40 pages of editorial content and 4 pages corresponding to the cover and back cover. Follow’s production proposed itself as a contribution to the practices of editorial innovation in the communication market
This study aims to discuss the social media presence of the Brazilian newspapers Estadão and Folha de São Paulo, and how both have been working their way of communication on Facebook, the world famous social network. This study conducts a theoretical and conceptual review on the social media field and the digital media tendencies of journalism. It is also pointed out how the fanpages development was conceived -- recently, these fanpages have been aiming to find a way to approach their readers and interact with them. How both newspapers found a brand-new model on their social networks and how this model contributed to a more participative and equal communication, which involves the social network users, are worth of mention goals in this research
The growing concern of experts in organizational communication with appropriate business relationships with its various stakeholders through digital platforms causes an upgrowth on the number of studies on the topic of social media. The social network communication receives analysis in different approaches, ranging from behavioral changes to the instrumentalization of these tools for marketing, relationship and information exchange. The objective of this monograph is to make an exploratory study that relates to organizational communication and social media, and discuss how the theories can contribute to the optimization of communication mediated by specific platforms that bring with them opportunities for interaction and relationship in the digital environment
The current rise of the Internet has allowed distances being shortened more and more-creating virtual communities with the most different people, discussing and debating opinions about their environments, what they consume or what they do. Social media has put the people and, consequently, organizations gradually changing their positions about the environment in which they are inserted. Organizations are forced to adapt to new media-always attentive to what people are saying about them. The objective of this project is to give the Public Relations the activity to analyze what is going on in these social networks, always ahead of the organization, posing as a mediator of public opinion between social networks and the organization