977 resultados para Real time localization system RTLS,Ultra-wideband UWB,Filtraggio Bayesiano,GDOP


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Since its official public release, Android has captured the interest from companies, developers and the general audience. From that time up to now, this software platform has been constantly improved either in terms of features or supported hardware and, at the same time, extended to new types of devices different from the originally intended mobile ones. However, there is a feature that has not been explored yet - its real-time capabilities. This paper intends to explore this gap and provide a basis for discussion on the suitability of Android in order to be used in Open Real-Time environments. By analysing the software platform, with the main focus on the virtual machine and its underlying operating system environments, we are able to point out its current limitations and, therefore, provide a hint on different perspectives of directions in order to make Android suitable for these environments. It is our position that Android may provide a suitable architecture for real-time embedded systems, but the real-time community should address its limitations in a joint effort at all of the platform layers.


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In distributed soft real-time systems, maximizing the aggregate quality-of-service (QoS) is a typical system-wide goal, and addressing the problem through distributed optimization is challenging. Subtasks are subject to unpredictable failures in many practical environments, and this makes the problem much harder. In this paper, we present a robust optimization framework for maximizing the aggregate QoS in the presence of random failures. We introduce the notion of K-failure to bound the effect of random failures on schedulability. Using this notion we define the concept of K-robustness that quantifies the degree of robustness on QoS guarantee in a probabilistic sense. The parameter K helps to tradeoff achievable QoS versus robustness. The proposed robust framework produces optimal solutions through distributed computations on the basis of Lagrangian duality, and we present some implementation techniques. Our simulation results show that the proposed framework can probabilistically guarantee sub-optimal QoS which remains feasible even in the presence of random failures.


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Replication is a proven concept for increasing the availability of distributed systems. However, actively replicating every software component in distributed embedded systems may not be a feasible approach. Not only the available resources are often limited, but also the imposed overhead could significantly degrade the system’s performance. This paper proposes heuristics to dynamically determine which components to replicate based on their significance to the system as a whole, its consequent number of passive replicas, and where to place those replicas in the network. The activation of passive replicas is coordinated through a fast convergence protocol that reduces the complexity of the needed interactions among nodes until a new collective global service solution is determined.


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Behavioral biometrics is one of the areas with growing interest within the biosignal research community. A recent trend in the field is ECG-based biometrics, where electrocardiographic (ECG) signals are used as input to the biometric system. Previous work has shown this to be a promising trait, with the potential to serve as a good complement to other existing, and already more established modalities, due to its intrinsic characteristics. In this paper, we propose a system for ECG biometrics centered on signals acquired at the subject's hand. Our work is based on a previously developed custom, non-intrusive sensing apparatus for data acquisition at the hands, and involved the pre-processing of the ECG signals, and evaluation of two classification approaches targeted at real-time or near real-time applications. Preliminary results show that this system leads to competitive results both for authentication and identification, and further validate the potential of ECG signals as a complementary modality in the toolbox of the biometric system designer.


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A área da simulação computacional teve um rápido crescimento desde o seu apareciment, sendo actualmente uma das ciências de gestão e de investigação operacional mais utilizadas. O seu princípio baseia-se na replicação da operação de processos ou sistemas ao longo de períodos de tempo, tornando-se assim uma metodologia indispensável para a resolução de variados problemas do mundo real, independentemente da sua complexidade. Das inúmeras áreas de aplicação, nos mais diversos campos, a que mais se destaca é a utilização em sistemas de produção, onde o leque de aplicações disponível é muito vasto. A sua aplicação tem vindo a ser utilizada para solucionar problemas em sistemas de produção, uma vez que permite às empresas ajustar e planear de uma maneira rápida, eficaz e ponderada as suas operações e os seus sistemas, permitindo assim uma rápida adaptação das mesmas às constantes mudanças das necessidades da economia global. As aplicações e packages de simulação têm seguindo as tendências tecnológicas pelo que é notório o recurso a tecnologias orientadas a objectos para o desenvolvimento das mesmas. Este estudo baseou-se, numa primeira fase, na recolha de informação de suporte aos conceitos de modelação e simulação, bem como a respectiva aplicação a sistemas de produção em tempo real. Posteriormente centralizou-se no desenvolvimento de um protótipo de uma aplicação de simulação de ambientes de fabrico em tempo real. O desenvolvimento desta ferramenta teve em vista eventuais fins pedagógicos e uma utilização a nível académico, sendo esta capaz de simular um modelo de um sistema de produção, estando também dotada de animação. Sem deixar de parte a possibilidade de integração de outros módulos ou, até mesmo, em outras plataformas, houve ainda a preocupação acrescida de que a sua implementação recorresse a metodologias de desenvolvimento orientadas a objectos.


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Fault injection is frequently used for the verification and validation of the fault tolerant features of microprocessors. This paper proposes the modification of a common on-chip debugging (OCD) infrastructure to add fault injection capabilities and improve performance. The proposed solution imposes a very low logic overhead and provides a flexible and efficient mechanism for the execution of fault injection campaigns, being applicable to different target system architectures.


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The accuracy of the Navigation Satellite Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements is insufficient for many outdoor navigation tasks. As a result, in the late nineties, a new methodology – the Differential GPS (DGPS) – was developed. The differential approach is based on the calculation and dissemination of the range errors of the GPS satellites received. GPS/DGPS receivers correlate the broadcasted GPS data with the DGPS corrections, granting users increased accuracy. DGPS data can be disseminated using terrestrial radio beacons, satellites and, more recently, the Internet. Our goal is to provide mobile platforms within our campus with DGPS data for precise outdoor navigation. To achieve this objective, we designed and implemented a three-tier client/server distributed system that establishes Internet links with remote DGPS sources and performs campus-wide dissemination of the obtained data. The Internet links are established between data servers connected to remote DGPS sources and the client, which is the data input module of the campus-wide DGPS data provider. The campus DGPS data provider allows the establishment of both Intranet and wireless links within the campus. This distributed system is expected to provide adequate support for accurate (submetric) outdoor navigation tasks.


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Task scheduling is one of the key mechanisms to ensure timeliness in embedded real-time systems. Such systems have often the need to execute not only application tasks but also some urgent routines (e.g. error-detection actions, consistency checkers, interrupt handlers) with minimum latency. Although fixed-priority schedulers such as Rate-Monotonic (RM) are in line with this need, they usually make a low processor utilization available to the system. Moreover, this availability usually decreases with the number of considered tasks. If dynamic-priority schedulers such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF) are applied instead, high system utilization can be guaranteed but the minimum latency for executing urgent routines may not be ensured. In this paper we describe a scheduling model according to which urgent routines are executed at the highest priority level and all other system tasks are scheduled by EDF. We show that the guaranteed processor utilization for the assumed scheduling model is at least as high as the one provided by RM for two tasks, namely 2(2√−1). Seven polynomial time tests for checking the system timeliness are derived and proved correct. The proposed tests are compared against each other and to an exact but exponential running time test.


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Technology is present in almost every simple aspect of the people’s daily life. As an instance, let us refer to the smartphone. This device is usually equipped with a GPS modulewhich may be used as an orientation system, if it carries the right functionalities. The problem is that these applications may be complex to operate and may not be within the bounds of everybody. Therefore, the main goal here is to develop an orientation system that may help people with cognitive disabilities in their day-to-day journeys, when the caregivers are absent. On the other hand, to keep paid helpers aware of the current location of the disable people, it will be also considered a localization system. Knowing their current locations, caregiversmay engage in others activities without neglecting their prime work, and, at the same time, turning people with cognitive disabilities more independent.


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Recent and future changes in power systems, mainly in the smart grid operation context, are related to a high complexity of power networks operation. This leads to more complex communications and to higher network elements monitoring and control levels, both from network’s and consumers’ standpoint. The present work focuses on a real scenario of the LASIE laboratory, located at the Polytechnic of Porto. Laboratory systems are managed by the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM), already developed by the authors based on a SCADA system. The SHIM capacities have been recently improved by including real-time simulation from Opal RT. This makes possible the integration of Matlab®/Simulink® real-time simulation models. The main goal of the present paper is to compare the advantages of the resulting improved system, while managing the energy consumption of a domestic consumer.


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The use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) will change significantly the planning and management of power systems in a near future. This paper proposes a real-time tariff strategy for the charge process of the EVs. The main objective is to evaluate the influence of real-time tariffs in the EVs owners’ behaviour and also the impact in load diagram. The paper proposes the energy price variation according to the relation between wind generation and power consumption. The proposed strategy was tested in two different days in the Danish power system. January 31st and August 13th 2013 were selected because of the high quantities of wind generation. The main goal is to evaluate the changes in the EVs charging diagram with the energy price preventing wind curtailment.


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Dissertation presented at Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon to attain the Master degree in Electrical and Computer Science Engineering


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An ever increasing need for extra functionality in a single embedded system demands for extra Input/Output (I/O) devices, which are usually connected externally and are expensive in terms of energy consumption. To reduce their energy consumption, these devices are equipped with power saving mechanisms. While I/O device scheduling for real-time (RT) systems with such power saving features has been studied in the past, the use of energy resources by these scheduling algorithms may be improved. Technology enhancements in the semiconductor industry have allowed the hardware vendors to reduce the device transition and energy overheads. The decrease in overhead of sleep transitions has opened new opportunities to further reduce the device energy consumption. In this research effort, we propose an intra-task device scheduling algorithm for real-time systems that wakes up a device on demand and reduces its active time while ensuring system schedulability. This intra-task device scheduling algorithm is extended for devices with multiple sleep states to further minimise the overall device energy consumption of the system. The proposed algorithms have less complexity when compared to the conservative inter-task device scheduling algorithms. The system model used relaxes some of the assumptions commonly made in the state-of-the-art that restrict their practical relevance. Apart from the aforementioned advantages, the proposed algorithms are shown to demonstrate the substantial energy savings.


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Many-core platforms are an emerging technology in the real-time embedded domain. These devices offer various options for power savings, cost reductions and contribute to the overall system flexibility, however, issues such as unpredictability, scalability and analysis pessimism are serious challenges to their integration into the aforementioned area. The focus of this work is on many-core platforms using a limited migrative model (LMM). LMM is an approach based on the fundamental concepts of the multi-kernel paradigm, which is a promising step towards scalable and predictable many-cores. In this work, we formulate the problem of real-time application mapping on a many-core platform using LMM, and propose a three-stage method to solve it. An extended version of the existing analysis is used to assure that derived mappings (i) guarantee the fulfilment of timing constraints posed on worst-case communication delays of individual applications, and (ii) provide an environment to perform load balancing for e.g. energy/thermal management, fault tolerance and/or performance reasons.


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Over the past decades several approaches for schedulability analysis have been proposed for both uni-processor and multi-processor real-time systems. Although different techniques are employed, very little has been put forward in using formal specifications, with the consequent possibility for mis-interpretations or ambiguities in the problem statement. Using a logic based approach to schedulability analysis in the design of hard real-time systems eases the synthesis of correct-by-construction procedures for both static and dynamic verification processes. In this paper we propose a novel approach to schedulability analysis based on a timed temporal logic with time durations. Our approach subsumes classical methods for uni-processor scheduling analysis over compositional resource models by providing the developer with counter-examples, and by ruling out schedules that cause unsafe violations on the system. We also provide an example showing the effectiveness of our proposal.