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We demonstrate the activity of Ti0.84Pt0.01Fe0.15O2-delta and Ti0.73Pd0.02Fe0.25O2-delta catalysts towards the CO oxidation and water gas shift (VMS) reaction. Both the catalysts were synthesized in the nano crystalline form by a low temperature sonochemical method and characterized by different techniques such as XRD, FT-Raman, TEM, FT-IR, XPS and BET surface analyzer. H-2-TPR results corroborate the intimate contact between noble metal and Fe ions in the both catalysts that facilitates the reducibility of the support. In the absence of feed CO2 and H-2, nearly 100% conversion of CO to CO2 with 100% H-2 selectivity was observed at 300 degrees C and 260 degrees C respectively, for Ti0.84Pt0.01Fe0.15O2-delta and Ti0.73Pd0.02Fe0.25O2-delta catalyst. However, the catalytic performance of Ti0.73Pd0.02Fe0.25O2-delta deteriorates in the presence of feed CO2 and H-2. The change in the support reducibility is the primary reason for the significant increase in the activity for CO oxidation and WGS reaction. The effect of Fe addition was more significant in Ti0.73Pd0.02Fe0.25O2-delta than Ti0.84Pt0.01Fe0.15O2-delta. Based on the spectroscopic evidences and surface phenomena, a hybrid reaction scheme utilizing both surface hydroxyl groups and the lattice oxygen was hypothesized over these catalysts for WGS reaction. The mechanisms based on the formate and redox pathway were used to fit the ldnetic data. The analysis of experimental data shows the redox mechanism is the dominant pathway over these catalysts. Copyright (C) 2012, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this report, electronically non-adiabatic decomposition pathways of clusters of dimethylnitramine and aluminum (DMNA-Al and DMNA-Al-2) are discussed in comparison to isolated dimethylnitramine (DMNA). Electronically excited state processes of DMNA-Al and DMNA-Al-2 are explored using the complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) and the restricted active space self-consistent field (RASSCF) theories, respectively. Similar to the nitro-nitrite isomerization reaction pathway of DMNA, DMNA-Al-n clusters also exhibit isomerization pathway. However, it involves several other steps, such as, first Al-O bond dissociation, then N-N bond dissociation followed by isomerization and finally NO elimination. Furthermore, DMNA-Al-n clusters exhibit overall exothermic decomposition reaction pathway and isolated DMNA shows overall endothermic reaction channel.


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Nucleic acids are most commonly associated with the genetic code, transcription and gene expression. Recently, interest has grown in engineering nucleic acids for biological applications such as controlling or detecting gene expression. The natural presence and functionality of nucleic acids within living organisms coupled with their thermodynamic properties of base-pairing make them ideal for interfacing (and possibly altering) biological systems. We use engineered small conditional RNA or DNA (scRNA, scDNA, respectively) molecules to control and detect gene expression. Three novel systems are presented: two for conditional down-regulation of gene expression via RNA interference (RNAi) and a third system for simultaneous sensitive detection of multiple RNAs using labeled scRNAs.

RNAi is a powerful tool to study genetic circuits by knocking down a gene of interest. RNAi executes the logic: If gene Y is detected, silence gene Y. The fact that detection and silencing are restricted to the same gene means that RNAi is constitutively on. This poses a significant limitation when spatiotemporal control is needed. In this work, we engineered small nucleic acid molecules that execute the logic: If mRNA X is detected, form a Dicer substrate that targets independent mRNA Y for silencing. This is a step towards implementing the logic of conditional RNAi: If gene X is detected, silence gene Y. We use scRNAs and scDNAs to engineer signal transduction cascades that produce an RNAi effector molecule in response to hybridization to a nucleic acid target X. The first mechanism is solely based on hybridization cascades and uses scRNAs to produce a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) Dicer substrate against target gene Y. The second mechanism is based on hybridization of scDNAs to detect a nucleic acid target and produce a template for transcription of a short hairpin RNA (shRNA) Dicer substrate against target gene Y. Test-tube studies for both mechanisms demonstrate that the output Dicer substrate is produced predominantly in the presence of a correct input target and is cleaved by Dicer to produce a small interfering RNA (siRNA). Both output products can lead to gene knockdown in tissue culture. To date, signal transduction is not observed in cells; possible reasons are explored.

Signal transduction cascades are composed of multiple scRNAs (or scDNAs). The need to study multiple molecules simultaneously has motivated the development of a highly sensitive method for multiplexed northern blots. The core technology of our system is the utilization of a hybridization chain reaction (HCR) of scRNAs as the detection signal for a northern blot. To achieve multiplexing (simultaneous detection of multiple genes), we use fluorescently tagged scRNAs. Moreover, by using radioactive labeling of scRNAs, the system exhibits a five-fold increase, compared to the literature, in detection sensitivity. Sensitive multiplexed northern blot detection provides an avenue for exploring the fate of scRNAs and scDNAs in tissue culture.


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A study was conducted on the adsorption of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4 to activated carbon. Preliminary adsorption experiments were also made with poliovirus Type III. The effectiveness of such adsorbents as diatomaceous earth, Ottawa sand, and coconut charcoal was also tested for virus adsorption.

The kinetics of adsorption were studied in an agitated solution containing virus and carbon. The mechanism of attachment and site characteristics were investigated by varying pH and ionic strength and using site-blocking reagents.

Plaque assay procedures were developed for bacteriophage T4 on Escherichia coli cells and poliovirus Type III on monkey kidney cells. Factors influencing the efficiency of plaque formation were investigated.

The kinetics of bacteriophage T4 adsorption to activated carbon can be described by a reversible second-order equation. The reaction order was first order with respect to both virus and carbon concentration. This kinetic representation, however, is probably incorrect at optimum adsorption conditions, which occurred at a pH of 7.0 and ionic strength of 0.08. At optimum conditions the adsorption rate was satisfactorily described by a diffusion-limited process. Interpretation of adsorption data by a development of the diffusion equation for Langmuir adsorption yielded a diffusion coefficient of 12 X 10-8 cm2/sec for bacteriophage T4. This diffusion coefficient is in excellent agreement with the accepted value of 8 X 10-8 cm2/sec. A diffusion-limited theory may also represent adsorption at conditions other than the maximal. A clear conclusion on the limiting process cannot be made.

Adsorption of bacteriophage T4 to activated carbon obeys the Langmuir isotherm and is thermodynamically reversible. Thus virus is not inactivated by adsorption. Adsorption is unimolecular with very inefficient use of the available carbon surface area. The virus is probably completely excluded from pores due to its size.

Adsorption is of a physical nature and independent of temperature. Attraction is due to electrostatic forces between the virus and carbon. Effects of pH and ionic strength indicated that carboxyl groups, amino groups, and the virus's tail fibers are involved in the attachment of virus to carbon. The active sites on activated carbon for adsorption of bacteriophage T4 are carboxyl groups. Adsorption can be completely blocked by esterifying these groups.


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Alumina and alumina/mullite composites with mullite content of 0.96-8.72 vol.% were subjected to an abrasive wear test under loads of 0.1-2.0 N with a ball-on-disc apparatus. The wear rate and area fraction of pullout f(po) on the worn surfaces were measured. The wear resistances of the alumina/mullite composites were better by a factor of 1-2 than that of pure alumina. The main wear mechanism of alumina is fracture wear, and for alumina/mullite composites, fracture wear and plastic wear mechanisms work together. The influence of mechanical properties on wear resistance was estimated by Evans' method. It was found that the wear rate depends on f(po), and the primary reason for the better wear resistance of alumina/mullite composites is the reduction off, induced by fracture mode transition. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The angular momentum polarization and rotational state distributions of the H-2 and HCl products from the H + HCl reaction are calculated at a relative translational energy of 1.6 eV by using quasiclassical trajectories on two potential energy surfaces, one from G3 surface [T.C. Allison et al., J. Phys. Chem. 100 (1996) 13575], and the other from BW2 surface [W. Bian, H.-J. Werner, J. Chem. Phys. 112 (2000) 220]. Product rotational distributions obtained on the G3 potential energy surface (PES) are much closer to the experimental results (P.M. Aker et al., J. Chem. Phys. 90 (1989) 4795; J. Chem. Phys. 90 (1989) 4809) than the distributions calculated on the BW2 PES. The distributions of P(phi(r)) for the H-2 and HCl products obtained on the G3 PES are similar, whereas the rotational alignment effect of the H-2 product is stronger than that of the HCl product. In contrast to the polarization distributions obtained on the G3 PES, the rotational alignment effect of the two products calculated on the BW2 PES is similar. However, the abstraction reaction is dominated by out-of-plane mechanisms, while the exchange reaction is dominated by in-plane mechanisms. The significant difference of the product rotational polarization obtained on the G3 and BW2 PESs implies that the studies of the dynamical stereochemistry can provide a sensitive test for the accuracy of the PES. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reaction mechanism of Pt(0)-catalyzed diboration reaction of allenes is investigated by the density functional method B3LYP. The overall reaction mechanism is examined. The electronic mechanisms of the allene insertion into the Pt-B bond are discussed in terms of the electron donation, back-donation, and d-pi interaction. During allene insertion into the Pt-B bond, the internal carbon atom of allene is preferred over the terminal one due to the stronger electron back-donation and stronger charge transfer in the former case than that in the latter one.


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The catalytic mechanism for the oxidation of primary alcohols catalyzed by the two functional models of galactose oxidase (GOase), M-II L (M = Cu, Zn; L = N,N'-bis(3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxyphenyl)1-2-diiminoquinone)), has been studied by use of the density functional method B3LYP The catalytic cycle of Cu- and Zn-catalysts consists of two parts, namely, substrate oxidation (primary alcohol oxidation) and O-2 reduction (catalyst regeneration). The catalytic mechanisms have been studied for the two reaction pathways (route 1 and route 2). The calculations indicate that the hydrogen atom transfer within the substrate oxidation part is the rate-determining step for both catalysts, in agreement with the experimental observation.


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Different mechanisms for the formation of acetaldehyde and ethanol on the Rh-based catalysts were investigated by the TPR (temperature programmed reaction) method, and the active sites were studied by CO-TPD, TPSR (temperature programmed surface reaction of preadsorbed CO by H-2) and XPS techniques. The TPR results indicated that ethanol and acetaldehyde might be formed through different intermediates, whereas ethanol and methanol might result from the same intermediate. Results of CO-TPD, TPSR, and XPS showed that on the Rh-based catalyst, the structure of the active sites for the formation of C-2-oxygenates is ((RhxRhy+)-Rh-0)-O-Mn+ (M=Mn or Zr, x>>y, 2 less than or equal ton less than or equal to4). The tilt-adsorbed CO species is the main precursor for CO dissociation and the precursor for the formation of ethanol and methanol. Most of the linear and geminal adsorbed CO species desorbed below 500 K. Based on the suggested model of the active sites, detailed mechanisms for the formation of acetaldehyde and ethanol are proposed. Ethanol is formed by direct hydrogenation of the tilt-adsorbed CO molecules, followed by CH2 insertion into the surface CH2-O species and the succeeding hydrogenation step. Acetaldehyde is formed through CO insertion into the surface CH3-Rh species followed by hydrogenation, and the role of the promoters was to stabilize the intermediate of the surface acetyl species. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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The gut-hormone, ghrelin, activates the centrally expressed growth hormone secretagogue 1a (GHS-R1a) receptor, or ghrelin receptor. The ghrelin receptor is a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) expressed in several brain regions, including the arcuate nucleus (Arc), lateral hypothalamus (LH), ventral tegmental area (VTA), nucleus accumbens (NAcc) and amygdala. Activation of the GHS-R1a mediates a multitude of biological activities, including release of growth hormone and food intake. The ghrelin signalling system also plays a key role in the hedonic aspects of food intake and activates the dopaminergic mesolimbic circuit involved in reward signalling. Recently, ghrelin has been shown to be involved in mediating a stress response and to mediate stress-induced food reward behaviour via its interaction with the HPA-axis at the level of the anterior pituitary. Here, we focus on the role of the GHS-R1a receptor in reward behaviour, including the motivation to eat, its anxiogenic effects, and its role in impulsive behaviour. We investigate the functional selectivity and pharmacology of GHS-R1a receptor ligands as well as crosstalk of the GHS-R1a receptor with the serotonin 2C (5-HT2C) receptor, which represent another major target in the regulation of eating behaviour, stress-sensitivity and impulse control disorders. We demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, the direct impact of GHS-R1a signalling on impulsive responding in a 2-choice serial reaction time task (2CSRTT) and show a role for the 5-HT2C receptor in modulating amphetamine-associated impulsive action. Finally, we investigate differential gene expression patterns in the mesocorticolimbic pathway, specifically in the NAcc and PFC, between innate low- and high-impulsive rats. Together, these findings are poised to have important implications in the development of novel treatment strategies to combat eating disorders, including obesity and binge eating disorders as well as impulse control disorders, including, substance abuse and addiction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and mood disorders.


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Although people do not normally try to remember associations between faces and physical contexts, these associations are established automatically, as indicated by the difficulty of recognizing familiar faces in different contexts ("butcher-on-the-bus" phenomenon). The present fMRI study investigated the automatic binding of faces and scenes. In the face-face (F-F) condition, faces were presented alone during both encoding and retrieval, whereas in the face/scene-face (FS-F) condition, they were presented overlaid on scenes during encoding but alone during retrieval (context change). Although participants were instructed to focus only on the faces during both encoding and retrieval, recognition performance was worse in the FS-F than in the F-F condition ("context shift decrement" [CSD]), confirming automatic face-scene binding during encoding. This binding was mediated by the hippocampus as indicated by greater subsequent memory effects (remembered > forgotten) in this region for the FS-F than the F-F condition. Scene memory was mediated by right parahippocampal cortex, which was reactivated during successful retrieval when the faces were associated with a scene during encoding (FS-F condition). Analyses using the CSD as a regressor yielded a clear hemispheric asymmetry in medial temporal lobe activity during encoding: Left hippocampal and parahippocampal activity was associated with a smaller CSD, indicating more flexible memory representations immune to context changes, whereas right hippocampal/rhinal activity was associated with a larger CSD, indicating less flexible representations sensitive to context change. Taken together, the results clarify the neural mechanisms of context effects on face recognition.


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Recently, a chronic idiopathic disease of the esophagus has emerged, which is now known as eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). Incomplete knowledge regarding the pathogenesis of EoE has limited treatment options. EoE is known to be a Th2-type immune-mediated disorder. Based on previous studies in both patients and experimental models, it is possible that an abnormal reaction to antigen mediates the pathophysiology of EoE. In this thesis, symptoms and signs unique to EoE were identified by an age-matched, case-controlled study of 326 patients with EoE and gastroesophageal reflux disease. The molecular mechanisms involved in antigen detection in the esophagus, in relation to EoE were then investigated. Esophageal epithelial cells were found, for the first time, to be capable of acting as non-professional antigen presenting cells, with the ability to engulf, process and present antigen on MHC class II to T helper lymphocytes. Antigen presentation by esophageal epithelial cells was induced by interferon-γ, which is increased in biopsies from patients with EoE. Next, it was discovered that esophageal epithelial cell lines expressed functional toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR3, but in esophageal mucosal biopsies only infiltrating immune cells (including eosinophils) expressed TLR2 and TLR3. Finally, the potential involvement of IgE in the pathogenesis of esophageal inflammation was investigated. IgE in the esophagus was found to be present on mast cells, which are increased in density in the esophageal mucosae of patients with EoE and especially those with a history of atopy. Mechanisms of antigen detection may mediate the pathophysiology of EoE in the esophagus through antigen presentation by epithelial cells, detection by TLRs on immune cells and detection through IgE on mucosal mast cells. Together, these findings demonstrate that mechanisms of antigen detection may actually contribute to the pathophysiology of EoE. Through increased understanding of the mechanisms of EoE, the results of this thesis may contribute to future therapy.


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Translational energy spectroscopy (TES) has been used to study state-selective one-electron capture by H and He-like ions of C, N and O in both H and H-2 within the range 250-900 eV amu(- 1). The main collision mechanisms leading to state-selective electron capture have been identified, their relative importance assessed and compared, where possible, with theoretical predictions and with any previous measurements based on photon emission spectroscopy. For one-electron capture in H-2, the relative importance of contributions from non- dissociative and dissociative capture as well as from two- electron capture into autoionizing states is found to be strikingly different for the cases considered. Our TES measurements in atomic hydrogen provide an important extension of previous measurements to energies below 1000 eV amu(-1) and show that, as the impact energy decreases, electron capture becomes more selective until only a single n product channel is significant. These product main channels are well described by reaction windows calculated using a Landau-Zener approach. However, the same approach applied to the more complex energy- change spectra observed in H-2 is found to be less successful.


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The human colonic microbiota imparts metabolic versatility on the colon, interacts at many levels in healthy intestinal and systemic metabolism, and plays protective roles in chronic disease and acute infection. Colonic bacterial metabolism is largely dependant on dietary residues from the upper gut. Carbohydrates, resistant to digestion, drive colonic bacterial fermentation and the resulting end products are considered beneficial. Many colonic species ferment proteins but the end products are not always beneficial and include toxic compounds, such as amines and phenols. Most components of a typical Western diet are heat processed. The Maillard reaction, involving food protein and sugar, is a complex network of reactions occurring during thermal processing. The resultant modified protein resists digestion in the small intestine but is available for colonic bacterial fermentation. Little is known about the fate of the modified protein but some Maillard reaction products (MRP) are biologically active by, e.g. altering bacterial population levels within the colon or, upon absorption, interacting with human disease mechanisms by induction of inflammatory responses. This review presents current understanding of the interactions between MRP and intestinal bacteria. Recent scientific advances offering the possibility of elucidating the consequences of microbe-MRP interactions within the gut are discussed.


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There is some dispute as to whether methanol decomposition occurs by O-H bond scission or C-O bond scission. By carrying out density functional theory calculations, we investigate both scenario of the reaction pathways of methanol decomposition on a Pd(111) surface. It is shown that the O-H bond scission pathway is much more energetically favorable than the C-O bond scission pathway. The high reaction barrier in the latter case is found to be due to the poor bonding abilities of CH3 and OH with the surface at the reaction sites. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.