963 resultados para Radio refractivity
Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología) U.A.N.L.
Le présent mémoire vise à faire avancer la réflexion sur la conception de média alternatif à travers une analyse d’une organisation médiatique dite alternative, soit CISM 89,3 FM, la radio de campus de l’Université de Montréal. À partir de la littérature, l’auteur émet certaines interrogations et explore quelques pistes d’analyse en regard de cet univers médiatique. Suite à un travail sur le terrain, basé sur une série d’entrevues avec des acteurs oeuvrant au sein de CISM, ce travail de recherche permet de mettre en lumière certains éléments peu discutés dans la littérature. L’auteur met notamment en relief l’importance que revêt le statut d’alternatif pour CISM aux yeux de ses artisans, ainsi que la complexité de ce statut et les enjeux qu’il soulève. Le mémoire montre aussi, à travers les propos des personnes interrogées, la difficulté et les tensions avec lesquelles les artisans d’un tel média doivent jongler quotidiennement afin d’être fidèle à ce statut d’alternatif. C’est à travers ses remises en questions, ses points litigieux, ses tensions, ses négociations que CISM se définit à travers ce qu’est ou doit être un média alternatif. Mais, ce sont aussi ces tensions constantes qui lui permettent d’évoluer.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur la contribution que pourrait apporter l’Enseignement à distance par radio (EADR) dans la réduction du taux d’échec aux examens du baccalauréat 1ère partie en Haïti. De manière spécifique, nous souhaitions élaborer un programme d’ « Enseignement à distance par radio » (EADR) afin d’aider l’ensemble des candidats bacheliers des classes de Rhéto à préparer les examens du bac 1ère partie. En Haïti, l’Enseignement à distance (EAD) est pratiquement absent. De nombreux pays ayant eu des situations similaires à Haïti ont mis en place des programmes de « Formations ouvertes et à distance » (FOAD) en complémentarité avec le mode d’enseignement classique ou en mode présentiel. La complexité de la situation exige d’envisager diverses pistes pour sortir le système éducatif haïtien de cette léthargie. Si l’on ne peut considérer l’EAD comme l’unique perspective, il est par contre pertinent et souhaitable de l’envisager comme une alternative non négligeable (Lubérisse, 2003). En nous appuyant sur les principales conditions d’efficacité des FOAD définies par Karsenti (2003), les principes théoriques de type R & D (Van der Maren, 2003?), le cadre théorique de la méthodologie de l’évaluation des besoins de Chagnon et Paquette (Institut universitaire des Centres Jeunesses de Montréal, 2005) et de Roegiers, Wouters & Gerard (1992), nous avons élaboré les grandes lignes générales de ce programme d’EADR et les avons soumises à douze (12) acteurs clés du système éducatif haïtien (4 élèves, 3 parents, 2 enseignants et 3 spécialistes de la radio ou de l’EADR). Cette ébauche de programme comportait principalement les objectifs du programme d’EADR, la méthode pédagogique, le contenu et les conditions de mise en œuvre. Des données recueillies par le biais d’entrevues individuelles il ressort que l’implantation d’un programme d’EADR peut être bénéfique au système éducatif haïtien, particulièrement sur les résultats d’examens officiels du baccalauréat 1ère partie. Les douze participants à notre recherche, croient que l’objectif poursuivi par le programme d’EADR est tout à fait réalisable et important pour le public cible. Tout en notant l’aspect positif du programme d’EADR proposé, les participants réclament certaines modifications quant à la méthode pédagogique, au contenu et aux conditions de mise en œuvre. Ainsi, les recommandations faites par les douze acteurs clés du système éducatif, jointes à notre recension nous ont permis d’élaborer un nouveau programme d’EADR revu et corrigé qui pourra servir de base à une évaluation plus large.
Ce mémoire décrit l’imaginaire sonore tel qu’il s’est transformé par l’apparition de dispositifs de reproduction (téléphone, phonographe et radio) à la fin du 19ème siècle et au début du 20ème siècle. Si ces appareils de reproduction sonore signalent un nouveau contexte socioculturel permettant la captation, la conservation et la transmission de manifestations sensibles, ils transforment également la manière de concevoir le son, ils modifient le statut de l’audition par rapport aux autres sens et reconfigurent un imaginaire qui traduit un rapport à soi, à autrui et au monde. Cette étude littéraire de la reproductibilité sonore propose une réflexion entre technologie et poétique en questionnant l’idée de communication. L’élément spécifique qui caractérise les appareils de reproduction sonore est un objet technique nommé «transducteur ». Je considère le transducteur à la fois comme métaphore et matérialité de médiation; conçu en termes de dispositif de transduction, ce concept permet une différente compréhension des pratiques sociales et de l’imaginaire constituant cet artefact culturel.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
La version intégrale de ce mémoire est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).
The increasing interest in the interaction of light with electricity and electronically active materials made the materials and techniques for producing semitransparent electrically conducting films particularly attractive. Transparent conductors have found major applications in a number of electronic and optoelectronic devices including resistors, transparent heating elements, antistatic and electromagnetic shield coatings, transparent electrode for solar cells, antireflection coatings, heat reflecting mirrors in glass windows and many other. Tin doped indium oxide (indium tin oxide or ITO) is one of the most commonly used transparent conducting oxides. At present and likely well into the future this material offers best available performance in terms of conductivity and transmittivity combined with excellent environmental stability, reproducibility and good surface morphology. Although partial transparency, with a reduction in conductivity, can be obtained for very thin metallic films, high transparency and simultaneously high conductivity cannot be attained in intrinsic stoichiometric materials. The only way this can be achieved is by creating electron degeneracy in a wide bandgap (Eg > 3eV or more for visible radiation) material by controllably introducing non-stoichiometry and/or appropriate dopants. These conditions can be conveniently met for ITO as well as a number of other materials like Zinc oxide, Cadmium oxide etc. ITO shows interesting and technologically important combination of properties viz high luminous transmittance, high IR reflectance, good electrical conductivity, excellent substrate adherence and chemical inertness. ITO is a key part of solar cells, window coatings, energy efficient buildings, and flat panel displays. In solar cells, ITO can be the transparent, conducting top layer that lets light into the cell to shine the junction and lets electricity flow out. Improving the ITO layer can help improve the solar cell efficiency. A transparent ii conducting oxide is a material with high transparency in a derived part of the spectrum and high electrical conductivity. Beyond these key properties of transparent conducting oxides (TCOs), ITO has a number of other key characteristics. The structure of ITO can be amorphous, crystalline, or mixed, depending on the deposition temperature and atmosphere. The electro-optical properties are a function of the crystallinity of the material. In general, ITO deposited at room temperature is amorphous, and ITO deposited at higher temperatures is crystalline. Depositing at high temperatures is more expensive than at room temperature, and this method may not be compatible with the underlying devices. The main objective of this thesis work is to optimise the growth conditions of Indium tin oxide thin films at low processing temperatures. The films are prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering under various deposition conditions. The films are also deposited on to flexible substrates by employing bias sputtering technique. The films thus grown were characterised using different tools. A powder x-ray diffractometer was used to analyse the crystalline nature of the films. The energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for evaluating the composition and morphology of the films. Optical properties were investigated using the UVVIS- NIR spectrophotometer by recording the transmission/absorption spectra. The electrical properties were studied using vander Pauw four probe technique. The plasma generated during the sputtering of the ITO target was analysed using Langmuir probe and optical emission spectral studies.
The radio frequency plasma generated during the sputtering of Indium Tin Oxide target using Argon was analyzed by Langmuir probe and optical-emission spectroscopy. The basic plasma parameters such as electron temperature and ion density were evaluated. These studies were carried out by varying the RF power from 20 to 50 W. A linear increase in ion density and an exponential decrease in electron temperature with rf power were observed. The measured plasma parameters were then correlated with the properties of ITO thin films deposited under similar plasma conditions.
Global Positioning System (GPS), with its high integrity, continuous availability and reliability, revolutionized the navigation system based on radio ranging. With four or more GPS satellites in view, a GPS receiver can find its location anywhere over the globe with accuracy of few meters. High accuracy - within centimeters, or even millimeters is achievable by correcting the GPS signal with external augmentation system. The use of satellite for critical application like navigation has become a reality through the development of these augmentation systems (like W AAS, SDCM, and EGNOS, etc.) with a primary objective of providing essential integrity information needed for navigation service in their respective regions. Apart from these, many countries have initiated developing space-based regional augmentation systems like GAGAN and IRNSS of India, MSAS and QZSS of Japan, COMPASS of China, etc. In future, these regional systems will operate simultaneously and emerge as a Global Navigation Satellite System or GNSS to support a broad range of activities in the global navigation sector.Among different types of error sources in the GPS precise positioning, the propagation delay due to the atmospheric refraction is a limiting factor on the achievable accuracy using this system. The WADGPS, aimed for accurate positioning over a large area though broadcasts different errors involved in GPS ranging including ionosphere and troposphere errors, due to the large temporal and spatial variations in different atmospheric parameters especially in lower atmosphere (troposphere), the use of these broadcasted tropospheric corrections are not sufficiently accurate. This necessitated the estimation of tropospheric error based on realistic values of tropospheric refractivity. Presently available methodologies for the estimation of tropospheric delay are mostly based on the atmospheric data and GPS measurements from the mid-latitude regions, where the atmospheric conditions are significantly different from that over the tropics. No such attempts were made over the tropics. In a practical approach when the measured atmospheric parameters are not available analytical models evolved using data from mid-latitudes for this purpose alone can be used. The major drawback of these existing models is that it neglects the seasonal variation of the atmospheric parameters at stations near the equator. At tropics the model underestimates the delay in quite a few occasions. In this context, the present study is afirst and major step towards the development of models for tropospheric delay over the Indian region which is a prime requisite for future space based navigation program (GAGAN and IRNSS). Apart from the models based on the measured surface parameters, a region specific model which does not require any measured atmospheric parameter as input, but depends on latitude and day of the year was developed for the tropical region with emphasis on Indian sector.Large variability of atmospheric water vapor content in short spatial and/or temporal scales makes its measurement rather involved and expensive. A local network of GPS receivers is an effective tool for water vapor remote sensing over the land. This recently developed technique proves to be an effective tool for measuring PW. The potential of using GPS to estimate water vapor in the atmosphere at all-weather condition and with high temporal resolution is attempted. This will be useful for retrieving columnar water vapor from ground based GPS data. A good network of GPS could be a major source of water vapor information for Numerical Weather Prediction models and could act as surrogate to the data gap in microwave remote sensing for water vapor over land.
The carrier transport mechanism of polyaniline (PA) thin films prepared by radio frequency plasma polymerization is described in this paper. The mechanism of electrical conduction and carrier mobility of PA thin films for different temperatures were examined using the aluminium–PA–aluminium (Al–PA–Al) structure. It is found that the mechanism of carrier transport in these thin films is space charge limited conduction. J –V studies on an asymmetric electrode configuration using indium tin oxide (ITO) as the base electrode and Al as the upper electrode (ITO–PA–Al structure) show a diode-like behaviour with a considerable rectification ratio
Software Defined Radio (SDR) hardware platforms use parallel architectures. Current concepts of developing applications (such as WLAN) for these platforms are complex, because developers describe an application with hardware-specifics that are relevant to parallelism such as mapping and scheduling. To reduce this complexity, we have developed a new programming approach for SDR applications, called Virtual Radio Engine (VRE). VRE defines a language for describing applications, and a tool chain that consists of a compiler kernel and other tools (such as a code generator) to generate executables. The thesis presents this concept, as well as describes the language and the compiler kernel that have been developed by the author. The language is hardware-independent, i.e., developers describe tasks and dependencies between them. The compiler kernel performs automatic parallelization, i.e., it is capable of transforming a hardware-independent program into a hardware-specific program by solving hardware-specifics, in particular mapping, scheduling and synchronizations. Thus, VRE simplifies programming tasks as developers do not solve hardware-specifics manually.
Utilización de las TICs en las distintas áreas de conocimiento y edición de un periódico escolar digital, así como la conexión de la emisora escolar para su escucha a través de internet incluida dentro de su página web.
El currículum de la asignatura de Música en cuarto de ESO desarrolla entre otras temáticas las nuevas tecnologías y los medios de comunicación. Sin que se obvie el hecho de que la totalidad del currículum se puede desarrollar a partir de este proyecto educativo. La idea ha consistido en impartir el temario de la asignatura de Música en cuarto curso de la ESO a partir de la confección de programas de radio a desarrollar en los recreos. De este modo se trabajó cada uno de los epígrafes del currículum, seleccionando aquellas audiciones a presentar al resto de compañeros del centro junto con música comercial. De esta forma han trabajado su música preferida y han integrado una tipología a la que el alumnado no tiene acceso y con la que deben familiarizarse para configurar un criterio estético más personal.
El objetivo del presente trabajo es acercar al alumnado al conocimiento del mundo tan cercano y, a la vez, tan desconocido para la mayoría, que representan los medios de comunicación, para que puedan ser cada día más conscientes de la importancia de éstos. Los medios de comunicación están en la casa, en la calle, en todas partes. Raro es el lugar que se resiste a su poder de penetración. Forman parte imprescindible de la vida moderna, del progreso, y lo queramos o no vamos asimilando sus mensajes de manera más o menos consciente. Se puede y se debe comenzar el día relacionando al alumnado con su contexto más inmediato, es decir, comentando las noticias del momento, potenciando al mismo tiempo la comprensión de la realidad más inmediata. La prensa, la radio y la publicidad ayudan al profesorado a un tipo de enseñanza vinculada a la vida, pero no hay que olvidar que esto requiere a su vez de un gran esfuerzo y que no es tarea fácil.
En esta comunicaci??n se aborda un programa radiof??nico-escolar nacido en los primeros a??os de la fase tecnocr??tica del franquismo. El programa de radio Horizontes, iniciado en el curso 1954 y dirigido a la infancia asturiana, fue planteado para ser escuchado en las escuelas. El d??a de emisi??n el programa formaba parte de la actividad educativa de los escolares al ser sintonizado desde las aulas y posteriormente requerir los maestros actividades relacionadas con el contenido, tales como s??ntesis, redacciones, dibujos... o bien realizando las tareas propuestas en los concursos. No se trataba de un programa infantil al uso sino de un programa radiof??nico en horario lectivo para ni??os y maestros, cuyo contenido, a tono con la ??poca, no parece estar pensado s??lo para el entretenimiento o el adoctrinamiento pol??tico y religioso sino tambi??n para estimular el conocimiento de manera l??dica, fomentando la cultura de los escolares y de la poblaci??n. Resumen basado en la publicaci??n.