912 resultados para Rações - Processamento
Nowadays several electronics devices support digital videos. Some examples of these devices are cellphones, digital cameras, video cameras and digital televisions. However, raw videos present a huge amount of data, millions of bits, for their representation as the way they were captured. To store them in its primary form it would be necessary a huge amount of disk space and a huge bandwidth to allow the transmission of these data. The video compression becomes essential to make possible information storage and transmission. Motion Estimation is a technique used in the video coder that explores the temporal redundancy present in video sequences to reduce the amount of data necessary to represent the information. This work presents a hardware architecture of a motion estimation module for high resolution videos according to H.264/AVC standard. The H.264/AVC is the most advanced video coder standard, with several new features which allow it to achieve high compression rates. The architecture presented in this work was developed to provide a high data reuse. The data reuse schema adopted reduces the bandwidth required to execute motion estimation. The motion estimation is the task responsible for the largest share of the gains obtained with the H.264/AVC standard so this module is essential for final video coder performance. This work is included in Rede H.264 project which aims to develop Brazilian technology for Brazilian System of Digital Television
In Fazenda Belém oil field (Potiguar Basin, Ceará State, Brazil) occur frequently sinkholes and sudden terrain collapses associated to an unconsolidated sedimentary cap covering the Jandaíra karst. This research was carried out in order to understand the mechanisms of generation of these collapses. The main tool used was Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). This work is developed twofold: one aspect concerns methodology improvements in GPR data processing whilst another aspect concerns the geological study of the Jandaíra karst. This second aspect was strongly supported both by the analysis of outcropping karst structures (in another regions of Potiguar Basin) and by the interpretation of radargrams from the subsurface karst in Fazenda Belém. It was designed and tested an adequate flux to process GPR data which was adapted from an usual flux to process seismic data. The changes were introduced to take into account important differences between GPR and Reflection Seismic methods, in particular: poor coupling between source and ground, mixed phase of the wavelet, low signal-to-noise ratio, monochannel acquisition, and high influence of wave propagation effects, notably dispersion. High frequency components of the GPR pulse suffer more pronounced effects of attenuation than low frequency components resulting in resolution losses in radargrams. In Fazenda Belém, there is a stronger need of an suitable flux to process GPR data because both the presence of a very high level of aerial events and the complexity of the imaged subsurface karst structures. The key point of the processing flux was an improvement in the correction of the attenuation effects on the GPR pulse based on their influence on the amplitude and phase spectra of GPR signals. In low and moderate losses dielectric media the propagated signal suffers significant changes only in its amplitude spectrum; that is, the phase spectrum of the propagated signal remains practically unaltered for the usual travel time ranges. Based on this fact, it is shown using real data that the judicious application of the well known tools of time gain and spectral balancing can efficiently correct the attenuation effects. The proposed approach can be applied in heterogeneous media and it does not require the precise knowledge of the attenuation parameters of the media. As an additional benefit, the judicious application of spectral balancing promotes a partial deconvolution of the data without changing its phase. In other words, the spectral balancing acts in a similar way to a zero phase deconvolution. In GPR data the resolution increase obtained with spectral balancing is greater than those obtained with spike and predictive deconvolutions. The evolution of the Jandaíra karst in Potiguar Basin is associated to at least three events of subaerial exposition of the carbonatic plataform during the Turonian, Santonian, and Campanian. In Fazenda Belém region, during the mid Miocene, the Jandaíra karst was covered by continental siliciclastic sediments. These sediments partially filled the void space associated to the dissolution structures and fractures. Therefore, the development of the karst in this region was attenuated in comparison to other places in Potiguar Basin where this karst is exposed. In Fazenda Belém, the generation of sinkholes and terrain collapses are controlled mainly by: (i) the presence of an unconsolidated sedimentary cap which is thick enough to cover completely the karst but with sediment volume lower than the available space associated to the dissolution structures in the karst; (ii) the existence of important structural of SW-NE and NW-SE alignments which promote a localized increase in the hydraulic connectivity allowing the channeling of underground water, thus facilitating the carbonatic dissolution; and (iii) the existence of a hydraulic barrier to the groundwater flow, associated to the Açu-4 Unity. The terrain collapse mechanisms in Fazenda Belém occur according to the following temporal evolution. The meteoric water infiltrates through the unconsolidated sedimentary cap and promotes its remobilization to the void space associated with the dissolution structures in Jandaíra Formation. This remobilization is initiated at the base of the sedimentary cap where the flow increases its abrasion due to a change from laminar to turbulent flow regime when the underground water flow reaches the open karst structures. The remobilized sediments progressively fill from bottom to top the void karst space. So, the void space is continuously migrated upwards ultimately reaching the surface and causing the sudden observed terrain collapses. This phenomenon is particularly active during the raining season, when the water table that normally is located in the karst may be temporarily located in the unconsolidated sedimentary cap
On the modern Continental Shelf to the north of Rio Grande do Norte state (NE Brazil) is located a paleo-valley, submerged during the last glacial sea-level lowstand, that marks continuation of the most important river of this area (Açu River). Despite the high level of exploration activity of oil industry, there is few information about shallow stratigraphy. Aiming to fill this gap, situated on the Neogene, was worked a marine seismic investigation, the development of a processing flow for high resolution data seismic, and the recognition of the main feature morphology of the study area: the incised valley of the River Açu. The acquisition of shallow seismic data was undertaken in conjunction with the laboratory of Marine Geology/Geophysics and Environmental Monitoring - GGEMMA of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, in SISPLAT project, where the geomorphological structure of the Rio paleovale Açu was the target of the investigation survey. The acquisition of geophysical data has been over the longitudinal and transverse sections, which were subsequently submitted to the processing, hitherto little-used and / or few addressed in the literature, which provided a much higher quality result with the raw data. Once proposed for the flow data was developed and applied to the data of X-Star (acoustic sensor), using available resources of the program ReflexW 4.5 A surface fluvial architecture has been constructed from the bathymetric data and remote sensing image fused and draped over Digital Elevation Models to create three-dimensional (3D) perspective views that are used to analyze the 3D geometry geological features and provide the mapping morphologically defined. The results are expressed in the analysis of seismic sections that extend over the region of the continental shelf and upper slope from mouth of the Açu River to the shelf edge, providing the identification / quantification of geometrical features such as depth, thickness, horizons and units seismic stratigraphyc area, with emphasis has been placed on the palaeoenvironmental interpretation of discordance limit and fill sediment of the incised valley, control by structural elements, and marked by the influence of changes in the sea level. The interpretation of the evolution of this river is worth can bring information to enable more precise descriptions and interpretations, which describes the palaeoenvironmental controls influencing incised valley evolution and preservation to provide a better comprehensive understanding of this reservoir analog system
The increasing use of shallow seismic methods of high resolution, for investigations of geological problems, environmental or industrial, has impelled the development of techniques, flows and computational algorithms. The practice of applying techniques for processing this data, until recently it wasn t used and the interpretation of the data was made as they were acquired. In order to facilitate and contribute to the improvement of the practices adopted, was developed a free graphical application and open source, called OpenSeismic which is based on free software Seismic Un*x, widely used in the treatment of conventional seismic data used in the exploration of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The data used to validate the initiative were marine seismic data of high resolution, acquired by the laboratory of Geology and Marine Geophysics and Environmental Monitoring - GGEMMA, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte UFRN, for the SISPLAT Project, located at the region of paleo-valley of the Rio Acu. These data were submitted to the processing flow developed by Gomes (2009), using the free software developed in this work, the OpenSeismic, as well other free software, the Seismic Un*x and the commercial software ProMAX, where despite its peculiarities has presented similar results
A seleção de ingredientes para a formulação de dietas para peixes requer o conhecimento prévio dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da energia e nutrientes. O valor nutritivo de vários alimentos tem sido investigado no Brasil e o uso de fontes alternativas não deve resultar em efeitos negativos sobre o desempenho, saúde dos peixes e qualidade da água. Diversos fatores podem afetar a digestibilidade, sendo que os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos ingredientes devem ser utilizados para a formulação de rações mais precisas e econômicas.
Objetivou-se determinar a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes de rações com diferentes níveis de fitase formuladas com alimentos de origem vegetal, em 90 juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo, pesando em média 120,0 g, alojados em nove tanques-rede (dez peixes/tanque). Adotou-se delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com nove tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de uma ração suplementada com fósforo (controle) e de oito sem suplementação de fósforo, porém com 500, 1.000, 1.500, 2.000, 2.500, 3.000, 3.500 e 4.000 unidades de fitase (UF)/kg de ração, todas isoenergéticas e isoprotéicas. A inclusão de 1.500 UF melhorou a digestibilidade da MS e da EB e a disponibilidade de cálcio e fósforo das rações. O nível de 1.000 UF melhorou a disponibilidade de zinco e manganês.
Este experimento foi realizado para avaliar o efeito do farelo e da farinha de algodão no comportamento reprodutivo e na atividade testicular de reprodutores de tilápia do Nilo. Vinte e cinco peixes receberam dietas contendo 0; 2; 4; e 6% de semente de algodão descorticada e moída e 24,0% de farelo de algodão. O comportamento reprodutivo foi observado e a construção de ninhos, corte e desova, avaliadas. Aos 90 dias, as gônadas dos machos foram avaliadas microscopicamente. O grupo controle (farelo de algodão) obteve maior número de desovas. Os peixes alimentados com semente ou farelo de algodão, apesar de não terem apresentado o mesmo número de desovas, construíram ninhos e fizeram a corte. A análise histológica dos testículos demonstrou que a adição de 24,0% de farelo ou níveis de 2,0% ou superiores da farinha influiu na atividade testicular. O gossipol presente na farinha ou farelo de algodão teve efeito negativa nas gônadas destes animais.
Avaliou-se a digestibilidade aparente de cinco rações isoproteicas e isoenergéticas contendo 0; 0,1; 0,2; 0,3 e 0,4g do complexo enzimático Bioenzimaplus (lipase, protease e carboidrase)/kg de ração na alimentação da tilápia-do-nilo. Foram utilizados 100 peixes distribuídos em cinco aquários de alimentação e cinco aquários de coleta de fezes. Os cinco tratamentos foram arranjados em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso com cinco repetições. Houve efeito linear de tratamento sobre a digestibilidade aparente (CDa) para proteína bruta e extrato etéreo. O CDa da proteína bruta e do extrato etéreo variaram de 81,60% a 84,93% e de 74,19% a 82,69%, respectivamente. Para carboidrato e energia bruta, o maior nível de suplementação resultou em maior CDa, 57,85% e 63,78%, respectivamente( P<0,05). Não foi observada diferença entre tratamentos no CDa da matéria seca, apresentando valores de 49,47% a 58,55%. A inclusão de complexo enzimático - lipase, protease e carboidrase - em dietas para tilápia-do-nilo melhorou a digestibilidade da proteína, do extrato etéreo, do carboidrato e da energia das rações.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, gross energy, of diets supplemented with spray dried whole yeast (1.0; 2.0 e 3.0%), autolyzed (1.0; 2.0 e 3.0%), yeast cell wall (0.1; 0.2 e 0.3%) plus a additional diet with no yeast and yeast derivatives were evaluated to Nile tilapia. Eighty juveniles (83.0+/-8.5g) were placed in eight 250L aquaria for feeding and four aquaria of the same volume for collecting faecal samples. Both sets were equipped with flow-trough recirculation system provided with mechanical and biological filter. Diets supplemented with whole yeast, autolyzed yeast, and yeast cell wall presented, as mean, superior apparent coefficient digestibility than control. It can be concluded that supplementation of yeast and yeast derivatives improve apparent coefficient digestibility of experimental diets and diets supplemented with estimated level of 2.13-2.36% autolyzed yeast shows better digestibility.
O experimento foi realizado objetivando avaliar a composição tecidual e química do músculo Longissimus dorsi de cordeiros Suffolk alimentados em comedouros privativos com ração contendo 0; 6,60; 13,20 ou 19,80% de semente de girassol. Ao nascer, os cordeiros foram numerados, pesados e distribuídos aleatoriamente nos piquetes compondo quatro repetições por tratamento em um total de 16 cordeiros. As rações continham 2,65; 2,78; 2,89 ou 2,93 Mcal/kg de energia metabolizável e 18,38; 18,75; 19,98 ou 21,18% de proteína bruta e foram fornecidas à vontade aos cordeiros. Os cordeiros foram pesados a cada 14 dias e mantidos com as ovelhas até atingirem o peso vivo de abate pré-estabelecido (28 kg). As carcaças foram mantidas durante 24 horas na câmara frigorífica a 5ºC e, posteriormente, foram seccionadas em sete regiões anatômicas para coleta dos lombos esquerdo e direito e obtenção, no músculo Longissimus dorsi, do peso dos componentes do lombo (músculo, osso e gordura) e da composição química e do perfil de ácidos graxos do músculo, do osso e da gordura. A semente de girassol influenciou o peso total do lombo, os pesos de músculo e tecido conjuntivo e o rendimento do tecido conjuntivo. O aumento no percentual de semente de girassol na ração diminuiu a quantidade dos ácidos láurico e palmítico (saturados) e aumentou a dos ácidos oléico e linoléico (insaturados). A qualidade nutricional da carne dos cordeiros melhora com aumento da utilização de semente de girassol na dieta.
Avaliaram-se o desempenho e as características quali e quantitativas da carcaça de cordeiros alimentados com ração contendo semente de girassol. Utilizaram-se 16 cordeiros distribuídos aleatoriamente em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos (0,00; 6,60; 13,20 ou 19,80% de semente de girassol na matéria natural), cada um com quatro repetições, totalizando 16 cordeiros. As dietas continham 2,65; 2,78; 2,89 e 2,93 Mcal/kg de energia metabolizável e 18,38; 18,75; 19,98 e 21,18% de proteína bruta, respectivamente, e foi fornecida ad libitum. Os cordeiros foram pesados a cada 14 dias e mantidos com as ovelhas até atingirem 28 kg, quando foram abatidos, após jejum de sólidos por 18 horas, para obtenção do peso vivo ao abate e registro do peso da carcaça quente e do conteúdo gastrintestinal, utilizados no cálculo do peso de corpo vazio. As carcaças foram mantidas por 24 horas em câmara frigorífica em temperatura de 5ºC para obtenção do peso de carcaça fria. Os níveis de semente de girassol na dieta não afetaram as características de desempenho dos cordeiros. No entanto, os pesos de carcaça quente e de carcaça fria; os pesos de pescoço, baixo, paleta, costela descoberta, costela, lombo; e os rendimentos comerciais de carcaça e costela descoberta, costela, lombo, paleta, pescoço e baixo sofreram efeito da adição da semente de girassol. O fornecimento de semente de girassol na dieta não influencia as características qualitativas e morfométricas da carcaça de cordeiros.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
O experimento foi conduzido com 210 leitões desmamados, afim de avaliar os efeitos da adição de frutooligosacarídeos (FOS) ou olaquindox nas rações sobre o desempenho dos 21 aos 63 dias de idade. Utilizou-se programa de alimentação por fases (pré-inicial, inicial-I e inicial-II, de zero aos 16, 17 aos 30 e dos 31 aos 42 dias, respectivamente). O delineamento foi de blocos ao acaso, seis tratamentos e sete repetições de cinco leitões cada: T1 - sem adição de FOS; T2 - com 0,1% de FOS; T3 - com 0,2% de FOS; T4 - com 0,3% de FOS; T5 - com 0,5% de FOS e T6 - sem FOS e 25ppm de olaquindox. A adição de FOS não afetou o consumo e o ganho diário de peso nas diferentes fases estudadas. Contudo, verificou-se melhor desempenho dos leitões que receberam olaquindox comparado à média dos demais tratamentos. Ao contrário do olaquindox, a adição de FOS foi ineficiente em promover melhora no desempenho.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)