990 resultados para ROOT CANALS


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of electronic apex locators Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and ProPex, for root canal length determination in primary teeth. Fifteen primary molars (a total of 34 root canals) were divided into two groups: Group I - without physiological resorption (n = 16); and Group II - with physiological resorption (n = 18). The length of each canal was measured by introducing a file until its tip was visible and then it was retracted 1 mm. For electronic measurement, the devices were set to 1 mm short of the apical resorption. The data were analysed statistically using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results showed that the ICC was high for both electronic apex locators in all situations - with (ICC: DSP = 0.82 and Propex = 0.89) or without resorption (ICC: DSP = 0.92 and Propex = 0.90). Both apex locators were extremely accurate in determining the working length in primary teeth, both with or without physiological resorption.


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P>Aim To investigate the antibacterial effect of Tetraclean, MTAD and five experimental irrigants using both direct exposure test with planktonic cultures and mixed-species in vitro biofilm model. Methodology Tetraclean, MTAD and five experimental solutions that were modifications of existing formulae including MTAD + 0.01% cetrimide (CTR), MTAD + 0.1% CTR, MTAC-1 (Tween 80 replaced by 0.01% CTR in MTAD), MTAC-2 (Tween 80 replaced by 0.1% CTR) and MTAD-D (MTAD without the Tween 80 and no CTR added) were used as disinfectants in the experiments. In the direct exposure test, a suspension of Enterococcus faecalis was mixed with each of the solutions. After 0.5, 1, 3 and 10 min, an inactivator was added and the number of surviving bacteria was calculated. A mixed-species biofilm from subgingival plaque bacteria was grown in brain heart infusion broth in anaerobic conditions on synthetic hydroxyapatite discs. Two-week-old biofilms were exposed to the solutions for 0.5, 1 and 3 min. The samples were observed by confocal laser scanning microscopy after bacterial viability staining. The scans were quantitatively analysed, and the volume of killed cells of all cells was calculated for each medicament. Results Tetraclean and MTAC-2 (0.1% CTR) killed planktonic E. faecalis in < 30 s. Complete killing of bacteria required 1 min by MTAC-1, 3 min by MTAD + 0.1% CTR and 10 min by MTAD, MTAD-D and MTAD + 0.01% CTR. In the biofilm test, there were significant differences in microbial killing between the different solutions and times of exposure (P < 0.005). MTAC-2 showed the best performance, killing 71% of the biofilm bacteria in 3 min, followed by MTAC-1 and Tetraclean. MTAD and the three MTAD modifications demonstrated the lowest antibacterial activity. Conclusion Tetraclean was more effective than MTAD against E. faecalis in planktonic culture and in mixed-species in vitro biofilm. CTR improved the antimicrobial properties of the solutions, whereas Tween 80 seemed to have a neutral or negative impact on their antimicrobial effectiveness.


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The current study evaluated the influence of two endodontic post systems and the elastic modulus and film thickness of resin cement on stress distribution in a maxillary central incisor (MCI) restored with direct resin composite using finite element analysis (FEA). A three-dimensional model of an MCI with a coronary fracture and supporting structures was performed. A static chewing pressure of 2.16 N/mm(2) was applied to two areas on the palatal surface of the composite restoration. Zirconia ceramic (ZC) and glass fiber (GF) posts were considered. The stress distribution was analyzed in the post, dentin and cement layer when ZC and GF posts were fixed to the root canals using resin cements of different elastic moduli (7.0 and 18.6 GPa) and different layer thicknesses (70 and 200 mu m). The different post materials presented a significant influence on stress distribution with lesser stress concentration when using the GF post. The higher elastic modulus cement created higher stress levels within itself. The cement thicknesses did not present significant changes.


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P>Aim To evaluate ex vivo the accuracy of the iPex multi-frequency electronic apex locator (NSK Ltd, Tokyo, Japan) for working length determination in primary molar teeth. Methodology One calibrated examiner determined the working length in 20 primary molar teeth (total of 33 root canals). Working length was measured both visually, with the placement of a K-file 1 mm short of the apical foramen or the most coronal limit of root resorption, and electronically using the electronic apex locator iPex, according to the manufacturers` instructions. Data were analysed statistically using the intraclass correlation (ICC) test. Results Comparison of the actual and the electronic measurements revealed high correlation (ICC = 0.99) between the methods, regardless of the presence or absence of physiological root resorption. Conclusions In this laboratory study, the iPex accurately identified the apical foramen or the apical opening location for working length measurement in primary molar teeth.


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Introduction: The characterization of microbial communities infecting the endodontic system in each clinical condition may help on the establishment of a correct prognosis and distinct strategies of treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the bacterial diversity in primary endodontic infections by 16S ribosomal-RNA (rRNA) sequence analysis. Methods: Samples from root canals of untreated asymptomatic teeth (n = 12) exhibiting periapical lesions were obtained, 165 rRNA bacterial genomic libraries were constructed and sequenced, and bacterial diversity was estimated. Results: A total of 489 clones were analyzed (mean, 40.7 +/- 8.0 clones per sample). Seventy phylotypes were identified of which six were novel phylotypes belonging to the family Ruminococcaceae. The mean number of taxa per canal was 10.0, ranging from 3 to 21 per sample; 65.7% of the cloned sequences represented phylotypes for which no cultivated isolates have been reported. The most prevalent taxa were Atopobium rimae (50.0%), Dialister invisus, Pre-votella oris, Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus, and Tannerella forsythia (33.3%). Conclusions: Although several key species predominate in endodontic samples of asymptomatic cases with periapical lesions, the primary endodontic infection is characterized by a wide bacterial diversity, which is mostly represented by members of the phylum Firmicutes belonging to the class Clostridia followed by the phylum Bacteroidetes. (J Ended 2011;37:922-926)


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Viral and bacterial associations appear to be implicated in the development of periodontal infections. Little information is available describing the periodontopathic agents in root canals with necrotic pulp. In this study, the occurrence and the combinations among herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and Dialister pneumosintes, Tannerella forsythia.. and Treponema denticola in patients with chronic periodontitis and necrotic pulp were evaluated. Clinical samples from healthy subjects and patients with periodontal or pulp infections were analyzed using a nested polymerase chain reaction PCR to detect HSV and PCR to detect the 3 periodontal bacteria. The presence of Tannerella forsythia and Treponema denticola was observed in healthy, periodontitis, and necrotic pulp patients. HSV was observed in periodontitis and necrotic pulp patients, and no healthy subject harbored D. pneumosintes or HSV. The occurrence of Tannerella forsythia was not statistically significant in patients with necrotic pulp (P = 0.704). Periodontal bacteria were observed varying from 10.3% to 20.7% in periodontitis and necrotic pulp patients. The presence of Treponema denticola - HSV association was predominant in patients showing necrotic pulp (24.1%); however, HSV alone was observed in one patient with periodontitis and in another patient with necrotic pulp. The presence of double association among bacteria or bacteria - HSV could indicate a role in both periodontitis and necrotic pulp, and Tannerella forsythia - Treponenta denticola - HSV and Tannerella forsythia - D. pneumosintes - Treponema denticola - HSV associations might be important in periodontitis.


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SIQUEIRA JR. et al. Bacteriologic investigation of the effects of sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine during the endodontic treatment of teeth with apical periodontitis. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod., v. 104, n. 1, p. 122-130, 2007.


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The science of Dentistry wishes obtains the ideal solution for the dental plaque chemical control. This research evaluated antimicrobial action capacity in calcium hydroxide and tergentol various solutions starting for the CHD 20, a root canals irrigating solution with a reason of 80% calcium hydroxide saturated solution and 20% tergentol detergent with the aim of evaluate this drug mouth rinse indication with prevention or combat objective for dental caries and periodontal diseases. Antibiogram disks and biofilm tests were accomplished for the microorganisms: Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis, Streptococcus sobrinus and Lactobacillus casei. Different reasons of detergent for the calcium hydroxide saturated solution, tergentol and distillated water solution, 0,12% clorhexydine digluconate solution was positive control and distillated water was negative control. The results showed better performance of clorhexydine in relation to calcium hydroxide directing to not accept this (CHD20) as mouth rinse solution


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate through radiographic and microscopic analysis the efficiency of the filling techniques by vertical hidraulic compression after the root canal mechanical instrumentation in vitro as well to evaluate the marginal apical leakage through macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Thirty human mandibular molars were used , they were divided on three groups, these were subdivided on six subgroups with five specimens each, come down to 106 root canals filled. Initially, the teeth were instrumented with Profile system series 29 and filled with two ways: single accessory cone or single cone associated with gutta-percha secundary cone, with Fill Canal sealer or Sealer 26. Completed the filling, the teeth were coated with araldit and finger -nail polish except for the apical 2 mm and dried for 3 hours, thep radiographs were taken of the teeth in orto and disto-radiai directions. Next, the coronal seal was carried out with composite resin photopolymerized and with their process of making impermeable. Teeth of positive controls were used without araldit and finger-nail polish whereas the negative controls were used with total coat of araldit and finger-nail polish. The specimens were placed in 2% Methylene Blue dye for 24 hours and thermocycled for 7 days. Afterwards, sections were made of each tooth at mesial and distal roat, after this the teeth were radiographed at buccolíngual direction for a macroscopic analysis and at buccolingual and mesiodistal directions for assessment of the marginal apical leakage. Cross sections were made 3 mm to 3mm since the tooth apice. The sections obtained for each group were observed with a stereomicroscope to evaluate the quality of the root canal filling and the marginal apical leakage. The results showed that: In the four techniques the marginal dye leakage was present in the apical third; in all groups the quality of the root canal filling in the radiography was better at mesial root canal and the single cone technique showed inefficient when only a single distal root canal was present. In the radiographic evaluation the best quality of the root canal filling was observed in the 1A group (single accessory cone + FiIl Canal), as in the mesial root as in the distal root wich Shcwed twe root canals: when the distaI root had only one canal. the best result was showed by 28 group (single accessory cone associated with secundary cone + Fill Canal) In the macroscopic analysis of longitudinal !eaKage (outside surface). less leakage was showed as In the mesial root as in the distal root in the negative control group (3) followed 2A group (single accessory cone + Sealer 26). When the microscopic analysis of tranversal leakage of both roots (inside surface) was carried out. the groups that showed less dye leakage were the negative control (38) followed the 28 group (single acessory cone associated with secundary cone + Sealer 26). The homogeneity o filling was best noted in the 1 A group (.single accessoty cone + Fill Canal). The groups that showed less dye penetration in the tranversal leakage (total area) were negative control (3B) and 2B


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Objective: Chlorhexidine digluconate is widely used in dental practice for decreasing plaque control, controlling gingivitis and disinfecting root canals. However, the undesirable effects of chlorhexidine digluconate regarding its genotoxicity are conflicting in the literature. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxicity of chlorhexidine digluconate in rat peripheral blood and oral mucosal cells by the single cell gel (comet) assay and micronucleus assay.Methods: Thirty male Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: negative control; experimental group orally treated with 0.5 ml of 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate, twice daily, during 8 days; and positive control, which received 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide at 0.5 g/l by drinking water.Results: A statistically significant increase of DNA damage was observed in leukocytes and oral mucosal cells of the chlorhexidine digluconate treated group, as assessed by the comet assay. However, no increase of micronucleated cells was detected in reticulocytes from peripheral blood cells.Conclusions: Taken together, the data indicate that chlorhexidine digluconate is able to induce primary DNA damage in leukocytes and in oral mucosal cells, but no chromosome breakage or loss in erythrocytes.


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Several local factors that influence the healing process of replanted teeth have been investigated. However, it remains unclear how systemic alterations, such as diabetes mellitus, affect the prognosis of these cases. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the healing process of incisors of non-controlled diabetic rats replanted after storage in bovine long shelf-life (UHT) whole milk. Thirty-two rats were randomly assigned to receive an endovenous injection of either citrate buffer solution (group I - control; n = 16) or streptozotocin dissolved in citrate buffer solution to induce diabetes (group II; n = 16). After confirmation of the diabetic status by analysis of the glycemic levels, the maxillary right incisor of each animal was extracted and immersed in milk for 60 min. The root canals of teeth were then instrumented, and were filled with a calcium hydroxide-based dressing and replanted into their sockets. All animals received systemic antibiotic and were killed by anesthetic overdose 10 and 60 days after replantation. The specimens containing the replanted teeth were removed, fixed, decalcified, and embedded in paraffin. Semi-serial 6-mu m-thick sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histologic and histometric analyses. The results showed that the connective tissue adjacent to the root surface was less organized in the diabetic animals than in the control animals in both periods; the root dentin was less severely affected by root resorption in the diabetic rats; there were no significant differences between the control and diabetic groups regarding the occurrence of replacement resorption and inflammatory resorption.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar microscopicamente, em reimplantes tardios de dentes de rato, os efeitos do tratamento da superfície radicular com diferentes soluções. Foram utilizados 30 ratos Rattus norvegicus albinos da linhagem Wistar que tiveram seus incisivos centrais extraídos e deixados sobre a bancada por 6 h. As polpas foram extirpadas e os canais irrigados com solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 1%. Após o preparo endodôntico, a superfície radicular de cada dente foi tratada com solução de hipoclorito de sódio a 1% por 10 min (trocada a cada 5 min) seguida de soro fisiológico por 10 min, e os dentes foram divididos em três grupos com 10 espécimes em cada um. Nos Grupos I, II e III, respectivamente, a superfície radicular foi tratada com fluoreto de sódio fosfato acidulado a 2%, vitamina C e vitamina C efervescente (2 g, Redoxon®). Após obturação com pasta de hidróxido de cálcio os dentes foram reimplantados e os animais foram sacrificados aos 10 e 60 dias. O Grupo I apresentou maiores áreas de reabsorção por substituição e anquilose. Comparando as formas de vitamina C utilizadas, a efervescente (Grupo III) foi a que apresentou resultados mais favoráveis com mais áreas de anquilose e reabsorção por substituição que áreas de reabsorção inflamatória.


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Purpose: Euro-Collins solution was developed for the preservation of organs for transplantation, whose characteristics have raised interest for its use as a storage medium for avulsed teeth before replantation. This study evaluated histologically and morphometrically the healing process of dog teeth replanted after storage in Euro-Collins solution or bovine milk.Materials and Methods: Eighty roots of 4 young adult mongrel clogs were randomly assigned to 4 groups (n = 20) and the root canals were instrumented and obturated with gutta-percha and a calcium hydroxide-based sealer. After 2 weeks, the teeth were extracted and subjected to the following protocols: GI (negative control), replantation immediately after extraction; GII (positive control), bench-drying for 2 hours before replantation; GIII and GIV, immersion in 10 mL of whole bovine milk and Euro-Collins solution at 4 C, respectively, for 8 hours before replantation. The animals were sacrificed 90 days postoperatively. The pieces containing the replanted teeth were subjected to routine processing for histologic and histometric analyses under light microscopy and polarized light microscopy.Results: Root resorption was observed in all groups. GII exhibited the greatest loss of dental structure (P < .01), and inflammatory resorption was predominant in this group. Storage in milk showed poorer results than immediate replantation and storage in Euro-Collins solution (P < .01). The teeth stored in Euro-Collins solution presented similar extension of root resorption and periodontal ligament reorganization to those of immediately replanted teeth.Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest that the Euro-Collins solution is an adequate storage medium for keeping avulsed teeth for up to 8 hours before replantation.


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This study evaluated the repair process after delayed replantation of rat teeth, using calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2)) mixed with camphorated p-monochlorophenol (CMCP), chlorhexidine 2% (CHX), or saline as temporary root canal dressing to prevent and/or control inflammatory radicular resorption. Thirty Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus albinos) had their right upper incisor extracted, which was bench-dried for 60 minutes. The dental papilla, the enamel organ, the dental pulp, and the periodontal ligament were removed. The teeth were immersed in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride solution for 10 minutes. The root canals were dried with absorbent paper cones and divided into 3 groups of 10 animals according to root canal dressing used: group 1: Ca(OH)(2) + saline, group 2: Ca(OH)(2) + CMCP, and group 3: Ca(OH)(2) + CHX 2%. Before replanting, the teeth sockets were irrigated with saline. Histological analysis revealed the presence of inflammatory resorption, replacement resorption, and ankylosis in all 3 groups. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between group 3 and the other groups. The use of Ca(OH)(2) mixed with CMCP or CHX did not show an advantage over the use of Ca(OH)(2) mixed with saline in preventing and/or controlling inflammatory resorption in delayed replantation of rat teeth.


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The maintenance of the avulsed teeth in appropriate media for preserving the cellular viability has been important for repairing the periodontal ligament and preventing the root resorption after tooth reimplantation. Propolis is a substance capable of preserving cellular viability. This study aimed to analyze the propolis substance as a storage media for maintaining the avulsed teeth, besides to determine the ideal time period for keeping the tooth inside it. Thus, 60 maxillary right central incisors of rats were extracted and divided into five groups. In groups I and II, teeth were kept in propolis for 60 min and 6 h, respectively; in group III, teeth were kept in milk for 6 h; in group IV, teeth were kept dry for 60 min; and in group V, they were immediately reimplanted. All teeth had their root canals filled with calcium hydroxide paste. Following, teeth were reimplanted in their sockets. After 15 and 60 days, animals were killed and the obtained samples were processed in laboratory for microscopic and morphometric analyzing. The results showed that the occurrence of inflammatory resorption, dental ankylosis and the formation of the connective tissue parallel to the root surface were similar among groups. It could be verified a greater occurrence of replacement resorption in group IV when comparing to other groups. In groups I and IV, the presence of periodontal ligament-like connective tissue was substantially smaller than the other groups. Regarding to the cementum amount over the root, it could be observed that this was present in smaller amount in groups I and IV. Group II was similar to groups III and IV. Therefore, according to the results of this study, the use of propolis as a storage media for maintaining avulsed teeth could be highlighted, and the 6-h period was more appropriate than the 60-min period.