209 resultados para RETINOL


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Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) plays a critical role in regulating the expression of many genes essential for normal functioning of liver, gut, kidney, and pancreatic islets. A nonsense mutation (Q268X) in exon 7 of the HNF4α gene is responsible for an autosomal dominant, early-onset form of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (maturity-onset diabetes of the young; gene named MODY1). Although this mutation is predicted to delete 187 C-terminal amino acids of the HNF4α protein the molecular mechanism by which it causes diabetes is unknown. To address this, we first studied the functional properties of the MODY1 mutant protein. We show that it has lost its transcriptional transactivation activity, fails to dimerize and bind DNA, implying that the MODY1 phenotype is because of a loss of HNF4α function. The effect of loss of function on HNF4α target gene expression was investigated further in embryonic stem cells, which are amenable to genetic manipulation and can be induced to form visceral endoderm. Because the visceral endoderm shares many properties with the liver and pancreatic β-cells, including expression of genes for glucose transport and metabolism, it offers an ideal system to investigate HNF4-dependent gene regulation in glucose homeostasis. By exploiting this system we have identified several genes encoding components of the glucose-dependent insulin secretion pathway whose expression is dependent upon HNF4α. These include glucose transporter 2, and the glycolytic enzymes aldolase B and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and liver pyruvate kinase. In addition we have found that expression of the fatty acid binding proteins and cellular retinol binding protein also are down-regulated in the absence of HNF4α. These data provide direct evidence that HNF4α is critical for regulating glucose transport and glycolysis and in doing so is crucial for maintaining glucose homeostasis.


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Age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of blindness for which no satisfactory treatments exist, leads to a gradual decrease in central high acuity vision. The accumulation of fluorescent materials, called lipofuscin, in retinal pigment epithelial cells of the aging retina is most pronounced in the macula. One of the fluorophores of retinal pigment epithelial lipofuscin has been characterized as A2E, a pyridinium bis-retinoid, which is derived from two molecules of vitamin A aldehyde and one molecule of ethanolamine. An investigation aimed at optimizing the in vitro synthesis of A2E has resulted in the one-step biomimetic preparation of this pigment in 49% yield, readily producing more than 50 mg in one step. These results have allowed for the optimization of HPLC conditions so that nanogram quantities of A2E can be detected from extracts of tissue samples. By using 5% of the extract from individual aged human eyes, this protocol has led to the quantification of A2E and the characterization of iso-A2E, a new A2E double bond isomer; all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol also have been identified in these HPLC chromatograms. Exposure of either A2E or iso-A2E to light gives rise to 4:1 A2E:iso-A2E equilibrium mixtures, similar to the composition of these two pigments in eye extracts. A2E and iso-A2E may exhibit surfactant properties arising from their unique wedge-shaped structures.


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Vitamin A is required for reproduction and normal embryonic development. We have determined that all-trans-retinoic acid (atRA) can support development of the mammalian embryo to parturition in vitamin A-deficient (VAD) rats. At embryonic day (E) 0.5, VAD dams were fed purified diets containing either 12 μg of atRA per g of diet (230 μg per rat per day) or 250 μg of atRA per g of diet (4.5 mg per rat per day) or were fed the purified diet supplemented with a source of retinol (100 units of retinyl palmitate per day). An additional group was fed both 250 μg of atRA per g of diet in combination with retinyl palmitate. Embryonic survival to E12.5 was similar for all groups. However, embryonic development in the group fed 12 μg of atRA per g of diet was grossly abnormal. The most notable defects were in the region of the hindbrain, which included a loss of posterior cranial nerves (IX, X, XI, and XII) and postotic pharyngeal arches as well as the presence of ectopic otic vesicles and a swollen anterior cardinal vein. All embryonic abnormalities at E12.5 were prevented by feeding pharmacological amounts of atRA (250 μg/g diet) or by supplementation with retinyl palmitate. Embryos from VAD dams receiving 12 μg of atRA per g of diet were resorbed by E18.5, whereas those in the group fed 250 μg of atRA per g of diet survived to parturition but died shortly thereafter. Equivalent results were obtained by using commercial grade atRA or atRA that had been purified to eliminate any potential contamination by neutral retinoids, such as retinol. Thus, 250 μg of atRA per g of diet fed to VAD dams (≈4.5 mg per rat per day) can prevent the death of embryos at midgestation and prevents the early embryonic abnormalities that arise when VAD dams are fed insufficient amounts of atRA.


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Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4 (HNF4) regulates gene expression by binding to direct repeat motifs of the RG(G/T)TCA sequence separated by one nucleotide (DR1). In this study we demonstrate that endogenous HNF4 present in rat liver nuclear extracts, as well as purified recombinant HNF4, activates transcription from naked DNA templates containing multiple copies of the DR1 element linked to the adenovirus major late promoter. Recombinant HNF4 also activates transcription from the rat cellular retinol binding protein II (CRBPII) promoter in vitro. The region between –105 and –63 bp of this promoter is essential for HNF-mediated transactivation. The addition of a peptide containing the LXXLL motif abolished HNF4-mediated transactivation in vitro suggesting that LXXLL-containing protein factor(s) are involved in HNF4-mediated transactivation in rat liver nuclear extracts. This is the first report on transactivation by HNF4 in a cell-free system derived from rat liver nuclei.


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Retinoids are a large family of natural and synthetic compounds related to vitamin A that have pleiotropic effects on body physiology, reproduction, immunity, and embryonic development. The diverse activities of retinoids are primarily mediated by two families of nuclear retinoic acid receptors, the RARs and RXRs. Retinoic acids are thought to be the only natural ligands for these receptors and are widely assumed to be the active principle of vitamin A. However, during an unbiased, bioactivity-guided fractionation of Xenopus embryos, we were unable to detect significant levels of all-trans or 9-cis retinoic acids. Instead, we found that the major bioactive retinoid in the Xenopus egg and early embryo is 4-oxoretinaldehyde, which is capable of binding to and transactivating RARs. In addition to its inherent activity, 4-oxoretinaldehyde appears to be a metabolic precursor of two other RAR ligands, 4-oxoretinoic acid and 4-oxoretinol. The remarkable increase in activity of retinaldehyde and retinol as a consequence of 4-oxo derivatization suggests that this metabolic step could serve a critical regulatory function during embryogenesis.


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All-trans-retinoic acid (at-RA) induces cell differentiation in a wide variety of cell types, including F9 embryonic teratocarcinoma cells, and can influence axial pattern formation during embryonic development. We now identify a novel retinoid synthetic pathway in differentiating F9 cells that results in the intracellular production of 4-oxoretinol (4-oxo-ROL) from retinol (vitamin A). Approximately 10-15% of the total retinol in the culture is metabolized to 4-hydroxyretinol and 4-oxo-ROL by the at-RA-treated, differentiating F9 cells over an 18-hr period, but no detectable metabolism of all-trans-retinol to at-RA or 9-cis-retinoic acid is observed in these cells. Remarkably, we show that 4-oxo-ROL can bind and activate transcription of the retinoic acid receptors whereas all-trans-retinol shows neither activity. Low doses of 4-oxo-ROL (e.g., 10(-9) or 10(-10 M) can activate the retinoic acid receptors even though, unlike at-RA, 4-oxo-ROL does not contain an acid moiety at the carbon 15 position. 4-oxo-ROL does not bind or transcriptionally activate the retinoid X receptors. Treatment of F9 cells with 4-oxo-ROL induces differentiation without conversion to the acid and 4-oxo-ROL is active in causing axial truncation when administered to Xenopus embryos at the blastula stage. Thus, 4-oxo-ROL is a natural, biologically active retinoid that is present in differentiated F9 cells. Our data suggest that 4-oxo-ROL may be a novel signaling molecule and regulator of cell differentiation.


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Apesar de diversos estudos in vitro e em populações indicarem um efeito protetor do β-caroteno em sistemas biológicos, estudos epidemiológicos como o \"The Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention Study\" (ATBC) e o \"The Beta-Carotene and Retinol Efficacy Trial\" (CARET) mostraram um aumento na incidência de câncer pulmonar em indivíduos fumantes suplementados com β-caroteno. Essa ação contraditória tem sido chamada na literatura de \"Paradoxo do β-Caroteno\". Sabe-se que este carotenóide sob altas pressões de oxigênio ou na presença de peróxidos pode sofrer oxidação e levar a formação de compostos como aldeídos, epóxidos, etc, que são capazes de se adicionarem covalentemente ao DNA. Estudos, in vitro e in vivo têm demonstrado a possibilidade de os metabólitos do β-caroteno agirem como agentes pró-carcinogênicos. Estes agentes quando ativados quimicamente podem levar à formação de adutos de DNA. Já se sabe que alguns desses adutos encontramse em níveis aumentados em diversas situações de risco de câncer. Diversos grupos, incluindo o nosso, têm demonstrado a formação de lesões em DNA a partir de aldeídos e epóxidos exógenos ou gerados endogenamente. O presente trabalho mostra que a reação do β-caroteno e dois de seus produtos de oxidação, retinal e β-apo-8\'-carotenal, com 2\'-desoxiguanosina e DNA leva à formação de adutos. Dentre os adutos formados, foi caracterizado o aduto 1,N2eteno-2\'-desoxiguanosina (1 ,N2-εdGuo). Os níveis de outro aduto de DNA, a 8-oxo-7,8-dihidro-2\'-deoxiguanosina (8-oxodGuo), também foram monitoradas para estudo comparativo. A formação dos adutos também foi verificada em fibroblastos normais de pulmão humano (linhagem IMR-90) expostos ao β-caroteno e aos seus produtos de oxidação. Experimentos com ratos suplementados com β-caroteno e expostos à fumaça de cigarro em períodos de 7, 30 e 180 dias, mostraram níveis aumentados de 1,N2-εdGuo nos animais suplementados com o carotenóide comparado ao grupo veículo. Aumento no nível de 8-oxodGuo também foi verificado nos tratamentos de 7 e 180 dias. Um aumento significativo no nível do eteno aduto também foi verificado nos animais suplementados com β-caroteno e expostos à fumaça de cigarro, comparado ao grupo apenas exposto à fumaça após 7 e 180 dias de exposição. Nestes mesmos grupos, o aumento do 8-oxodGuo só foi observado no tratamento por 180 dias. Sabendo que estas lesões são comprovadamente mutagênicas, nossos estudos podem contribuir para o esclarecimento dos mecanismos envolvidos na formação de câncer em fumantes suplementados ou não com β-caroteno.


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Aims: To investigate the prevalence of vitamin A deficiency among lactating women in a poor urban population of Bangladesh, and to examine the relationship between various factors and vitamin A status. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Maternal and child health clinic in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Subjects and methods: A total of 120 lactating women aged 17-37 years were randomly selected from women who attended a local maternal and child health clinic in Dhaka City for immunisation of their children. Various socio-economic, personal characteristics, dietary intakes of vitamin A and anthropometric data were collected. Serum retinol (vitamin A) concentration was determined as a measure of vitamin A status. Results: Of the subjects, 37% had low serum vitamin A levels (<30 μg dl(-1)), with 13.3% having sub-clinical vitamin A deficiency (<20 mug dl(-1)). Eighty-seven per cent had vitamin A intakes below the recommended dietary allowance. The lactating women who were either illiterate or received only informal education had significantly (P=0.002) lower serum vitamin A levels compared with those who received formal education. The women whose husbands received formal education had significantly (P=0.05) higher serum vitamin A levels than those whose husbands were either illiterate or received only informal education. The serum vitamin A levels of women in households with poor sanitation/latrine practice were significantly (P=0.03) lower than those of women in households with good sanitation/latrine practice. The women with one child had significantly (P=0.015) lower serum vitamin A levels than those with two or more children. Women with a lactation period of 6 months or more had significantly (P=0.034) lower serum vitamin A levels than women with a lactation period of less than 6 months. The women who consumed less than the median vitamin A intake (274.8 mug day(-1)) had significantly (P=0.01) lower serum vitamin A levels than those who consumed more than the median vitamin A intake. By multiple regression analysis, education level of the women, number of living children, duration of lactation and dietary intake of vitamin A were found to have significant independent relationships with serum vitamin A. The overall F-ratio (6.8) was highly significant (P=0.000), the adjusted R-2 was 0.16 (multiple R=0.44). Conclusion: A significant proportion of poor, urban, lactating women in Bangladesh have vitamin A deficiency. Among the various factors, education level of the women, number of living children, duration of lactation and dietary intake of vitamin A appear to be important in influencing the vitamin A status of these women.


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As part of an overall study to identify vitamin A-rich foods, a study was carried out in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) to provide information on production, acquisition, consumption and cultural acceptability of edible pandanus cultivars, Pandanus teetorius, and to identify their carotenoid content. Samples of five pandanus cultivars were collected and analyzed for alpha- and beta-carotene by HPLC. The results showed that the two cultivars with yellow fruit coloration contained low levels of carotenoids, while the orange fruits, which were also well liked as a food in the community, contained higher levels at maxima of 190 mug/100 g and 393 mug/100 g for alpha- and beta-carotene, respectively. Common patterns of intake when the fruit is available show that pandanus can provide a large proportion of estimated requirements of retinol equivalents. Local people were generally unaware that pandanus had health benefits, although the food was very popular. Nevertheless, key informants report that production had greatly decreased in recent years. To reverse this trend, those acceptable cultivars high in carotenoid content should be promoted both for their general enjoyment and their health benefits. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This cross-sectional study investigated the prevalence of anaemia and vitamin A deficiency (VAD) among pregnant women in a poor urban population of Bangladesh. It also examined the association of various socio-economic and dietary factors with anaemia and vitamin A status. A maternal and child health clinic in Dhaka city, Bangladesh was used to obtain the sample. Three hundred and eighty three pregnant women, aged 20-30 years, of 20-30 weeks gestation were randomly selected from women on their first presentation for antenatal care. Socio-economic, pregnancy related information, usual dietary pattern, and anthropometric data were collected. Blood haemoglobin and serum retinol (vitamin A) concentrations were determined. About 40% of the pregnant women were anaemic (haemoglobin <11.0 g/dl) and 45% had low serum vitamin A levels (<30 mug/dl); with 8.6% having sub-clinical VAD (serum retinol <20 μg/dl). The women with low serum vitamin A levels had 1.8 times greater risk of being anaemic than did the women with normal vitamin A status. Food frequency data revealed that a large proportion of these women did not consume egg (49%), milk (25%), meat (31%), liver (83%), large fish (32%), small fish (39%) and sweet pumpkin (52%) at all; while about 25% of the women reported consuming dark green leafy vegetables (DGLV) and 64% reported an intake of fruit at least four servings a week. The pregnant women who were either illiterate or received only informal education (up to grade ten) had significantly lower haemoglobin and serum vitamin A levels compared to those who completed at least a secondary school certificate. The women whose husbands were illiterate or received only informal education had significantly (P=0.01) lower serum vitamin A levels than those whose husbands had received at least a secondary school certificate. The women who came from families with a per-capita income below the poverty line had significantly lower haemoglobin and serum vitamin A levels compared to those who came from families with a per-capita income above the poverty line. The women who consumed three servings or less of DGLV and fruit per week had significantly lower haemoglobin and serum vitamin A levels than those who consumed four or more servings a week. The women who never consumed large fish had significantly lower haemoglobin compared to those who reported at least one serving a week. Furthermore, the women who never consumed sweet pumpkin had significantly lower serum vitamin A than the women who ate at least one serving a week. By multiple regression analysis, intake of meat, DGLV and fruit, and serum vitamin A levels were found to have a significant independent relationship with haemoglobin. The overall F-ratio (9.9) was highly significant (P=0.000), the adjusted R-square was 0.086 (multiple R=0.309). Multiple regression analysis for serum vitamin A also revealed a significant independent relationship with per capita income, haemoglobin levels, intakes of DGLV and sweet pumpkin. The overall F-ratio (10.2) was highly significant (P=0.000), the adjusted R-square was 0.10 (multiple R=0.312). In conclusion, anaemia and vitamin A deficiency were highly prevalent among poor urban pregnant women in Bangladesh. Various socio-economic and dietary factors may influence the anaemia and vitamin A status of these women. The present study emphasizes the need for a comprehensive intervention strategy, which include both nutritional and environmental factors, to improve the nutritional status of this population.


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Recently very potent extracorporeal cholesterol-lowering treatment options have become available for patients with hypercholesterolemia. LDL immunoapheresis treatment selectively removes LDL and lipoprotein(a) from the circulation. Since LDL is the major carrier of lipophilic antioxidants in plasma, the purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of a single LDL apheresis treatment on plasma concentrations of tocopherols (alpha- and gamma-tocopherol) and carotenoids (alpha- and beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin, canthaxanthin, lycopene, and retinol). Plasma antioxidant concentrations were determined by HPLC in 7 patients with familial hypercholesterolemia before and after LDL immunoapheresis treatment. Plasma concentrations of both alpha- and gamma-tocopherol and the different carotenoids were significantly reduced by LDL apheresis. However, when standardized for cholesterol to adjust for cholesterol removal, alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, retinol, and the more polar carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin increased in response to apheresis treatment, while the more unpolar carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lycopene did not change. These data demonstrate that a single LDL immunoapheresis treatment affects tocopherols and individual carotenoids differently. This may be explained by differences in chemical structure and preferential association with different lipoproteins. These results further imply that tocopherols, lutein, zeaxanthin, and retinol, are associated in part with lipoproteins and other carriers such as retinol-binding protein that are not removed during apheresis treatment. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The role of dietary factors in the development of skin cancer has been investigated for many years; however, the results of epidemiologic studies have not been systematically reviewed. This article reviews human studies of basal cell cancer (BCC) and squamous cell cancer (SCC) and includes all studies identified in the published scientific literature investigating dietary exposure to fats, retinol, carotenoids, vitamin E, vitamin Q and selenium. A total of 26 studies were critically reviewed according to study design and quality of the epidemiologic evidence. Overall, the evidence suggests a positive relationship between fat intake and BCC and SCC, an inconsistent association for retinol, and little relation between beta-carotene and BCC or SCC development. There is insufficient evidence on which to make a judgment about an association of other carotenoids with skin cancer. The evidence for associations between vitamin E, vitamin C, and selenium and both BCC and SCC is weak. Many of the existing studies contain limitations, however, and further well-designed and implemented studies are required to clarify the role of diet in skin cancer. Additionally, the role of other dietary factors, such as flavonoids and other polyphenols, which have been implicated in skin cancer development in animal models, needs to be investigated.


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Objective: To evaluate responses to self-administered brief questions regarding consumption of vegetables and fruit by comparison with blood levels of serum carotenoids and red-cell folate. Design: A cross-sectional study in which participants reported their usual intake of fruit and vegetables in servings per day, and serum levels of five carotenoids (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin and lycopene) and red-cell folate were measured. Serum carotenoid levels were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography, and red-cell folate by an automated immunoassay system. Settings and subjects: Between October and December 2000, a sample of 1598 adults aged 25 years and over, from six randomly selected urban centres in Queensland, Australia, were examined as part of a national study conducted to determine the prevalence of diabetes and associated cardiovascular risk factors. Results: Statistically significant (P < 0.01) associations with vegetable and fruit intake ( categorised into groups: = 4 servings per day) were observed for alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein/zeaxanthin and red-cell folate. The mean level of these carotenoids and of red-cell folate increased with increasing frequency of reported servings of vegetables and fruit, both before and after adjusting for potential confounding factors. A significant association with lycopene was observed only for vegetable intake before adjusting for confounders. Conclusions: These data indicate that brief questions may be a simple and valuable tool for monitoring vegetable and fruit intake in this population.


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This cross-sectional study examined the physical status, nutrient intake and dietary pattern of adolescent female factory workers in urban Bangladesh. A total of 1211 postmenarchial girls aged 14-19y from seventeen readymade garment industries spread over the Dhaka City participated in the study. Body weight, height and skin fold thickness were measured for all subjects. The nutrient intake was assessed by 24-h recall method and 7-day food frequency questionnaire was used to investigate their dietary pattern on a sub-sample of 509 girls. Sixty five percent of the girls were short (height-for-age,