202 resultados para REINTERPRETATION


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Tetradiids are a group of colonial, tubular fossils that occur globally in Middle to Upper Ordovician strata. Tetradiids were first described as a type of tabulate coral; however, based on their four-fold symmetry, division, and presence of a central-sparry canal, they were recently reinterpreted as a florideophyte rhodophyte algae, a reinterpretation that is tested in this thesis. This study focused on understanding the affinity and taphonomy of this order of fossil. Research was conducted by stratigraphic and petrographic analyses of the Black River Group in the Kingston, Ontario region. Tetradiid occurrences were divided into fragment or colonial, with three morphologies of tetradiids described (Tetradium, Phytopsis and Paratetradium). Morphology is specific to depositional environment, with compact Tetradium consistently within ooid grainstones and open branching Phytopsis and chained Paratetradium consistently within mudstones. Two types of patch reefs were recognized: a Paratetradium bioherm, and a Paratetradium, Phytopsis, stromatolite bioherm. The presence of bioherms implies that tetradiids were capable of hypercalcifying. Preservation styles of tetradiids were investigated, and were compared to brachiopods, echinoderms, mollusks, and ooids. Tetradiids were preferentially preserved as molds and demonstrated complete dissolution of skeletal material. Rare specimens, however, demonstrated preserved horizontal partitions, central plates, and a double wall. Skeletal molds were filled with either calcite spar, mud or encrusted by a cryptomicrobial colony. Both calcitic and aragonitic ooids were discovered. The co-occurrence of aragonitic ooids, aragonitic crytodontids, and the evolution of aragonitic, hypercalcifying tetradiids is interpreted as representing the geochemical favoring of aragonite and HMC in a time of global calcite seas. The geochemical favoring of aragonite is interpreted to be independent to global Mg: Ca ratios, but was the result of increased saturation levels and temperature driven by high atmospheric pCO2. Based on the presence of epitheca, tabulae, septa, and the commonality of growth forms, tetradiids are interpreted as an order of Cnidaria. The evolution of an aragonitic skeleton in tetradiids is interpreted to be the result of de novo acquisition of a skeleton from an unmineralized clade.


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Primera parte de un artículo dividido en dos que analiza la profunda reinterpretación que del mito de Dafne llevaron a cabo, a partir del relato alternativo de Partenio de Nicea más que del célebre relato de Ovidio, Richard Strauss y su libretista Joseph Gregor en su versión operística Daphne (1938). El objetivo final es someter a examen la declaración expresa de Strauss sobre el significado de su nueva ópera y si a través de la manipulación del argumento mítico los autores lograron alcanzar su objetivo.


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The rise and fall of De Lorean Motor Cars Limited (DMCL) has been traditionally interpreted as either the result either of John De Lorean’s psychological flaws or as confirming the supposed limitations of activist industrial policy. However, when the episode is examined in greater historical detail, neither of these interpretations are compelling. The reinterpretation outlined here draws on institutional analysis as well as a range of archival sources, much of it previously unreleased. The inefficiencies within the original contractual agreement are highlighted. The lack of credibility associated with this agreement was in turn traceable to the institutional environment (with its associated risk-reward implications) under which industrial policy operated. This environment had a political element - it had been distorted by the Troubles and the resulting fears policymakers had of a cumulative causation relationship between violence and unemployment. Officials in Belfast, against Treasury opposition, advocated state-led entrepreneurship as a policy response.


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Ethical issues are at the heart of planning. Thus, planning theory has long displayed an interest in debating both the ethical justification for planning and how the activity of planning can be rendered more ethically sensitive. However, comparatively little attention has been shown to how the very constitution of the planner as a ‘moral subject’ may be ethically problematic for planning practice. This article addresses this lacuna through an engagement with the philosophy of Michel Foucault. In contrast to how his work is normally applied, this article accords with Foucault’s own direction that his later examination of ethics be used as a lens through which to read his earlier analysis of power and knowledge. Accordingly, the article first outlines Foucault’s innovative reinterpretation of how power and knowledge operate in society before setting this within his novel reconception of ethics. This theoretical exposition is then employed to interpret the material drawn from in-depth qualitative interviews with 20 planning officers working in a range of different contexts. The article subsequently employs Foucault’s ethically informed reading of power and knowledge to identify ethical issues arising from the approaches used by practitioners to justify their planning activities. The article concludes by suggesting how such issues can be resolved.


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Based on interviews with young persons in two national Muslim youth organizations in Europe, this article examines how young Muslims negotiate between the cultural customs of their societiesof origin, their everyday experiences in Europe, and the global Muslim public sphere. In seekinga universal “true” core of Islam, these young persons create their own version of Islam, a “fourthspace” in which they reinterpret the authoritative source texts of Islam in light of personal diasporicexperiences in Europe. This reinterpretation becomes particularly pertinent in the context of planningfor future marriage, where they jointly construct new understandings of Islam to argue for inter-ethnic marriages and later age at marriage, to argue against coercion in arranged marriages, tooppose polygyny and to portray the stigmatization of divorce as counter to the true spirit of Islam.


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Tendo como ponto de partida a leitura intertextual das obras Caim, de José Saramago, e Gaspard, Melchior et Balthazar, de Michel Tournier, encaradas à luz da Teoria da Carnavalização do filósofo russo Mikhail Bakhtin, procura-se estabelecer afinidades e antinomias passíveis de constarem na temática da revisitação subversiva de mitos bíblicos. Assim sendo, pretende-se concluir, nomeadamente, acerca da relevância do diálogo efetuado pelos autores em torno da verdade oficial e sua reinterpretação, ainda que insolente; da validade da viagem de iniciação, enquanto lenitivo, “via-sacra” e demanda de absoluta Plenitude, empreendida pelos heróis e pelos anti-heróis; do grotesco na representação carnavalesca do corpo e da vida terrena; da presença de um discurso narrativo fazendo uso de uma linguagem subversiva, onde grotesco, ironia e/ou paródia são percetíveis; dos valores morais e ética social a preservar versus crítica acérrima ao poder instituído; da queda do Homem e do confronto com Deus e suas imperdoáveis limitações “humanas”; da presença do binómio entidade divina/entidade mefistofélica e o modo como as várias vozes narrativas surgem articuladas. Concomitantemente, pretende-se comprovar que os textos de José Saramago e Michel Tournier, embora mergulhando no desmascaramento, “profanação” e aparente niilismo do Texto Bíblico, na dessacralização de um cosmos oficial e na adoção do riso e impertinência enquanto catarse, longe de provocarem a aniquilação do mito, antes concorrem para uma releitura profícua, pois repleta de pluralidade de significados, onde o Transcendente, por oposição à desilusão prodigalizada pela vida terrena, é objeto de revitalização; pretendendo autores, narradores e leitores, postos em diálogo polifónico, a não reiteração de modos perniciosos de “estar” e “ser”, mas um olhar lúcido e puro sobre o futuro da Humanidade.


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Internally-grooved refrigeration tubes maximize tube-side evaporative heat transfer rates and have been identified as a most promising technology for integration into compact cold plates. Unfortunately, the absence of phenomenological insights and physical models hinders the extrapolation of grooved-tube performance to new applications. The success of regime-based heat transfer correlations for smooth tubes has motivated the current effort to explore the relationship between flow regimes and enhanced heat transfer in internally-grooved tubes. In this thesis, a detailed analysis of smooth and internally-grooved tube data reveals that performance improvement in internally-grooved tubes at low-to-intermediate mass flux is a result of early flow regime transition. Based on this analysis, a new flow regime map and corresponding heat transfer coefficient correlation, which account for the increased wetted angle, turbulence, and Gregorig effects unique to internally-grooved tubes, were developed. A two-phase test facility was designed and fabricated to validate the newly-developed flow regime map and regime-based heat transfer coefficient correlation. As part of this setup, a non-intrusive optical technique was developed to study the dynamic nature of two-phase flows. It was found that different flow regimes result in unique temporally varying film thickness profiles. Using these profiles, quantitative flow regime identification measures were developed, including the ability to explain and quantify the more subtle transitions that exist between dominant flow regimes. Flow regime data, based on the newly-developed method, and heat transfer coefficient data, using infrared thermography, were collected for two-phase HFE-7100 flow in horizontal 2.62mm - 8.84mm diameter smooth and internally-grooved tubes with mass fluxes from 25-300 kg/m²s, heat fluxes from 4-56 kW/m², and vapor qualities approaching 1. In total, over 6500 combined data points for the adiabatic and diabatic smooth and internally-grooved tubes were acquired. Based on results from the experiments and a reinterpretation of data from independent researchers, it was established that heat transfer enhancement in internally-grooved tubes at low-to-intermediate mass flux is primarily due to early flow regime transition to Annular flow. The regime-based heat transfer coefficient outperformed empirical correlations from the literature, with mean and absolute deviations of 4.0% and 32% for the full range of data collected.


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In this talk, we propose an all regime Lagrange-Projection like numerical scheme for the gas dynamics equations. By all regime, we mean that the numerical scheme is able to compute accurate approximate solutions with an under-resolved discretization with respect to the Mach number M, i.e. such that the ratio between the Mach number M and the mesh size or the time step is small with respect to 1. The key idea is to decouple acoustic and transport phenomenon and then alter the numerical flux in the acoustic approximation to obtain a uniform truncation error in term of M. This modified scheme is conservative and endowed with good stability properties with respect to the positivity of the density and the internal energy. A discrete entropy inequality under a condition on the modification is obtained thanks to a reinterpretation of the modified scheme in the Harten Lax and van Leer formalism. A natural extension to multi-dimensional problems discretized over unstructured mesh is proposed. Then a simple and efficient semi implicit scheme is also proposed. The resulting scheme is stable under a CFL condition driven by the (slow) material waves and not by the (fast) acoustic waves and so verifies the all regime property. Numerical evidences are proposed and show the ability of the scheme to deal with tests where the flow regime may vary from low to high Mach values.


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Uncle Dave Macon provided an essential link between nineteenth-century, urban popular stage music (especially the minstrel show and vaudeville) and commercialized country music of the 1920s. He preserved through his recordings a large body of songs and banjo techniques that had their origins in urban-based, nineteenth-century vaudeville and minstrelsy. Like the minstrel and vaudeville performers of the nineteenth century, Macon told jokes and stories, employed attention-grabbing stage gimmicks, marketed himself with boastful or outrageous slogans, and dressed with individual flair. At the same time, Macon incorporated many features from the rural-based folk music of Middle Tennessee. Overall, Macon’s repertoire, musical style, and stage persona (which included elements of the rube, country gentleman, and old man) demonstrated his deep absorption, and subsequent reinterpretation, of nineteenth-century musical traditions. Macon’s career offers a case study in how nineteenth-century performance styles, repertoire, and stage practices became a part of country music in the 1920s. As an artist steeped in two separate, but overlapping, types of nineteenth-century music—stage and folk—Macon was well-positioned to influence the development of the new commercial genre. He brought together several strains of nineteenth-century music to form a modern, twentieth-century musical product ideally suited to the new mass media of records, radio, and film. By tracing Macon’s career and studying his music, we can observe how the cross-currents of rural and popular entertainment during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries interacted to form the commercial genre we now know as country music.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Psicologia na área de especialidade Psicologia Clínica


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Vivemos uma era em que os distintos pontos geográficos do globo se tornaram mais próximos em virtude do estreitamento proporcionado pelo profundo avanço tecnológico dos meios de transporte, mas também pela evolução vertiginosa das novas tecnologias de comunicação que têm permitido fazer com que eventos ocorridos numa determinada região do planeta sejam vistos num outro ponto geográfico, com diferença de apenas algumas horas ou mesmo em tempo real. Graças a esse avanço tecnológico e ao consequente desenvolvimento do processo comercial de transmissão e receção de sinal de televisão por satélite e/ou por cabo, a par do veloz fluxo de informação, são também disponibilizados aos recetores conteúdos de entretenimento que refletem práticas culturais com características marcadamente identitárias, de outras sociedades. Considerando que determinadas condicionantes históricas e económicas do mundo não possibilitam um fluxo bidirecional dos referidos produtos televisivos e o facto de as empresas prestadoras destes serviços se dedicarem exclusivamente à venda de produtos, cujos conteúdos retratam práticas culturais de determinados países (em melhores condições de desenvolvimento económico e tecnológico) existe a possibilidade de se estar diante de um processo de difusão cultural e de aculturação de que são alvo os cidadãos dos países recetores dos referidos conteúdos. Este trabalho pretende efetuar uma análise do impacto das telenovelas brasileiras no comportamento dos luandenses, baseando-se numa pesquisa desenvolvida nos sete municípios da Província de Luanda. Os resultados da pesquisa revelam a presença de componentes culturais brasileiras em práticas sociais dos luandenses há várias gerações e mostram o papel transformador que as telenovelas brasileiras continuam a desempenhar nesta sociedade. A ausência nos canais de televisão locais de mensagens e imagens das representações endógenas favorece a apropriação de práticas culturais exógenas emitidas pelas produções brasileiras e a sua ressignificação no quotidiano local.


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Reinterpretation of old heat flow data or use of new data and new techniques of detection of the temperature under the surface have conducted to new heat flow density values in some regions of the globe. The problem of ice melting in Greenland and Antarctica caught the public's attention to the importance of knowledge on heat flow values and thermal structure of the globe. In the last years, several models were presented trying to obtain lithosphere and Moho thickness of the Iberia Peninsula. The work we intend to present is related with the SW part of the Iberia Peninsula ( south of the Ossa Morena zone, South Portuguese Zone and Algarve). The results obtained show a decrease in the thickness of the crust and the lithosphere in this region. Density anomalies in the crust are also referred. I intend to make the connection between the results of these models and the heat flow thermal conductivity, heat production and geological data available for the region, trying to explain the results of heat flow density data obtained.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2015.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.