278 resultados para RAMI


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We consider the problem of resource selection in clustered Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval (P2P IR) networks with cooperative peers. The clustered P2P IR framework presents a significant departure from general P2P IR architectures by employing clustering to ensure content coherence between resources at the resource selection layer, without disturbing document allocation. We propose that such a property could be leveraged in resource selection by adapting well-studied and popular inverted lists for centralized document retrieval. Accordingly, we propose the Inverted PeerCluster Index (IPI), an approach that adapts the inverted lists, in a straightforward manner, for resource selection in clustered P2P IR. IPI also encompasses a strikingly simple peer-specific scoring mechanism that exploits the said index for resource selection. Through an extensive empirical analysis on P2P IR testbeds, we establish that IPI competes well with the sophisticated state-of-the-art methods in virtually every parameter of interest for the resource selection task, in the context of clustered P2P IR.


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A chi appartieni quando sai di essere diverso? Quando percorri un sentiero altro dalle battute strade dei tuoi? Quando t’imbarchi o nasci altrove ma sai di non potervi restare per sempre? Vogliamo tutti appartenere o meglio essere parte di qualcosa. Dei nostri supereroi, dei nostri artisti preferiti, di un partito politico, di una famiglia. Appartenere è percorrere un cammino comune, sentire di non essere soli. Gli uomini chiamano “radici” questa filiazione, un sentimento profondo che è un punto di contatto tra l’eterno andare e ritornare a conoscere se stessi. Avere delle radici è fondamentale per non sentirsi persi, per avere un porto sicuro da cui andare e partire. Come per le piante, le radici sono il punto di contatto con il terreno e le origini, ma soprattutto la vera base che permette al tronco e ai rami, quindi a una vita tutta nuova, di crescere sana e forte. Le radici sono l’inizio e la fine del viaggio al centro di se stessi.Ogni parte di questo percorso ha come tema principale una delle domande del libro e cerca di tracciarne possibili risposte, suggestioni, suggerimenti con spunti dall’opera omnia di questo artista e di autori che si sono interessati all’argomento con un approccio letterario o analitico. Le linee guida del primo capitolo saranno le domande “chi siete?” e “da dove venite?”; cercherò di trovare risposte grazie ai saggi echi del mare e di chi ne ha scritto e grazie alle pagine di Tefteri, Non si muore tutte le mattine e Il paese dei coppoloni, nonché le nuove Canzoni della Cupa del cantautore errante. Il secondo e ultimo capitolo invece si sposta dalla grandezza del mare alla quella della montagna, concentrandosi sulle domande “cosa andate cercando?” e “a chi appartenete?”; andrò indagando nell’entroterra delle appartenenze grazie ad altre preziose pagine e mi interrogherò sul valore che possono avere le voci antiche e nuove per una tale ricerca.


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The aim of this paper is to provide an efficient control design technique for discrete-time positive periodic systems. In particular, stability, positivity and periodic invariance of such systems are studied. Moreover, the concept of periodic invariance with respect to a collection of boxes is introduced and investigated with connection to stability. It is shown how such concept can be used for deriving a stabilizing state-feedback control that maintains the positivity of the closed-loop system and respects states and control signals constraints. In addition, all the proposed results can be efficiently solved in terms of linear programming.


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Background. Surgical treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs resolves symptoms and improves quality of life. However, the high recurrence (20-80%) is a costly and complex issue. Patients and methods. This is a retrospective review of 1489 patients with varicose vein of the lower limbs seen at our hospital between January 1980 and December 2005. The aim is to evaluate the effect of surgical technique (stripping vs. CHIVA) and surgeon’s experience in reducing recurrences. Results. With experienced surgeons, CHIVA appears to be more effective than stripping in reducing the recurrence rate (p <0.05). However, when performed by an inexperienced surgeon the results are far worse than those achieved with stripping. Conclusion. There was a clear reduction in recurrences at 5-10 years with CHIVA than with conventional stripping. However, if performed incorrectly, results are far worse with CHIVA. In fact, good results are far more difficult to achieve with CHIVA than with stripping, which is repeatable and easy to perform.


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Background. Indirect revascularization is a therapeutic approach in case of severe angina not suitable for percutaneous or surgical revascularization. Transmyocardial revascularization (TMR) is one of the techniques used for indirect revascularization and it allows to create transmyocardial channels by a laser energy bundle delivered on left ventricular epicardial surface. Benefits of the procedure are related mainly to the angiogenesis caused by inflammation and secondly to the destruction of the nervous fibers of the heart. Patients and method. From September 1996 up to July 1997, 14 patients (9 males – 66.7%, mean age 64.8±7.9 years) underwent TMR. All patients referred angina at rest; Canadian Angina Class was IV in 7 patients (58.3%), III in 5 (41.7%). Before the enrollment, coronarography was routinely performed to find out the feasibility of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG): 13 patients (91,6%) had coronary arteries lesions not suitable for direct revascularization; this condition was limited only to postero-lateral area in one patient submitted to combined TMR + CABG procedures. Results. Mean discharge time was 3,2±1,3 days after surgery. All patients were discharged in good clinical conditions. Perfusion thallium scintigraphy was performed in 7 patients at a mean follow-up of 4±2 months, showing in all but one an improvement of perfusion defects. Moreover an exercise treadmill improvement was observed in the same patients and all of them are in good clinical conditions, with significantly reduced use of active drugs. Conclusion. Our experience confirms that TMR is a safe and feasible procedure and it offers a therapeutic solution in case of untreatable angina. Moreover, it could be a hybrid approach for patients undergoing CABGs in case of absence of vessels suitable for surgical approach in limited areas of the heart.


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This is an unusual case of chronic abdominal pain following two liver transplants with at least three potential causes: traumatic neuroma, intussusception of the small bowel of the Roux loop and biliary cast. Surgical removal of the latter two factors led to resolution of the pain. The management of the clinical case is discussed.


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Hemangioma is the most common benign tumor of the liver and it is often asymptomatic. Spontaneous rupture of liver hemangiomas is a rare but potentially lethal complication. Emergent hepatic resection has been the treatment of choice but carries high operative morbidity and mortality. Recently, preoperative transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) has been used successfully for the management of bleeding ruptured liver tumors and non-operative treatment of symptomatic giant liver hemangiomas. We report a case of spontaneous rupture of a giant hepatic hemangioma that presented with thoracic and abdominal pain and shock due to hemoperitoneum. Once proper diagnosis was made the patient was successfully managed by TAE, followed by conservative hepatic resection.


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Multicystic nephroma is a relatively rare tumor of the kidney presenting unclear histological origin. Abdominal mass is a common onset sign in children while abdominal flank pain or abdominal discomfort, hematuria and recurrent urinary tract infections usually affect adults. Preoperative diagnosis is impossible especially in the adult variant of the tumor where clear cells carcinoma with cystic degeneration must always be suspected. We herein report a case of a 77 year old man complaining of flank abdominal pain and recurrent episodes of urinary tract infection due to a right-sided multicystic nephroma successfully treated with nephrectomy.


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The authors present two cases of mucocele of the appendix and discuss them in relation to the literature and the clinical features of this disease. They clarify the definition of mucocele as an intraluminal accumulation of mucus in the appendix, and concentrate on the observable pathological processes, agreeing on the higher frequency of mucinous cystadenoma and the possibility that mucocele can develop into peritoneal pseudomyxoma or degenerate into cystadenocarcinoma. They also note that most diagnoses are made intra-operatively during appendectomy, and that, in cases suspected preoperatively, thorough investigation with imaging techniques is very important in order to plan the best treatment.


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Myelolipomas are rare tumours which are most commonly found in association with the adrenal glands. However, extra-adrenal sites have been described, but limited to case reports. They are characterized by a normal adrenal gland function and absence of haematopoesis which differentiates them from extramedullary haematopoetic tumours. We present a rare case of perirenal extra-adrenal myelolipoma and we review the imaging characteristics and management options for this condition.


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ntestinal aspergillosis is an infection with a very high death rate especially in leukemic patients. Here we describe a case of a 46 years old woman with acute myeloid leukemia (LAM M5) who developed intestinal primary aspergillosis. This patient was diagnosed with LAM M5 through bone marrow aspiration and bone biopsy in March 2004. Symptoms of the disease were slight persistent fever, weight loss, asthenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia,and leukocytosis with high number of blasts in peripheral blood. After induction chemotherapy with ICE (Ifosfamide, Carboplatin, Etoposide), she developed neutropenia and high fever without apparent infective foci. She was treated with empiric antibiotic therapy, nevertheless she developed an intense diarrhea and ileo-cecal distention. Diagnostic exams didn’t show signs of a focal lesion. Despite the change in antibiotic treatment and the transfusions of granulocytes and blood cells, the patient developed extremely critical conditions with persistence of neutropenia and abdominal distention. A surgical treatment was decided at the time. We treated the patient with a two steps surgical procedure. The first step was a right abdominal ileostomy followed by improvement of general conditions and then the second step a right colectomy. The histological morphology confirmed necrotizing colitis with Aspergillus ife. At that time , treatment with voriconazole was started. The general conditions of the patient improved rapidly and we were able to treat the patient with other medical anti-leukemic therapies. The patient is now cured and in healthy state. We obtained a good clinical result as only in other few cases described in literature.


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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease which affects the connective tissue. Its etiology is as yet unknown, while its pathogenesis involves the immune system. Both genetic and environmental and hormonal factors play a key role in the impaired immune regulation. A correlation with estrogens is demonstrated by the fact that the greatest incidence is found in young women, when estrogen secretion is at its highest. The disease is also reported to worsen in women taking oral contraceptives. It is therefore believed that the components of oral contraceptives, estrogens (ethinyl estradiol) and progestins, can affect the immune profile. Of the various complications attributed to systemic lupus erythematosus, gastrointestinal disorders are less common but potentially by far the most serious. We report a case of ischemic necrosis with sigma perforation in a patient with SLE. Signs and symptoms of acute abdomen in patients with SLE are rare (0.2%), but serious. Most patients require an exploratory laparotomy, as the causes are often linked with vasculitis.