883 resultados para Rückzug ins Private
Non-invasive ambulatory blood pressure monitoring has proved to be very useful in evaluating hypertensive patients. However, most previous studies were performed in specialised centres. Here the results of two trials are presented in which private physicians used ambulatory BP monitoring to assess the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs. The results were very similar to those observed previously in specialised clinics. In the individual patient, the level of ambulatory recorded pressure could not be predicted based on BP readings taken at the doctor's office. Also, the BP response to antihypertensive therapy was more reproducible when evaluated by ambulatory BP monitoring than by the doctor. Thus, the use of noninvasive ambulatory BP monitoring is also very appropriate in everyday practice for the management of hypertensive patients.
This article aims to show the resemblances that we can find between Admiraçión operum Dey written by Teresa de Cartagena in the mid-XVth century and Respuesta de sor Filotea de la Cruz written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz two hundred years later. Both works are two epistles where the female's intellectual capacity to know and to write is defended by a nun who was received critized for a former work. The religious Teresa de Cartagena ¿converse bishop Pablo Cartagena's granddaughter¿ wrote a moral essay that surprised male readers who considered that the text was a plagiarism. On the other hand, the hieronymite sister sor Juana Inés was reproached by a clergyman for having written the polemic treatise on theology Carta Atenagórica.
O trabalho objetivou determinar a composição corporal de cordeiros Santa Inês e estimar suas exigências de magnésio, potássio e sódio, para ganho de peso. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com 18 cordeiros machos em cada um, com peso médio inicial de 25 e 15 kg no primeiro e no segundo experimentos, respectivamente. Em cada experimento, seis animais foram abatidos, para determinação das quantidades de cada mineral retido no corpo, servindo como animais-referência para a técnica do abate comparativo. Os doze animais remanescentes em cada experimento foram divididos em dois grupos: seis animais receberam alimentação ad libitum e seis receberam alimentação restrita. Os cordeiros do grupo ad libitum e restrito foram abatidos quando os do grupo ad libitum atingiram 35 e 25 kg de peso vivo no primeiro e segundo experimentos, respectivamente. A composição corporal em Ca, P, Mg, K e Na foi estimada a partir de equações de regressão do logaritmo da quantidade desses minerais presentes no corpo vazio dos animais, em razão do peso corporal vazio. As exigências líquidas desses minerais por kg de ganho de peso vivo, obtidas a partir da derivação das equações de predição da composição corporal foram: 0,47 e 0,41 g de Mg, 2,32 e 2,05 g de K e 1,33 e 0,55 g de Na, respectivamente, em animais com 15 e 35 kg.
Dois experimentos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de determinar a composição corporal e estimar as exigências de Ca e P, para ganho em peso, de cordeiros Santa Inês em crescimento. Em cada experimento foram usados 18 animais com 25 a 35 kg de peso vivo (PV), no primeiro, e com 15 a 25 kg no segundo experimento. Seis animais foram abatidos no início de cada experimento para avaliar o conteúdo de Ca e P corporal, servindo como animais referência para o método do abate comparativo, seis animais receberam alimentação ad libitum e seis, alimentação restrita. As exigências líquidas de Ca e P para o ganho em peso foram estimadas a partir da derivação de equações de regressão do logaritmo da quantidade desses minerais presentes no corpo vazio, em função do peso do corpo vazio. As exigências líquidas por quilo de ganho de PV para animais com 15, 25 e 35 kg de PV foram, respectivamente: 11,63, 10,52 e 9,82 g de Ca e 5,82, 4,99 e 4,28 g de P.
When deciding to resort to a PPP contract for the provision of a local public service, local governments have to consider the demand risk allocation between the contracting parties. In this article, I investigate the effects of demand risk allocation on the accountability of procuring authorities regarding consumers changing demand, as well as on the cost-reducing effort incentives of the private public-service provider. I show that contracts in which the private provider bears demand risk motivate more the public authority from responding to customer needs. This is due to the fact that consumers are empowered when the private provider bears demand risk, that is, they have the possibility to oust the private provider in case of non-satisfaction with the service provision, which provides procuring authorities with more credibility in side-trading and then more incentives to be responsive. As a consequence, I show that there is a lower matching with consumers' preferences over time when demand risk is on the public authority rather than on the private provider, and this is corroborated in the light of two famous case studies. However, contracts in which the private provider does not bear demand risk motivate more the private provider from investing in cost-reducing efforts. I highlight then a tradeoff in the allocation of demand risk between productive and allocative efficiency. The striking policy implication of this article for local governments would be that the current trend towards a greater resort to contracts where private providers bear little or no demand risk may not be optimal. Local governments should impose demand risk on private providers within PPP contracts when they expect that consumers' preferences over the service provision will change over time.
This article aims to show the resemblances that we can find between Admiraçión operum Dey written by Teresa de Cartagena in the mid-XVth century and Respuesta de sor Filotea de la Cruz written by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz two hundred years later. Both works are two epistles where the female's intellectual capacity to know and to write is defended by a nun who was received critized for a former work. The religious Teresa de Cartagena ¿converse bishop Pablo Cartagena's granddaughter¿ wrote a moral essay that surprised male readers who considered that the text was a plagiarism. On the other hand, the hieronymite sister sor Juana Inés was reproached by a clergyman for having written the polemic treatise on theology Carta Atenagórica.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do fotoperíodo e da raça nas características de carcaça de cordeiros machos Hampshire Down e Santa Inês. Sete cordeiros Hampshire Down e sete Santa Inês foram submetidos a fotoperíodo de 12 horas luz x 12 horas escuro (curto) e de 18 horas luz x 6 horas escuro (longo). Após o desmame, os cordeiros foram alojados em baias individuais de acordo com os tratamentos. Ao atingirem 31 kg de peso vivo, foram abatidos e a carcaça e os componentes não-constituintes da carcaça foram pesados. Cordeiros Santa Inês apresentaram peso de carcaça quente superior ao dos Hampshire e maior rendimento comercial. Cordeiros Santa Inês apresentaram maior peso de sangue, coração, pulmão, rins e baço. Já os cordeiros Hampshire Down apresentaram pesos de pele, patas e aparelho gastrintestinal cheio superiores aos do Santa Inês. Os cordeiros Santa Inês apresentaram maior largura de garupa e comprimento de perna do que os Hampshire Down. Os cordeiros Santa Inês apresentaram porcentagem de costela descoberta e baixos maior do que os Hampshire Down, com maior porcentagem de perna. A raça influencia mais as características de carcaça do que o fotoperíodo.
The "Yearbook of Private International Law" provides all about the conflict of laws developments of 2012 and 2013 in one book: Volume XIV (2012/2013) includes contributions on the proposed codification of the General Part of Private International Law in Europe, on the reform of the Chinese legal system as well as on defamation and violation of personality rights (the latter in a whole section). Furthermore, the book deals with the application of EU legislation on jurisdiction and enforcement of judgements, the recognition of judgements overturned by another judgement, and the conflict of decisions in international arbitration. Reports and court decisions from the Netherlands, Turkey, India, Finland, Croatia and Switzerland and a summary of two dissertations on the role of sovereignty and choice of courts agreements complete the book.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência bioeconômica de cordeiros F1 Dorper x Santa Inês para produção de carne. Analisou-se o desempenho de ovinos ½ sangue Dorper x ½ sangue Santa Inês, nas fases de cria e de acabamento. A fase de produção das crias foi realizada em caatinga nativa e a fase de acabamento em confinamento. As matrizes foram suplementadas nos últimos 50 dias de prenhez e nos primeiros 30 dias de lactação. As crias foram desmamadas aos 70 dias de idade, divididas em três lotes e confinadas, alimentadas com capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum) ad libitum e concentrado na proporção de 1,5%, 2,5% e 3,5% do peso vivo, respectivamente. O sexo não exerceu influência sobre os pesos no nascimento, no desmame, nem sobre o ganho em peso até o desmame. Não foi observada influência do sexo sobre os pesos e os ganhos em peso aos 30 e 50 dias de confinamento. Nas fases de produção e acabamento em confinamento, os animais de nascimento simples foram superiores aos de nascimento duplo quanto a essas variáveis. Houve efeito linear significativo para peso e ganho em peso aos 30 e 50 dias de confinamento. Os três níveis de uso de concentrado foram economicamente viáveis. As margens brutas de peso vivo, por kg de cordeiro produzido, foram de R$ 0,26 kg-1, R$ 0,30 kg-1 e R$ 0,36 kg-1 para concentrados a 1,5%, 2,5% e 3,5% do peso vivo, respectivamente. Os melhores resultados econômicos foram obtidos quando o nível de concentrado foi de 3,5% do peso vivo.
BACKGROUND: Collaboration and interprofessional practices are highly valued in health systems, because they are thought to improve outcomes of care for persons with complex health problems, such as low back pain. Physiotherapists, like all health providers, are encouraged to take part in interprofessional practices. However, little is known about these practices, especially for private sector physiotherapists. This study aimed to: 1) explore how physiotherapists working in the private sector with adults with low back pain describe their interprofessional practices, 2) identify factors that influence their interprofessional practices, and 3) identify their perceived effects. METHODS: Participants were 13 physiotherapists, 10 women/3 men, having between 3 and 21 years of professional experience. For this descriptive qualitative study, we used face-to-face semi-structured interviews and conducted content analysis encompassing data coding and thematic regrouping. RESULTS: Physiotherapists described interprofessional practices heterogeneously, including numerous processes such as sharing information and referring. Factors that influenced physiotherapists' interprofessional practices were related to patients, providers, organizations, and wider systems (e.g. professional system). Physiotherapists mostly viewed positive effects of interprofessional practices, including elements such as gaining new knowledge as a provider and being valued in one's own role, as well as improvements in overall treatment and outcome. CONCLUSIONS: This qualitative study offers new insights into the interprofessional practices of physiotherapists working with adults with low back pain, as perceived by the physiotherapists' themselves. Based on the results, the development of strategies aiming to increase interprofessionalism in the management of low back pain would most likely require taking into consideration factors associated with patients, providers, the organizations within which they work, and the wider systems.
This letter has been prepared as a consultation to evaluate human health impacts from the use of private drinking water wells in Clinton County, Iowa. These wells are located just to the west of Highway 67 and Camanche, Iowa and near 9th Street, 31st Avenue, and 37th Avenue. The wells are also located to the south of contaminated sites known as Chemplex and PCS Nitrogen, and near former disposal areas known as Todtz Landfill and Doty Landfill. The Iowa Department of Public Health’s priority is to ensure the Clinton County community has the best information possible to safeguard its health. That information is included in the following paragraphs.