865 resultados para Public Health Screening
Used vehicle tires are a source of mosquito vectors and a means of their introduction and expansion. With the aim of assessing the effects of urbanisation on the main mosquito vectors in temperate Argentina, the infestation levels of Aedes aegypti (L.) and Culex pipiens L. were studied in used tires from highly urbanised cities to low-urbanised small towns in Buenos Aires. Immatures of both species accounted for 96% of the 9,722 individuals collected; the total individuals collected represented seven species. The percentage of water-filled tires containing mosquitoes [container index (CI)] was 33% and the percentage of infested sites [site index (SI)] was 65.2%. These indexes decreased significantly from low to high urbanisation levels for both mosquito species. The relative abundance (RA) of Ae. aegypti immatures was slightly higher toward large cities, but showed no difference for Cx. pipiens. The CI of shaded tires was significantly higher than the CI of exposed tires for both mosquito species. There was no difference in RA values between shaded and sunlit tires. The CI and the SI were highest during the summer across the urbanisation levels, except for Cx. pipiens, which continued to increase during the autumn in small towns. Results related to urbanisation gradient, sunlit exposure and seasonality are discussed.
The Quality Plan aims to create an image of the health system as an intelligent system comprised of knowledge-generating organisations integrated into a much more comprehensive paradigm in line with knowledge societies; a health system which is part of an equally intelligent and innovative society that acknowledges the use of science and technology both as a source of welfare and as a means of solving many of its problems. The aim of this document is to collate the many activities which comprise three scenarios (citizens, professionals and shared space) and establish the roadmap for the quality policy strategies designed by the Ministry of Health of the Regional Government of Andalusia for the coming years and also to open the necessary channels of communication with society so that society itself, as well as being the beneficiary of the outcomes, also becomes the main protagonist.
The Andalusian Public Health System Virtual Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA) set up in June 2006 was determined by the II Quality Plan 2005-2008. It consists of a regional government action with the aim of democratizing the health professional access to quality scientific information, regardless of the professional workplace. Andalusia is a region with more than 8 million inhabitants, with 92,000 health professionals for 41 hospitals, 1,500 primary healthcare centres, and 10 centres for non-medical attention purposes. • To obtain documentary resources for health professionals. • To help citizens to find health information. • To coordinate the Andalusian Health Documentary centres. • To establish strategic agreements with organizations. • To contribute to the Knowledge Management Development • The BV-SSPA acquires in a centralised way, all of the information resources for the whole system. • It offers services for all professionals: o Document Supply Service o Online Learning o User service • Remote access to these resources and services. • Communication and marketing plan to promote the knowledge and use of the BV-SSPA. Presently the BV-SSPA has reached: • The subscription of 2,431 electronic reviews, 8 data bases and other scientific information resources. • The establishment of the Document Supply Service, which focuses all the article orders from and for the Andalusian Public Health System. • The starting up for the online learning platform. • The introduction of the user service and virtual reference service in beta mode. • The use of appropriate tools, as the meta-researcher and the link resolver, which allow the presentation of resources and services in a tidy, easily findable way, through a Web 2.0 page where the user can take part with his contributions and where his offers and suggestion are gathered. • Access to the resources, for the Andalusian Health Professionals worldwide requiring only an internet connection. Andalusian Health Professionals have access to the greatest Health Science Electronic Resources Collection in Spain. The BV-SSPA has become the undisputed medium for the Health Research and Clinical Healthcare in our region, being consolidated as the Knowledge Manager into the Andalusian Public Health System. In 2010, it faces new projects such as the institutional repository creation, HypatiaSalud; the analysis of our research activity; and the drafting of a normalised licence model for the contracting of electronic resources.
The Andalusian Public Health System Virtual Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA) provides access to health information resources and services to healthcare professionals through its Website. This virtual environment demands higher users’ knowledge in order to satisfy of the need of information of our users, as digital natives as digital immigrants, improving at the same time the communication with all of them. 1. To collect clients' views and expectations according to their nature of digital natives and immigrants. 2. To know our online reputation. A Collecting User Expectation Questionnaire will be built, taking into account the segmentation of the BV-SSPA users’ professional groups of the Andalusian Public Health System. A pilot test will be run to check the survey dimensions and items about practices, attitudes and knowledge of our users. Two Quality Function Deployment (QFD) matrices will enable the BV-SSPA services to be targeted to our digital natives or digital immigrants, according to their nature, finding the best way to satisfy their information needs. We provide feedback on BV-SSPA: users can have the opportunity to post feedback about the site via the 'Contact us' section and comment about their experience. And Web 2.0 is a shop window, providing the opportunity to show the comments; and through time, our online reputation will be built, but the BV-SSPA must manage its own personal branding. Web 2.0 tools are a driver of improvement, because they provide a key source of insight into people's attitudes. Besides, the BV-SSPA digital identity will be analyzed through indicators like major search engine referrals breakdown, top referring sites (non search engines), or top search engine referral phrases, among others. Definition of digital native and digital immigrant profiles of the BV-SSPA, and their difference, will be explained by their expectations. The design of the two QFD matrices will illustrate in just one graph the requirements of both groups for tackling digital abilities and inequalities. The BV-SSPA could deliver information and services through alternative channels. On the other hand, we are developing a strategy to identify, to measure and to manage a digital identity through communication with the user and to find out our online reputation. With the use of different tools from quantitative and qualitative methodology, and the opportunities offered by Web 2.0 tools, the BV-SSPA will know the expectations of their users as a first step to satisfy their necessities. Personalization is pivotal to the success of the Site, delivering tailored content to individuals based on their recorded preferences. The valuable user research can be used during new product development and redesign. Besides positive interaction let us build trust, show authenticity, and foster loyalty: we improve with effort, communication and show.
HypatiaSalud will be the freely accessible institutional repository for the Public Health System in Andalucía, Spain. Open access and new technologies have changed dramatically the environment in which research is being conducted and disseminated. Traditionally University has been the universal research provider, but at present time there are Government Organizations, as Public Health Systems, which are large-producers of research. Meanwhile most universities are running institutional repositories or have plans of setting up institutional repositories in the short-term, there are not many Government Organizations working on that direction. In this sense, HypatiaSalud represents an innovative initiative. Objectives: - Enhancing institutional efficiency, effectiveness and opportunities for knowledge exchange. -Expanding access and greater use of research findings to a much wider range of users increasing the visibility and reputation of Andalusian Public Health System. - Providing the foundation for effective gathering and long-term preservation of research output. Methodology. Phase I: Researching and learning from other institutional repositories. Phase II: Designing and planning the financial, organizational, legal and technical underlying issues. Phase III: Launching the service. Phase IV: Running the service. Outcomes. Bibliometrics: catalog of the research output of the Institution, in order to determine the conditions to include this scientific output in the Institutional Repository: direct deposit, deposit after a period of embargo, or closed access when publisher will not grant permission. Promote a mandate for the deposit of all peer-reviewed final drafts (postprints) for institutional record-keeping purposes. Access to that immediate postprint deposit in HypatiaSalud may be set immediately as ‘Open Access’ if copyright conditions allows; otherwise access can be set as ‘Closed Access’. International Standards application: HypatiaSalud will support OAI-PMH and DRIVER, to allow that central repositories could harvest its content or metadata. Development of human resources strategies in order to foster self-archiving through merit acknowledge and accreditation. Conclusions. It seems likely that setting up an Institutional Repository for the Public Health System in Andalucía would have substantial net benefits in the longer term for the Institution, despite the lag between the costs and realisation of benefits.
We propose a method to analyse the 2009 outbreak in the region of Botucatu in the state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, when 28 yellow fever (YF) cases were confirmed, including 11 deaths. At the time of the outbreak, the Secretary of Health of the State of São Paulo vaccinated one million people, causing the death of five individuals, an unprecedented number of YF vaccine-induced fatalities. We apply a mathematical model described previously to optimise the proportion of people who should be vaccinated to minimise the total number of deaths. The model was used to calculate the optimum proportion that should be vaccinated in the remaining, vaccine-free regions of SP, considering the risk of vaccine-induced fatalities and the risk of YF outbreaks in these regions.
Chagas disease or American trypanosomiasis is, together with geohelminths, the neglected disease that causes more loss of years of healthy life due to disability in Latin America. Chagas disease, as determined by the factors and determinants, shows that different contexts require different actions, preventing new cases or reducing the burden of disease. Control strategies must combine two general courses of action including prevention of transmission to prevent the occurrence of new cases (these measures are cost effective), as well as opportune diagnosis and treatment of infected individuals in order to prevent the clinical evolution of the disease and to allow them to recuperate their health. All actions should be implemented as fully as possible and with an integrated way, to maximise the impact. Chagas disease cannot be eradicated due because of the demonstrated existence of infected wild triatomines in permanent contact with domestic cycles and it contributes to the occurrence of at least few new cases. However, it is possible to interrupt the transmission ofTrypanosoma cruziin a large territory and to eliminate Chagas disease as a public health problem with a dramatic reduction of burden of the disease.
Texte intégral: http://www.springerlink.com/content/3q68180337551r47/fulltext.pdf
There are about 350 million hepatitis B virus (HBV) carriers worldwide and chronic HBV is considered a major public health problem. The objective of the present study was to assess the effectiveness of the nucleos(t)ide analogues tenofovir (TDF) and entecavir (ETV) in the treatment of chronic HBV. A cross-sectional study was carried out from March-December 2013, including all patients with chronic HBV, over 18 years of age, undergoing therapy through the public health system in southern Brazil. Only the data relating to the first treatments performed with TDF or ETV were considered. Retreatment, co-infection, transplanted or immunosuppressed patients were excluded. Six hundred and forty patients were evaluated, of which 336 (52.5%) received TDF and 165 (25.8%) ETV. The other 139 (21.7%) used various combinations of nucleos(t)ide analogues and were excluded. The negativation of viral load was observed in 87.3% and 78.8% and the negativation of hepatitis B e antigen was achieved in 79% and 72% of those treated with ETV or TDF, respectively. Negativation of hepatitis B surface antigen was not observed. There was no occurrence of adverse effects. This is a real-life study demonstrating that long-term treatment with ETV and TDF is both safe and effective.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The assumption that fructose may be toxic and involved in the pathogenesis of noncommunicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and even cancer has resulted in the call for public health action, such as introducing taxes on sweetened beverages. This review evaluates the scientific basis for such action. RECENT FINDINGS: Although some studies hint towards some potential adverse effects of excessive fructose consumption especially when combined with excess energy intake, the results from clinical trials do not support a significant detrimental effect of fructose on metabolic health when consumed as part of a weight-maintaining diet in amounts consistent with the average-estimated fructose consumption in Western countries. However, definitive studies are missing. SUMMARY: Public health policies to eliminate or limit fructose in the diet should be considered premature. Instead, efforts should be made to promote a healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity and nutritious foods while avoiding intake of excess calories until solid evidence to support action against fructose is available. Public health is almost certainly to benefit more from policies that are aimed at promoting what is known to be good than from policies that are prohibiting what is not (yet) known to be bad.
Agency Performance Plan
It is well documented that reducing blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive individuals reduces the risk of cardiovascular (CV) events. Despite this, many patients with hypertension remain untreated or inadequately treated, and fail to reach the recommended BP goals. Suboptimal BP control, whilst arising from multiple causes, is often due to poor patient compliance and/or persistence, and results in a significant health and economic burden on society. The use of fixed-dose combinations (FDCs) for the treatment of hypertension has the potential to increase patient compliance and persistence. When compared with antihypertensive monotherapies, FDCs may also offer equivalent or better efficacy, and the same or improved tolerability. As a result, FDCs have the potential to reduce both the CV event rates and the non-drug healthcare costs associated with hypertension. When FDCs are adopted for the treatment of hypertension, issues relating to copayment, formulary restrictions and therapeutic reference pricing must be addressed.
State Agency Audit Report