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History as a discipline has been accused of being a-theoretical. For business historians working at business schools, however, the issue of methodology looms larger, as it is hard to make contributions to social science debates without explicating one’s disciplinary methodology. This paper seeks to outline an important aspect of historical methodology, which is data collection from archives. In this area, postcolonialism has made significant methodological contributions not just for non-Western history, as it has emphasized the importance of considering how archives were created, and how one can legitimately use them despite their limitations.
Using various extracts from the reflective commentaries of MSc students, this article explores how transdisciplinarity and reflective practice operate in the programme. It shows how learners managed the uncertainties of sustainable development through regular critical and evaluative reflections. Students were able to apprehend the several worlds making up the sustainable development project and their own personal learning journey through the various competing, complementary and occasionally contradictory perspectives, modes of learning, sources of knowledge and information. One conceptual device facilitating this process was offering an understanding of sustainable development as constituting a ‘dialogue of values’, an approach that effectively invites students to square the metaphorical circle - i.e. broadly reconciling (ecological) sustainability with (economic) development.
Case study in the annex of the symposium report
The editorial section of the special issue of Production Planning & Control discusses contemporary approaches and scope for further research into the management of supply chain integration. Supply chain integration (SCI) is one of the major challenges in enhancing supply chain performance. Building and sustaining competitive advantage requires strategic collaboration between supply chain partners and synchronized management of intra- and inter-organizational practices and processes. The special issue attempts to address some of the fundamental SCI questions, which include but are not limited to the fields of organizational collaboration, information technology (IT) use, and risk and vulnerability management. The editorial first reviews a few key articles on SCI to provide information about the existing state of knowledge on SCI along with scope for further research.
Multiscale systems that are characterized by a great range of spatial–temporal scales arise widely in many scientific domains. These range from the study of protein conformational dynamics to multiphase processes in, for example, granular media or haemodynamics, and from nuclear reactor physics to astrophysics. Despite the diversity in subject areas and terminology, there are many common challenges in multiscale modelling, including validation and design of tools for programming and executing multiscale simulations. This Theme Issue seeks to establish common frameworks for theoretical modelling, computing and validation, and to help practical applications to benefit from the modelling results. This Theme Issue has been inspired by discussions held during two recent workshops in 2013: ‘Multiscale modelling and simulation’ at the Lorentz Center, Leiden (http://www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2013/569/info.php3?wsid=569&venue=Snellius), and ‘Multiscale systems: linking quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics and microfluidic hydrodynamics’ at the Royal Society Kavli Centre. The objective of both meetings was to identify common approaches for dealing with multiscale problems across different applications in fluid and soft matter systems. This was achieved by bringing together experts from several diverse communities.
Technology discloses man’s mode of dealing with Nature, the process of production by which he sustains his life, and thereby also lays bare the mode of formation of his social relations, and of the mental conceptions that flow from them (Marx, 1990: 372) My thesis is a Sociological analysis of UK policy discourse for educational technology during the last 15 years. My framework is a dialogue between the Marxist-based critical social theory of Lieras and a corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of UK policy for Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) in higher education. Embedded in TEL is a presupposition: a deterministic assumption that technology has enhanced learning. This conceals a necessary debate that reminds us it is humans that design learning, not technology. By omitting people, TEL provides a vehicle for strong hierarchical or neoliberal, agendas to make simplified claims politically, in the name of technology. My research has two main aims: firstly, I share a replicable, mixed methodological approach for linguistic analysis of the political discourse of TEL. Quantitatively, I examine patterns in my corpus to question forms of ‘use’ around technology that structure a rigid basic argument which ‘enframes’ educational technology (Heidegger, 1977: 38). In a qualitative analysis of findings, I ask to what extent policy discourse evaluates technology in one way, to support a Knowledge Based Economy (KBE) in a political economy of neoliberalism (Jessop 2004, Fairclough 2006). If technology is commodified as an external enhancement, it is expected to provide an ‘exchange value’ for learners (Marx, 1867). I therefore examine more closely what is prioritised and devalued in these texts. Secondly, I disclose a form of austerity in the discourse where technology, as an abstract force, undertakes tasks usually ascribed to humans (Lieras, 1996, Brey, 2003:2). This risks desubjectivisation, loss of power and limits people’s relationships with technology and with each other. A view of technology in political discourse as complete without people closes possibilities for broader dialectical (Fairclough, 2001, 2007) and ‘convivial’ (Illich, 1973) understandings of the intimate, material practice of engaging with technology in education. In opening the ‘black box’ of TEL via CDA I reveal talking points that are otherwise concealed. This allows me as to be reflexive and self-critical through praxis, to confront my own assumptions about what the discourse conceals and what forms of resistance might be required. In so doing, I contribute to ongoing debates about networked learning, providing a context to explore educational technology as a technology, language and learning nexus.
En los últimos años, la servitización de la manufactura ha llegado a ser un tópico de interés tanto a nivel académico como empresarial. Así, las empresas están contemplando que la servitización es una forma de mejorar su posición competitiva y estar más cerca de sus clientes. Diferentes estudios empíricos han intentado explicar por qué y cómo se servitiza. Facilitan información clave para entender mejor el proceso de servitización. La conexión entre la academia y la práctica empresarial es decisiva en los fundamentos de este tópico de investigación. La fundamentación del mismo, permitirá continuar con su desarrollo y a la puesta en práctica en las empresas. Así, este número especial pretende contribuir en el avance de la teoría y práctica de la servitización. In recent years, the servitization of manufacturing has become a topic of interest to both academics and practitioners. Indeed, companies are realising that servitization is a way to enhance their competitive advantage and get closer to their customers. Several empirical studies have attempted to explain why and how to servitize. They provide important insights to better understand the processes of servitization. The connection between academia and business practices is decisive in the foundation of this research topic. This foundation will allow continuing with its development, contributing in turn to improve the implementation in companies. Hence, this special issue aims to contribute to the theoretical and practical aspects of servitization.
China’s long term development path has always been strongly infl uenced by its own ways of innovation and invention. Though around one thousand years ago China had been undoubtedly the most advanced country in the world, by the 17th century Europe had surpassed it. And when the PRC was founded in 1949, it was only a poor, severely underdeveloped country without adequate, modern technologies. In the last three decades, however, the country has achieved remarkable success in economic terms: China has become the second largest economy in the world, and its new economic, fi nancial and trading power has made it clear that the dominance of the USA and Europe has passed. At the same time China is still lagging behind technologically. Though there are huge efforts to narrow the gap, it is extremely diffi cult to build up a new technological and innovation system without deep, organic foundations. China, however, has rich experience of innovations from the past, and the question is whether it is possible to use them to formulate a new technology policy. In this paper I will try to examine China’s technology system, its functioning and its prospects, while comparing it with the traditional ways of innovations in China. I would like to show that current technology policy is, at least partly, based upon traditional values, and that high tech research, R&D, and state of the art innovations can be reconcilable with several thousand-year-old approaches.
This flyer provides the full program for the colloquium “Current Research on Immigration and Transnationalism in the Americas: Main Problems, Approaches, and Methods”.
Peer reviewed
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.
General Practitioners from Cork City and its environs were sent a questionnaire regarding their experience of parasuicide in the previous twelve months. Replies were received from 133 of the 185 GPs. 189 individuals, accounting for 212 episodes of parasuicide, were seen by 78 doctors, indicating a lower level of repetition than that found in hospital-referred cases. Almost a third of doctors saw no cases, just over one fifth saw one episode and the same proportion dealt with two. A small number of general practitioners saw many cases. Regarding management, 128 (60%) were referred to Casualty, 31 of whom were also referred for psychiatric care. Thirty percent were referred directly for psychiatric care. While only fourteen were retained within general practice without referral, 40% of the GPs felt that, ideally, acts of parasuicide should be retained with more specialised advice being obtained. Furthermore, 88.1% believed that management of parasuicide should form part of an integral part of post-graduate or continued general practitioner medical training. Clearly, GPs are willing to play a more active role in the management of parasuicide.
Report on Evidential Base and Clinical Practice Aspects of Congenital Cardiac Services The principle drivers that should determine the optimal arrangements for the provision of congenital cardiac services, including paediatric and adult cardiac surgery, for the population of Northern Ireland is how best those services can be configured to ensure the safest possible care that is of the highest quality possible in order to optimise outcomes and experience for patients and carers. Of necessity, this requires consideration of all requisite supporting services and arrangements to ensure access across the continuum of care. Such a configuration should support safe, high quality service provision on an on-going basis i.e. ensure sustainability as far as can be determined. In addressing this issue, consideration to the changing profile of population need and the evolving nature specialist services is required.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08