931 resultados para Protein incubation time
Übergangsmetallen wie Nickel und Cobalt kommt meist eine große Bedeutung als Cofaktor in Enzymen oder Metallkomplexen im Metabolismus von Lebewesen zu. Da eine sehr geringe Konzentration dieser Übergangsmetalle in einer Zelle für deren Funktionalität ausreicht, ist eine konstante Konzentration der Spurenelemente in einer Zelle angestrebt. Durch meist anthropogene Einflüsse sind Pflanzen und Menschen zunehmend hohen Konzentrationen von Übergangsmetallen ausgesetzt, die in Abhängigkeit von ihrer Spezies, der Konzentration und der Lokalisation unterschiedliche Toxizitäten aufweisen können. Die Speziation von Metallen wurde bisher mittels gängiger Analyseverfahren, wie der ICP-MS und ähnlicher Verfahren, anhand von bulk-Material durchgeführt. Durch die Entwicklung von optischen Sensoren für Metallionen war es möglich, diese Metalle auch in lebenden Zellen mittels Fluoreszenzmikroskopie zu lokalisieren. Ke und Kollegen (2006, 2007) nutzten einen solchen optischen Sensor - Newport Green DCF, um die Aufnahme von Nickel in humane A543 Lungenbronchialepithelzellen nach Inkubation mit dem wasserlöslichen NiCl2 (0,5 mM und 1 mM) sowie den wasserunlöslichen Verbindungen Ni3S2 (0,5 µg/cm2 und 1 µg/cm2) und NiS (2,5 µg/cm2) nachzuweisen und zu lokalisieren und konnten damit eine Akkumulation von Nickel im Zytoplasma und im Zellkern aufzeigen. Dabei war bei wasserlöslichen und wasserunlöslichen Nickelverbindungen Nickel nach 24 h im Zytoplasma und erst nach 48 h im Zellkern zu beobachten.rnrnDa Nickel und Cobalt keine detektierbare Eigenfluoreszenz unter den gegebenen Bedingungen zeigten, wurde für den optischen Nachweis von Nickel und Cobalt mit dem konfokalen Laser-Raster Mikroskop (CLSM) nach der Zugabe der verschiedenen wasserlöslichen und wasserunlöslichen Metallverbindungen NiCl2, NiSO4, Ni3S2 und CoCl2 in einzelnen lebenden humanen Gingiva-Fibroblasten, sowie in Pflanzenzellen in dieser Arbeit ebenfalls der optische Sensor Newport Green DCF genutzt. Korrespondierend zu den Ergebnissen früherer Arbeiten von Ke et al. (2006, 2007), in denen die Nickelaufnahme bei Konzentrationen von >0,5 mM NiCl2 bzw. >0,5 µg/cm2 Ni3S2 gezeigt wurde, wurde Nickel in Fibroblasten in Abhängigkeit von der Spezies mit steigender Metallkonzentration von 100 µM bis 500 µM nach 16 h im Zytoplasma und zunehmend nach 24 h bis 48 h im Zellkern detektiert. Bei der wasserunlöslichen Verbindung Ni3S2 war der Nachweis von Nickel im Zellkern bereits nach 16 h bis 24 h erfolgreich. Zusätzlich wurden weitere Strukturen wie das Endoplasmatische Retikulum, die Mitochondrien und die Nukleoli durch eine starke Fluoreszenz des optischen Sensors bei Colokalisationsexperimenten mit Organell-spezifischen Fluoreszenzfarbstoffen als target für die Nickelbindung vermutet. Die Lokalisation von Cobalt in den Fibroblasten entsprach weitgehend der Lokalisation von Nickel. Im Zellkern war die Cobaltlokalisation jedoch auf die Nukleoli beschränkt. Weiterführende Versuche an humanen Gingiva-Fibroblasten zeigten, dass die Aufnahme der Metalle in die Fibroblasten pH-Wert abhängig war. Niedrige pH-Werte im sauren pH-Bereich verringerten die Aufnahme der Metalle in die Zellen, wobei ein pH-Wert im basischen Bereich keinen bedeutenden Unterschied zum neutralen pH-Bereich aufwies. Im Vergleich zu den Fibroblasten war in Pflanzenzellen zu jedem Zeitpunkt, auch bei geringen Konzentrationen der Metallverbindungen sowie des optischen Sensors, Nickel und Cobalt in den Zellkernen detektierbar. Durch die Eigenschaft der Pflanzenzellen eine Vakuole zu besitzen, war Nickel und Cobalt hauptsächlich in den Vakuolen lokalisiert. Weitere Strukturen wie das Endoplasmatische Retikulum, die Mitochondrien oder auch die Zellwand kamen bei Pflanzenzellen als target in Frage.rnrnDie Fluoreszenz und Lokalisation der Metalle in den Fibroblasten waren unabhängig von der Spezies sehr ähnlich, sodass in den Zellen die Spezies anhand der fluoreszenzmikroskopischen Aufnahmen kaum unterschieden werden konnten. Lambda-Scans in verschiedenen regions of interest (ROI) wurden durchgeführt, um durch die Fluoreszenzspektren Hinweise auf eine charakteristische Beeinflussung der Bindungspartner von Nickel und Cobalt oder dieser Metalle selbst in den Zellen auf den optischen Sensor zu bekommen und diese dadurch identifizieren zu können. Das Ziel der parallelen Detektion bzw. Lokalisation und gleichzeitigen Speziation bestimmter Nickel- und Cobaltpezies in einzelnen lebenden Zellen konnte in dieser Arbeit durch den optischen Sensor Newport Green DCF nicht erreicht werden.
Iron-platinum nanoparticles embedded in a poly(methacrylic acid) (PMA) polymer shell and fluorescently labeled with the dye ATTO 590 (FePt-PMA-ATTO-2%) are investigated in terms of their intracellular localization in lung cells and potential to induce a proinflammatory response dependent on concentration and incubation time. A gold core coated with the same polymer shell (Au-PMA-ATTO-2%) is also included. Using laser scanning and electron microscopy techniques, it is shown that the FePt-PMA-ATTO-2% particles penetrate all three types of cell investigated but to a higher extent in macrophages and dendritic cells than epithelial cells. In both cell types of the defense system but not in epithelial cells, a particle-dose-dependent increase of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) is found. By comparing the different nanoparticles and the mere polymer shell, it is shown that the cores combined with the shells are responsible for the induction of proinflammatory effects and not the shells alone. It is concluded that the uptake behavior and the proinflammatory response upon particle exposure are dependent on the time, cell type, and cell culture.
PURPOSE: To design an artificial mouth in order to evaluate if a new diagnostic tool (Clinpro Cario Diagnosis) can be used for early detection of secondary caries at resin composite margins in vitro. METHODS: 32 intact human third molars received standardized Class-V resin composite restorations (Tetric Ceram bonded with Syntac SC). After storage for 4 weeks at 37 degrees C, teeth were subjected to 5,000 or 10,000 thermocycles (+/- 5 degrees C and +/- 55 degrees C) and polysiloxane impressions were taken. Streptococcus mutans 10449 (SM) was used in a nutrition medium to initiate a secondary caries process. Daily, the teeth were incubated for 2 x 2.5 hours in SM containing nutrition medium followed by 2 x 9.5 hours incubation in artificial saliva. Teeth were investigated after total incubation periods of 4, 6, and 8 weeks. After the different incubation protocols, the restoration margins were evaluated for infection and secondary caries processes in using Clinpro Cario Diagnosis which measures site-specifically the lactic acid production of SM in response to a sucrose challenge. The color signal was read 5 minutes after removal of the diagnostic impression. After thermocycling and biological load cycling, precision polysiloxane impressions were taken and replicas were investigated under a light microscope for gap widths at enamel and dentin margins. Demineralization was evaluated by fluorescence microscopy in using a special FITC filter. The demineralization depths at the cavity margin were calculated with Xpert for Windows using a pixel distance of 5 microm. RESULTS: After the different thermocycling protocols, no differences in gap widths and demineralization depths were found (P > 0.05). After SM incubation, gap widths and demineralization depths were significantly dependent on SM incubation time and previous number of thermocycles (P < 0.05). Lactic acid formations of SM were detectable by Clinpro Cario Diagnosis at dentin cavosurface margins formed after 6 weeks of incubation with SM (P < 0.05).
In this study the regulation of GH-receptor gene (GHR/GHBP) transcription by different concentrations of GH (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 150, 500 ng/ml) with and without variable TSH concentrations (0.5, 2, 20 mU/l) in primary human thyroid cells cultured in serum-free hormonally-defined medium was studied. The incubation time was 6 h and GHR/GHBP mRNA expression was quantitatively assessed by using PCR amplification at hourly intervals. Correlating with the GH-concentrations added a constant and significant increase of GHR/GHBP gene transcription was found. After the addition of 12.5 ng/ml GH, GHR/GHBP mRNA concentration remained constant over the incubation period of 6 h but in comparison with the experiments where no GH was added there was a significant change of GHR/GHBP mRNA expression. Following the addition of 25 ng/ml GH a slight but further increase of GHR/GHBP transcription products was seen which increased even more in the experiments where higher GH concentrations were used. These data focusing on GHR/GHBP gene transcription derived from cDNA synthesis and quantitative PCR amplification were confirmed by run-on experiments. Furthermore, cycloheximide did not affect these changes supporting the notion that GH stimulates GHR/GHBP gene transcription directly. In a second set of experiments, in combination with variable TSH levels, identical GH concentrations were used and no difference in either GHR/GHBP mRNA levels or in transcription rate (run-on experiments) could be found. In conclusion, we report data showing that primary thyroid cells express functional GH-receptors in which GH has a direct and dose dependent effect on the GHR/GHBP gene transcription. Furthermore, TSH does not a have a major impact on GHR/GHBP gene regulation.
Theoretical models predict that parents should adjust the amount of care both to their own and their partner's body condition. In most biparental species, parental duties are switched repeatedly allowing for repeated mutual adjustment of the amount of care. In the mouthbrooding cichlid Eretmodus cyanostictus, terms are switched only once with females taking the first share. The timing of the shift of the clutch between mates strongly determines both partners' brooding period and thereby their parental investment. Females signal their readiness to transfer the young several days before the male finally takes them, suggesting sexual conflict over the timing of the shift. In a lab experiment, we reduced the body condition of either the female or the male of a pair to test whether energy reserves affect the timing of the shift and whether female signalling behaviour depends on energetic state. Males with a lowered condition took the young later and incubated for a shorter period, which prolonged the incubation time of their female partners. When female condition was lowered, female and male incubation durations remained unchanged, although females signalled their readiness to shift more intensely. Our results suggest that males adjust their parental investment to own energy reserves but are unresponsive to their mate's condition. Females appear to carry the entire costs for the male's adjustment of care. We propose that intrinsic asymmetries in the scope for mutual adjustment of parental investment and the costs of negotiation crucially influence solutions of the conflict between sexes over care.
Optical pen-size reflectometer for monitoring of early dental erosion in native and polished enamels
Application of the specular reflection intensity was previously reported for the quantification of early dental erosion. Further development of the technique and assembly of the miniaturized pen-size instrument are described. The optical system was adjusted to fit into a handy device which could potentially access different positions in the oral cavity. The assembled instrument could successfully detect early erosion progression in both polished (n=70) and native (n=20) human enamels. Different severities of enamel erosion were induced by varying incubation time of polished enamel in 1% citric acid (pH=3.60, 0.5 to 10 min), while the native incisors were treated in the commercial orange juice (Tropicana Pure Premium®, pH=3.85, 10 to 60 min). The instrument provided a good differentiation between various severities of the erosion in vitro. The size of the measurement spot affected the erosion monitoring in native enamel (human incisors). The erosion measurement in the 0.7-mm (diameter) cervical spots showed systematically lower reflection intensities compared with the analysis of central and incisal small spots. The application of larger spot areas (2.3 mm) for the erosion monitoring revealed no effect (p>0.05) of the spot position on the reflection signal. High variation of the teeth susceptibility toward in vitro erosion was detected in native enamel.
1H high resolution magic angle spinning (HR-MAS) NMR spectroscopy was applied in combination with multivariate statistical analyses to study the metabolic response of whole cells to the treatment with a hexacationic ruthenium metallaprism [1]6+ as potential anticancer drug. Human ovarian cancer cells (A2780), the corresponding cisplatin resistant cells (A2780cisR), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) were each incubated for 24 h and 72 h with [1]6+ and compared to untreated cells. Different responses were obtained depending on the cell type and incubation time. Most pronounced changes were found for lipids, choline containing compounds, glutamate and glutathione, nucleotide sugars, lactate, and some amino acids. Possible contributions of these metabolites to physiologic processes are discussed. The time-dependent metabolic response patterns suggest that A2780 cells on one hand and HEK-293 cells and A2780cisR cells on the other hand may follow different cell death pathways and exist in different temporal stages thereof.
Detached wheat shoots (ear with peduncle and flag leaf) were incubated for 4 d in a solution containing 1 mM RbCl and 1 mM SrCl2 as well as 10, 40 or 160 µM NiCl2 and CoCl2. The phloem of some plants was interrupted by steam-girdling the stem below the ear to distinguish between xylem and phloem transport. The phloem-immobile Sr flowed mainly to the leaf lamina and to the glumes via the xylem. The Sr transport was not sensitive to steam-girdling. In contrast, the phloem-mobile Rb accumulated during the incubation time mainly in the stem and the leaf sheath. The Rb transport to the grains was impaired by steam-girdling as well as by elevated Ni and Co concentrations in the incubation solution indicating that Rb was transported via the phloem to the maturing grains and that this transport was affected by the heavy metals. Ni was removed more efficiently from the xylem in the peduncle than Co (but far less efficiently than Rb). It became evident that the two heavy metals can also be transferred from the xylem to the phloem in the stem of wheat and reach the maturing grains via the phloem.
The cruise with RV Tydeman was devoted to study permanently stratified plankton systems in the (sub)tropical ocean, which are characterised by a deep chlorophyll peak between 80 and 150 m. To minimise lateral effects by horizontal transport of nutrients and organic matter from river outflow and upwelling regions, stations were selected in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean between the continents of America and Africa. (5 - 35° N and 50 - 15° W). Here the vertical distributions of light and nutrients control the abundance and growth of autotrophic algae in the thermically stratified water column. This phytoplankton is numerically dominated by the prokaryotic picoplankters Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp., which are smaller than 2 ?m. The productivity of the 100 to 150 m deep euphotic zone can be high, because a high heterotrophic/autotrophic biomass ratio induces a rapid regeneration of nutrients and inorganic carbon. Primary grazers are mainly micro-organisms such as heterotrophic nannoflagellates and ciliates, which feed on the small algae and on bacteria. Heterotrophic bacteria can outnumber the autotrophic algae, because their number is related to the substrate pools of dissolved and particulate dead organic matter. These DOC and detritus pools reach equilibrium at a concentration, where the rate of their production (proportional to algal biomass) equals their mineralisation and sinking rate (proportional to the concentration and weight of POC and detritus). At a relatively low value of the weight-specific loss rates, the equilibrium concentration of these carbon pools and their load of bacteria can be high. The bacterial productivity is proportional to the mineralisation rate, which in a steady state can never be higher than the rate of primary production. Hence the ratio in turnover rate of bacteria and autotrophs tends to be reciprocally proportional to their biomass ratio.
Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM18/5 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 22.08.-20.09.2011 (from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay) in front of Angola and northern Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after 15N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta 15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta 15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.
Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM17/3 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 30.01.-10.02.2011 (= "leg a" from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay) in front of Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after 15N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6-8 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta 15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta 15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.
We investigated optimal conditions for characterization of bioactivity of lytic compound(s) excreted by Alexandrium tamarense based on a cell-bioassay system. Allelochemical response of the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina indicated the presence oflytic compound(s) in a reliable and reproducible way and allows for quantification of this lytic effect. The parameters tested were the incubation time of putatively lytic extracts or fractions with the target organism R. salina, different techniques for cell harvest from A. tamarense cultures and the optimal harvest time. A three hour incubation time was found to be optimal to yield a rapid response while accurately estimating effective concentration (ECso) values. Harvest of A. tamarense cultures by filtration resulted in loss of lytic activity in most cases and centrifugation was most efficient in terms of recovery of lytic activity. Maximum yield of extracellular lytic activity of A. tamarense cultures was achieved in the stationary phase. Such optimized bioassay guided fractionation techniques are a valuable asset in the isolation and eventual stmctural elucidation of the unknown lytic substances.
Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number M100 with research vessel "Meteor" from 01.09.-01.10.2013 (1st leg from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay) in front of Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (270-1070 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after 15N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 24 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta 15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta 15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.
Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number M103/2 with research vessel "Meteor" from 21.01.-11.02.2014 (second leg from Walvis Bay to Walvis Bay) in front of Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after 15N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 24 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.
Nitrogen fixation data from the cruise number MSM18/4 with research vessel "Maria S. Merian" from 24.07.-20.08.2011 (from Libreville to Walvis Bay) in front of Angola and northern Namibia. Samples taken by CTD- rosette sampler from different depths and incubated in glass bottles (535 ml) at light intensities that resemble the in situ light intensities of the sampling depth after Delta 15 N2 gas was injected to the sample. After the incubation time of 6 hours, the complete bottle content was filtered onto a pre-combusted Whatman GF/F filter. Filters were frozen, transported to the institute on dry ice and measured in a mass spectrometer for Delta15N. The principle of the method was described by Montoya et al. (1996) and calculation was done according to their spread sheet. From the data of the single depths, the nitrogen fixation per square meter within the upper 40 m of the water column was calculated. The methods are described in detail in a paper submitted by Wasmund et al. in 2014 to be printed in 2015. Some results are surprisingly below zero. This occurs if the Delta15N of the blank is higher than the measurement after incubation. It indicates that no nitrogen fixation occurred. Due to natural variability, the variability of the nitrogen fixation data is high. In an overall estimate, also over several cruises, negative and positive values compensate more or less, suggesting that nitrogen fixation is insignificant in the waters in front of northern Namibia and southern Angola.