857 resultados para Protein Synthesis


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A 70-kDa protein was specifically induced in Escherichia coli when the culture temperature was shifted from 37 to 15 degrees C. The protein was identified to be the product of the deaD gene (reassigned csdA) encoding a DEAD-box protein. Furthermore, after the shift from 37 to 15 degrees C, CsdA was exclusively localized in the ribosomal fraction and became a major ribosomal-associated protein in cells grown at 15 degrees C. The csdA deletion significantly impaired cell growth and the synthesis of a number of proteins, specifically the derepression of heat-shock proteins, at low temperature. Purified CsdA was found to unwind double-stranded RNA in the absence of ATP. Therefore, the requirement for CsdA in derepression of heat-shock protein synthesis is a cold shock-induced function possibly mediated by destabilization of secondary structures previously identified in the rpoH mRNA.


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Using SDS/polyacrylamide gels that contained myelin basic protein, we identified a 46-kDa protein kinase in tobacco that is transiently activated by cutting. Although the activity of the kinase was rarely detectable in mature leaves, marked activity became apparent within several minutes after isolation of leaf discs and subsided within 30 min. In the presence of cycloheximide (CHX), the kinase activity did not diminish after the isolation over the course of 2 hr, suggesting that protein synthesis was not required for the activation of the kinase. A second cutting of leaf discs between 30 min and 60 min after the isolation failed to activate the kinase, whereas a second cutting given 3 hr after isolation apparently activated the kinase. These results suggest that the 46-kDa protein kinase is desensitized immediately after the first activation, which can be blocked by CHX, but the response ability recovers with time. When protein extracts containing the active kinase were treated with serine/threonine-specific or tyrosine-specific protein phosphatase, the kinase activity was abolished. After immunoprecipitation with antibody against phosphotyrosine, activity of the kinase was recovered in the immunoprecipitate. These results suggest that the active form of the kinase is phosphorylated at both serine/threonine and tyrosine residues. It seems likely that the 46-kDa protein kinase can be activated by dual phosphorylation. The activity of a 46-kDa protein kinase was also detected in leaves of a wide variety of plant species including dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. We propose the name PMSAP (plant multisignal-activated protein) kinase for this kinase because the kinase was also activated by various signals other than cutting.


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Shigella flexneri is a Gram-negative bacterial pathogen that can grow directly in the cytoplasm of infected host cells and uses a form of actin-based motility for intra- and intercellular spread. Moving intracellular bacteria are associated with a polarized "comet tail" composed of actin filaments. IcsA, a 120-kDa outer membrane protein necessary for actin-based motility, is located at a single pole on the surface of the organism, at the junction with the actin tail. Here, we demonstrate that stable expression of IcsA on the surface of Escherichia coli is sufficient to allow actin-dependent movement of E. coli in cytoplasmic extracts, at rates comparable to the movement of S. flexneri in infected cells. Thus, IcsA is the sole Shigella-specific factor required for actin-based motility. Continuous protein synthesis and polarized distribution of the protein are not necessary for actin tail formation or movement. Listeria monocytogenes is an unrelated bacterial pathogen that exhibits similar actin-based intracytoplasmic motility. Actin filament dynamics in the comet tails associated with the two different organisms are essentially identical, which indicates that they have independently evolved mechanisms to interact with the same components of the host cytoskeleton.


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Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most common form of inherited mental retardation in humans. FXS is caused by loss of the Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP), an important regulator of neuronal mRNA translation. Patients with FXS display cognitive deficits including memory problems. Protein synthesis-dependent long-term changes in synaptic plasticity are involved in the establishment and maintenance of long-term memory. One prevalent theory of FXS pathology predicts that FMRP is required to negatively regulate the translation of important mRNAs at the synapse. We are investigating microRNAs (miRNAs) as a potential regulator of synaptic FMRP-regulated mRNAs that have previously been described as being crucial to the process of synaptic plasticity. The general hypothesis underlying this thesis is that FMRP may negatively regulate the expression of futsch (the Drosophila homologue of the microtubule-associated protein gene MAP1B) via the miRNA pathway. The first step we took in testing this hypothesis was to confirm that futsch is subject to miRNA-mediated translational control. Using in silico target analysis, we predicted that several neuronally expressed miRNAs target the futsch mRNA 3'UTR and repress expression of Futsch protein. Then, using an in vitro luciferase reporter system, we showed that miR-315 and members of the miR-9 family selectively down-regulated futsch reporter translation. We have confirmed by site- directed mutagenesis that the miRNA interaction with the futsch 3'UTR is specific to the miRNA seed region binding site. Interestingly, reduction of FMRP levels by RNAi had no effect on futsch 3'UTR reporter expression. Together, these data suggest regulation of futsch expression by the miRNA pathway might be independent of FMRP activity. However, additional experiments need to be completed to confirm these preliminary results.


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Quelque 30 % de la population neuronale du cortex mammalien est composée d’une population très hétérogène d’interneurones GABAergiques. Ces interneurones diffèrent quant à leur morphologie, leur expression génique, leurs propriétés électrophysiologiques et leurs cibles subcellulaires, formant une riche diversité. Après leur naissance dans les éminences ganglioniques, ces cellules migrent vers les différentes couches corticales. Les interneurones GABAergiques corticaux exprimant la parvalbumin (PV), lesquels constituent le sous-type majeur des interneurones GABAergiques, ciblent spécifiquement le soma et les dendrites proximales des neurones principaux et des neurones PV+. Ces interneurones sont nommés cellules à panier (Basket Cells –BCs) en raison de la complexité morphologique de leur axone. La maturation de la connectivité distincte des BCs PV+, caractérisée par une augmentation de la complexité de l’axone et de la densité synaptique, se déroule graduellement chez la souris juvénile. Des travaux précédents ont commencé à élucider les mécanismes contrôlant ce processus de maturation, identifiant des facteurs génétiques, l’activité neuronale ainsi que l’expérience sensorielle. Cette augmentation marquante de la complexité axonale et de la synaptogénèse durant cette phase de maturation suggère la nécessité d’une synthèse de protéines élevée. La voie de signalisation de la cible mécanistique de la rapamycine (Mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin -mTOR) a été impliquée dans le contrôle de plusieurs aspects neurodéveloppementaux en régulant la synthèse de protéines. Des mutations des régulateurs Tsc1 et Tsc2 du complexe mTOR1 causent la sclérose tubéreuse (TSC) chez l’humain. La majorité des patients TSC développent des problèmes neurologiques incluant des crises épileptiques, des retards mentaux et l’autisme. D’études récentes ont investigué le rôle de la dérégulation de la voie de signalisation de mTOR dans les neurones corticaux excitateurs. Toutefois, son rôle dans le développement des interneurones GABAergiques corticaux et la contribution spécifique de ces interneurones GABAergiques altérés dans les manifestations de la maladie demeurent largement inconnus. Ici, nous avons investigué si et comment l’ablation du gène Tsc1 perturbe le développement de la connectivité GABAergique, autant in vitro que in vivo. Pour investiguer le rôle de l’activation de mTORC1 dans le développement d’une BC unique, nous avons délété le gène Tsc1 en transfectant CRE-GFP dirigé par un promoteur spécifique aux BCs dans des cultures organotypiques provenant de souris Tsc1lox. Le knockdown in vitro de Tsc1 a causé une augmentation précoce de la densité des boutons et des embranchements terminaux formés par les BCs mutantes, augmentation renversée par le traitement à la rapamycine. Ces données suggèrent que l’hyperactivation de la voie de signalisation de mTOR affecte le rythme de la maturation des synapses des BCs. Pour investiguer le rôle de mTORC1 dans les interneurones GABAergiques in vivo, nous avons croisé les souris Tsc1lox avec les souris Nkx2.1-Cre et PV-Cre. À P18, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Tsc1flox/flox ont montré une hyperactivation de mTORC1 et une hypertrophie somatique des BCs de même qu’une augmentation de l’expression de PV dans la région périsomatique des neurones pyramidaux. Au contraire, à P45 nous avons découvert une réduction de la densité des punctas périsomatiques PV-gephyrin (un marqueur post-synaptique GABAergique). L’étude de la morphologie des BCs en cultures organotypiques provenant du knock-out conditionnel Nkx2.1-Cre a confirmé l’augmentation initiale du rythme de maturation, lequel s’effondre ensuite aux étapes développementales tardives. De plus, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1Cre);Tsc1flox/flox montrent des déficits dans la mémoire de travail et le comportement social et ce d’une façon dose-dépendante. En somme, ces résultats suggèrent que l’activation contrôlée de mTOR régule le déroulement de la maturation et la maintenance des synapses des BCs. Des dysfonctions de la neurotransmission GABAergique ont été impliquées dans des maladies telles que l’épilepsie et chez certains patients, elles sont associées avec des mutations du récepteur GABAA. De quelle façon ces mutations affectent le processus de maturation des BCs demeuret toutefois inconnu. Pour adresser cette question, nous avons utilisé la stratégie Cre-lox pour déléter le gène GABRA1, codant pour la sous-unité alpha-1 du récepteur GABAA dans une unique BC en culture organotypique. La perte de GABRA1 réduit l’étendue du champ d’innervation des BCs, suggérant que des variations dans les entrées inhibitrices en raison de l’absence de la sous-unité GABAAR α1 peuvent affecter le développement des BCs. La surexpression des sous-unités GABAAR α1 contenant des mutations identifiées chez des patients épileptiques ont montré des effets similaires en termes d’étendue du champ d’innervation des BCs. Pour approfondir, nous avons investigué les effets de ces mutations identifiées chez l’humain dans le développement des épines des neurones pyramidaux, lesquelles sont l’endroit privilégié pour la formation des synapses excitatrices. Somme toute, ces données montrent pour la première fois que différentes mutations de GABRA1 associées à des syndromes épileptiques peuvent affecter les épines dendritiques et la formation des boutons GABAergiques d’une façon mutation-spécifique.


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Quelque 30 % de la population neuronale du cortex mammalien est composée d’une population très hétérogène d’interneurones GABAergiques. Ces interneurones diffèrent quant à leur morphologie, leur expression génique, leurs propriétés électrophysiologiques et leurs cibles subcellulaires, formant une riche diversité. Après leur naissance dans les éminences ganglioniques, ces cellules migrent vers les différentes couches corticales. Les interneurones GABAergiques corticaux exprimant la parvalbumin (PV), lesquels constituent le sous-type majeur des interneurones GABAergiques, ciblent spécifiquement le soma et les dendrites proximales des neurones principaux et des neurones PV+. Ces interneurones sont nommés cellules à panier (Basket Cells –BCs) en raison de la complexité morphologique de leur axone. La maturation de la connectivité distincte des BCs PV+, caractérisée par une augmentation de la complexité de l’axone et de la densité synaptique, se déroule graduellement chez la souris juvénile. Des travaux précédents ont commencé à élucider les mécanismes contrôlant ce processus de maturation, identifiant des facteurs génétiques, l’activité neuronale ainsi que l’expérience sensorielle. Cette augmentation marquante de la complexité axonale et de la synaptogénèse durant cette phase de maturation suggère la nécessité d’une synthèse de protéines élevée. La voie de signalisation de la cible mécanistique de la rapamycine (Mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin -mTOR) a été impliquée dans le contrôle de plusieurs aspects neurodéveloppementaux en régulant la synthèse de protéines. Des mutations des régulateurs Tsc1 et Tsc2 du complexe mTOR1 causent la sclérose tubéreuse (TSC) chez l’humain. La majorité des patients TSC développent des problèmes neurologiques incluant des crises épileptiques, des retards mentaux et l’autisme. D’études récentes ont investigué le rôle de la dérégulation de la voie de signalisation de mTOR dans les neurones corticaux excitateurs. Toutefois, son rôle dans le développement des interneurones GABAergiques corticaux et la contribution spécifique de ces interneurones GABAergiques altérés dans les manifestations de la maladie demeurent largement inconnus. Ici, nous avons investigué si et comment l’ablation du gène Tsc1 perturbe le développement de la connectivité GABAergique, autant in vitro que in vivo. Pour investiguer le rôle de l’activation de mTORC1 dans le développement d’une BC unique, nous avons délété le gène Tsc1 en transfectant CRE-GFP dirigé par un promoteur spécifique aux BCs dans des cultures organotypiques provenant de souris Tsc1lox. Le knockdown in vitro de Tsc1 a causé une augmentation précoce de la densité des boutons et des embranchements terminaux formés par les BCs mutantes, augmentation renversée par le traitement à la rapamycine. Ces données suggèrent que l’hyperactivation de la voie de signalisation de mTOR affecte le rythme de la maturation des synapses des BCs. Pour investiguer le rôle de mTORC1 dans les interneurones GABAergiques in vivo, nous avons croisé les souris Tsc1lox avec les souris Nkx2.1-Cre et PV-Cre. À P18, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Tsc1flox/flox ont montré une hyperactivation de mTORC1 et une hypertrophie somatique des BCs de même qu’une augmentation de l’expression de PV dans la région périsomatique des neurones pyramidaux. Au contraire, à P45 nous avons découvert une réduction de la densité des punctas périsomatiques PV-gephyrin (un marqueur post-synaptique GABAergique). L’étude de la morphologie des BCs en cultures organotypiques provenant du knock-out conditionnel Nkx2.1-Cre a confirmé l’augmentation initiale du rythme de maturation, lequel s’effondre ensuite aux étapes développementales tardives. De plus, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1Cre);Tsc1flox/flox montrent des déficits dans la mémoire de travail et le comportement social et ce d’une façon dose-dépendante. En somme, ces résultats suggèrent que l’activation contrôlée de mTOR régule le déroulement de la maturation et la maintenance des synapses des BCs. Des dysfonctions de la neurotransmission GABAergique ont été impliquées dans des maladies telles que l’épilepsie et chez certains patients, elles sont associées avec des mutations du récepteur GABAA. De quelle façon ces mutations affectent le processus de maturation des BCs demeuret toutefois inconnu. Pour adresser cette question, nous avons utilisé la stratégie Cre-lox pour déléter le gène GABRA1, codant pour la sous-unité alpha-1 du récepteur GABAA dans une unique BC en culture organotypique. La perte de GABRA1 réduit l’étendue du champ d’innervation des BCs, suggérant que des variations dans les entrées inhibitrices en raison de l’absence de la sous-unité GABAAR α1 peuvent affecter le développement des BCs. La surexpression des sous-unités GABAAR α1 contenant des mutations identifiées chez des patients épileptiques ont montré des effets similaires en termes d’étendue du champ d’innervation des BCs. Pour approfondir, nous avons investigué les effets de ces mutations identifiées chez l’humain dans le développement des épines des neurones pyramidaux, lesquelles sont l’endroit privilégié pour la formation des synapses excitatrices. Somme toute, ces données montrent pour la première fois que différentes mutations de GABRA1 associées à des syndromes épileptiques peuvent affecter les épines dendritiques et la formation des boutons GABAergiques d’une façon mutation-spécifique.


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Previous studies suggest that the activation (autophosphorylation) of dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) can stimulate protein degradation, and depress protein synthesis in skeletal muscle through phosphorylation of the translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2) on the alpha-subunit. To understand whether these mediators are important in muscle wasting in cancer patients, levels of the phospho forms of PKR and eIF2alpha have been determined in rectus abdominus muscle of weight losing patients with oesophago-gastric cancer, in comparison with healthy controls. Levels of both phospho PKR and phospho eIF2alpha were significantly enhanced in muscle of cancer patients with weight loss irrespective of the amount and there was a linear relationship between phosphorylation of PKR and phosphorylation of eIF2alpha (correlation coefficient 0.76, P=0.005). This suggests that phosphorylation of PKR led to phosphorylation of eIF2alpha. Myosin levels decreased as the weight loss increased, and there was a linear relationship between myosin expression and the extent of phosphorylation of eIF2alpha (correlation coefficient 0.77, P=0.004). These results suggest that phosphorylation of PKR may be an important initiator of muscle wasting in cancer patients.


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The mechanism of muscle protein catabolism induced by proteolysis-inducing factor, produced by cachexia-inducing murine and human tumours has been studied in vitro using C2C12 myoblasts and myotubes. In both myoblasts and myotubes protein degradation was enhanced by proteolysis-inducing factor after 24 h incubation. In myoblasts this followed a bell-shaped dose-response curve with maximal effects at a proteolysis-inducing factor concentration between 2 and 4 nM, while in myotubes increased protein degradation was seen at all concentrations of proteolysis-inducing factor up to 10 nM, again with a maximum of 4 nM proteolysis-inducing factor. Protein degradation induced by proteolysis-inducing factor was completely attenuated in the presence of cycloheximide (1 μM), suggesting a requirement for new protein synthesis. In both myoblasts and myotubes protein degradation was accompanied by an increased expression of the α-type subunits of the 20S proteasome as well as functional activity of the proteasome, as determined by the 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity. There was also an increased expression of the 19S regulatory complex as well as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E214k), and in myotubes a decrease in myosin expression was seen with increasing concentrations of proteolysis-inducing factor. These results show that proteolysis-inducing factor co-ordinately upregulates both ubiquitin conjugation and proteasome activity in both myoblasts and myotubes and may play an important role in the muscle wasting seen in cancer cachexia. © 2002 Cancer Research UK.


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The effect of cancer cachexia on protein metabolism has been studied in mice transplanted with the MAC16 adenocarcinoma. The progressive cachexia induced by the MAC16 tumour was characterised by a reduction in carcass nitrogen between 16-30% weight loss and a reciprocal increase in tumour nitrogen content. Carcass nitrogen loss was accompanied by a concomitant decrease in gastrocnemius muscle weight and nitrogen content and also by a decrease in liver nitrogen content. The loss of gastrocnemius muscle throughout the progression of cachexia was attributable to a 60% decrease in the rate of protein synthesis and a 240% increase in the rate of protein degradation. The loss of skeletal muscle protein that may be partially mediated by an increased rate of protein degradation has been correlated with a circulatory catabolic factor present only in cachectic tumour-bearing animals, that degrades host muscle in vitro. The proteolysis-inducing factor was found to be heat stable, not a serine protease and was inhibited by indomethacin and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in a dose-related manner. The proteolytic factor induced prostaglandin E2 formation in the gastrocnemius muscle of non tumour-bearing animals and this effect was inhibited by indomethacin and EPA. In vivo studies show EPA (2.0g/kg-1 by gavage) to effectively reverse the decrease in body weight in animals bearing the MAC16 tumour with a concomitant reduction in tumour growth. Muscle from animals treated with EPA showed a decrease (60%) in protein degradation without an effect on protein synthesis. In vivo studies show branched chain amino acid treatment to be ineffective in moderating the cachectic effect of the MAC16 tumour. The action of the factor was largely mimicked by triarachidonin and trilinoleia. The increased serum levels of arachidonic acid in cachectic tumour-bearing animals may thus be responsible for increased protein degradation through prostanoid metabolism. The understanding of protein metabolism and catabolic factors in the cachectic animal may provide future avenues for the reversal of cachexia and the treatment of cancer.metabolism and catabolicmetabolism and cat


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A protein-mobilising factor of estimated molecular weight 24 KDa (p24) was purified both from the cachexia-inducing MAC 16 tumour and the urine of cachectic cancer patients by a combination of ammonium sulphate precipitation and affinity chromatography using a monoclonal antibody developed against the murine material. Administration of p24 to non tumour-bearing mice caused a decrease in body weight 24 h after the first injection, which was attenuated by prior treatment with the monoclonal antibody. Loss of body weight was accompanied by an accelerated loss of skeletal muscle protein, as determined by the release of tyrosine from this tissue. This was associated with an increased release of PGE2 and both protein degradation and PGE2 release were attenuated by the monoclonal antibody. Loss of protein mass arose from both a decrease in the rate of protein synthesis and an elevation of protein breakdown; the latter due to an activation of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic system. In isolated muscle, p24 was capable of promoting protein breakdown and this was also associated with increased PGE2 levels. Both tyrosine and PGE2 release, were inhibited by PGE2 inhibitors and a specific inhibitor of cPLA2. When added to muscle cells in culture, p24 caused an elevation in the rates of total and myofibrillar protein breakdown and a depression in the rate of protein synthesis which was inhabitable by short-term incubation in insulin, suggesting that p24 may inhibit protein synthesis by causing an arrest in the translational process.


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Understanding the structures and functions of membrane proteins is an active area of research within bioscience. Membrane proteins are key players in essential cellular processes such as the uptake of nutrients, the export of waste products, and the way in which cells communicate with their environment. It is therefore not surprising that membrane proteins are targeted by over half of all prescription drugs. Since most membrane proteins are not abundant in their native membranes, it is necessary to produce them in recombinant host cells to enable further structural and functional studies. Unfortunately, achieving the required yields of functional recombinant membrane proteins is still a bottleneck in contemporary bioscience. This has highlighted the need for defined and rational optimization strategies based upon experimental observation rather than relying on trial and error. We have published a transcriptome and subsequent genetic analysis that has identified genes implicated in high-yielding yeast cells. These results have highlighted a role for alterations to a cell's protein synthetic capacity in the production of high yields of recombinant membrane protein: paradoxically, reduced protein synthesis favors higher yields. These results highlight a potential bottleneck at the protein folding or translocation stage of protein production.


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Proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF), a tumour-produced cachectic factor, induced a dose-dependent decrease in protein synthesis in murine myotubes, together with an increase in phosphorylation of eucaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) on the alpha-subunit. Both insulin (1 nM) and insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) (13.2 nM) attenuated the depression of protein synthesis by PIF and the increased phosphorylation of eIF2alpha, by inhibiting the activation (autophosphorylation) of the dsRNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) by induction of protein phosphatase 1. A low-molecular weight inhibitor of PKR also reversed the depression of protein synthesis by PIF to the same extent, as did insulin and IGF-I. Both insulin and IGF-I-stimulated protein synthesis in the presence of PIF, and this was attenuated by Salubrinal, an inhibitor of phospho eIF2alpha phosphatase, suggesting that at least part of this action was due to their ability to inhibit phosphorylation of eIF2alpha. Both insulin and IGF-I also attenuated the induction of protein degradation in myotubes induced by PIF, this effect was also attenuated by Salubrinal. These results suggest an alternative mechanism involving PKR to explain the effect of insulin and IGF-I on protein synthesis and degradation in skeletal muscle in the presence of catabolic factors.


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Treatment of murine myotubes with high glucose concentrations (10 and 25 mM) stimulated protein degradation through the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway, and also caused activation (autophosphorylation) of PKR (double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase) and eIF2a (eukaryotic initiation factor 2a). Phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2a was also seen in the gastrocnemius muscle of diabetic ob/ob mice. High glucose levels also inhibited protein synthesis. The effect of glucose on protein synthesis and degradation was not seen in myotubes transfected with a catalytically inactive variant (PKR?6). High glucose also induced an increased activity of both caspase-3 and -8, which led to activation of PKR, since this was completely attenuated by the specific caspase inhibitors. Activation of PKR also led to activation of p38MAPK (mitogen activated protein kinase), leading to ROS (reactive oxygen species) formation, since this was attenuated by the specific p38MAPK inhibitor SB203580. ROS formation was important in protein degradation, since it was completely attenuated by the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene. These results suggest that high glucose induces muscle atrophy through the caspase-3/-8 induced activation of PKR, leading to phosphorylation of eIF2a and depression of protein synthesis, together with PKR-mediated ROS production, through p38MAPK and increased protein degradation.


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The role of Ca2+ in the activation of PKR (double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase), which leads to skeletal muscle atrophy, has been investigated in murine myotubes using the cell-permeable Ca2+ chelator BAPTA/AM (1,2-bis (o-aminphenoxy) ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetra (acetoxymethyl) ester). BAPTA/AM effectively attenuated both the increase in total protein degradation, through the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway, and the depression of protein synthesis, induced by both proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) and angiotensin II (Ang  II). Since both protein synthesis and degradation were attenuated this suggests the involvement of PKR. Indeed BAPTA/AM attenuated both the activation  (autophosphorylation) of PKR and the subsequent phosphorylation of eIF2a (eukaryotic initiation factor 2a) in the presence of PIF, suggesting the involvement of Ca2+ in this process. PIF also induced an increase in the activity of both caspases-3 and -8, which was attenuated by BAPTA/AM. The increase in caspase-3 and -8 activity was shown to be responsible for the activation of PKR, since the latter was completely attenuated by the specific caspase-3 and -8 inhibitors. These results suggest that Ca2+ is involved in the increase in protein degradation and decrease in protein synthesis by PIF and Ang II through activation of PKR by caspases-3 and -8.


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The presence and concentrations of modified proteins circulating in plasma depend on rates of protein synthesis, modification and clearance. In early studies, the proteins most frequently analysed for damage were those which were more abundant in plasma (e.g. albumin and immunoglobulins) which exist at up to 10 orders of magnitude higher concentrations than other plasma proteins e.g. cytokines. However, advances in analytical techniques using mass spectrometry and immuno-affinity purification methods, have facilitated analysis of less abundant, modified proteins and the nature of modifications at specific sites is now being characterised. The damaging reactive species that cause protein modifications in plasma principally arise from reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by NADPH oxidases (NOX), nitric oxide synthases (NOS) and oxygenase activities; reactive nitrogen species (RNS) from myeloperoxidase (MPO) and NOS activities; and hypochlorous acid from MPO. Secondary damage to proteins may be caused by oxidized lipids and glucose autooxidation.In this review, we focus on redox regulatory control of those enzymes and processes which control protein maturation during synthesis, produce reactive species, repair and remove damaged plasma proteins. We have highlighted the potential for alterations in the extracellular redox compartment to regulate intracellular redox state and, conversely, for intracellular oxidative stress to alter the cellular secretome and composition of extracellular vesicles. Through secreted, redox-active regulatory molecules, changes in redox state may be transmitted to distant sites. © 2014 The Authors.