867 resultados para Prevention Accident
The effects of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi on the electrocardiographic tracings of mice were studied in 4.groups of animals: (1) normal; (2) infected with a pathogenic T. cruzi strain (TS COB); (3) immunized with 3 intraperitoneal inocula of 10(6) attenuated T. cruzi epimastigotes (TCC) and (4) immunized-infected, which sequentially received the treatments of groups 3 and 2. Infection and protection were confirmed by xenodiagnosis and histopathology. Isolated alterations such as extrasystolia, 1st degree atrioventricular block, arrhythmia and ST elevation were observed in normal as well as infected mice. However, tracings taken repeatedly on each mouse over a 293 day period revealed a set of alterations which were more frequently seen in infected (14/22) than in normal (4/27) animals (p = 0.00048). These alterations consisted of supraventricular tachycardia, sinus bradycardia and persisting, first degree AV blocks, often associated to pacemaker changes. Inoculation of attenuated T. cruzi (group 3) did not increase these alterations (2/27 mice) but significantly prevented their development after challenge with the pathogenic strain (1/19 versus 14/22 mice, p = 0.000095). Thus, preimmunization reduced not only parasitemia but also a pathogenic consequence of T. cruzi infection. This evidence is relevant for immunoprevention studies against Chagas' disease.
O SHO 2010, Colóquio Internacional de Segurança e Higiene Ocupaciona
Comunicação apresentada na 18th Conference International of Health Promotion Hospitals & Health Services "Tackling causes and consequences of inequalities in health: contributions of health services and the HPH network", em Manchester de 14-16 de april de 2010
Over the last fifty years mobility practices have changed dramatically, improving the way travel takes place, the time it takes but also on matters like road safety and prevention. High mortality caused by high accident levels has reached untenable levels. But the research into road mortality stayed limited to comparative statistical exercises which go no further than defining accident types. In terms of sharing information and mapping accidents, little progress has been mad, aside from the normal publication of figures, either through simplistic tables or web pages. With considerable technological advances on geographical information technologies, research and development stayed rather static with only a few good examples on dynamic mapping. The use of Global Positioning System (GPS) devices as normal equipments on automobile industry resulted in a more dynamic mobility patterns but also with higher degrees of uncertainty on road traffic. This paper describes a road accident georeferencing project for the Lisbon District involving fatalities and serious injuries during 2007. In the initial phase, individual information summaries were compiled giving information on accidents and its majour characteristics, collected by the security forces: the Public Safety Police Force (Polícia de Segurança Pública - PSP) and the National Guard (Guarda Nacional Republicana - GNR). The Google Earth platform was used to georeference the information in order to inform the public and the authorities of the accident locations, the nature of the location, and the causes and consequences of the accidents. This paper also gives future insights about augmented reality technologies, considered crucial to advances to road safety and prevention studies. At the end, this exercise could be considered a success because of numerous consequences, as for stakeholders who decide what to do but also for the public awareness to the problem of road mortality.
RESUMO - No contexto económico actual, os custos pelos acidentes devem ser tidos em conta por todos os gestores das organizações, com especial destaque ao sector da saúde. Assim a análise económica deste estudo visa alertar para o impacto económico dos acidentes de trabalho em contexto hospitalar e sensibilizar os gestores para a análise do custo-beneficio da prevenção. Existem custos facilmente constatáveis, tais como, o tempo perdido no dia do acidente, quer pelo sinistrado quer pelos colegas de trabalho que o assistem, as despesas de uma ida ao serviço de urgência, a paragem da produção, a formação de mão-de-obra alternativa, a substituição dos trabalhadores, o pagamento de horas extras, o restabelecimento dos trabalhadores, os salários pagos aos trabalhadores sinistrados, as despesas administrativas e o aumento do prémio do seguro, entre outros. Existem outros custos que não são tão evidentes e por conseguinte, dificilmente quantificáveis, como é o caso da deterioração da imagem da empresa e o impacto sentimental que estes provocam nos colegas de trabalho que se traduz em quebras de produtividade. A análise económica foi realizada tendo em conta a definição de várias variáveis, de várias rubricas de custos pertencentes ao mesmo domínio. Neste projecto pretende-se analisar o custo global da sinistralidade segundo três ópticas distintas. A óptica da variabilidade, da imputabilidade e da responsabilidade, de forma a ser possível obter o custo marginal devido à ocorrência de um novo acidente, o montante de custos assumidos pelas empresas e os custos unitários segundo a natureza e a localização da lesão. ---------- ABSTRACT - In the current economic context, the costs originated by labour accidents must be taken in account by all the managers of the organisations, in this case, especially by the health sector. Thus, the economic analysis of this study case aims, to alert for the economic impact of the industrial accidents and motivate the managers for the analysis of the cost-benefit for prevention. There are kinds of costs easily quantified such as, the lost time in the day of the accident, expenses in the urgencies service, production interruption, workforce formation, workers’ substitution, extra work payment, employers’ healing, wages paid to injured workers’, administrative expenses and a biggest insurers’’ prime, among other things. The economic analysis of the labour injuries, was developed taking in account the definition of some variables, of some cost categories which belong to same domain. In this project we pretend to analyse the global cost labour injuries according to three distinct optics: variability, imputability and responsibility. Thus, it became possible to get the cost due to an occurrence of a new accident, the unitary sum of costs assumed by the companies and costs according to nature and the localisation of the injury.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança
Complex industrial plants exhibit multiple interactions among smaller parts and with human operators. Failure in one part can propagate across subsystem boundaries causing a serious disaster. This paper analyzes the industrial accident data series in the perspective of dynamical systems. First, we process real world data and show that the statistics of the number of fatalities reveal features that are well described by power law (PL) distributions. For early years, the data reveal double PL behavior, while, for more recent time periods, a single PL fits better into the experimental data. Second, we analyze the entropy of the data series statistics over time. Third, we use the Kullback–Leibler divergence to compare the empirical data and multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques for data analysis and visualization. Entropy-based analysis is adopted to assess complexity, having the advantage of yielding a single parameter to express relationships between the data. The classical and the generalized (fractional) entropy and Kullback–Leibler divergence are used. The generalized measures allow a clear identification of patterns embedded in the data.
Objectives: The aim of this article is to analyze the factors associated with HIV testing among 767 sexually active women. Methods: Participants were administered several self-report questionnaires that assessed behavioral and psychosocial measures. Results: Overall, 59.8% of the participants reported ever having tested for HIV. Results show that higher levels of education, being pregnant or having been pregnant, concern about AIDS, AIDS knowledge, self-efficacy in condom negotiation and perception of no risk in partner significantly predicted the likelihood of testing among women. Attending the mass was negatively associated with HIV testing. Conclusions: These findings provide information that can be used in the development of a focused gender sensitive HIV prevention program to increase HIV testing.
Analisando numa perspectiva mais ampla, esta Tese/Dissertação deverá ser uma ferramenta de apoio a quem necessite de implementar e integrar sistemas de gestão normalizados. Seguindo uma abordagem empresarial, visa ajudar os praticantes de uma filosofia Kaizen, a melhorar continuamente, acrescentando valor às suas organizações, através de um conjunto de estratégias e técnicas de carácter prático. Em termos mais específicos, o objectivo foi apresentar um caso prático onde se aplicassem essas mesmas ferramentas. O case-study incidiu na análise da implementação da certificação integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança na Divisão de Equipamento Industrial da Toyota Caetano Portugal. Esta tese/dissertação retrata a implementação teórica e prática do SIG QAS, aplicando os requisitos definidos pela TMHE (Toyota Material Handeling Europe), entre os quais o TPS (Toyota Production System), Kaizen, Toyota Way, Elimination of Waste, Gemba, JIT, Genchi Genbutsu, etc. Os resultados obtidos foram positivos por várias razões. Por ter conseguido elaborar um documento simples de entender, com sugestões de fácil aplicação futura e porque as propostas resultantes do case-study permitirão à TCAP - DEI a promoção da qualidade, a eliminação do desperdício, a completa satisfação dos clientes pela análise, antecipação das suas necessidades e expectativas e pelo cumprimento dos requisitos legais Ambientais e de Segurança aplicáveis, adoptando boas práticas ambientais e de prevenção de acidentes. Temos assim o comprometimento de que esta Tese/Dissertação contribuirá de forma inabalável para o principal desígnio, de assegurar a melhoria contínua do desempenho, garantindo a sustentabilidade da Organização.
A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the frequencies and characteristics of occupational exposures among medical and nursing students at a Brazilian public university, in addition to their prevention and post-exposure behavior. During the second semester of 2010, a self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was completed by 253/320 (79.1%) medical students of the clinical course and 149/200 (74.5%) nursing students who were already performing practical activities. Among medical students, 53 (20.9%) suffered 73 injuries, which mainly occurred while performing extra-curricular activities (32.9%), with cutting and piercing objects (56.2%), in the emergency room (39.7%), and as a result of lack of technical preparation or distraction (54.8%). Among nursing students, 27 (18.1%) suffered 37 injuries, which mainly occurred with hollow needles (67.6%) in the operating room or wards (72.2%), and as a result of lack of technical preparation or distraction (62.1%). Among medical and nursing students, respectively, 96.4% and 48% were dissatisfied with the instructions on previously received exposure prevention; 48% and 18% did not always use personal protective equipment; 67.6% and 16.8% recapped used needles; 49.3% and 35.1% did not bother to find out the source patient's serological results post-exposure; and 1.4% and 18.9% officially reported injuries. In conclusion, this study found high frequencies of exposures among the assessed students, inadequate practices in prevention and post-exposure, and, consequently, the need for training in “standard precautions” to prevent such exposures.
Introduction: Vaccination is the main preventive strategy against Yellow Fever (YF), which is a public health concern in Brazil. However, HIV-infected patients might have insufficient knowledge regarding YF, YF prevention, and vaccines in general. Methods: In this questionnaire-based study, data from 158 HIV-infected individuals were addressed in three distinct outpatient clinics in São Paulo. Information was collected on demographic and clinical characteristics, as well as patients' knowledge of vaccines, YF and YF preventive strategies. In addition, individual YF vaccine recommendations and vaccine status were investigated. Results: Although most participants adequately ascertain the vaccine as the main prevention strategy against YF, few participants were aware of the severity and lack of specific treatment for YF. Discrepancy in YF vaccine (patients who should have taken the vaccine, but did not) was observed in 18.8% of participants. Conclusion: YF is an important and preventable public health concern, and these results demonstrate that more information is necessary for the HIV-infected population.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: To estimate the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of ticagrelor in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina or myocardial infarction with or without ST-segment elevation), including patients treated medically and those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: A short-term decision tree and a long-term Markov model were used to simulate the evolution of patients' life-cycles. Clinical effectiveness data were collected from the PLATO trial and resource use data were obtained from the Hospital de Santa Marta database, disease-related group legislation and the literature. RESULTS: Ticagrelor provides increases of 0.1276 life years and 0.1106 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) per patient. From a societal perspective these clinical gains entail an increase in expenditure of €610. Thus the incremental cost per life year saved is €4780 and the incremental cost per QALY is €5517. CONCLUSIONS: The simulation results show that ticagrelor reduces events compared to clopidogrel. The costs of ticagrelor are partially offset by lower costs arising from events prevented. The use of ticagrelor in clinical practice is therefore cost-effective compared to generic clopidogrel.
Adhesions have important consequences for patients, surgeons, and health services. Peritonealtissue injury can be prevented by using careful surgical techniques. A large number of antiadhesion products have been used experimentally and clinically to prevent postoperative adhesions. Methods: The current author reviewed the surgical literature published about epidemiology, pathogenesis, and various prevention strategies of adhesion formation. Results: Meticulous surgery is essential to reduce unnecessary morbidity and mortality rates from these untoward effects of surgery. Several preventive agents against postoperative peritoneal adhesions have been investigated. Bioresorbable membranes are site-specific antiadhesion products but may be more difficult to use laparoscopically. Liquids and gels have the advantage of more-widespread areas of action and increased ease of use, particularly during laparoscopic operations. Effective pharmacologic agents that can reduce release of proinflammatory cytokines or activate peritoneal fibrinolysis are under development. Their results are encouraging but most of them are contradictory. Conclusions: Many modalities are being studied to reduce this risk; despite initial promising results of different measures in postoperative adhesion prevention, none of them have become standard applications. With the current state of knowledge, preclinical or clinical studies are still necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the several proposed prevention strategies for avoiding postoperative peritoneal adhesions.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the usefulness of molecular methodologies to access human papillomavirus genome in the genital tract. Samples from 136 women aged 17 to 52 years old obtained from the Dr. Sérgio Franco Laboratories between 2000 and 2001, were analyzed by the hybrid capture assay and amplified by PCR with generic primers MY09/MY11 and specific primers for types 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 58. Viral genome was detected in 71.3% of the samples by hybrid capture and 75% by amplification. When cytopathology was used as a reference method for screening lesions, hybrid capture (p=0) and amplification (p=0.002) presented positive association. The 3 methods showed absolute agreement when cytopathology confirmed papillomavirus infection and high grade intraepithelial lesion. Disagreements occurred for 10 cases: seven inflammatory cases positive by PCR and negative for hybrid capture and 3 low squamous intraepithelial lesions positive for hybrid capture but negative for amplification. In conclusion, hybrid capture was shown to be sensitive and specific enough for use in clinical routines. Moreover, the evaluation of viral load values obtained by this method were shown to be related to the severity of the lesion and merit further studies to analyze the possible association with risk of progression to malignancy.